فهرست مطالب :
Series Editor, Editors and Contributors
Chapter 1: Microbiology-Based Entrepreneurship
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Microbiological Entrepreneurship
1.3 Microbiology´s Scope and Importance
1.4 Diagnostics
1.5 Biosafety
1.6 Hybrid Career Paths
1.7 Microbiology for Self-Employment and Self-Productivity
1.8 Conclusion
Chapter 2: Mass Multiplication, Production Cost Analysis and Marketing of Protease
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Mass Microbial Protease Production Technology
2.2.1 Microorganisms and Source
2.2.2 Bioprocesses for Protease Production
2.2.3 Solid-State Fermentation (SSF)
2.2.4 Submerged Fermentation
2.3 Analysis of the Protease Production Cost
2.4 Application of Protease
2.5 Detergent Industry
2.6 Food Industry
2.7 Leather Industry
2.8 Medical Field
2.9 Chemical Industry
2.10 Miscellaneous Applications
2.11 Market Trend of Protease
2.12 Conclusion
Chapter 3: Mass Multiplication, Production Cost Analysis and Marketing of Xylanase
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Source of Xylanase Production
3.3 Influencing Factors on Xylanase Production
3.4 Bacterial Xylanase Production Using SmF
3.5 Fungal Xylanase Production Using SSF
3.6 Analysis of the Xylanase Production Cost
3.7 Application and Market Trend of Xylanase
3.8 Conclusion
Chapter 4: Mass Multiplication, Production Cost Analysis, and Marketing of Cellulase
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Cellulase: Classification and Mode of Action
4.3 Source of Cellulase Production
4.4 Mass Production of Cellulase
4.4.1 Submerged Fermentation (SmF)
4.4.2 Solid-State Fermentation (SSF)
4.4.3 Fermentation Conditions
4.5 Analysis of the Cellulase Production Cost
4.6 Applications
4.6.1 Paper and Pulp Industry
4.6.2 Textile Industry
4.6.3 Laundry and Detergents
4.6.4 Food and Feed Industry
4.6.5 Agriculture Sector
4.6.6 Medical Sector
4.6.7 Biofuel
4.7 Market Trend of Cellulase
4.8 Conclusion
Chapter 5: Mass Multiplication, Production Cost Analysis and Marketing of Pectinase
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Pectinases
5.3 Classification of Pectinases
5.3.1 Protopectinase
5.3.2 Pectin Esterase (PE, De-esterase)
5.3.3 Depolymerising Enzyme
5.4 Pectin
5.5 Sources of Pectinases
5.5.1 Bacteria
5.5.2 Fungus
5.6 Insect
5.7 Strategies for Mass Cultivation to Enhance the Production
5.8 Fermentation Strategies
5.9 Immobilisation Strategies
5.10 Genetic Modification Strategies
5.11 Microbial Pectinase for Large-Scale Production
5.12 Cost Analysis Factors in Pectinase Production
5.12.1 Usage of Alternative Substrates
5.12.2 Agro-industrial Waste
5.13 Fruit and Vegetable Waste
5.14 Algal Biomass
5.15 Application and Market Demand
5.16 Conclusion
Chapter 6: Production, Cost Analysis, and Marketing of Citric Acid
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Uses
6.3 Commercial Strain
6.4 Fermentation
6.5 Submerged Fermentation
6.6 Surface Fermentation
6.7 Liquid Surface Fermentation
6.8 Solid Surface Fermentation
6.9 Fermentation Media
6.9.1 Carbon Source
6.9.2 Nitrogen Source
6.9.3 Phosphorus Source
6.10 Trace Elements
6.11 pH
6.12 Aeration
6.13 Temperature
6.14 Recovery and Extraction
6.15 Cost Analysis of Citric Acid Production
6.16 Marketing of Citric Acid
6.17 Conclusion
Chapter 7: Production, Cost Analysis and Marketing of Lactic Acid
7.1 Introduction
7.2 The Fermentation Processes
7.3 Microorganisms Used for the Production of Lactic Acid
7.4 Raw Material Used
7.5 Downstream Process
7.5.1 Clarification
7.5.2 Purification and Concentration
7.5.3 Packaging
7.5.4 Downtime Management
7.6 Cost Analysis
7.7 Safety and Administrative Issues During Microbial Fermentation
7.8 Uses of Lactic Acid
7.9 Conclusion
Chapter 8: Production, Cost Analysis, and Marketing of Acetic Acid (Vinegar)
8.1 Introduction
8.1.1 Vinegar
8.1.2 Application of Vinegar
8.1.3 Factors Affecting the Production of Vinegar
8.1.4 Methods The Orleans Method The Generator Method Submerged Fermentation
8.2 Technological Details
8.3 Vinegar Production Process
