توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این کتاب بهترین کمکها را از کنفرانس علمی بینالمللی «قطبهای رشد اقتصاد جهانی: ظهور، تغییرات و آینده» که توسط مؤسسه ارتباطات علمی (ولگوگراد) سازماندهی شد، ارائه میکند. ، روسیه) همراه با دانشگاه های قرقیزستان و شهرهای مختلف روسیه. 143 مقاله انتخاب شده، بر ساختارهای فضایی و بخشی اقتصاد جهانی مدرن با توجه به نظریه قطب های رشد تمرکز دارند.
برای نمایندگان جامعه دانشگاهی در نظر گرفته شده است: دانشگاه و کارکنان کالج در حال توسعه راهنماهای مطالعاتی در مورد رشته های اجتماعی- بشردوستانه در ارتباط با نظریه قطب های رشد، محققان و دانشجویان کارشناسی، کارشناسی ارشد و کارشناسی ارشد هستند که به اختراعات و پیشرفت های اخیر در این زمینه علاقه مند هستند. همچنین منبع ارزشمندی برای متخصصان متخصصی است که ساختارهای کارآفرینی را در قطبهای رشد موجود و آیندهنگر اقتصاد جهانی مدیریت میکنند و همچنین در مؤسسات بینالمللی که قطبهای رشد را تنظیم میکنند.
بخش اول کتاب به بررسی این موضوع میپردازد. عوامل و شرایط مؤثر بر پیدایش قطب های رشد اقتصاد جهانی مدرن. بخش دوم سپس فرآیندهای دگرگونی را در قطب های رشد سنتی اقتصاد جهانی تحت تأثیر پیشرفت تکنولوژی مورد بحث قرار می دهد. بخش سوم به بررسی چگونگی تأثیر عوامل اجتماعی بر شکل گیری قطب های رشد جدید اقتصاد جهانی مدرن می پردازد. در نهایت، بخش چهارم دیدگاه هایی را در مورد رشد آینده اقتصاد جهانی بر اساس اقتصاد دیجیتال و صنعت 4.0 ارائه می دهد.
فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter ....Pages i-xxiii
Front Matter ....Pages 1-1
Improvement of the Structural Solution of Monolithic Reinforced Concrete Floors with the Use of Steel Profiled Flooring (A. M. Zulpuev, K. Baktygulov, B. S. Ordobayev, Sh. S. Abdykeeva, Zh. M. Torokeldieva)....Pages 3-13
Increase in the Level of Structural Safety of Multistory Buildings and Structures (Abduvap M. Zulpuev, Konushbek Temikeev, Urmatbek B. Mamytov, Arseniy A. Mesheryakov)....Pages 15-23
Strategic Control as a Tool of Effective Management of Region’s Economy (Roman R. Chugumbaev, Gilyan V. Fedotova, Yulia N. Nesterenko, Nina Chugumbaeva, Vladimir I. Barilenko)....Pages 25-36
Modern Ways of Application of Innovative Teaching Methods for the Development of Creative Activity in the Teaching Process (Malokhat K. Madumarova, Altinay M. Yusupova, Nazira D. Tilekova, Baktygul T. Ismailova, Asylkan B. Batyrkulova, Aygul B. Batyrkulova)....Pages 37-47
On Mine Waters Treatment in Kyrgyzstan (I. A. Abdurasulov, T. S. Umarov, S. T. Imanbekov, A. I. Abdurasulov)....Pages 49-58
Phenomenon of Freedom in the Context of Necessity and Responsibility Categories (Elena V. Volokhova)....Pages 59-73
Software and Hardware in the Formation of the Personal Account of the Academic Staff (Elena B. Ivushkina, Anton N. Samodelov, Irina B. Kushnir, Nelli I. Morozova, Natalia Z. Aliyeva)....Pages 75-81
Philosophical and Anthropological Analysis of the Problem of the Relation Between the Constructive and Destructive Effect of Freedom (Elena V. Volokhova)....Pages 83-95
The State and Development of the Real Estate Market (Innara R. Lyapina, Svetlana A. Orlova, Elena E. Semenova, Maria A. Stepanova)....Pages 97-107
The Resource Constraints of the Tourism Industry Growth in Russia (Irina B. Kushnir, Elena B. Ivushkina, Nelli I. Morozova, Anton N. Samodelov)....Pages 109-120
Financial Technologies in the Context of Development of the Russian Economy (Elena V. Dudina, Irina A. Baranovskaia, Svetlana V. Derepasko, Nadezda P. Rudnikova, Hristina V. Dolzhikova)....Pages 121-129
Influence of Marketing of Territories on Increase of Investment Activity (Evgeniy N. Stroev, Liubov V. Plakhova, Elena A. Sotnikova, Olga A. Lebedeva, Nataliya A. Skvortsova)....Pages 131-141
Regional Mechanisms of Provision of Economic Security on the Platform of Infrastructure’s Innovational Development (Anna V. Shokhnekh, Olga A. Mironova, Natalia M. Boboshko, Alexey S. Karataev, Galina E. Karataeva)....Pages 143-150
