Health Psychology

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Health Psychology

نام کتاب : Health Psychology
ویرایش : 11
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : روانشناسی سلامت
سری :
نویسندگان :
ناشر : McGraw Hill
سال نشر : 2021
تعداد صفحات : 495
ISBN (شابک) : 9781260575392 , 126057539X
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 94 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

Title Page
Copyright Page
About The Author
CHAPTER 1 What Is Health Psychology?
Definition of Health Psychology
Why Did Health Psychology Develop?
The Mind–Body Relationship: A Brief History
The Rise of the Biopsychosocial Model
Psychosomatic Medicine
Advantages of the Biopsychosocial Model
Clinical Implications of the Biopsychosocial Model
The Biopsychosocial Model: The Case History of Nightmare Deaths
The Need for Health Psychology
Changing Patterns of Illness
Advances in Technology and Research
Expanded Health Care Services
Increased Medical Acceptance
Health Psychology Research
The Role of Theory in Research
Correlational Studies
Prospective and Retrospective Designs
The Role of Epidemiology in Health Psychology
Methodological Tools
Qualitative Research
What is Health Psychology Training for?
CHAPTER 2 The Systems of the Body
The Nervous System
The Brain
BOX 2.1 Costs of War to the Brain
The Role of Neurotransmitters
Disorders of the Nervous System
The Endocrine System
The Adrenal Glands
Disorders Involving the Endocrine System
The Cardiovascular System
The Heart
Disorders of the Cardiovascular System
Blood Pressure
The Blood
The Respiratory System
The Structure and Functions of the Respiratory System
Disorders Associated with the Respiratory System
Dealing with Respiratory Disorders
The Digestive System and the Metabolism of Food
The Functioning of the Digestive System
Disorders of the Digestive System
The Gut–Brain Connection
The Renal System
Disorders of the Renal System
The Reproductive System
The Ovaries and Testes
Fertilization and Gestation
Disorders of the Reproductive System
Genetics and Health
Genetics and Susceptibility to Disorders
The Immune System
BOX 2.2 Portraits of Two Carriers
The Course of Infection
Disorders Related to the Immune System
CHAPTER 3 Health Behaviors
An Introduction to Health Behaviors
Role of Behavioral Factors in Disease and Disorder
Health Promotion: An Overview
Health Behaviors and Health Habits
Practicing and Changing Health Behaviors: An Overview
Barriers to Modifying Poor Health Behaviors
Intervening with Children and Adolescents
Intervening with At-Risk People
Health Promotion and Older Adults
Ethnic and Gender Differences in Health Risks and Habits
Changing Health Habits
Attitude Change and Health Behavior
The Health Belief Model
The Theory of Planned Behavior
Criticisms of Attitude Theories
Self-Regulation and Health Behavior
Self-Determination Theory
Implementation Intentions
Health Behavior Change and the Brain
Cognitive–Behavioral Approaches to Health Behavior Change
Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Stimulus Control
The Self-Control of Behavior
BOX 3.1 Classical Conditioning
BOX 3.2 Operant Conditioning
BOX 3.3 Modeling
Social Skills and Relaxation Training
Motivational Interviewing
Relapse Prevention
Evaluation of CBT
The Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change
Stages of Change
Using the Stage Model of Change
Changing Health Behaviors Through Social Engineering
Venues for Health-Habit Modification
The Practitioner’s Office
The Family
Self-Help Groups
Workplace Interventions
Community-Based Interventions
The Mass Media
Cellular Phones and Landlines
The Internet
CHAPTER 4 Health-Promoting Behaviors
Benefits of Exercise
Determinants of Regular Exercise
Exercise Interventions
Accident Prevention
Home and Workplace Accidents
Motorcycle and Automobile Accidents
Vaccinations and Screening
Colorectal Cancer Screening
Sun Safety Practices
Developing a Healthy Diet
Changing Diet
Resistance to Modifying Diet
What Is Sleep?
