فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter ....Pages i-xiv
Front Matter ....Pages 1-1
Generative Design Optimization and Characterization of Triple Periodic Lattice Structures in AlSi10Mg (Patrik Karlsson, Lars Pejryd, Niclas Strömberg)....Pages 3-16
Structured Approach for Changing Designer’s Mindset Towards Additive Manufacturing: From Theory to Practice (Gustavo Menezes de Souza Melo, Gerret Lukas, Johannes Willkomm, Stephan Ziegler, Günther Schuh, Johannes Henrich Schleifenbaum)....Pages 17-25
An Interactive, Fully Digital Design Workflow for a Custom 3D Printed Facial Protection Orthosis (Face Mask) (Neha Sharma, Dennis Welker, Shuaishuai Cao, Barbara von Netzer, Philipp Honigmann, Florian Thieringer)....Pages 26-36
Opportunities of 3D Machine Learning for Manufacturability Analysis and Component Recognition in the Additive Manufacturing Process Chain (Tobias Nickchen, Gregor Engels, Johannes Lohn)....Pages 37-51
Review on the Design Approaches of Cellular Architectures Produced by Additive Manufacturing (Marco Pelanconi, Alberto Ortona)....Pages 52-64
Front Matter ....Pages 65-65
Multi-material 3D Printing of Thermoplastic Elastomers for Development of Soft Robotic Structures with Integrated Sensor Elements (Antonia Georgopoulou, Bram Vanderborght, Frank Clemens)....Pages 67-81
Solution Approaches and Process Concepts for Powder Bed-Based Melting of Glass (Susanne Kasch, Thomas Schmidt, Fabian Eichler, Laura Katharina Thurn, Simon Jahn, Sebastian Bremen)....Pages 82-95
Additive Manufacturing of Ti-Nb Dissimilar Metals by Laser Metal Deposition (Di Cui, Briac Lanfant, Marc Leparoux, Sébastian Favre)....Pages 96-111
Investigation of Plastic Freeformed, Open-Pored Structures with Regard to Producibility, Reproducibility and Liquid Permeability (Andre Hirsch, Christian Dalmer, Elmar Moritzer)....Pages 112-129
Novel 4-Axis 3D Printing Process to Print Overhangs Without Support Material (Michael Wüthrich, Wilfried J. Elspass, Philip Bos, Simon Holdener)....Pages 130-145
Hybrid Manufacturing: A New Additive Manufacturing Approach for Closed Pump Impellers (Robin Rettberg, Thomas Kraenzler)....Pages 146-159
Adaptive Slicing and Process Optimization for Direct Metal Deposition to Fabricate Exhaust Manifolds (Daniel Eisenbarth, Alessandro Menichelli, Fabian Soffel, Konrad Wegener)....Pages 160-173
Front Matter ....Pages 175-175
Drift Detection in Selective Laser Melting (SLM) Using a Machine Learning Approach (Pinku Yadav, Olivier Rigo, Corinne Arvieu, Emilie Le Guen, Eric Lacoste)....Pages 177-191
Influence of the Inert Gas Flow on the Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) Process (Florian Wirth, Alex Frauchiger, Kai Gutknecht, Michael Cloots)....Pages 192-204
Artificial Intelligence for Monitoring and Control of Metal Additive Manufacturing (Giulio Masinelli, Sergey A. Shevchik, Vigneashwara Pandiyan, Tri Quang-Le, Kilian Wasmer)....Pages 205-220
Front Matter ....Pages 221-221
Development of a Process Model for Bead Deposition Rates and Cooling Behavior of Large Scale Additive Manufacturing Parts (Michel Layher, Lukas Eckhardt, Andreas Hopf, Jens Bliedtner)....Pages 223-240
Estimations of Interlayer Contacts in Extrusion Additive Manufacturing Using a CFD Model (Raphaël Comminal, Sina Jafarzadeh, Marcin Serdeczny, Jon Spangenberg)....Pages 241-250