The Concept of Russia’s Becoming a Growth Pole of the Global Tourism: Pros and Cons (Tatiana A. Yudina, Tatiana A. Samsonenko, Tsogik A. Grigoryan, Elena A. Eremina, Aida S. Karamova)....Pages 151-158
A New Approach to Company’s HR Management in the Conditions of Russia’s Turning in a Growth Pole of the Global Economy: From Management to Marketing (Zhanna V. Gornostaeva, O. V. Gribova, N. G. Tregulova, Sergey L. Vasenev)....Pages 159-166
Cooperation of Russia and China: International Regional Integration and Technological Exchange in the Interests of Supporting Global Competitiveness (Yakov A. Sukhodolov)....Pages 167-175
Foresight as a Modern Technology of Strategic Planning and Forecasting (Zhanna V. Gornostaeva, Yulia V. Sorokina)....Pages 177-184
Scenarios of Development of the Modern Global Economy with Various Growth Poles (Aleksei V. Bogoviz, Sergey V. Shkodinsky, Anna A. Skomoroshchenko, Inna V. Mishchenko, Tatiana D. Malyutina)....Pages 185-192
The New Paradigm of Innovational Development of Russia’s AIC in the Conditions of the EAEU (Aleksei V. Bogoviz)....Pages 193-202
Strategy of Increasing the Global Competitiveness of Russia’s Economy and Russia’s Becoming a New Growth Vector of the Global Economy (Julia V. Ragulina, Aleksei V. Bogoviz, Svetlana V. Lobova, Alexander N. Alekseev, Victoria I. Pyatanova)....Pages 203-210
A Competitive Model of Innovational Development of the Russia’s AIC in the Conditions of the EAEU (Aleksei V. Bogoviz)....Pages 211-217
Growth of the Modern Global Economy: Market Optimization Versus Counter-Cyclical Regulation (Aleksei V. Bogoviz, Aleksei I. Bolonin, Elena V. Kletskova, Tatyana V. Romantsova, Marina V. Karp)....Pages 219-226
New Challenges and Driving Forces of Innovational Development of the Russian AIC in the Conditions of the EAEU (Aleksei V. Bogoviz)....Pages 227-233
The Processes of Regional Integration in the Global Economy as a Basis for Accelerating its Growth and Development (Ekaterina A. Orlova, Marina A. Nesterenko, Elena V. Kletskova, Tatiana M. Rogulenko, Naimdzhon M. Ibragimov)....Pages 235-242
Growth Poles of Regional Economy of Modern Russia in the Age of Globalization (Vladimir S. Osipov, Elena N. Belkina, Tatiana B. Fonina, Yuliya A. Agunovich, Marina Y. Eremina)....Pages 243-250
Improving Food Security of the Southern Regions of Kyrgyzstan by Reducing the Harmful Impact of Industrial Enterprises (A. A. Abdibaitova, N. K. Tashmatova, Ch. A. Madiarova, F. M. Daovlatova, G. T. Omurzakova)....Pages 251-261
The Problem of Well-Balanced Growth of the Modern Global Economy and the Methods of Its Solution (Lidiya B. Larina, Vitalii V. Mishchenko, Rustem T. Yuldashev, Elena I. Larionova, Elena P. Shpakovskaia)....Pages 263-269
The Place and Role of Local Entrepreneurial Structures in the Process of Acceleration of Growth of the Modern Global Economy (Alexander N. Alekseev, Aleksei V. Bogoviz, Julia V. Ragulina, Svetlana V. Lobova, Vladimir I. Boboshko)....Pages 271-278
Problems and Perspectives of Provision of Multipolarity of the Global Economy (Vladimir I. Trukhachev, Alexander E. Suglobov, Natalia M. Boboshko, Liana R. Akhmetzhanova, Elena V. Plotnikova)....Pages 279-286
Marketing Management of Technological and Social Entrepreneurship in Growth Poles of the Modern Global Economy (Zhanna V. Gornostaeva)....Pages 287-295
Migration and Migrants: Legal and Linguistic Aspects (Svetlana V. Shustova, Larisa G. Lapina, Evgenia V. Milts, Galina V. Fayzieva, Elena V. Metelskaya)....Pages 297-309
The Meat Products Supply of Population in Russia (Ivan F. Gorlov, Gilyan V. Fedotova, Marina I. Slozhenkina, Natalia I. Mosolova)....Pages 311-318
The Strategy of Scientific and Technological Development of Russia Under the Conditions of Formation of Information Society (Galina V. Vorontsova, Nadezhda V. Miroshnichenko, Ramazan M. Ligidov, Irina F. Dedyukhina, Ekaterina S. Kovanova)....Pages 319-330
