Hearing Rhythm and Meter: Analyzing Metrical Consonance and Dissonance in Common-Practice Period Music

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کتاب ریتم و متر شنوایی: تجزیه و تحلیل همخوانی متریک و ناهماهنگی در موسیقی دوره معمول تمرین نسخه زبان اصلی

دانلود کتاب ریتم و متر شنوایی: تجزیه و تحلیل همخوانی متریک و ناهماهنگی در موسیقی دوره معمول تمرین بعد از پرداخت مقدور خواهد بود
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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Hearing Rhythm and Meter: Analyzing Metrical Consonance and Dissonance in Common-Practice Period Music

نام کتاب : Hearing Rhythm and Meter: Analyzing Metrical Consonance and Dissonance in Common-Practice Period Music
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : ریتم و متر شنوایی: تجزیه و تحلیل همخوانی متریک و ناهماهنگی در موسیقی دوره معمول تمرین
سری :
نویسندگان :
ناشر : Routledge
سال نشر : 2019
تعداد صفحات : 187
ISBN (شابک) : 2019017506 , 9780815384472
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 14 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

Cover Half Title Title Copyright Contents Preface Chapter 1 Notated Meter and Sounding Meter Establishing Meter Conducting and Maintaining Meter Pulse Layers Steps to Identifying Meter Without the Score Factors in Metrical Perception Subjectivity in Metrical Interpretation Continuity and Conflicting Accents Polymeters Versus Multiple Interpretations Performing the Sounding Meter Versus the Notated Meter The History of Meter and Metrical Notation in Western Music Chapter Review Homework Assignments Further Reading Chapter 2 Hypermeter and Phrase Rhythm Hypermeter Hypermeter at Fast and Slow Tempos Phrase Rhythm Levels of Metrical Structure and Grouping Structure Annotating a Metrical Interpretation Multiple Levels of Hypermeter Elisions and Hypermetrical Reinterpretations Conducting on and off the Podium Chapter Review Homework Assignments Further Reading Chapter 3 Phrase Expansions and Hypermeter The Phrase Prefix Internal Repetitions Cadential Extensions Composed-Out Ritardandos and Fermatas Parenthetical Insertions Links Thematic Versus Non-Thematic Material Chapter Review Homework Assignments Further Reading Chapter 4 Metrical Dissonances Metrical Consonance and Dissonance Grouping Dissonances Displacement Dissonances Broken Chords and Accompanimental Patterns Labeling Metrical Dissonances Identifying Grouping and Displacement Dissonances Subtactus-Level and Hypermetrical Dissonances Direct and Indirect Metrical Dissonances Asymmetrical Meters Subliminal Dissonances Comparing Metrical Dissonances Finding Metrical Dissonances in a Score A Sample Analysis: Bach, Partita, BWV 826, Sarabande Chapter Review Homework Assignments Further Reading Chapter 5 Metrical Processes Augmentation and Diminution Families of Dissonances Tightening and Loosening Finding the Best Label for a Metrical Dissonance Metrical Upshifting and Downshifting Meter Changes and Tempo Modulation Fragmentation Stretto Chapter Review Homework Assignments Further Reading Chapter 6 Metrical Maps Dissonance Logs Dissonance Logs for Slow Movements Conducting Plans Multiple Interpretations and Metrical Maps Chapter Review Homework Assignments Further Reading Chapter 7 Meter in Music With Text Conventional English and German Text Setting Conventional Italian Text Setting Text Painting Speech Song and Lyric Song Methods of Textual Emphasis Metrical Dissonance as a Means of Textual Emphasis Metrical Maps of Vocal Music Chapter Review Homework Assignments Further Reading Chapter 8 Form and Meter Using Metrical Changes to Delineate Formal Boundaries Metrical Changes and Formal Functions Case Study 1: Schumann’s Quartet, Op. 41, No. 1, First Movement Case Study 2: Brahms, Variations on a Theme by Haydn Chapter Review Homework Assignments Further Reading Appendix Bibliography Index

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