فهرست مطالب :
Title Page
About the Author
Table of Contents
Intro: how to use this book
Who is this book for?
We know what you’re thinking
Metacognition: thinking about thinking
Here’s what WE did
Read Me
Let’s install the latest Python
Python on its own is not enough
Configure VS Code to your taste
Add two required extensions to VS Code
VS Code’s Python support is state-of-the-art
The Technical Review Team
Chapter 0: why Python?
Getting ready to run some code
Preparing for your first Jupyter experience
Let’s pop some code into your notebook editor
Press Shift+Enter to run your code
What if you want more than one card?
Take a closer look at the card drawing code
The Big 4: list, tuple, dictionary, and set
Model your deck of cards with a set
The print dir combo mambo
Getting help with dir’s output
Populate the set with cards
This feels like a deck of cards now
What exactly is “card”?
Need to find something?
Let’s pause and take stock
Python ships with a rich Standard Library
With Python you’ll only write the code you need
Just when you thought you were done…
Chapter 1: diving in
How is the Coach working right now?
The Coach needs a more capable stopwatch
Cubicle Conversation
The file and the spreadsheet are “related”
Our first task: Extract the filename’s data
A string is an object with attributes
Extract the swimmer’s data from the filename
Don’t try to guess what a method does…
Splitting (aka, breaking apart) a string
There’s still some work to do
Read error messages from the bottom up
Be careful when combining method calls
Cubicle Conversation
Let’s try another string method
All that remains is to create some variables
Task #1 is done!
Task #2: Process the data in the file
Chapter 2: lists of numbers
Task #2: Process the data in the file
Grab a copy of the Coach’s data
The open BIF works with files
Using with to open (and close) a file
Anatomy of with… open… as…
Variables are created dynamically, as needed
The file’s data is what you really want
We have the swimmer’s data from the file
Let’s take stock of our progress so far
What needs to happen next feels familiar
The previous chapter is paying dividends
Converting a time string into a time value
Convert the times to hundredths of seconds
To hundredths of seconds with Python
A quick review of Python’s for loop
The gloves are off… for loops vs. while loops
You’re cruising now and making great progress!
Let’s keep a copy of the conversions
Displaying a list of your list’s methods
It’s time to calculate the average
Convert the average to a swim time string
It’s time to bring everything together
Task #2 (finally) gets over the line!
Chapter 3: list of files
Cubicle Conversation
You already have most of the code you need
How to create a function in Python
Save your code as often as you wish
Simply copying code is not enough
Be sure to copy all the code you need
Use modules to share code
Bask in the glory of your returned data
Functions return a tuple when required
Let’s get a list of the Coach’s filenames
It’s time for a bit of detective work…
What can you do to lists?
Is the issue with your data or your code?
Cubicle Conversation
Decisions, decisions, decisions
Let’s look for the colon “in” the string
Did you end up with 60 processed files?
The Coach’s code is taking shape…
Chapter 4: formatted string literals
Cubicle Conversation
Getting from a simple chart to a Coach chart
Build the strings your HTML needs in code
String concatenation doesn’t scale
f-strings are a very popular Python feature
Generating SVG is easy with f-strings!
The data is all there, or is it?
Make sure you return all the data you need
You have numbers now, but are they usable?
All that’s left is the end of your webpage
Writing to files, like reading, is painless
It’s time to display your handiwork
All that’s left are two aesthetic tweaks…
It’s time for another custom function
Let’s add another function to your module
What’s with that hundredths value?
Rounding is not what you want (in this case)
Things are progressing well…
Chapter 5: getting organized
Let’s extract a list of swimmers’ names
The list-set-list duplicate removing trick
The Coach now has a list of names
A small change makes a “big” difference
Every tuple is unique
Perform super fast lookups with dictionaries
Dictionaries are key/value lookup stores
Anatomy of building a dictionary
Dictionaries are optimized for speedy lookup
Display the entire dictionary
The pprint module pretty-prints your data
Your dictionary-of-lists is easily processed
This is really stating to come together
Chapter 6: building a webapp
Install Flask from PyPI
Prepare your folder to host your webapp
The Flask MVP
You have options when working with your code
Anatomy of the MVP Flask app
Building your webapp, bit by bit…
What’s the deal with that NameError?
Cubicle Conversation
Flask includes built-in session support
Flask’s session technology is a dictionary
Adjusting your code with the “better fix”
Building Jinja2 templates saves you time
Extend base.html to create more pages
Dynamically creating a drop-down list
Selecting a swimmer
You need to somehow process the form’s data
Your form’s data is available as a dictionary
You’re inching closer to a working system
Functions support default parameter values
Default parameter values are optional
The final version of your code, 1 of 2
The final version of your code, 2 of 2
As a first webapp goes, this is looking good
The Coach’s system is ready for prime time
Chapter 7: deployment
There’s still something that doesn’t feel right
Jinja2 executes code between {{ and }}
Cubicle Conversation
The ten steps to cloud deployment
A beginner account is all you need
There’s nothing stopping you from starting…
When in doubt, stick with the defaults
The placeholder webapp doesn’t do much
Deploying your code to PythonAnywhere
Extract your code in the console
Configure the Web tab to point to your code
Edit your webapp’s WSGI file
Your cloud-hosted webapp is ready!