Sustainable Development of Economic Entities: Key Objectives, Stages and Stakeholder Interests (Artem I. Krivtsov)....Pages 331-338
Machine Learning Methods in Municipal Formation (Oleg D. Kazakov, Natalya A. Kulagina, Natalya Y. Azarenko)....Pages 339-346
Features and Problems of Innovative Development of the Russian Economy Under the Conditions of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” (Oksana N. Momotova, Oksana V. Zhdanova, Vladimir Y. Maksimov, Yulia V. Labovskaya, Evgeny A. Shevchenko)....Pages 347-355
Eliminating Linguistic Barriers as a Factor of Improving Language Education Quality (Nadezhda A. Dmitrienko, Svetlana I. Ershova)....Pages 357-370
Development of Research Activity of Future Economists in the University (Zhanna V. Smirnova, Olga I. Vaganova, Anna V. Chanchina, Margarita I. Koldina, Maxim M. Kutepov)....Pages 371-379
Arrangement of Independent Work of Future Economists at the University (Svetlana M. Markova, Marina N. Bulaeva, Olga I. Vaganova, Zhanna V. Smirnova, Anna V. Lapshova)....Pages 381-390
Analysis of the Socio-Psychological Climate in the Labor Group (Olga I. Vaganova, Zhanna V. Smirnova, Alena A. Popkova, Elena A. Chelnokova, Maxim M. Kutepov)....Pages 391-401
Analysis of Reserves for Effective Development of Production (Natalia S. Andryashina, Alexander P. Garin, Elena V. Romanovskaya, Svetlana N. Kuznetsova, Elena P. Kozlova)....Pages 403-414
External and Internal Control: Features of Expertise for Providing Authenticity of Documents (Vasily A. Yumatov, Svetlana V. Kozmenkova, Timur B. Radbil, Victor I. Tsyganov)....Pages 415-421
Front Matter ....Pages 423-423
Technology of Pedagogical Workshops in Professional Education (Marina N. Bulaeva, Olga I. Vaganova, Nikolay B. Vorobyov, Zhanna V. Chaikina, Lyubov Y. Shobonova)....Pages 425-432
Practically-Oriented Technologies in Professional Education (Olga I. Vaganova, Zhanna V. Smirnova, Svetlana N. Kaznacheeva, Lyubov I. Kutepova, Maxim M. Kutepov)....Pages 433-439
Formation of the Production System Elements in the Enterprise of the Industry Through the Integration of Production Systems and Product Creation Systems (Ekaterina P. Garina, Victor P. Kuznetsov, Elena V. Romanovskaya, Svetlana N. Kuznetsova, Dmitrii A. Kornilov)....Pages 441-451
Increase of the Efficiency of the Industrial Enterprise Management System by the Example of Separate Projects of Contract Production (Ekaterina P. Garina, Victor P. Kuznetsov, Elena V. Romanovskaya, Natalia S. Andryashina, Elena Y. Trifonova)....Pages 453-462
Algorithm for Assessing the Efficiency of Innovational Technologies of Industrial Enterprises (Tatyana O. Tolstykh, Elena V. Shkarupeta, Tatyana B. Malkova, Elena A. Alpeeva, Ekaterina P. Garina)....Pages 463-471
Organizational and Technical Conditions for the Implementation of Educational Programs of the University Using Open Online Courses of the National Platform for Open Education (Alexandra A. Tolsteneva, Marina L. Gruzdeva, Olga V. Katkova, Olga N. Prokhorova, Marina V. Lagunova)....Pages 473-483
Modern Multimedia Didactic Tools of Interactive Training (Zhanna V. Smirnova, Olga I. Vaganova, Irina S. Vinnikova, Anna V. Lapshova, Olga V. Golubeva)....Pages 485-491
Formation of Own Capital for Enterprise Development (Lev Y. Avrashkov, Alexander D. Moiseev, Galina F. Grafova, Andrey V. Grafov, Svetlana A. Shakhvatova)....Pages 493-506
Integration of Activity and Competency Assessment Methods (Baktygul T. Ismailova, Tolgonay N. Karanova, Roza K. Abdurasulova, Kenzheke E. Esenalieva, Marsiyana Z. Korchubekova)....Pages 507-515
Studying the Experience of Reengineering Business Processes in the Practice of Domestic Enterprises: Problems and Prospects of Application (Elena V. Romanovskaya, Ekaterina P. Garina, Natalia S. Andryashina, Svetlana N. Kuznetsova, Marina V. Artemyeva)....Pages 517-524