Sleep and Health
Rest, Renewal, Savoring
CHAPTER 5 Health-Compromising Behaviors
Characteristics of Health-Compromising Behaviors
Marijuana Use
What Is Obesity?
BOX 5.1 The Biological Regulation of Eating
Obesity in Childhood
SES, Culture, and Obesity
Obesity and Dieting as Risk Factors for Obesity
Stress and Eating
BOX 5.2 Don’t Diet
Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Evaluation of Cognitive–Behavioral Weight-Loss Techniques
Taking a Public Health Approach
BOX 5.3 The Barbie Beauty Battle
Eating Disorders
Anorexia Nervosa
Binge Eating Disorder
Alcoholism and Problem Drinking
The Scope of the Problem
What Is Substance Dependence?
Alcoholism and Problem Drinking
Origins of Alcoholism and Problem Drinking
Treatment of Alcohol Abuse
Treatment Programs
BOX 5.4 After the Fall of the Berlin Wall
BOX 5.5 A Profile of Alcoholics Anonymous
Evaluation of Alcohol Treatment Programs
BOX 5.6 The Drinking College Student
Preventive Approaches to Alcohol Abuse
Drinking and Driving
Is Modest Alcohol Consumption a Health Behavior?
Synergistic Effects of Smoking
A Brief History of the Smoking Problem
Why Do People Smoke?
Nicotine Addiction and Smoking
Interventions to Reduce Smoking
Smoking Prevention Programs
BOX 5.7 The Perils of Secondhand Smoke
CHAPTER 6 Stress
What Is Stress?
What Is a Stressor?
Appraisal of Stressors
Origins of the Study of Stress
Fight or Flight
Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome
How Does Stress Contribute to Illness?
The Physiology of Stress
Effects of Long-Term Stress
Individual Differences in Stress Reactivity
Physiological Recovery
Allostatic Load
BOX 6.1 Can Stress Affect Pregnancy?
What Makes Events Stressful?
Dimensions of Stressful Events
Must Stress Be Perceived as Such to Be Stressful?
Can People Adapt to Stress?
Must a Stressor Be Ongoing to Be Stressful?
How Has Stress Been Studied?
Studying Stress in the Laboratory
Inducing Disease
Stressful Life Events
BOX 6.2 Post traumatic Stress Disorder
BOX 6.3 Can an Exciting Sports Event Kill You? Cardiovascular Events During World Cup Soccer
Daily Stress
BOX 6.4 A Measure of Perceived Stress
Sources of Chronic Stress
Effects of Early Stressful Life Experiences
BOX 6.5 The Measurement of Daily Strain
Chronic Stressful Conditions
Stress in the Workplace
BOX 6.6 Can Prejudice Harm Your Health?
Some Solutions to Workplace Stressors
Combining Work and Family Roles
CHAPTER 7 Coping, Resilience, and Social Support
Coping with Stress and Resilience
Personality and Coping
BOX 7.1 The Measurement of Optimism: The LOT-R
Psychosocial Resources
BOX 7.2 Religion, Spirituality, Coping, and Well-Being
Coping Style and Coping Strategies
BOX 7.3 The Brief COPE
BOX 7.4 Coping with HIV
Problem-Focused and Emotion-Focused Coping
Coping and External Resources
Coping Outcomes
Coping Interventions
Mindfulness Meditation and Acceptance/Commitment Therapy
Expressive Writing
Relaxation Training
Coping Skills Training
Social Support
What Is Social Support?
Effects of Social Support on Illness
BOX 7.5 Is Social Companionship an Important Part of Your Life?
Biopsychosocial Pathways
Moderation of Stress by Social Support
What Kinds of Support Are Most Effective?
BOX 7.6 Can Bad Relationships Affect Your Health?
Enhancing Social Support
CHAPTER 8 Using Health Services
Recognition and Interpretation of Symptoms
Recognition of Symptoms
Interpretation of Symptoms
Cognitive Representations of Illness
BOX 8.1 Can Expectations Influence Sensations? The Case of Premenstrual Symptoms
Lay Referral Network
The Internet
Who Uses Health Services?