8.3.1 Raw Materials Preparation
8.3.2 Preparation of Starter Culture/Inoculum Media Maintenance of Master/Mother Culture Preparation of Starter Culture
8.3.3 Mass Multiplication
8.3.4 Alcoholic Fermentation
8.3.5 Acetic Acid Fermentation Maturation/Aging Ultrafiltration and Pasteurization
8.3.6 Bottling and Packaging
8.3.7 Marketing
8.4 Project Details
8.5 Financial Aspects
8.5.1 Fixed Capital (Table 8.6)
8.5.2 Working Capital Recurring Expenses per Annum (Table 8.11) Laboratory Media and Chemicals Raw Materials Including Packaging Materials Utilities Working Capital (Tables 8.16, 8.17, and 8.18) Income of 42 Ton/60,000 Bottle Selling of Vinegar
Chapter 9: Mass Multiplication, Production Cost Analysis and Marketing of Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs)
9.1 Introduction
9.1.1 General
9.2 PHA Production
9.2.1 PHA Productivity and Bacterial Fermentation
9.2.2 Influence of Carbon Source on PHAs Production
9.2.3 Influence of Nitrogen Source on PHAs Production
9.3 PHA Production Cost Analysis
9.4 Marketing and Positioning of PHAs
9.5 Conclusion
Chapter 10: Small, Large-Scale Production and Cost-Benefit Analysis and Marketing of Agar from Gelidium
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Agar
10.2.1 Gelidium
10.2.2 Taxonomic Details of Gelidium Amansii
10.3 Small- and Large-Scale Production of Agar
10.3.1 Extraction of Agar from Seaweed
10.3.2 Cultivation of Seaweed
10.3.3 Main Seaweed Cultivation Techniques Line Cultivation Net Farming Tank or Pond Farming Minor or Experimental Methods
10.4 Cost and Market Analysis
10.4.1 Agar Market Overview
10.4.2 Agar Market Segment
10.4.3 Agar Market Opportunities
10.4.4 Agar Market: Growth Dynamics
10.4.5 Agar Market Trends
10.4.6 Agar Market Challenge
10.4.7 Agar Market: Regional Assessment
10.4.8 Production Cost Analysis
10.5 Future Perspective of the Seaweed Industry
10.6 Conclusion
Chapter 11: Mass Production of Valuable Pro-Vitamin a Pigment from a Microbe, Cost Analysis and Targeting It for Health Benefi...
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Different Sources of Natural Pigments
11.2.1 Plants Chlorophyll Carotenoids Anthocyanins Flavonoids
11.2.2 Minerals
11.2.3 Animal
11.2.4 Microbial and Fungal Origin Crucial Factors for Pigment Production by Microorganisms
11.3 Importance of Natural Pigments over Synthetic Pigments
11.4 Production of Natural Pigments by Microbial Fermentation
11.4.1 Type of Fermentation Solid-State Fermentation Submerged Fermentation (SmF)/Liquid Fermentation (LF) Different Modes of Operation of Submerged Fermentation for Microbial Pigment Production Factors Influencing SSF and SMF
Aeration Rate
Particle Size
Design of Bioreactors
11.4.2 Isolation and Identification of Pigment-Producing Microbe Screening and Strain Development
Sample Collection
Isolation, Selection, and Screening of Microbes
Primary Screening
Secondary Screening
11.4.3 Bacterial Identification through Gene Sequencing Technique and Strain-Level Analysis
11.4.4 Genome Database and Phylogenetic Analysis
11.5 Strain Development of Microbe Using Metabolic Engineering
11.6 Process Optimization to Obtain High Yield Pigment Production
11.6.1 Statistical Approach for Microbial Pigment Production Optimization
11.7 Downstream Processing of Microbial Pigment
11.7.1 Alternative Method for VOCs Pigment Extraction
11.8 Characterization and Quantification of Carotenoids
11.9 Production of Microbial Pigment at Industrial Scale
11.10 Stability of Extracted Microbial Pigment
11.11 Applications of Carotenoids through Delivery System
11.11.1 Conventional Emulsions
11.11.2 Multilayer Emulsions
11.11.3 Solid-Lipid Particles (SLPs)
11.11.4 Liposomes
11.12 Applications of Carotenoid in Different Industry So Far
11.12.1 Food Industry
11.12.2 Pharmaceutical Industry
11.12.3 Cosmetics Industry
11.13 Cost Analysis for Microbial Pigment Production
11.14 Marketing of Microbial Carotenoid Pigment
11.15 Conclusion
Chapter 12: Pseudomonas Species-Derived Chitinase Mass Multiplication, Production Cost Analysis, and Marketing: As a Biocontro...