The Status and Trends in Innovative Activity of Industrial Enterprises of Nizhny Novgorod Region (Yaroslav S. Potashnik, Marina V. Artemyeva, Svetlana N. Kuznetsova, Alexander P. Garin, Elena N. Letyagina)....Pages 525-534
Investments in the Innovative Development of the Russian Economy: Analysis of Dynamics and Growth Problems (Tatyana S. Kolmykova, Ekaterina V. Kharchenko, Victor P. Kuznetsov, Vsevolod V. Lobachev, Mila A. Yuryeva)....Pages 535-543
Formation of an Effective Mechanism for Sustainable Development of Industrial Enterprises (Elena P. Kozlova, Yaroslav S. Potashnik, Marina V. Artemyeva, Elena V. Romanovskaya, Natalia S. Andryashina)....Pages 545-556
Information Technologies of Engineering Actor Intellectual “I” Development (Tatyana A. Mayboroda, Galina V. Stroi, Andrey B. Chernov)....Pages 557-566
Development of a Regional Innovation Ecosystem: The Role of a Pillar University (Sergey S. Zmiyak, Ekaterina A. Ugnich, Pavel M. Taranov)....Pages 567-576
Value Orientations of the Information Society in the Context of the Information Revolution of the 21st Century (Larisa Ermakova, Daria Sukhovskaya)....Pages 577-584
Methodical Approach to Development of the Basic Principles of Regions’ Interaction Ensuring Economic Security at Meso and Macro Levels (Olga V. Kozhevina, Inna N. Sannikova, Tatyana A. Rudakova, Oksana Y. Rudakova, Aleksey Y. Yudintsev, Nadezhda D. Usvyat)....Pages 585-593
Problems and Prospects of the BRICS: System Approach (Olga A. Gorbunova, Olga V. Ignatova, Alexey A. Soluyanov)....Pages 595-604
Electronic Trading Platforms: Between the Past and the Future (V. E. Krylov, L. V. Krylova, V. A. Eronin, M. P. Vahromeeva, G. A. Trofimova, N. B. Mihalik)....Pages 605-613
Generating Models for Innovation Development Strategy of the Industrial Complex with References to Its Management, Structure and Policies (Olga A. Boris, Valentina N. Parakhina, Elena Yu. Rebiy, Pavel N. Timoshenko, Galina S. Shelkoplyasova)....Pages 615-625
State Legal Support of the Cooperative Movement in Ante-revolutionary Russia (Olga A. Bezgina, Tatiana N. Ivanova, Vladimir A. Gurov, Petr S. Kabytov)....Pages 627-636
Economic Contradictions in the Regions that Lack the Capacity of Self-Development (Zhanna A. Zakharova, Valery V. Bogatyrev)....Pages 637-646
Information Age: Intellectual Leisure of a Modern Town-Dweller (Larisa I. Ermakova, Daria N. Sukhovskaya)....Pages 647-654
The Financial Resources’ Influence on Functioning of Organizations with Foreign Investments in Russia (Natalia Bannikova, Natalia Vorobyova, Yulia Orel, Daria Gracheva)....Pages 655-665
Internet Offenses of Young Population (Victoriya V. Bolgova, Tatyana S. Cherevichenko, Aleksei V. Azarkhin, Anna V. Sidorova, Elena A. Efremova)....Pages 667-675
Information Security of Mobile Systems (A. M. Gubernatorov, I. B. Teslenko, N. V. Muravyova, D. V. Vinogradov, N. O. Subbotina)....Pages 677-686
Creative Spaces of Cities as Platforms of the Fourth Technological Information Revolution (Larisa Ermakova, Daria Sukhovskaya)....Pages 687-693
Managing the State Support for Investment Activities for a Modern Region’s Development Activization (Marina V. Palkina, Nadezhda S. Matveeva, Andrey Y. Palkin, Nadezhda Y. Psareva, Marina A. Cherkasova)....Pages 695-708
Building an Institutional Model of Interaction Between Government and Business in Public-Private Partnership (S. S. Yatsechko)....Pages 709-716
Natural Management of a Modern Region: Assessment of Effectiveness and Perspectives of Improvement (Irina S. Zinovyeva, Aleksei G. Savin, Olga V. Brizhak, Raisa A. Shchinova)....Pages 717-723
Revisiting the Mixed Problem for Equations of Compound and Hyperbolic Types of Order Four (Adakhimzhan Sopuev, Sayfullo Babaev, Zamirbek M. Bekmamatov)....Pages 725-736
