توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب How to Make a Database in Historical Studies
نام کتاب : How to Make a Database in Historical Studies
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : نحوه ایجاد پایگاه داده در مطالعات تاریخی
سری :
نویسندگان : Tiago Luís Gil
ناشر : Springer International Publishing
سال نشر : 2021
تعداد صفحات :
ISBN (شابک) : 9783030782412 , 9783030782405
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : epub درصورت درخواست کاربر به PDF تبدیل می شود
حجم کتاب : 4 Mb
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فهرست مطالب :
1 Some Theoretical and Methodical Questions
1.1 Introduction
1.2 One Craftsman, One Operation
1.3 Dismantling Things in an Organized Way
1.4 On the Shoulders of Giants
1.4.1 The Experience of Father Busa in 1949
1.4.2 The Colloquium of the École Normale Supérieure de Saint-Cloud, 1965
1.4.3 Lawrence Stone in the Early 1970s
1.4.4 The First Computation Manual for Historians
1.4.5 Reconstructing Historical Communities: A Pioneering Project
1.4.6 Manfred Thaller and the Kleio
1.4.7 The Fichoz system
2 Some Computer Issues
2.1 On Granularity
2.2 Database Models
2.2.1 Flat-File
2.2.2 Hierarchical
2.2.3 Graphs
2.2.4 Key-Value
2.2.5 Document-Oriented Databases
2.2.6 Relational Databases
2.2.7 Conceptual, Logical and Physical Models
2.3 Visual Form of Databases
2.3.1 Different Ways of Viewing Data
2.3.2 Colors
2.3.3 Forms
2.4 Technique and Theory: Everyday Problems and Practical Decisions
2.4.1 Homonyms
2.4.2 Update, Standardize or Maintain the Original?
2.4.3 Date Formats
2.4.4 Full Text or Excerpts?
2.4.5 Data Reuse
2.4.6 Fuzzy Information
2.4.7 The ``Remarks\'\', ``Comments\'\' and ``Notes\'\' Fields
3 Research Engineering
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Initial Survey
3.2.1 Creation of Teams
3.2.2 Training
3.3 Collection Strategies (Archives Survival Tips)
3.4 Manual Filling of the Database
3.5 Importing Data and REGEX Usage
3.5.1 Importing Data (Analog)
3.6 Database Administration
3.6.1 Checking Data
3.7 Problems and Dangers in Collective Databases
4 Constructing Databases: Some Concrete Examples
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Source-Centered Databases
4.2.1 Baptism Records
4.2.2 Public Deeds
4.2.3 Correspondence
4.2.4 Dialogical Sources
4.3 Method-Centered Databases
4.3.1 Prosopography
4.3.2 Demographic Analysis (the ``Henry Method\'\')
4.3.3 Social Network Analysis
4.3.4 Multi-task Databases
Appendix A Original Documents (Chapter 1.3)
A.1 Baptism Records Examples of Part 1.3, Example 1
A.2 Baptism Records Examples of Part 1.3, Example 2