فهرست مطالب :
CONTRIBUTORS, Page ii, P. Alexander, Anthony C. Allison, A. Basten, Richard D. Berlin, J.D. Bernhard, J. Thomas Blake, Robert V. Blanden, Martin J. Cline, John R. David, Philip Davies, Vittorio Defendi, I. Djerassi, Peter C. Doherty, Jerrold J. Ellner, Lois B. Epstein, R. Evans, Martin H. Flax, Dirk K. Greineder, Andrew J. Hapel, O.A. Holtermann, Judith A. Kapp, et al.
Front Matter, Page iii
Copyright, Page iv
List of Contributors, Pages xi-xiii, P. Alexander, Anthony C. Allison, A. Basten, Richard D. Berlin, J.D. Bernhard, J. Thomas Blake, Robert V. Blanden, Martin J. Cline, John R. David, Philip Davies, Vittorio Defendi, I. Djerassi, Peter C. Doherty, Jerrold J. Ellner, Lois B. Epstein, R. Evans, Martin H. Flax, Dirk K. Greineder, Andrew J. Hapel, O.A. Holtermann, Judith A. Kapp, et al.
Preface, Page xv, David S. Nelson
Introduction, Pages xvii-xviii, Zanvil A. Cohn
1 - The Role of Macrophages in Antibody Responses in Vitro, Pages 1-33, Carl W. Pierce, Judith A. Kapp
2 - The Role of Macrophages in the Specific Determination of Immunogenicity and Tolerogenicity, Pages 35-44, Donald E. Mosier
3 - Role of Macrophages in T Cell–B Cell Collaboration in Antibody Production, Pages 45-90, A. Basten, Judith Mitchell
4 - Functional Heterogeneity of Macrophages, Pages 91-110, William S. Walker
5 - The Role of Macrophages in the Induction of Cell-Mediated Immunity in Vivo, Pages 111-130, Joost J. Oppenheim, Robert C. Seeger
6 - Macrophage Function in Antigen Recognition by T Lymphocytes, Pages 131-160, Alan S. Rosenthal, J. Thomas Blake, Jerrold J. Ellner, Dirk K. Greineder, Peter E. Lipsky
7 - The Role of Macrophages in the Activation of T and B Lymphocytes in Vitro, Pages 161-199, David L. Rosenstreich, Joost J. Oppenheim
8 - The Ability of Macrophages to Augment in Vitro Mitogen- and Antigen-Stimulated Production of Interferon and Other Mediators of Cellular Immunity by Lymphocytes, Pages 201-234, Lois B. Epstein
9 - Nonspecific Immunoregulation by Macrophages and Their Products, Pages 235-257, D.S. Nelson
10 - Macrophage Membranes, Pages 259-273, Janet M. Oliver, Richard D. Berlin
11 - Macrophage Cell Lines and Their Uses in Immunobiology, Pages 275-290, Vittorio Defendi
12 - Monocyte Kinetics and Their Changes in Infection, Pages 291-322, Alvin Volkman
13 - Chemotaxis of Macrophages, Pages 323-348, Ralph Snyderman, Stephan E. Mergenhagen
14 - Cellular and Molecular Aspects of Chemotaxis of Macrophages and Monocytes, Pages 349-365, P.C. Wilkinson
15 - Lymphocyte–Macrophage Interactions and Macrophage Activation in the Expression of Antimicrobial Immunity in Vivo, Pages 367-400, Robert V. Blanden, Andrew J. Hapel, Peter C. Doherty, Rolf M. Zinkernagel
16 - Macrophage Activation by Lymphocyte Mediators and Studies on the Interaction of Macrophage Inhibitory Factor (MIF) with Its Target Cell, Pages 401-426, John R. David, Heinz G. Remold
17 - Secretion of Macrophage Enzymes in Relation to the Pathogenesis of Chronic Inflammation, Pages 427-461, Philip Davies, Anthony C. Allison
18 - Induction of Macrophage-Mediated Cytotoxicity, Pages 463-486, Marie-Luise Lohmann-Matthes
19 - Cytostatic and Cytocidal Effects of Activated Macrophages, Pages 487-508, R. Keller
20 - Macrophages and the Destruction of Syngeneic Virus-Induced Tumors, Pages 509-533, Satvir S. Tevethia, Joyce M. Zarling, Martin H. Flax
21 - Mechanisms of Extracellular Killing of Nucleated Mammalian Cells by Macrophages, Pages 535-576, R. Evans, P. Alexander
22 - Immunotherapeutic Approaches to Tumors Involving the Skin, Pages 577-591, O.A. Holtermann, E. Klein, I. Djerassi, J.D. Bernhard, S. Parmett
23 - Macrophages and Their Disorders in Man, Pages 593-616, Mary Territo, Martin J. Cline
24 - Macrophages: Perspectives and Prospects, Pages 617-621, D.S. Nelson
Index, Pages 623-633