Social Class and Culture
Social Psychological Factors
Misusing Health Services
Using Health Services for Emotional Disturbances
BOX 8.2 The June Bug Disease: A Case of Hysterical Contagion
Delay Behavior
CHAPTER 9 Patients, Providers, and Treatments
Health Care Services
Patient Consumerism
Structure of the Health Care Delivery System
Patient Experiences with Managed Care
The Nature of Patient–Provider Communication
Provider Behaviors That Contribute to Faulty Communication
BOX 9.1 What Did You Say?: Language Barriers to Effective Communication
Patients’ Contributions to Faulty Communication
Interactive Aspects of the Communication Problem
Use of Artificial Intelligence
Results of Poor Patient–Provider Communication
Nonadherence to Treatment Regimens
BOX 9.2 What Are Some Ways to Improve Adherence to Treatment?
Improving Patient–Provider Communication and Increasing Adherence to Treatment
Teaching Providers How to Communicate
BOX 9.3 What Can Providers Do to Improve Adherence?
The Patient in the Hospital Setting
Structure of the Hospital
The Impact of Hospitalization on the Patient
BOX 9.4 Burnout Among Health Care Professionals
Interventions to Increase Information in Hospital Settings
The Hospitalized Child
BOX 9.5 Social Support and Distress from Surgery
Preparing Children for Medical Interventions
Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Philosophical Origins of CAM
CAM Treatments
Dietary Supplements and Diets
Guided Imagery
Chiropractic Medicine
Who Uses CAM?
Complementary and Alternative Medicine: An Overall Evaluation
The Placebo Effect
History of the Placebo
BOX 9.6 Cancer and the Placebo Effect
What Is a Placebo?
Provider Behavior and Placebo Effects
Patient Characteristics and Placebo Effects
Patient–Provider Communication and Placebo Effects
Situational Determinants of Placebo Effects
Social Norms and Placebo Effects
The Placebo as a Methodological Tool
CHAPTER 10 The Management of Pain and Discomfort
The Elusive Nature of Pain
BOX 10.1 A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Pain: The Childbirth Experience
Measuring Pain
BOX 10.2 Headache Drawings Reflect Distress and Disability
The Physiology of Pain
BOX 10.3 Phantom Limb Pain: A Case History
Neurochemical Bases of Pain and Its Inhibition
Clinical Issues in Pain Management
Acute and Chronic Pain
Pain and Personality
Pain Control Techniques
Pharmacological Control of Pain
Surgical Control of Pain
BOX 10.4 The Opioid Crisis
Sensory Control of Pain
Relaxation Techniques
Coping Skills Training
Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy
Pain Management Programs
Initial Evaluation
Individualized Treatment
Components of Programs
Involvement of Family
Relapse Prevention
Evaluation of Programs
CHAPTER 11 Management of Chronic Health Disorders
Quality of Life
What Is Quality of Life?
Why Study Quality of Life?
Emotional Responses to Chronic Health Disorders
BOX 11.1 A Future of Fear
Personal Issues in Chronic Health Disorders
The Physical Self
The Achieving Self
The Social Self
The Private Self
Coping with Chronic Health Disorders
Coping Strategies and Chronic Health Disorders
Patients’ Beliefs About Chronic Health Disorders
Comanagement of Chronic Health Disorders
Physical and Behavioral Rehabilitation
BOX 11.2 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Other Functional Disorders
BOX 11.3 Epilepsy and the Need for a Job Redesign
Vocational Issues in Chronic Health Disorders
Social Interaction Problems in Chronic Health Disorders
BOX 11.4 Who Works with People with Chronic Health Disorders?