Definition of Key Competences of Companies in the “Product-Production” System (Ekaterina P. Garina, Alexander P. Garin, Victor P. Kuznetsov, Elena V. Romanovskaya, Natalia S. Andryashina)....Pages 737-746
Development of the Production System of the Enterprise on the Example of Workshop of the PJSC “GAZ” (Natalia S. Andryashina, Elena V. Romanovskaya, Victor P. Kuznetsov, Svetlana N. Kuznetsova, Elena P. Kozlova)....Pages 747-758
Economic Grounds for Integration of the Content of Vocational Education (Svetlana M. Markova, Marina N. Bulaeva, Natalia V. Bystrova, Anna V. Lapshova, Svetlana A. Tsyplakova)....Pages 759-766
Evaluation of Trade Turnover of the Shopping Center with the Help of the Huff Model—Theory and Practical Aspects (Anastasia O. Egorova, Guzal I. Islamova, Olga I. Kuryleva, Nadezhda L. Sineva, Elena V. Yashkova)....Pages 767-774
Improvement of Cost Allocation Processes for Maintenance and Operation of Industrial Enterprise Equipment (Igor E. Mizikovsky, Elena P. Kozlova, Ekaterina P. Garina, Alexander P. Garin, Svetlana N. Kuznetsova)....Pages 775-784
Improvement of the Quality System of Manufactured Products at the Enterprise of Mechanical Engineering (Elena V. Romanovskaya, Ekaterina P. Garina, Natalia S. Andryashina, Victor P. Kuznetsov, Sergey D. Tsymbalov)....Pages 785-794
Financial Indicators of Economic Security of the Region (Dmitri Loginov, Elena Karanina, Marina V. Palkina)....Pages 795-801
International Language Convergence Through Prosody Research (Umida O. Atazhanova, Merim A. Atakulova, Kapar Z. Zulpukarov, Burulcha K. Koilubaeva, Jyldyz D. Turgunbaeva)....Pages 803-809
Integration as a Factor of Innovational Development of Agribusiness (Olga N. Kusakina, Ekaterina G. Agalarova, Elena A. Kosinova, Yulia V. Rybasova, Elizaveta V. Skiperskaya)....Pages 811-822
Quality Evaluation of Public Procurement: Fuzzy Logic Methodology (Olga S. Belokrylova, Kirill A. Belokrylov, Elena D. Streltsova, Sergey S. Tsygankov, Ekaterina M. Tsygankova)....Pages 823-833
Forecasting the Efficiency of Technological Development by the Example of Crop Research (Tatiana Kostyuchenko, Natalia Telnova, Yuliya Orel, Sergei Izmalkov, Anzhelika Baicherova)....Pages 835-846
Front Matter ....Pages 847-847
Intergenerational Education Development Trends (Irina V. Neprokina, Olga E. Medvedeva, Ekaterina D. Perevezentseva)....Pages 849-855
Banking System as a Growth Pole of the Global Economy: Historical Experience and Future Perspectives (Tatiana V. Zaitseva)....Pages 857-864
Studying the Possibilities of Technological Development of the Russian Economy with the Foresight Methods (Lyudmila V. Oveshnikova, Tatiana L. Lukyanchikova, Maria A. Vlasova, Innara R. Lyapina, Elena V. Sibirskaya, Olga A. Mahova)....Pages 865-874
Formation of Organizational Culture that Stimulates Innovativeness and Creativity of Personnel (Elena V. Endovitskaya)....Pages 875-882
Conceptualization of the Phenomenon of Personal Freedom in the Context of Globalization (Elena V. Volokhova)....Pages 883-893
Methodological Substantiations of Philosophical and Anthropological Explication of the Phenomenon of Freedom (Elena V. Volokhova)....Pages 895-907
Methodological Grounds for Philosophical-Anthropological Explication of the Phenomenon of Freedom (Elena V. Volokhova)....Pages 909-924
Cognitive Science and Neuromarketing in Behavioral Economics (Innara R. Lyapina, Alena Y. Uvarova, Elena V. Sibirskaya, Liudmila A. Pashkevich, Irina M. Tikhoykina)....Pages 925-935
Increasing the Level of Economic Freedom as a Condition of Innovative Development of Russia (Aleksandr L. Mazin, Viktor P. Kuznetsov, Natalia V. Shmeleva, Sergey S. Kabanov, Zemfira M. Nazarova)....Pages 937-943
Insurance Services’ Influence on Population’s Living Standards (Elena V. Sibirskaya, Inna G. Parshutina, Olga A. Shaporova, Elena A. Kirpichenko)....Pages 945-956
