Hands-On Machine Learning for Cybersecurity: Safeguard your system by making your machines intelligent using the Python ecosystem

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کتاب یادگیری ماشینی دستی برای امنیت سایبری: با هوشمند کردن ماشین های خود با استفاده از اکوسیستم پایتون از سیستم خود محافظت کنید نسخه زبان اصلی

دانلود کتاب یادگیری ماشینی دستی برای امنیت سایبری: با هوشمند کردن ماشین های خود با استفاده از اکوسیستم پایتون از سیستم خود محافظت کنید بعد از پرداخت مقدور خواهد بود
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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Hands-On Machine Learning for Cybersecurity: Safeguard your system by making your machines intelligent using the Python ecosystem

نام کتاب : Hands-On Machine Learning for Cybersecurity: Safeguard your system by making your machines intelligent using the Python ecosystem
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : یادگیری ماشینی دستی برای امنیت سایبری: با هوشمند کردن ماشین های خود با استفاده از اکوسیستم پایتون از سیستم خود محافظت کنید
سری :
نویسندگان : ,
ناشر : Packt Publishing
سال نشر :
تعداد صفحات : 306
ISBN (شابک) : 9781788992282 , 1788992288
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 11 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

Cover\nTitle Page\nCopyright and Credits\nAbout Packt\nContributors\nTable of Contents\nPreface\nChapter 1: Basics of Machine Learning in Cybersecurity\n What is machine learning?\n Problems that machine learning solves\n Why use machine learning in cybersecurity?\n Current cybersecurity solutions\n Data in machine learning\n Structured versus unstructured data\n Labelled versus unlabelled data\n Machine learning phases\n Inconsistencies in data\n Overfitting\n Underfitting\n Different types of machine learning algorithm\n Supervised learning algorithms\n Unsupervised learning algorithms \n Reinforcement learning\n Another categorization of machine learning\n Classification problems\n Clustering problems\n Regression problems\n Dimensionality reduction problems\n Density estimation problems\n Deep learning\n Algorithms in machine learning\n Support vector machines\n Bayesian networks\n Decision trees\n Random forests\n Hierarchical algorithms\n Genetic algorithms\n Similarity algorithms\n ANNs\n The machine learning architecture\n Data ingestion\n Data store\n The model engine\n Data preparation \n Feature generation\n Training\n Testing\n Performance tuning\n Mean squared error\n Mean absolute error\n Precision, recall, and accuracy\n How can model performance be improved?\n Fetching the data to improve performance\n Switching machine learning algorithms\n Ensemble learning to improve performance\n Hands-on machine learning\n Python for machine learning\n Comparing Python 2.x with 3.x \n Python installation \n Python interactive development environment\n Jupyter Notebook installation\n Python packages\n NumPy\n SciPy\n Scikit-learn \n pandas\n Matplotlib\n Mongodb with Python\n Installing MongoDB\n PyMongo\n Setting up the development and testing environment\n Use case\n Data\n Code\n Summary\nChapter 2: Time Series Analysis and Ensemble Modeling\n What is a time series?\n Time series analysis\n Stationarity of a time series models\n Strictly stationary process\n Correlation in time series\n Autocorrelation\n Partial autocorrelation function\n Classes of time series models\n Stochastic time series model\n Artificial neural network time series model\n  Support vector time series models\n Time series components\n Systematic models\n Non-systematic models\n Time series decomposition\n Level \n Trend \n Seasonality \n Noise \n Use cases for time series\n Signal processing\n Stock market predictions\n Weather forecasting\n Reconnaissance detection\n Time series analysis in cybersecurity\n Time series trends and seasonal spikes\n Detecting distributed denial of series with time series\n Dealing with the time element in time series\n Tackling the use case\n Importing packages\n Importing data in pandas\n Data cleansing and transformation\n Feature computation\n Predicting DDoS attacks\n ARMA\n ARIMA\n ARFIMA\n Ensemble learning methods\n Types of ensembling\n Averaging\n Majority vote\n Weighted average\n Types of ensemble algorithm\n Bagging\n Boosting\n Stacking\n Bayesian parameter averaging\n Bayesian model combination\n Bucket of models\n Cybersecurity with ensemble techniques\n Voting ensemble method to detect cyber attacks\n Summary\nChapter 3: Segregating Legitimate and Lousy URLs\n Introduction to the types of abnormalities in URLs\n URL blacklisting\n Drive-by download URLs\n Command and control URLs\n Phishing URLs\n Using heuristics to detect malicious pages\n Data for the analysis\n Feature