توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
دنده بالا و پایین! وقتی شمشیر و طلسم برای پیروزی در روز کافی نیستند، وقت آن است که بازی خود را با چرخ دنده های ساعت، سیم پیچ های رعد و برق و پودر سیاه تقویت کنید! اسلحه
فهرست مطالب :
Front Cover
Title Page
Table of Contents
Gears, Guns, or Both
How To Use This Book
Access Entries
World-Building and Tone
Functionality and Balance
Aren’t Guns more Powerful than Bows?
Armor and Persistent Technology
Alchemy’s Influence on Technology
Technology in Golarion Today
Borders and Change
Sidebar: What about Numeria?
Chapter 1: Gears Characters
Lands of Gears
Sidebar: Chapter Map
Stasian Technology
Lands Beyond
During Combat Encounters…
During Social Encounters...
While Exploring…
In Downtime…
You Might...
Others Probably...
Table 2-1: Inventor Advancement
Class Features
Ancestry and Background
Initial Proficiencies
Sidebar: Key Terms/Equipment Traits
Peerless Inventor
Shield Block
Inventor Feats
Skill Feats
Expert Overdrive
General Feats
Skill Increases
Ability Boosts
Ancestry Feats
Inventor Weapon Expertise
Breakthrough Innovation
Lightning Reflexes
Master Overdrive
Weapon Specialization
Inventive Expertise
Offensive Boost
Medium Armor Expertise
Complete Reconfiguration
Inventor Weapon Mastery
Greater Weapon Specialization
Legendary Overdrive
Revolutionary Innovation
Inventive Mastery
Infinite Invention
Medium Armor Mastery
Inventor Feats
Construct Companions
Riding Construct Companions
Prototype Construct Companions
Advanced Construct Companions
Incredible Construct Companions
Paragon Construct Companions
Gears Character Options
Sidebar: Variations on a Theme
You Might…
Others Probably…
Physical Description
Alignment and Religion
Automaton Heritages
Hunter Automaton
Mage Automaton
Sharpshooter Automaton
Warrior Automaton
Ancestry Feats
Sidebar: Enhancements
Sidebar: Automaton Adventurers
Sidebar: Automaton Origins
Sidebar: Versatile Heritages
Common Backgrounds
Rare Backgrounds
Gears Archetypes
Additional Feats
Sidebar: Key Terms
Multiclass Archetypes
Gears Archetype List
Multiclass Inventor Characters
Sidebar: Overwatch Training
Sterling Dynamo
Sidebar: Prosthetics in Golarion
Sidebar: Using Vehicles
Vehicle Mechanic
Sidebar: Unions and Using Vehicles
Chapter 2: Gears Equipment
Gears Equipment
Three Innovations
Clockwork Technology
Stasian Technology
Steam-Powered Technology
Cogs in the Machine
Combat Gear
Sidebar: Chapter Map
Siege Weapons
Snares and Hazards
Stasian Technology
Utility Gear
Vehicles and Mobility Devices
Combat Gear
New Weapon Traits
Weapon Descriptions
Combat Gear
Siege Weapons
Mounted Siege Weapons
Moving a Mounted Siege Weapon
Portable Siege Weapons
Acting in Concert
Sidebar: Siege Weapons Vs. Normal Weapons
Siege Weapon Statistics
Siege Weapons
Sidebar: Building Siege Weapons
Siege Tools
Siege Towers
Sidebar: Disabling Siege Weapons
Snares and Hazards
Sidebar: Dangerous Toys
Sidebar: Strange new methods
Simple Hazards
Sidebar: Tiny Snare, Big Explosion
Complex Hazards
Stasian Tech
Technological Items
Utility Gear
Mobility Devices
Wheelchair Types
Magical Wheelchairs
Sidebar: Propulsion, Clockwork Propulsion and Electrical Propulsion
Chapter 3: Guns Characters
Guns Characters
Sidebar: Chapter Map
During combat Encounters…
During social Encounters...
While Exploring…
In Downtime…
You Might…
Others Probably…
Class Features
Ancestry and Background
Initial Proficiencies
Gunslinger’s Way
Gunslinger Feats
Singular Expertise
Skill Feats
General Feats
Skill Increases
Ability Boosts
Ancestry Feats
Gunslinger Weapon Mastery
Vigilant Senses
Weapon Specialization
Advanced Deed
Gunslinger Expertise
Gunslinging Legend
Sidebar: Key Terms
Medium Armor Expertise
Greater Deed
Greater Weapon Spcialization
Shootist’s Edge
Incredible Senses
Medium Armor Mastery
Gunslinger Ways
Way of the Drifter
Sidebar: Interacting to Reload
Way of the Sniper
Gunslinger Feats
Character Options
Sidebar: Why no gun Proficiency?
Common Backgrounds
Uncommon Backgrounds
Rare Backgrounds
Additional Feats
Multiclass Archetypes
Sidebar: Key Terms
Guns Archetype List
Multiclass Gunslinger Characters
Sidebar: Leading with a Cannon
Beast Gunner
Sidebar: Choosing your Beast Gun
Bullet Dancer
Firework Technician
Sidebar: Describing your Fireworks Display
Pistol Phenom
Sidebar: What Makes a Phenom?
