فهرست مطالب :
BOOK COVER\nTITLE\nCOPYRIGHT\nCONTENTS\nPREFACE\nABBREVIATIONS\nWEIGHTS, MEASURES AND CURRENCY\nINTRODUCTORY OUTLINE\nCHAPTER 1 ‘ALL HUMAN BEINGS ARE EITHER FREE OR SLAVE’: THE SLAVE AS PROPERTY\n 1. Digest 1, 5: ‘On the Status of Persons’; 4: Florentinus, from Institutes, book 9\n 2. Aristotle, Politics, 1, 2\n 3. The Gortyn Code, 1, 1–49\n 4. Digest 1, 5: ‘On the Status of Persons’; 5: Marcianus, from Institutes, book l\n 5. Gaius, Institutes, book 1, 1; 8–55\n 6. Suetonius, Augustus, 40\n 7. Digest 48, 19.10: Macer, from Public Courts, book 2\n 8. Caius, Institutes, book 2, 86–91 (=Digest 41, 1.10: ‘Acquiring Property Rights’)\n 9. Codex 7, 8.6; 10.6\n 10. Codex 7, 12.2\n 11. Digest 11, 3: ‘Corrupting a Slave’; 1: Ulpian, from On the Edict, book 23; 2: Paulus, from On the Edict, book 19\n 12. Strabo, 7, 3.12\n 13. Varro, The Latin Language, 8, 9\n 14. Code of Theodosius, 4, 8.5 (Interpretation)\nCHAPTER 2 DEBT-BONDAGE AND SERFDOM\n 15. Pausanias, 4, 14\n 16. Aristotle, Constitution of Athens, 2; 6; 12.4\n 17. Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights, 20, 1\n 18. Livy, 6, 27\n 19. Livy, 8, 28\n 20. Tacitus, Germania, 24.3–25.3\n 21. Dura-Europos: An Antichretic Loan, 121 AD\nCHAPTER 3 MANUMISSION\n 22. Demosthenes 59: Against Neaira\n 23. Fouilles de Delphes, 3, 6, No. 36\n 24. Schwyzer, No. 341\n 25. Contract from Chaeronea: ZPE 29 (1978), 126f.\n 26. Fouilles de Delphes, 3, 3, No. 333\n 27. Harpocration, s.v. apostasiou\n 28. Paulus, apud Festus p. 159\n 29. Code of Theodosius, 4, 7.1\n 30. Cicero, Philippic 8, 11.32\n 31. Augustine, Sermon 21.6 (=PL 38, 145)\n 32. Digest 40, 1: ‘Manumissions’; 5: Marcianus, from Institutes, book 2\n 33. ILS 1519\n 34. Digest 37, 15: ‘The Duties Owed to Parents and Patrons’; 9: Ulpian, from On the Edict, book 66\n 35. Digest 37, 14: ‘The Rights of Patrons’; 1: Ulpian, from The Responsibilities of Proconsuls, book 9\n 36. Digest 37, 14.19: from Paulius, Opinions, book 1\n 37. Suetonius, Claudius, 25\n 38. ILS 8365\n 39. ILS 8283\n 40. Digest 38, 1: ‘The Work-obligations of Freedmen’ (de operis libertorum); 7: Ulpian, from On Sabinus, book 28\n 41. Digest 38, 1.9; 6: Ulpian, from On Sabinus, book 34; book 26\n 42. Digest 38, 1.17: Paulus, from The Rights of Patrons\n 43. Digest 38, 1.19: Gaius, from The Provincial Edict, book 14\n 44. Digest 38, 1.34: Pomponius, from Commentary on Quintus Mucius, book 22\n 45. Digest 38, 1.35: Paulus, from The Julian and Papian Laws, book 2\n 46. Pliny the Elder, Natural History, 14, 5\n 47. Petronius, Satyricon, 75f\n 48. Pliny the Elder, Natural History, 18, 8\n 49. ILS 8341\n 50. CIL 6.22355A\nCHAPTER 4 MORAL INFERIORS\n 51. Xenophon, The Householder, 12\n 52. Salvian, The Governance of God, 8, 