توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
مطالعات ژیژک: The Greatest Hits (تا کنون) بهترین آثار منتشر شده در زمینه مطالعات ژیژک در ده سال گذشته را گردآوری و ارائه می کند و به معلمان، دانش آموزان و محققان حجمی از کتاب های برجسته را ارائه می دهد. بورس تحصیلی لبه به آثار منحصر به فرد و گاه التقاطی فیلسوف اسلوونیایی و منتقد فرهنگی اسلاوی ژیژک. فصول گنجانده شده در این مجموعه به شدت در صفحات (مجازی) مجله بین المللی مطالعات ژیژک، یک مجله پیشرو با دسترسی آزاد که انتشار آن در سال 2007 آغاز شد، آزمایش شده و جمع آوری شده است. سه بخش یا حوزه موضوعی که ژیژک و تلاش های ظاهراً خستگی ناپذیر او تأثیر قابل توجهی داشته اند: فلسفه، سیاست و فرهنگ عامه. این کتاب بهعنوان «بزرگترین موفقیتها»، به طرفداران قدیمی و تازهوارد ناآشنا به طور یکسان مروری جامع از طیف وسیع فرصتها در زمینه مطالعات ژیژک و مجموعهای قابلتوجه از «هیتهای» واقعاً بینرشتهای از مجموعه متنوعی از نویسندگان مبتکر و موفق.
فهرست مطالب :
Žižek Studies: The Greatest Hits (So Far)
Table of Contents
List of Figures
Editors’ Introduction
Why Žižek? And Why Online?
In the Beginning …
A Man with Qualities—Žižek the Public Intellectual
Screening Thought
The Greatest Hits—An Axe for the Frozen Sea Within Us
Part I: Philosophy
1 Žižek and the Real Hegel
Metaphysical Games
Critical Revisions and Perverse Remakes
Will the Real Hegel Please Stand Up?
Truth or Consequences
2 Žižek’s Kant, or The Crack in the Universal (Politicizing the Transcendental Turn)
Introduction: Žižek as Hegelian or ‘NeoKantian’? Yes, Please!
Žižek and the Subject of Kantian Apperception
Žižek on the Sublime, and the Antinomies of Pure Reason
Failure = Success: Žižek on the Transcendental Imagination
Conclusion: From the Politicization of Ontology to Žižek’s Ontology of Politics
… And a Final Remark on the (Political) Subject
3 Žižek’s Brand of Philosophical Excess and the Treason of the Intellectuals: Wagers of Sin, Ugly Ducklings, and Mythical Swans
Introduction—Žižek’s Brand of Excess and Le Traison des Clercs
Žižek’s Wagers of Sin … and the Puritanical Response
Fifty Shades of Gray Transference—The Violent Visions of Žižek’s Critics
The Real Excess of the Joker’s Success and the Search for Missing Rabbits
There Once Was an Ugly Ideological Duckling—A Poster Boy for the Treason of the Intellectuals
Conclusion—The Curious Case of the Academics Who Failed to Bark in the Night
4 The Hegelian “Night of the World”: Žižek on Subjectivity, Negativity, and Universality
The Hegelian Ticklish Subject
Žižek’s Hegelian Criticism of Kantian Imagination
“The Night of the World”
“Tarrying with the Negative”
Imagination or Understanding?
II: Abstract Negativity and Concrete Universality
From Abstract to Concrete Universality
The ‘Night of the World’ and Revolutionary Violence
Global Capitalism: ‘End of History’ or ‘History of Violence’?
Part II: Politics
5 A Hermeneutic of Hope: Problematizing Žižek’s Apocalypticism
Eschatology and Alterity
Hope in the Face of Cultural Devastation
Apocalyptic Žižek
Fully Accomplished Loss
Signs from the Future
The End of Hope?
6 Barack Obama, the New Spirit of Capitalism and the Populist Resistance
Populism and the Political
The Bush Malaise and America’s Moral Crisis
Reclaiming American Exceptionalism
The New Spirit of Capitalism
Obama and the New Commodity Logic
The Populists Shrugged
7 Capitalism’s Cynical Leviathan: Cynicism, Totalitarianism, and Hobbes in Modern Capitalist Regulation
Totalitarianism, Cynicism, and Capitalism Management
Laclau, Hegemony, and the Impossibility of Total Inscription
Žižek, Cynicism, and Totalitarianism
Hobbes and a Cynical Totalitarianism
Hobbes, the Need for Totalitarianism and Capitalism Regulation
Saving the Individual to Save the State and Organization
Consent, Internalization and Dis-identification in Hobbes and Capitalism
Cynicism, Responsibility, and Dis-identification
Order, Dis-identification, and the Construction of the Cynical Totalitarian Subject
Conclusion: Reinforcing Totalitarianism Through Cynicism
8 The Joy of Inequality: The Libidinal Economy of Compassionate Consumerism
Introduction: Psychosexual/Development
The Oral Stage: Table for Two International
The Anal Stage: Toilet Twinning
The Phallic Stage: Sir Richard’s Condoms
Conclusion: The Desire of the Other
9 Žižek’s New Universe of Discourse: Politics and the Discourse of the Capitalist
Towards a Formal Difference in Discourse Between Žižek and Lacan
The Discourse of the Capitalist: Production and Consumption
The Dynamics of Production
The Dynamics of Consumption
Consequences and Symptoms of the Decline of the Master and the Rise of the Universe of Capitalism
Waste and the Discourse of Bio-Power
The Decline of Symbolic Efficiency and the Discourse of Immaterial Labor
The Discourse of Critical Theory
Appendix: A Brief Summary of Lacan’s Structuralist Theory of Discourse
Part III: Popular Culture
10 Enjoying the Cinema
11 Losing What We Never Had: Žižek and Lacan Rock On with Bryan Adams
Those Were the Best Days of My Life
Standing on Your Mamma’s Porch
I Close My Eyes, and She Slips Away
Long After the Thrill of Living Is Gone
Tonight, Let’s Enjoy Life
Conclusion: Hold on to Sixteen as Long as You Can …
12 Interpellating Django: The Functions of the Gaze in Tarantino’s Django Unchained
13. You Only Die Thrice: Zombies Revisited in The Walking Dead
The Zombie Sub-genre
Grotesque Zombie Sublime
Death ad nauseam
Holocaust Shades
14 They Were Created by Man … and They Have a Plan: Subjective and Objective Violence in Battlestar Galactica and the War on Terror
Repetition and Farce in the “War on Terror”
Subjective and Objective Violence
Subjective and Objective Violence in BSG, or, You Can’t Love a Skin-Job
Fear and Racism in the Human Fleet
The Background
First as Tragedy …
Conclusion: Should We Care About the Tyrant’s Bloody Robes?
Notes on Contributors
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Žižek Studies: The Greatest Hits (So Far) assembles and presents the best work published in the field of Zizek Studies over the last ten years, providing teachers, students, and researchers with a carefully curated volume of leading-edge scholarship addressing the unique and sometimes eclectic work of Slovenian philosopher and cultural critic Slavoj Žižek. The chapters included in this collection have been rigorously tested in and culled from the (virtual) pages of the International Journal of Žižek Studies, a leading open access journal that began publication in 2007. The book is organized into three sections or subject areas where Zizek and his seemingly indefatigable efforts have had significant impact: philosophy, politics, and popular culture. As a "greatest hits," the book offers the long-time fan and uninitiated newcomer alike a comprehensive overview of the wide range of opportunity in the field of Žižek studies and a remarkable collection of truly interdisciplinary "hits" from a diverse set of innovative and accomplished writers.