extraction\n Lexical features\n Web-content-based features\n Host-based features\n Site-popularity features\n Using machine learning to detect malicious URLs \n Logistic regression to detect malicious URLs\n Dataset\n Model\n TF-IDF\n SVM to detect malicious URLs\n Multiclass classification for URL classification\n One-versus-rest\n Summary\nChapter 4: Knocking Down CAPTCHAs\n Characteristics of CAPTCHA\n Using artificial intelligence to crack CAPTCHA\n Types of CAPTCHA\n reCAPTCHA\n No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA\n Breaking a CAPTCHA\n Solving CAPTCHAs with a neural network\n Dataset \n Packages\n Theory of CNN\n Model\n Code\n Training the model\n Testing the model \n Summary\nChapter 5: Using Data Science to Catch Email Fraud and Spam\n Email spoofing \n Bogus offers\n Requests for help\n Types of spam emails\n Deceptive emails\n CEO fraud\n Pharming \n Dropbox phishing\n Google Docs phishing\n Spam detection\n Types of mail servers \n Data collection from mail servers\n Using the Naive Bayes theorem to detect spam\n Laplace smoothing\n Featurization techniques that convert text-based emails into numeric values\n Log-space\n TF-IDF\n N-grams\n Tokenization\n Logistic regression spam filters\n Logistic regression\n Dataset\n Python\n Results\n Summary\nChapter 6: Efficient Network Anomaly Detection Using k-means\n Stages of a network attack\n Phase 1 – Reconnaissance \n Phase 2 – Initial compromise \n Phase 3 – Command and control \n Phase 4 – Lateral movement\n Phase 5 – Target attainment \n Phase 6 – Ex-filtration, corruption, and disruption \n Dealing with lateral movement in networks\n Using Windows event logs to detect network anomalies\n Logon/Logoff events \n Account logon events\n Object access events\n Account management events\n Active directory events\n Ingesting active directory data\n Data parsing\n Modeling\n Detecting anomalies in a network with k-means\n Network intrusion data\n Coding the network intrusion attack\n Model evaluation \n Sum of squared errors\n Choosing k for k-means\n Normalizing features\n Manual verification\n Summary\nChapter 7: Decision Tree and Context-Based Malicious Event Detection\n Adware\n Bots\n Bugs\n Ransomware\n Rootkit\n Spyware\n Trojan horses\n Viruses\n Worms\n Malicious data injection within databases\n Malicious injections in wireless sensors\n Use case\n The dataset\n Importing packages \n Features of the data\n Model\n Decision tree \n Types of decision trees\n Categorical variable decision tree\n Continuous variable decision tree\n Gini coeffiecient\n Random forest\n Anomaly detection\n Isolation forest\n Supervised and outlier detection with Knowledge Discovery Databases (KDD)\n Revisiting malicious URL detection with decision trees\n Summary\nChapter 8: Catching Impersonators and Hackers Red Handed\n Understanding impersonation\n Different types of impersonation fraud \n Impersonators gathering information\n How an impersonation attack is constructed\n Using data science to detect domains that are impersonations\n Levenshtein distance\n Finding domain similarity between malicious URLs\n Authorship attribution\n AA detection for tweets\n Difference between test and validation datasets\n Sklearn pipeline\n Naive Bayes classifier for multinomial models\n Identifying impersonation as a means of intrusion detection \n Summary\nChapter 9: Changing the Game with TensorFlow\n Introduction to TensorFlow\n Installation of TensorFlow\n TensorFlow for Windows users\n Hello world in TensorFlow\n Importing the MNIST dataset\n Computation graphs\n What is a computation graph?\n Tensor processing unit\n Using TensorFlow for intrusion detection\n Summary\nChapter 10: Financial Fraud and How Deep Learning Can Mitigate It\n Machine learning to detect financial fraud\n Imbalanced data\n Handling imbalanced datasets\n Random under-sampling\n Random oversampling\n Cluster-based oversampling\n Synthetic minority oversampling technique\n Modified synthetic minority oversampling technique\n Detecting credit card fraud\n Logistic regression\n Loading the dataset\n Approach\n Logistic regression classifier – under-sampled data\n Tuning hyperparameters \n Detailed classification reports\n Predictions on test sets and plotting a confusion matrix\n Logistic regression classifier – skewed data\n Investigating precision-recall curve and area\n Deep learning time\n Adam gradient optimizer\n Summary\nChapter 11: Case Studies\n Introduction to our password dataset\n Text feature extraction\n Feature extraction with scikit-learn\n Using the cosine similarity to quantify bad passwords\n Putting it all together\n Summary\nOther Books You May Enjoy\nIndex

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