3\n 53. Achilles Tatius, Leukippe and Kleitophon, 7, 10\n 54. Salvian, The Governance of God, 4, 3\n 55. Pliny the Elder, Natural History, 35, 36\n 56. Pliny, Letters, 10, 29 and 30\n 57. Pausanias, 1, 29.7 and 32.3\n 58. Isidore of Seville, Definitions, 9, 3\n 59. Dio Cassius, 48, 19\n 60. Dio Cassius, 49, 12\n 61. The Achievements of Augustus, 4.25\n 62. Code of Theodosius, 7, 13.8\n 63. Code of Theodosius, 7, 13.16\n 64. CIL 14.4178\n 65. Appian, Roman Civil Wars, 2, 17\n 66. Pliny the Elder, Natural History, 33, 8\n 67. Digest 1, 14.3: Ulpian, from On Sabinus, book 38\n 68. Dio Cassius, 48, 34\n 69. Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Ancient History of Rome, 4, 24\n 70. Suetonius, Augustus, 42\n 71. Dio Cassius, 55, 13\n 72. Pliny the Elder, Natural History, 28, 14\n 73. Pliny the Elder, Natural History, 29, 8\n 74. Lysias 5: In Defence of Kallias, on a Charge of Temple-robbery\n 75. Pliny, Panegyric on Trajan, 42\n 76. Livy, 26, 27\n 77. Livy, summary of book 77\n 78. Publilius Syrus\n 79. Petronius, Satyricon, 57\nCHAPTER 5 STATUS SYMBOL OR ECONOMIC INVESTMENT?\n 80. Athenaeus, The Banqueting Sophists, 6, 262–73\n 81. Apuleius, Defence, 17\n 82. Petronius, Satyricon, 53\n 83. Pliny the Elder, Natural History, 33, 6\n 84. Seneca, Dialogue 9: The Tranquillity of the Mind, 8.5–9\n 85. Lysias 24: On Behalf of a Cripple\n 86. Demosthenes 27: Against Aphobus\n 87. Xenophon, Revenues, 1\n 88. Varro, Agriculture, 1, 16\n 89. Hypereides, fragment 29\n 90. Lysias 12: Against Eratosthenes\n 91. Aeschines 1: Against Timarchus\n 92. Pliny the Elder, Natural History, 33, 47\n 93. Apuleius, Defence, 93\n 94. The Will of Akousilaos: Oxyrhynchus Papyrus 3, 494\n 95. Diogenes Laertius, Lives of the Philosophers\n 96. Apuleius, Defence, 47\n 97. Xenophon, Memorabilia, 2, 5\n 98. Pliny the Elder, Natural History, 7, 12\n 99. Pliny the Elder, Natural History, 7, 39\n 100. Diocletian’s Edict on Maximum Prices: ZPE 34 (1979), 177\nCHAPTER 6 SOURCES OF SLAVES\n 101. Aristophanes, Wealth, 510–26 (with Scholia)\n 102. Herodotus, 8, 104f.\n 103. Strabo, 11, 2.3\n 104. The Edict of the Curule Aediles\n 105. Buying a Slave. Dacian Sales Contracts\n 106. Strabo, 14, 5.2\n 107. Pausanias, 4, 35.6\n 108. Pliny the Elder, Natural History, 35, 58\n 109. Seneca, Dialogue 5: On Anger, 3, 29\n 110. Pausanias 5, 21.10\n 111. Suetonius, Augustus, 32\n 112. Suetonius, Tiberius, 8\n 113. Diodorus Siculus, 23, 18\n 114. Polybius, 10, 17.6–15\n 115. Polybius, 15, 4.1\n 116. 2 Maccabees, 8, 8–11\n 117. Polybius, 28, 14 (=27, 16)\n 118. Strabo, 7, 7.3: excerpting Polybius, 30, 15(16)\n 119. Suetonius, Augustus, 21\n 120. Aelian, Different Stories, 2, 7\n 121. Suetonius, Grammarian 5\n 122. Code of Theodosius, 5, 10.1: ‘Persons Who Buy New-born Children, Or Take Them To Bring Them Up’.