فهرست مطالب :
Table of Contents\nList of Illustrations\nAcknowledgments\nIntroduction: Medieval Communities and the Matter of Person, by Bruce Holsinger and Rachel Fulton\nPart I. Saints, Visionaries, and the Making of Holy Persons\n 1. Forgetting Hathumoda: The Afterlife of the First Abbess of Gandersheim, by Frederick S. Paxton\n 2. “If one member glories . . .”: Community Between the Living and the Saintly Dead in Bernard of Clairvaux’s Sermons for the Feast of All Saints, by Anna Harrison\n 3. The Pope’s Shrunken Head: The Apocalyptic Visions of Robert of Uzès, by Raymond Clemens\n 4. Thomas of Cantimpré and Female Sanctity, by John Coakley\n 5. The Changing Fortunes of Angela of Foligno, Daughter, Mother, and Wife, by Catherine M. Mooney\n 6. “A Particular Light of Understanding”: Margaret of Cortona, the Franciscans, and a Cortonese Cleric, by Mary Harvey Doyno\nPart II. Community, Cultus, and Society\n 7. Fragments of Devotion: Charters and Canons in Aquitaine, 876–1050, by Anna Trumbore Jones\n 8. Naming Names: The Nomenclature of Heresy in the Early Eleventh Century, by Thomas Head\n 9. Economic Development and Demotic Religiosity, by Richard Landes\n 10. Back-Biting and Self-Promotion: The Work of Merchants of the Cairo Geniza, by Jessica Goldberg\n 11. John of Salisbury and the Civic Utility of Religion, by Mark Silk\nPart III. Cognition, Composition, and Contagion\n 12. Understanding Contagion: The Contaminating Effect of Another’s Sin, by Susan R. Kramer\n 13. Calvin’s Smile, by John Jeffries Martin\n 14. Why All the Fuss About the Mind? A Medievalist’s Perspective on Cognitive Theory, by Anne L. Clark\n 15. Aspects of Blood Piety in a Late-Medieval English Manuscript: London, British Library MS Additional 37049, by Marlene Villalobos Hennessy\n 16. Machiavelli, Trauma, and the Scandal of The Prince: An Essay in Speculative History, by Alison K. Frazier\nPart IV. The Matter of Person\n 17. Low Country Ascetics and Oriental Luxury: Jacques de Vitry, Marie of Oignies, and the Treasures of Oignies, by Sharon Farmer\n 18. Crystalline Wombs and Pregnant Hearts: The Exuberant Bodies of the Katharinenthal Visitation Group, by Jacqueline E. Jung\n 19. Gluttony and the Anthropology of Pain in Dante’s Inferno and Purgatorio, by Manuele Gragnolati\n 20. “Human Heaven”: John of Rupescissa’s Alchemy at the End of the World, by Leah DeVun\n 21. Magic, Bodies, University Masters, and the Invention of the Late Medieval Witch, by Steven P. Marrone\nAfterword: History in the Comic Mode, by Rachel Fulton and Bruce Holsinger\nNotes\nContributors\nIndex