International Legal Regulation of Labor on the Territory of the Russian Federation (Olga A. Belozerova, Ivan F. Aleksandrov, Natalia V. Deltsova, Marina K. Kot, Svetlana V. Startseva)....Pages 957-967
The Model of Managing Financial Resources of a State on the Basis of New Information and Communication Technologies (Murad A. Filin, Svetlana Y. Maksimova, Elmira B. Murzageldieva, Zalina Z. Tsakhaeva, Dzhanelya A. Shaydaeva)....Pages 969-975
Introduction of Competence-Based Approach into the Teaching Staff Training System as a Consequence of Integration into the Global Educational System (E. E. Sin, Y. T. Toroev, K. M. Mitalipov, M. M. Borkoshov, R. M. Abdullaev)....Pages 977-984
Loyalty Management as the Basis for Ensuring the Competitiveness of the Restaurant Business (Tatiana V. Degtyaryova, Nadezhda V. Shcherbakova, Oksana A. Katerinich)....Pages 985-991
Globalization of Education in the Conditions of Formation of the Global Knowledge Economy: Regularities and Tendencies (Aleksei V. Bogoviz, Evgeny E. Shvakov, Olga G. Tretyakova, Mikhail Y. Zakharov, Aleksandr N. Abramov)....Pages 993-1000
The New Concept of Social Justice in the Globalizing Economy (Aleksei V. Bogoviz, Elena V. Kletskova, Muslima K. Sultanova, Elena V. Lavrova, Elena V. Shapoval)....Pages 1001-1008
Responsibility of the Information Intermediary for Copyright Infringement: Positive and Negative Aspects of Legal Regulation (Evgenii I. Malikov)....Pages 1009-1016
The Cognitive Aspect of the Image Building of the Organization in the Framework of Economic Media Text (Tatiana O. Bobrova, Olga P. Ryabko, Ella A. Vishnyakova, Svetlana V. Sviontkovskaya, Vladislav I. Ostrovskiy)....Pages 1017-1028
Social and Economic Efficiency and Quality of Providing Services to the Population in the Form of Service Activities (Zhanna V. Smirnova, Olga I. Vaganova, Marina L. Gruzdeva, Olga V. Golubeva, Maxim M. Kutepov)....Pages 1029-1039
Formation of Socio-Economic Culture of Future Engineers (Natalia S. Abramova, Olga I. Vaganova, Zhanna V. Smirnova, Zhanna V. Chaikina, Svetlana N. Kaznacheeva)....Pages 1041-1047
Economic Socialization in University (Alena A. Popkova, Olga I. Vaganova, Zhanna V. Smirnova, Ekaterina A. Kuznetsova, Irina S. Vinnikova)....Pages 1049-1056
Possibilities of Social Design in Formation of Competence of Graduates of Higher Education (Irina Y. Burkhanova, Olga I. Vaganova, Maxim M. Kutepov, Zhanna V. Smirnova, Elena A. Chelnokova)....Pages 1057-1063
Organization of an Inclusive Educational Environment in a Professional Educational Institution (Zhanna V. Smirnova, Ekaterina A. Kuznetsova, Margarita I. Koldina, Svetlana V. Dyudyakova, Alexander B. Smirnov)....Pages 1065-1072
Improvement of the Personnel Adaptation System (Yana Y. Radyukova, Elena A. Kolesnichenko, Valentina V. Smagina, Tatyana M. Kozhevnikova, Nikolay N. Pakhomov)....Pages 1073-1086
Modeling of Integrated Content of Professional Education for Future Workers and Specialists (Svetlana M. Markova, Ekaterina P. Sedykh, Vadim Y. Polunin, Svetlana A. Tsyplakova)....Pages 1087-1095
Modern Educational Technologies in Professional Education (Marina L. Gruzdeva, Olga I. Vaganova, Svetlana N. Kaznacheeva, Natalia V. Bystrova, Anna V. Chanchina)....Pages 1097-1103
Foreign Private Prisons: Historical and Economic Issues of Management and Performance (Elena A. Timofeeva)....Pages 1105-1113
Population Financial Behavior: Men Vs. Women? (Darya V. Moiseeva, Nadezhda V. Dulina, Eugeniya V. Anufrieva)....Pages 1115-1120
Trends of Socio-Economic Development in the Russian Regional Space (Anna Yu. Kosobutskaya, Mikhail N. Bakhtin)....Pages 1121-1129
Development of Corporate Culture Stimulating Innovation and Creative Capacity of Staff (Elena O. Endovitskaya)....Pages 1131-1138