\n 123. Code of Theodosius, 3, 3.1: ‘Fathers Who Have Sold Their Children’.\n 124. Digest 5, 3: ‘On Recovering an Inheritance’; 27: Ulpian, from On the Edict, book 15\n 125. Isidore of Seville, Definitions, 5, 27: ‘The Punishments Decreed by the Laws’\nCHAPTER 7 DOMESTIC SLAVES AND RURAL SLAVES\n 126. Digest 32, 99: Paulus. from the single-volume work The Meaning of the Term ‘Equipment’\n 127. ILS 1514\n 128. Xenophon, The Householder, 7\n 129. The Nurse: ILS 8532\n 130. Quintilian, Educating an Orator, 1, 1\n 131. Pliny the Elder, Natural History, 12, 32\n 132. Seneca, Letters, 27\n 133. Suetonius, Grammarians\n 134. Xenophon, The Householder, 9\n 135. Seneca, Letters, 12\n 136. Pliny, Letters, 6, 3\n 137. Digest 14, 5.8: Paulus, from Decrees, book 1\n 138. Hippolytus, Refutation of all Heresies, 9, 12.1ff.\n 139. Xenophon, The Householder, 5\n 140. Aristotle, Politics, 7, 9\n 141. Appian, Roman Civil Wars, 1, 1\n 142. Suetonius, Julius, 42\n 143. Livy, 6, 12\n 144. Pliny the Elder, Natural History, 18, 4\n 145. Pliny the Elder, Natural History, 18, 7\n 146. Pliny, Letters, 3, 19\n 147. Columella, 1, 7\n 148. Varro, Agriculture, 1, 17\n 149. Columella, 1, 8\n 150. Varro, Agriculture, 2, 10\n 151. Cato, Agriculture, 5\n 152. ILS 7367\n 153. ILS 7370\n 154. ILS 7372\n 155. Cicero, Verrines 2, 3.50\n 156. Achilles Tatius, Leukippe and Kleitophon, 5, 17\n 157. Columella, 12, 3\nCHAPTER 8 SLAVES OWNED BY THE STATE\n 158. Aristotle, Politics, 4, 12\n 159. Aristotle, Politics, 2, 4\n 160. Scholia to Aristophanes, Acharnians, 54\n 161. Aristotle, Constitution of Athens, 50.2 and 54.1\n 162. The State Accountant: IG 2.1, No. 403\n 163. Keepers of Weights and Measures: IG 2.1, No. 476\n 164. From the Archive of Lucius Caecilius Jucundus, No. 143: Bruns 157B\n 165. Pliny, Letters, 10, 31 and 32\n 166. Codex 7, 9.1\n 167. Frontinus, The Aqueducts of Rome, 2\n 168. Claudius’ Senate Recommendation (Senatusconsultum Claudianum): Code of Theodosius, 4, 12\n 169. Pliny the Elder, Natural History, 12, 5\n 170. Statius, Silvae, 3, 3\n 171. ILS 1552\n 172. ILS 1556\n 173. ILS 1604\n 174. ILS 1612\n 175. ILS 1763\n 176. Tacitus, Annals, 12\nCHAPTER 9 THE TREATMENT OF SLAVES: CRUELTY, EXPLOITATION AND PROTECTION\n 177. Lysias 4: Speech about a Premeditated Wounding\n 178. Digest 48, 18: ‘Torturing Slaves’; 1: Ulpian, from The Responsibilities of Proconsuls, book 8\n 179. Dio Cassius, 55, 5\n ay not be Opened’; 1: Ulpian, from On the Edict, book 50 ...