Chapter 8: working with HTML
The Coach needs more data
Cubicle Conversation
Get to know your data before scraping
We need a plan of action…
A step-by-step guide to web scraping
It’s time for some HTML-parsing technology
Grab the raw HTML page from Wikipedia
Get to know your scraped data
You can copy a slice from any sequence
Anatomy of slices, 1 of 3
Anatomy of slices, 2 of 3
Anatomy of slices, 3 of 3
It’s time for some HTML parsing power
Searching your soup for tags of interest
The returned soup is also searchable
Which table contains the data you need?
Four big tables and four sets of world records
It’s time to extract the actual data
Extract data from all the tables, 1 of 2
Extract data from all the tables, 2 of 2
That nested loop did the trick!
Chapter 9: working with data
Bending your data to your will…
You now have the data you need…
Apply what you already know…
Is there too much data here?
Filtering on the relay data
You’re now ready to update your bar charts
Cubicle Conversation
Python ships with a built-in JSON library
JSON is textual, but far from pretty
Getting to the webapp integration
All that’s needed: an edit and a copy’n’paste…
Adding the world records to your bar chart
Is your latest version of the webapp ready?
Cubicle Conversation
PythonAnywhere has you covered…
You need to upload your utility code, too
Deploy your latest webapp to PythonAnywhere
Tell PythonAnywhere to run your latest code
Test your utilities before cloud deployment
Let’s run your task daily at 1:00am
Chapter 9 1/2: working with elephants dataframes
The elephant in the room… or is it a panda?
A dictionary of dictionaries with pandas?
Start by conforming to convention
A list of pandas dataframes
Selecting columns from a dataframe
Dataframe to dictionary, attempt #1
Removing unwanted data from a dataframe
Negating your pandas conditonal expression
Dataframe to dictionary, attempt #2
Dataframe to dictionary, attempt #3
It’s another dictionary of dictionaries
Comparing gazpacho to pandas
It was only the shortest of glimpses…
Chapter 10: databases
The Coach has been in touch…
Cubicle Conversation
It pays to plan ahead…
Task #1: Decide on your database structure
The napkin structure + data
Installing the DBcm module from PyPI
Getting started with DBcm and SQLite
DBcm works alongside the “with” statement
Use triple-quoted strings for your SQL
Not all SQL returns results
Your tables are ready (and Task #1 is done)
Determining the list of swimmer’s files
Task #2: Adding data to a database table
Stay safe with Python’s SQL placeholders
Let’s repeat this process for the events
All that’s left is your times table…
The times are in the swimmer’s files…
A database update utility, 1 of 2
A database update utility, 2 of 2
Task #2 is (finally) done
Chapter 11: list comprehensions
Let’s explore the queries in a new notebook
Five lines of loop code become one
Getting from five lines of code to one…
A nondunder combo mambo
One query down, three to go…
Two queries down, two to go…
The last, but not least (query)…
The database utilities code, 1 of 2
The database utilities code, 2 of 2
It’s nearly time for the database integration
Cubicle Conversation
It’s time to integrate your database code!
Updating your existing webapp’s code
Review your template(s) for changes…
So… what’s the deal with your template?
Let’s display a list of events…
All that’s left is to draw the bar chart…
Reviewing the most-recent swimclub.py code
Meet the SVG-generating Jinja2 template
The convert_utils module
list zip… what?!?
Your database integrations are complete!
Chapter 12: deployment revisited
Cubicle Conversation
Migrating to MariaDB
Moving the Coach’s data to MariaDB
Apply three edits to schema.sql
Reusing your tables, 2 of 2
Let’s check your tables are defined correctly
Copying your existing data to MariaDB
Make your queries compatible with MariaDB
Your database utility code need edits, too
Create a new database on PythonAnywhere
Adjust your database credentials dictionary
Copying everything to the cloud
Update your webapp with your latest code
Just a few more steps…
Populate your cloud database with data
It’s time for a PythonAnywhere Test Drive
Is something wrong with PythonAnywhere?
Cubicle Conversation
The Coach is a happy chappy!
1. Classes
2. Exceptions
3. Testing
4. The walrus operator
5. Where’s the switch? What switch?
6. Advanced language features
7. Concurrency
8. Type Hints
9. Virtual Environments
10. Tools