12.1 Introduction
12.2 General Characteristics of Pseudomonas Species
12.3 Chitinase and Its Role
12.4 Methods for the Mass Multiplication of Pseudomonas species
12.5 Formulation Development
12.5.1 Different Methods of Extraction of Chitinase from Bacteria (Pseudomonas Species)
12.6 Liquid Fermentation of Chitinase Enzyme
12.7 Solid-State Fermentation and Submerged Fermentation
12.8 Zeolite-Based Formulation
12.9 Talc-Based Formulation
12.10 Colloidal Chitin Formulation
12.11 Effects of pH, Temperature, Chemicals, and Surfactant on the Chitinase Activity
12.12 Shelf Life of Pseudomonas Chitinase Formulations
12.13 Delivery of Pseudomonas Chitinase for Disease Management
12.14 The Cost of Enzyme Chitinase
12.15 Enzyme-Based Formulations Overcome the Limitations of Biological Control Agents
12.16 The Demand for Bacterial Hydrolytic Enzymes in the Industrial Sector Is Ever-Increasing
12.17 Standard Protocols for Bio-Control Agents Requires
12.18 Future Prospects
12.19 Conclusion
Chapter 13: Production, Cost Analysis, and Marketing of Bioorganic Liquid Fertilizers and Plant Nutrition Enhancers
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Production of Bioorganic Liquid Fertilizers and Plant Nutrition Enhancer
13.3 Cost Analyses and Marketing of Bioorganic Liquid Fertilizers and Plant Nutrition Enhancers
13.4 Conclusion and Future Perspective
Chapter 14: Production, Cost Analysis, and Marketing of Agricultural Effective Microorganisms
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Effective Microorganisms
14.3 Preparation of Effective Microorganisms
14.3.1 Types of Effective Microorganisms
14.3.2 Constituents of Effective Microorganisms (EM) for Crop Production Lactic Acid Bacteria Photosynthetic Bacteria
14.3.3 Yeast Molasses Microorganism Preparation
14.4 Applications of Effective Microorganisms
14.4.1 Improvement of Soil and Plant Nutrition Uptake
14.4.2 Suppressing Soil Pathogens
14.4.3 Enhancing Breakdown of Organic Wastes and Composting
14.4.4 Strengthening Native Microbial Activity
14.4.5 EM in Livestock Farming
14.4.6 Reduction of the Number of Pollutants in the Environment
14.4.7 Effective Microorganisms in Bioremediation
14.5 Production of Agricultural Effective Microorganisms
14.5.1 Laboratory Equipment, Glassware, and Other Necessities
14.5.2 Effective Microorganisms´ Production Financially Outlay and Returns Technoeconomic Viability/Cost-Benefit Analysis Tentative Production Target Financials
14.6 Market Opportunity for Agriculture Effective Microorganisms
14.6.1 Market Potential
14.6.2 Effective Microorganisms' Market in India
14.7 COVID-19 Pandemic and Effective Microorganism´s Market
14.8 Future Perspectives
14.9 Conclusion
Chapter 15: Production, Cost Analysis, and Marketing of Biogas
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Composition of Biogas
15.3 Anaerobic Digestion for Biogas Production
15.4 Principle of Anaerobic Digestion
15.5 Steps Involved in Anaerobic Digestion
15.6 Design of Reactors for Biogas Production
15.7 Factors Affecting AD Process
15.8 Cost Analysis
15.9 Dung Requirement
15.10 Capital Cost
15.11 Operation Cost
15.11.1 Fixed Operational Cost
15.11.2 Annual Running (Operational) Cost
15.12 Income
15.13 Conclusion
Chapter 16: Mass Production and Marketing of Compost Caterpillar Fungus Cordyceps sinensis
16.1 Introduction
16.1.1 Origin
16.1.2 Economic Importance
16.1.3 Nature, Distribution, and Habitat Morphology and Life Cycle
16.1.4 Ethnopharmacy (eP)
16.1.5 Structural Bioactive Compounds (SBCs)
16.1.6 Pharmacological Uses Nucleosides and Nucleobases
Nucleotides Polysaccharides
Cordycepic Acid Sterols and Fatty Acids Proteins Amino Acids and Cyclic Polypeptides
16.1.7 Genealogical Approaches
16.1.8 Mass Production of C. sinensis Technological Approaches Selection of Host Insects Artificial Rearing Preparation of Culture
Isolation and Collection of Ascospores
Isolation of Culture and Mass Multiplication