The Study of Language Semantics of the Turkic Peoples for the Purpose of Preservation of the World Cultural Heritage (Based on the Material of the Kyrgyz and Uzbek Languages) (Abdimalik A. Mashrabov, Shaargul J. Erjigitova, Zainab G. Zholdozhova, Aigul M. Aviazova, Elnura T. Majitova)....Pages 1139-1147
Peculiarities of Development of Managerial Personnel in the Conditions of the System of Quality Management of an Educational Organization (Vladimir Tarasenko)....Pages 1149-1158
Various Traditional Headdresses of the Kyrgyz People (Oktyabr E. Kapalbaev, Tolobek A. Abdyrakhmanov, Aychurok T. Kaldybaeva, Abdykerim Zh. Muratov, Azamat Zh. Aydarov)....Pages 1159-1166
Multiconfessionality and Theological Education as the Major Problems of National Security of Kyrgyzstan (Tolobek A. Abdyrakhmanov, Zheenbek S. Abdiev, Amangeldi S. Siyirbekov, Mirbek B. Aitimbetov, Azamat Zh. Aydarov)....Pages 1167-1176
Theory and Reality of Social Inequality (Tatiana N. Yamshchikova, Irina V. Skobliakova, Tatyana A. Zhuravleva, Tatiana L. Lukyanchikova, Elena M. Semenova)....Pages 1177-1186
Preparation for Family Life of Children by Means of National Values and Heritage of the Kyrgyz People and Competence of the Teacher in Its Use of Educational Process (Misilimkan D. Aidarova, Ergeshali kyzy Aktilek, Ergeshali kyzy Aichurok, Tolgonai N. Karanova, Ashim Z. Zulpuyev)....Pages 1187-1196
Front Matter ....Pages 1197-1197
Introducing the Children to the Virtual World (Olga V. Dybina)....Pages 1199-1206
Infrastructural Provision of Entrepreneurship in the Agricultural Machinery Market in the Conditions of Formation of AIC 4.0: Partnership of Russia and Kyrgyzstan (Tatiana N. Litvinova)....Pages 1207-1213
Tools of Digital Economy in Russian Realities (Oksana I. Polyakova, Elena V. Kuznetsova, Yuliia A. Zviagintceva, Inna V. Karpova, Galina S. Migunova)....Pages 1215-1222
The Program of Audit of a Company of Industry 4.0: Standardization vs Flexibility (Olga G. Vandina)....Pages 1223-1229
Taxation of Digital Financial Assets (Artem I. Krivtsov)....Pages 1231-1239
Problems of Globalization and Pedagogical Work with “Digital Natives” at Technical Universities (Raisa Petruneva, Valentina Vasilyeva, Olga Toporkova)....Pages 1241-1246
Formation of the Ecosystem as a Factor in the Development of Industrial Enterprises in the Digital Economy (Tatyana O. Tolstykh, Elena V. Shkarupeta, Yuriy Y. Kostuhin, Anna V. Zhaglovskaya, Natalia S. Andryashina)....Pages 1247-1254
Scenarios for the Development of Industrial Complexes in the Digital Economy (Tatyana O. Tolstykh, Elena V. Shkarupeta, Yuriy Y. Kostuhin, Anna V. Zhaglovskaya, Alexander P. Garin)....Pages 1255-1261
Creation of a Modern Digital Environment for Managing the Educational Programs in University (Elvira K. Samerkhanova, Lyudmila N. Bahtiyarova, Elena P. Krupoderova, Klimentina R. Krupoderova, Alexander V. Ponachugin)....Pages 1263-1273
Directions and Resource Support of Information and Communication Policy of Hi-Tech Enterprises in the Conditions of Digitalization of the Economy (Tatyana O. Tolstykh, Nataliya N. Kretova, Kristina A. Logun, Alexander A. Popikov, Victor P. Kuznetsov)....Pages 1275-1285
Ecosystem of Disruptive Digital Innovations in the Textile Industry (Olga B. Digilina, Irina B. Teslenko, Nizami V. Abdullaev, Elizaveta I. Ruzina)....Pages 1287-1293
The Strategic Management of Sustainable Industrial Development in Transition to Industry 4.0 (Olga V. Kozhevina, Pavel V. Trifonov, Andrey A. Ksenofontov, Lilia V. Perednikh)....Pages 1295-1304
The Role of Information and Digital Resources in Regional Development (Denis Yu. Fraimovich, Oleg A. Donichev, Sergey A. Grachev, Marina A. Gundorova)....Pages 1305-1316
Overcoming Digital Inequality as a Growth Driver of Information Technologies in the 21st Century (Svetlana N. Revina, Aleksei L. Zakharov, Pavel A. Paulov, Dmitrii V. Boryakin, Anna V. Sidorova)....Pages 1317-1323
