History of Economic Thought

دانلود کتاب History of Economic Thought

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کتاب تاریخ اندیشه اقتصادی نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب History of Economic Thought

نام کتاب : History of Economic Thought
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : تاریخ اندیشه اقتصادی
سری :
نویسندگان :
ناشر : Pluto Press
سال نشر : 1987
تعداد صفحات : 448
ISBN (شابک) : 0745303013 , 9780745303017
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 41 مگابایت

بعد از تکمیل فرایند پرداخت لینک دانلود کتاب ارائه خواهد شد. درصورت ثبت نام و ورود به حساب کاربری خود قادر خواهید بود لیست کتاب های خریداری شده را مشاهده فرمایید.

فهرست مطالب :

Editor\'s Preface
Author\'s Preface to the Second Edition
Part One: Mercantilism and its Decline
Chapter 1: The Age of Merchant Capital
Chapter 2: Merchant Capital and Mercantilist Policy in England in the 16th and 17th Centuries
Chapter 3: The General Features of Mercantilist Literature
Chapter 4: The Early English Mercantilists
Chapter 5: Mercantilist Doctrine At Its Height - Thomas Mun
Chapter 6: The Reaction Against Mercantilism - Dudley North
Chapter 7: The Evolution of the Theory of Value - William Petty
Chapter 8: The Evolution of the Theory of Money - David Hume
Part Two: The Physiocrats
Chapter 9: The Economic situation in Mid-18th-Century France
Chapter 10: The History of the Physiocratic School
Chapter 11: The Social Philosophy of the Physiocrats
Chapter 12: Large-Scale and Small-Scale Husbandry
Chapter 13: Social Classes
Chapter 14: The Net Product
Chapter 15: Quesnay\'s Tableau Economique
Chapter 16: Economic Policy
Chapter 17: The Theoretical Legacy of the Physiocrats
Part Three: Adam Smith
Chapter 18: Industrial Capitalism in England During the Mid-18th Century
Chapter 19: Adam Smith, the Man
Chapter 20: Smith\'s Social Philosophy
Chapter 21: The Divison of Labour
Chapter 22: The Theory of Value
Chapter 23: The Theory of Distribution
Chapter 24: The Theory of Capital and Productive Labour
Part Four: David Ricardo
Chapter 25: The Industrial Revolution in England
Chapter 26: Ricardo\'s Life
Chapter 27: The Philosophical and Methodological Bases of Ricardo\'s Theory
Chapter 28: The Theory of Value
Chapter 29: Ground Rent
Chapter 30: Wages and Profit
Part Five: Distintegration of the Classical School
Chapter 31: Malthus and the Law of Population
Chapter 32: The Beginning of Vulgar Economy
Chapter 33: The Debates Surrounding the Ricardian Theory of Value
Chapter 34: The Wages Fund
Chapter 35: The Theory of Abstinence
Chapter 36: Harmony of Interests
Chapter 37: Sismondi as a Critic of Capitalism
Chapter 38: The Utopian Socialists
Chapter 39: The Twilight of the Classical School
Part Six: Conclusion: A Brief Review of the Course
Chapter 40: Conclusion: A Brief Review of the Course
Afterword by Catherine Colliot-Thélène
Name Index
Subject Index

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