Gender and the Impact of Chronic Health Disorders
Positive Changes in Response to Chronic Health Disorders
When a Child Has a Chronic Health Disorder
Psychological Interventions and Chronic Health Disorders
Pharmacological Interventions
Individual Therapy
Relaxation, Stress Management, and Exercise
Social Support Interventions
BOX 11.5 Help on the Internet
Support Groups
CHAPTER 12 Psychological Issues in Advancing and Terminal Illness
Death Across the Life Span
Death in Infancy and Childhood
Death in Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Death in Middle Age
Death in Old Age
BOX 12.1 Why Do Women Live Longer Than Men?
Psychological Issues in Advancing Illness
Continued Treatment and Advancing Illness
BOX 12.2 A Letter to My Physician
Psychological and Social Issues Related to Dying
BOX 12.3 Ready to Die: The Question of Assisted Death
The Issue of Nontraditional Treatment
Are There Stages in Adjustment to Dying?
Kübler-Ross’s Five-Stage Theory
Evaluation of Ku¨bler-Ross’s Theory
Psychological Issues and the Terminally Ill
Medical Staff and the Terminally Ill Patient
The Promise of Palliative Care
Counseling with the Terminally Ill
The Management of Terminal Illness in Children
Alternatives to Hospital Care for the Terminally Ill
Hospice Care
Home Care
Problems of Survivors
BOX 12.4 Cultural Attitudes Toward Death
The Survivor
Death Education
CHAPTER 13 Heart Disease, Hypertension, Stroke, and Type 2 Diabetes
Coronary Heart Disease
What Is CHD?
Risk Factors for CHD
Stress and CHD
Women and CHD
Personality, Cardiovascular Reactivity, and CHD
BOX 13.1 Hostility and Cardiovascular Disease
Depression and CHD
Other Psychosocial Risk Factors and CHD
Management of Heart Disease
BOX 13.2 Picturing the Heart
Prevention of Heart Disease
How Is Hypertension Measured?
What Causes Hypertension?
Treatment of Hypertension
The Hidden Disease
Risk Factors for Stroke
Consequences of Stroke
Rehabilitative Interventions
Type 2 Diabetes
Health Implications of Diabetes
Psychosocial Factors in the Development of Diabetes
BOX 13.3 Stress Management and the Control of Diabetes
The Management of Diabetes
CHAPTER 14 Psychoneuroimmunology and Immune-Related Disorders
The Immune System
Assessing Immune Functioning
Stress and Immune Functioning
BOX 14.1 Autoimmune Disorders
Negative Affect and Immune Functioning
Stress, Immune Functioning, and Interpersonal Relationships
Psychosocial Resources and Immune Functioning
Interventions to Improve Immune Functioning
HIV Infection and AIDS
A Brief History of HIV Infection and AIDS
HIV Infection and AIDS in the United States
The Psychosocial Impact of HIV Infection
Interventions to Reduce the Spread of HIV Infection
Coping with HIV+ Status and AIDS
Psychosocial Factors That Affect the Course of HIV Infection
Why Is Cancer Hard to Study?
Who Gets Cancer? A Complex Profile
Psychosocial Factors and Cancer
Psychosocial Factors and the Course of Cancer
Adjusting to Cancer
Psychosocial Issues and Cancer
Post traumatic Growth
Therapies with Cancer Patients
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Type 1 Diabetes
Special Problems of Adolescents with Diabetes
CHAPTER 15 Health Psychology: Challenges for the Future
Health Promotion
A Focus on Those at Risk
A Focus on Older Adults
Refocusing Health Promotion Efforts
Promoting Resilience
Health Promotion and Medical Practice
Health Disparities
Stress and Its Management
Where Is Stress Research Headed?
Health Services
Building Better Consumers
Management of Serious Illness
Quality-of-Life Assessment
The Aging of the Population
Trends in Health and Health Psychology
Research of the Future
The Changing Nature of Medical Practice
Systematic Documentation of Cost-Effectiveness and Treatment Effectiveness
International Health
Becoming a Health Psychologist
Undergraduate Experience
Graduate Experience
Postgraduate Work

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