The Practice of Using Digital Twins and Augmented Reality Technologies for Visualization of Innovative Products and Technologies of Enterprises in the Region (Pavel N. Zakharov, Alexey V. Zhdanov, Dmitry N. Lapaev, Pavel V. Strelkov, Sergey O. Maslov)....Pages 1325-1333
Virtual Clustering of Russian Regions in the Field of Trade and Production Activities (Olga V. Korolyova)....Pages 1335-1343
Research of the Best Practices of Artificial Intelligence in the Formation and Development of Personnel (Arina V. Listikova, Evgeniy E. Egorov, Tatyana E. Lebedeva, Svetlana V. Bulganina, Maria P. Prokhorova)....Pages 1345-1352
Cluster Mechanism of Development of Educational Technology in the Region (Irina A. Morozova, Mikhail N. Mysin, Sergey A. Gryaznov, Stanislav S. Yatsechko)....Pages 1353-1361
Approaches to Formation of an Innovative Platform of University Complexes in the Strategy of Human Resources Development as Small Business Entrepreneurs (Victoria S. Telyatnikova, Anna V. Shokhnekh, Vasily I. Bespyatykh, Maya A. Azarskaya, Oleg Yu. Kolyshev)....Pages 1363-1372
The Evolution of Approaches to the Study of Economic Security: Foreign and Domestic Experience (Nadezhda N. Makarova, Zubko I. Ekaterina, Farid F. Hanafeev, Andrey V. Shvetsov, Alexander V. Kutuzov)....Pages 1373-1380
Formation of the System of Economic Security of Petroleum Products Sales in the Sphere of Customs Regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union: The Concept of Space-Time Interaction of Economic Systems (Olga A. Mironova, Nadezhda N. Makarova, Ekaterina S. Khalyapina)....Pages 1381-1388
Innovative Approaches to the Formation of the System of Economic Security of Economic Entities in the Digital Economy (Victoria S. Telyatnikova, Evgeny D. Ryzhakov, Alevtina P. Suvorova, Pavel P. Chekmakovskii, Ekaterina S. Khalyapina)....Pages 1389-1396
Concept Strategy of Innovative Small Business in the System of Economic Security of the Digital Economy (Anna V. Shokhnekh, Victoria S. Telyatnikova, Valeriy L. Pozdeev, Alexander L. Nosov, Natalia S. Mushketova)....Pages 1397-1406
Back Matter ....Pages 1407-1413
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
The book presents the best contributions from the international scientific conference “Growth Poles of the Global Economy: Emergence, Changes and Future,” which was organized by the Institute of Scientific Communications (Volgograd, Russia) together with the universities of Kyrgyzstan and various other cities in Russia. The 143 papers selected, focus on spatial and sectorial structures of the modern global economy according to the theory of growth poles.
It is intended for representatives of the academic community: university and college staff developing study guides on socio-humanitarian disciplines in connection with the theory of growth poles, researchers, and undergraduates, masters, and postgraduates who are interested in the recent inventions and developments in the field. It is also a valuable resource for expert practitioners managing entrepreneurial structures in the existing and prospective growth poles of the global economy as well as those at international institutes that regulate growth poles.
The first part of the book investigates the factors and conditions affecting the emergence of the growth poles of the modern global economy. The second part then discusses transformation processes in the traditional growth poles of the global economy under the influence of the technological progress. The third part examines how social factors affect the formation of new growth poles of the modern global economy. Lastly, the fourth part offers perspectives on the future growth of the global economy on the basis of the digital economy and Industry 4.0.