Sniping Duo
Sidebar: Choosing a Spotter
Spellshot (Class Archetype)
Way of the Spellshot (1st)
Unexpected Sharpshooter
Sidebar: Skilled or Lucky?
Chapter 4: Guns Equipment
Guns Equipment
Firearms on Golarion
The Birth of Guns
Advent of Black Powder
Sidebar: Chapter Map
Dongun hold and the Formation of Industry
Sidebar: Firearms and Access
Firearms on Modern Golarion
Revolvers and World War 1-Era Weapons
Sidebar: Black Powder Preservatices?
Classic Firearms
Weapon Traits
Sidebar: Misfires
Firearms Critical Specialization
Weapon Descriptions
Fantasy Firearms
Beast Guns
Cobbled Firearms
Mundane Cobbled Firearms
Sidebar: Additional Traits
Magical Cobbled Firearms
Combination Weapons
Combination Weapon Descriptions
Sidebar: Additional Traits
Rare and Unique Magic Firearms
Cursed Firearms
Intelligent Firearms
Sidebar: Integrated Firearms
Other Rare and Unique Magical Firearms
Sidebar: Feather Token Ammunition
Black Powder Siege Weapons
Siege Weapon Misfire
Siege Weapon Statistics
History of Black Powder Artillery on Golarion
Black Powder Siege Towers
Sidebar: Chain Shot
Naval Siege Tools
Tools and Accessories
Sidebar: Attached Customization Options
Customization Options
Other Modifications
Chapter 5: The Rotating Gear
The Rotating Gear
Realms of Innovation
Sidebar: Section Summaries
Dongun Hold and Alkenstar
Dongun Hold
History of Dongun Hold
Experimentation in Exile
Return to Dongun Hold
Keepers of the Skyflame
Goldhand Lodge
Sparkforge Collective
Sidebar: Black Powder Innovators
Preparations For War
Alkenstar, the City of Smog
The Factory Fortress
Smoke in the Streets
Sidebar: Brass Guardians
The Politics of Powder
Gunners of Fortune and Infamy
Innovators in a New Age
Sidebar: A Helping Hand
Dongun Dwarf Ancestry Feats
Sidebar: Dwarven Idioms of Dongun Hold
Absalom: Gadgets and Gizmos
The Flow of Innovation
Sidebar: Mechanical Errors
Absalom Locations
Clockwork Cathedral
Gallery of Innovation
Sidebar: Gadget Merchants
Arcadia: Beast Guns and Skymetals
Lore of the Gun
The Deadshot Lands
Map: Arcadia
Halana Theocracy
Illani Plains
Three Craters
Sidebar: Deadshot Lands Timeline
Jistka Imperium: Ancient Automatons
Infused Constructs
Elemental Constructs
Fiend Constructs
Mortal Constructs
Sidebar: Jistkan Ruins
Sidebar: Jistkan Adventures
The Shackles: Cannons and Naval Battles
The Balance of Power
A New Source
Uneven Distribution
Naval Encounters InThe Shackles
Tian Xia and Vudra: Birth of Black Powder
Tian Xia
Sidebar: The Secret of Black Powder
Fire Arrows and Rockets
Fire Lances
Guns and Rifles
Sidebar: Blanket Ban Versus Controlled Conession
Explosives and Cannons
Ustalav: Spark and Shadow
Sourcing Stasian Coils
Spirit Songs and Spectral Auras
Zefirendi’s Lace
The Silverlens Sniper
The Galvantic Hearts of the Dead
The Reaper and the Curse
The Master of the Moon
The Grobelarch
The Vivisectionist’s Songbirds
Galafrael’s Laboratory
Doctor Ostrea’s Box of Dreams
Glossary and Index
Back Cover
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Gear Up and Throw Down! When sword and spell just won't be enough to win the day, it's time to power up your game with clockwork gears, lightning coils, and black powder! Guns & Gears, the latest hardcover rulebook for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game (Second Edition), brings the excitement of firearms and fantasy technology to your tabletop! Unravel the secrets of clockworks with the new inventor class or blow away your opposition as a firearm-wielding gunslinger! In addition to new classes, a plethora of archetypes, backgrounds, vehicles, siege engines, gadgets, and the new automaton ancestry are all ready to expand your game with options for battlefields large and small. Guns & Gears features two new classes: the clever inventor and the sharpshooting gunslinger, automaton ancestry for players who want to play a customizable construct, firearms of all stripes, from the simple and effective flintlock pistol to versatile gunblades, more than a dozen new archetypes, scores of new gadgets and vehicles, siege engines and accompanying rules, and a gazetteer of Golarion revealing how firearms and technology fit into the Age of Lost Omens, including a look at the technology of the continents of Arcadia and Tian Xia and never-before-revealed secrets of the rough-and-tumble, gritty city of Alkenstar.