Inoculation of Culture to Host
Mechanisms of Infection
Extraction and Purification
16.1.9 Toxicology
16.2 Production Cost Analysis
16.2.1 Commercialization
16.2.2 Issues in Cordyceps Spp. During Collection During Cultivation During Extraction and Standardization During Commercialization During Intake
16.3 Future Perspectives
16.4 Conclusion
Chapter 17: Mass Production Methods, Markets, and Applications of Chitosan and Chitin Oligomer as a Biostimulant
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Biostimulant, Its Benefits, and Market Size
17.2.1 Biostimulants
17.2.2 Biostimulant Is Categorized into Seven Different Classes by du Jardin (2015)
17.2.3 Benefits of a Biostimulant
17.2.4 Market of Biostimulant
17.3 Mass Production Methods of Chitin, Chitosan, and Its Derivatives
17.3.1 Chitin, Chitosan, and Derivatives Structure of Chitin Structure of Chitosan Glucosamine
17.3.2 Commercial Production Methods of Chitin, Chitosan, and Its Derivatives Chemical Method of Extraction of Chitin, Chitosan, and Chito-Oligomers
Advantages and Disadvantages of Chemical Process Chemical and Enzymatic Deacetylation Process Mechanical and Chemical Process Biological Process
17.4 Applications of Chitosan and Chito-Oligomers as Biostimulant and Protectant in Plants
17.4.1 Antimicrobial Activity
17.4.2 Plant Resistance Elicitation
17.4.3 Chitosan Seed Treatment
17.4.4 Chitosan as Soil Amendment
17.4.5 Nematode Control
17.4.6 Postharvest Protection of Crops
17.5 Market Demand of Chitin, Chitosan, and Its Derivatives
17.5.1 Market Dynamics
17.5.2 Regional Analysis
Chapter 18: Mass Multiplication and Production Cost Analysis of Phosphate Solubilizing Microorganisms
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Mechanisms of Phosphorus Solubilization
18.2.1 Media Composition for Isolation of PSM
18.2.2 Collection of Soil Sample and Serial Dilution Plating Technique
18.2.3 Isolation and Screening of PSM
18.2.4 Purification of Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacteria and Fungi
18.3 Characterization of the Phosphate-Solubilizing Microorganisms
18.3.1 Gram Staining
18.3.2 Identification of PSM by Molecular and Biochemical Methods
18.4 Mass Multiplication of Phosphate-Solubilizing Microorganisms (PSM)
18.4.1 Mass Production of Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB) Mass Culturing of Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacteria
Inoculum Preparation
Basic Functions of a Fermentor
Description of a Fermentor
Sterilization of Growth Medium in the Fermentor
Mass Culturing in Fermentor Processing of Carrier Material
Preparation of Carrier Material Mixing of Broth Culture with the Carrier and Packing
Preparation of Inoculants Packet
Specification of the Polythene Bags Quality Control of Biofertilizers for Phosphobacterial Inoculant
Storage of Biofertilizer Packet
18.4.2 Mass Production of Phosphate-Solubilizing Fungi (PSF)-AM (Arbuscular Mycorrhizal) Inoculants The Procedure for Mass Production of VAM Fungi Is as Follows
Storage of Inoculum
Economics of Liquid Phosphobacteria Mass Production
18.5 Conclusion
Chapter 19: Large-Scale Production and Business Plan for Novel Corona Vaccine
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Structure of Coronavirus and Vaccine Development
19.3 Different Approaches of COVID-19 Vaccines (Fig. 19.2)
19.3.1 Whole Virus Vaccines
19.3.2 Recombinant Vaccines/Viral Vectors
19.3.3 Nucleic Acid Vaccines
19.3.4 Protein Subunit Vaccines
19.4 Composition of Novel Corona Vaccine
19.5 Steps for Corona Vaccine Development
19.5.1 Preclinical Evaluation
19.5.2 Clinical Evaluation Phase I Phase II Phase III
19.6 Large-Scale Production of Vaccine
19.6.1 Manufacturing Steps
19.6.2 Quality Control
19.6.3 Packaging
19.6.4 Storage
19.6.5 Shipping
19.7 Key Challenges to Scale Up Vaccine Production
19.8 Overcoming Key Challenges Related to Vaccine Scale-Up
19.9 Business Plan for Novel Corona Vaccine
19.10 Conclusion