God's Enduring Love in the Book of Hosea: A Synchronic and Diachronic Analysis of Hosea 11:1-11 (Forschungen Zum Alten Testament 2.Reihe)

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کتاب عشق پایدار خدا در هوشع: تحلیل همزمان و دیاکرونیک هوشع 11:1-11 (Forschungen Zum Alten Testament 2.Reihe) نسخه زبان اصلی

دانلود کتاب عشق پایدار خدا در هوشع: تحلیل همزمان و دیاکرونیک هوشع 11:1-11 (Forschungen Zum Alten Testament 2.Reihe) بعد از پرداخت مقدور خواهد بود
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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب God's Enduring Love in the Book of Hosea: A Synchronic and Diachronic Analysis of Hosea 11:1-11 (Forschungen Zum Alten Testament 2.Reihe)

نام کتاب : God's Enduring Love in the Book of Hosea: A Synchronic and Diachronic Analysis of Hosea 11:1-11 (Forschungen Zum Alten Testament 2.Reihe)
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : عشق پایدار خدا در کتاب هوشع: تحلیل همزمان و دیاکرونیک هوشع 11:1-11 (Forschungen Zum Alten Testament 2.Reihe)
سری :
نویسندگان :
ناشر : Mohr Siebeck
سال نشر :
تعداد صفحات : 241
ISBN (شابک) : 3161488865 , 9783161488863
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 20 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

Cover\nTitel\nAcknowledgements\nTable of Contents\nAbbreviations\nIntroduction\n 0.1 Overview of Research on the Book of Hosea\n 0.2 Methodology\n 0.3 A Brief Survey of the Study\nPART I\n Chapter 1: Translation of Hosea 11,1–11\n 1.1 Translation\n 1.2 Textual Critical Notes\n Chapter 2: Exegetical Analysis Of Hosea 11,1–11\n 2.0 Delimitation and Structure of Hos 11,1–11\n 2.1 Hos 11,1\n 2.1.1 The Meaning of נַעַר\n 2.1.2 The Verb אהב\n 2.1.3 “From Egypt I Called My Son” (מׅמׅמּׅצְרַיִם קׇרׇאתִי לִבְנִי\r)\n 2.2 Hos 11,2\n 2.2.1 The Meaning of בַּעַל\n 2.2.2 The Nuances of the Verbs זבח and קטר\n 2.2.3 Meaning of \rפֶּסֶל) פׇּסׅיל)\n 2.3 Hos 11,3\n 2.3.1 “They Have not Realised (ידע) That I Healed (רפא) Them”\n 2.4 Hos 11,4\n 2.4.1 Meaning of חַבְלֵי אׇדׇם and עֲֹבתוֹת אַהֲבׇה\n 2.4.2 The Images of Lifting up a Child and Bending down to feed\n 2.5 Hos 11,5\n 2.5.1 Meaning of “Return to Egypt”\n 2.6 Hos 11,6\n 2.7 Hos 11,7\n 2.7.1 Role of Verse 7: Transitional\n 2.7.2 Meaning of תְּלוּאׅים לׅמְשׁוּבׇה\n 2.8 Hos 11, 8–9\n 2.8.1 Hos 11,8\n “My Heart Recoils Within Me” (נֶהְפַּךְ עׇלַי לׅבּׅי)\n “My Entrails Become Altogether Warm” (יַחַד נׅכְמְרוּ נׅתוּמׇי)\n 2.8.2 Hos 11,9\n The Meaning of “My Fierce Anger” (חֲרוֹן אַפּי)\n “I Will not Return to Destroy” (לאׄ אׇשׁוּב לְשַׁחֵת)\n “God I Am and Not Man; the Holy One in Your Midst”\n 2.9 Hos 11,10–11\n 2.9.1 Hos 11,10\n “As a Lion He Will Roar” (כְּאַרְיֵה יׅשְׁאׇג)\n 2.9.2 Hos 11,11\n Conclusion\n Chapter 3: Major Theological Themes of Hos 11 in Relation to the Book of Hosea\n 3.1 The Historical Retrospect: its Meaning and Scope\n 3.1.1 The Exodus: the Foundational Event of the Election\n 3.1.2 Yahweh’s Election Versus Israel’s Rejection\n 3.1.3 The Purpose of Historical Retrospect\n 3.2 The Sin of Israel\n 3.2.1 Faulty Worship\n Baal Worship\n Idolatry\n 3.2.2 Lack of Knowledge (לא ידע)\n Knowledge of God (דַּעַת אֱלהׅׄים): its Meaning in Hosea\n “Knowledge of God” and “Knowledge of Yahweh”: an Evaluation\n Knowledge of God in the Light of Hos 11,3\n 3.3 The God of Hosea\n 3.3.1 Yahweh, the Loving Parent\n The Theological Meaning of the Metaphor\n 3.3.2 Yahweh, the Holy One Among Humans\nPART II\n Chapter 4: History of Redaction of Hosea 11 in the Context of the Book of Hosea\n 4.1 Major Studies\n 4.1.1 J. Jeremias\n 4.1.2 G.I. Emmerson\n 4.1.3 G.A. Yee\n 4.1.4 M. Nissinen\n 4.1.5 Th. Naumann\n 4.1.6 R. Albertz\n 4.2 Major commentators\n 4.2.1 F.I. Andersen and D.N. Freedman\n 4.2.2 G.I. Davies\n 4.2.3 A.A. Macintosh\n Evaluation and Conclusion\n Chapter 5: The Book of Hosea in Relation to the Book of the Twelve Prophets\nSummary and Concluding Reflection\n Summary\n Concluding Reflection\nBibiliography\nSource Index\nAuthor Index\nSubject Index

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