\n 181. Antiphon 5: Death of Herodes\n 182. Isocrates, Panathenaicus\n 183. Demosthenes 21: Against Meidias\n 184. Xenophon, Memorabilia, 2, 1\n 185. Digest 18, 1.42: Marcianus, from Institutes, book 1\n 186. Digest 48, 8.11: Modestinus, from Rules, book 6\n 187. Code of Theodosius, 9, 12.1: ‘On Punishing Slaves’\n 188. A comparison of Roman Law with that of Moses, 2, 5.5\n 189. Digest 47, 10.15: Ulpian, from On the Edict, book 57\n 190. Seneca, Dialogue 5: On Anger, 3, 40\n 191. Apuleius, Metamorphoses, 9\n 192. Diodorus Siculus, 5, 36 and 38\n 193. Xenophon, The Householder, 9\n 194. Digest 37, 14.7: Modestinus, from the single-volume work Manumissions\n 195. Salvian, The Governance of God, 7, 4\n 196. Seneca, Dialogue 5: On Anger, 3, 24\n 197. Seneca, Dialogue 5: On Anger, 3, 32\n 198. Galen, The Diseases of the Mind, 4 (Kühn 5117)\n 199. Codex 3, 36.5\n 200. Xenophon, Memorabilia, 2, 10\n 201. Plutarch, Cato the Elder\n 202. Cato, Agriculture, 2\n 203. Suetonius, Claudius, 25\n 204. Dio Cassius, 60 (61), 29\n 205. Xenophon, The Householder, 13\n 206. Aristotle, The Householder, 1, 5\n 207. Pseudo-Phocylides\n 208. Cicero, On Duties, 1, 13\nCHAPTER 10 RESISTANCE\n 209. Pliny, Letters, 3, 14\n 210. ILS 3001\n 211. Thucydides, 7, 27\n 212. Digest 11, 4.1: Ulpian, from On the Edict, book 1\n 213. Paul, Letter to Philemon\n 214. Two Egyptian Fugitives: Bruns 159.3\n 215. Symmachus, Letters, 9, 140\n 216. Pliny the Elder, Natural History, 28, 3\n 217. Aristotle, Finance Management, 2, 2\n 218. Petronius, Satyricon, 103\n 219. ILS 8731\n 220. ILS 8726\n 221. ILS 9454\n 222. Euripides, Suppliants, 267\n 223. Aristophanes, Horae: fragment 567 Koerte\n 224. Asylum at Andania: Dittenberger, Sylloge 2, No. 736\n 225. Achilles Tatius, Leukippe and Kleitophon, 7, 13\n 226. Justinian, Institutes, 1, 8.2\nCHAPTER 11 REBELLION\n 227. Livy, 32, 26\n 228. Livy, 39, 29\n 229. Diodorus Siculus, 34, 2\n 230. Diodorus Siculus, 36\n 231. Plutarch, Crassus\n 232. Appian, Roman Civil Wars, 1, 14\n 233. Tacitus, Annals, 4\n 234. Dio Cassius, 77, 10\nCHAPTER 12 THE TRUE FREEDOM OF THE SPIRIT: STOICS AND CHRISTIANS\n 235. Dio Chrysostom, 15: Slavery and Freedom\n 236. Horace, Satires, 2, 7.75–94\n 237. Seneca, Dialogue 9: The Tranquillity of the Mind, 10.3\n 238. Seneca, Letters, 47\n 239. Seneca, On Benefits, 3, 17\n 240. Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights, 2,18\n 241. St Theodoret of Cyrrhus’ commentary on St Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians, 7.21–3\n 242. Augustine, Commentary on Psalm 99, 7 (PL 37, 1275)\n 243. Macrobius, Saturnalia, 1,10\nSELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY\n General\n Bibliographical\n On Chapter One\n On Chapter Two\n On Chapter Three\n On Chapter Four\n On Chapter Five\n On Chapter Six\n On Chapter Seven\n On Chapter Eight\n On Chapter Nine\n On Chapter Ten\n On Chapter Eleven\n On Chapter Twelve\nINDEX OF PASSAGES CITED\nINDEX