Influence of Fibers on the Flow Through the Hot-End in Material Extrusion Additive Manufacturing (Marcin Serdeczny, Raphaël Comminal, David Bue Pedersen, Jon Spangenberg)....Pages 251-267
Deploying Artificial Intelligence for Component-Scale Multi-physical Field Simulation of Metal Additive Manufacturing (Ehsan Hosseini, P. Gh. Ghanbari, F. Keller, S. Marelli, Edoardo Mazza)....Pages 268-276
Front Matter ....Pages 277-277
Experimental Investigation of Filament Behaviour in Material Extrusion Additive Manufacturing (Mark Golab, Sam Massey, James Moultrie)....Pages 279-292
Debinding and Sintering of Dense Ceramic Structures Made with Fused Deposition Modeling (Frank Clemens, Josef Schulz, Lovro Gorjan, Antje Liersch, Tutu Sebastian, Fateme Sarraf)....Pages 293-303
Feasibility Investigation of Gears Manufactured by Fused Filament Fabrication (Hans-Jörg Dennig, Livia Zumofen, Andreas Kirchheim)....Pages 304-320
Qualification of Additively Manufactured Blood Vessel Models for the Evaluation of Braided Stent Designs (Juliane Kuhl, Ngoc Tuan Ngo, Jan-Hendrik Buhk, Andreas Ding, Andrés Braschkat, Jens Fiehler et al.)....Pages 321-333
Front Matter ....Pages 335-335
Additive Manufactured and Topology Optimized Flexpin for Planetary Gears (Anton Höller, Frank Huber, Livia Zumofen, Andreas Kirchheim, Hanspeter Dinner, Hans-Jörg Dennig)....Pages 337-356
A Review of Optimised Additively Manufactured Steel Connections for Modular Building Systems (Zhengyao Li, Konstantinos Daniel Tsavdaridis, Leroy Gardner)....Pages 357-373
Application of Topology Optimisation to Steel Node-Connections and Additive Manufacturing (Moustafa Mahmoud Abdelwahab, Konstantinos Daniel Tsavdaridis)....Pages 374-390
The AM Dowel – A Novel Insert for the Integration of Threads into Additive Manufactured Polymer Components (Daniel Omidvarkarjan, Peter Balicki, Harry Baumgartner, Ralph Rosenbauer, Filippo Fontana, Mirko Meboldt)....Pages 391-398
Novel Pressure Swirl Nozzle Design Enabled by Additive Manufacturing (Michael Umbricht, Kaspar Löffel, Marc Huber, Patrick Lüscher, Janine Bochsler, Daniel Weiss et al.)....Pages 399-414
Design of an Additively Manufactured Customized Gripper System for Human Robot Collaboration (Nikolai Hangst, Stefan Junk, Thomas Wendt)....Pages 415-425
Enhanced Cooling Design in Wire Drawing Tooling Using Additive Manufacturing (Joakim Larsson, Patrik Karlsson, Jens Ekengren, Lars Pejryd)....Pages 426-436
Aortic Model in a Neurointerventional Training Model – Modular Design and Additive Manufacturing (Nadine Wortmann, Andreas M. Frölich, Anna A. Kyselyova, Helena I. De Sousa Guerreiro, Jens Fiehler, Dieter Krause)....Pages 437-454
Integration of Additive Manufacturing into Process Chain of Porcelain Preservation (Bingjian Liu, Fangjin Zhang, Xu Sun, Adam Rushworth)....Pages 455-466
Front Matter ....Pages 467-467
Decision Support System for a Metal Additive Manufacturing Process Chain Design for the Automotive Industry (Markus Johannes Kratzer, Julian Mayer, Florian Höfler, Nikolaus Urban)....Pages 469-482
Business Models for Additive Manufacturing: A Strategic View from a Procurement Perspective (Andreas H. Glas, Matthias M. Meyer, Michael Eßig)....Pages 483-499
A Performance Upgrade of an Industrial Gas Turbine Based on Additive Manufactured Components (Pankaj Bajaj, Fulvio Magni, Peter Flohr)....Pages 500-509
Back Matter ....Pages 511-513