توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این کتاب مجموعه مقالات داوری هشتمین کنفرانس فناوریهای اطلاعات و ارتباطات اکوادور، TICEC 2020 است که در نوامبر 2020 برگزار شد. به دلیل همهگیری COVID-19، کنفرانس به صورت آنلاین برگزار شد.
36 مقاله کامل و 7 مقاله کوتاه با دقت بررسی و از بین 117 مقاله واجد شرایط انتخاب شدند. مقالات بر اساس بخش های موضوعی زیر سازماندهی شده اند: حسگرهای زیست پزشکی و سیستم های پوشیدنی. علم داده; کاربردهای فناوری اطلاعات و ارتباطات؛ صنعت 4.0; شهرهای هوشمند؛ توسعه نرم افزار؛ فناوری و محیط زیست.
فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter ....Pages i-xv
Front Matter ....Pages 1-1
Design of a Glove Controlled by Electromyographic Signals for the Rehabilitation of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (E. D. Aguiar Salazar, A. S. Alcivar Carmigniani, B. P. Aldaz Luna, D. F. Clavijo Calderón, P. P. Echeverría Ortíz, M. A. Madrid Pérez et al.)....Pages 3-11
Hand Exoskeleton Design for the Rehabilitation of Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (Roberto Moya-Jiménez, Teresa Magal-Royo, Diana Ponce, Michelle Flores, Mario Caiza)....Pages 12-21
Development of a Home Accompaniment System Providing Homework Assistance for Children with ADHD (Laura López-Pérez, Jonnathan Berrezueta-Guzman, María-Luisa Martín-Ruiz)....Pages 22-35
Creation of an Intelligent System to Support the Therapy Process in Children with ADHD (María Dolón-Poza, Jonnathan Berrezueta-Guzman, María-Luisa Martín-Ruiz)....Pages 36-50
An Expert System to Design Intervention Strategies for Children with Disabilities in Multi-Sensory Stimulation Environments (J. Llanes-Coronel, K. Pucha-Ortíz, V. Robles-Bykbaev, P. Carrera-Hidalgo, E. O. Zhimnay-Valverde)....Pages 51-63
IoT as an Alternative Way to Improve the Telemedicine Methods Against COVID-19 in Vulnerable Zones (Leslie Pozo-Guzman, Jonnathan Berrezueta-Guzman)....Pages 64-76
Clustering of Reading Ability Performance Variables in the English Language Based on TBL Methodology and Behavior in the Left Hemisphere of the Brain (Delio R. Patiño-Alarcón, Fernando A. Patiño-Alarcón, Leandro L. Lorente-Leyva, Diego H. Peluffo-Ordóñez)....Pages 77-90
Real-Time Hand Gesture Recognition Using KNN-DTW and Leap Motion Controller (Rubén Nogales, Marco Benalcázar)....Pages 91-103
Design, Simulation, and Construction of a Prototype Transhumeral Bio-mechatronic Prosthesis (John Romero-Bacuilima, Ronald Pucha-Ortiz, Luis Serpa-Andrade, John Calle-Siguencia, Daniel Proaño-Guevara)....Pages 104-114
Front Matter ....Pages 115-115
Behavior of a Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell from a Statistical Point of View Based on Data Analysis (Ester Melo, Ángel Encalada, Mayken Espinoza-Andaluz)....Pages 117-128
Pre-processing and Handling Unbalanced Data in CNN for Improving Automated Detection of COVID-19 Cases: Preliminary Results (Hector Mejia, Franz Guzman, Carlos Bustamante-Orellana, Lorena Guachi-Guachi)....Pages 129-139
Descriptive Analysis for Discovery of Patterns of Interest in Student (Franklin Mayorga, Cristina Frutos, Javier Vargas)....Pages 140-149
Analysis of the Perception of University Students About the Use of Microsoft OneNote as an Electronic Laboratory Notebook in Response to Non-Face-to-Face Education in Pandemic Times (Nicolás Grijalva-Borja, Vanessa Espinosa, Stefanny Quinteros, Anthony Salguero)....Pages 150-162
Brief Review of Functional Data Analysis: A Case Study on Regional Demographic and Economic Data (Adrián Padilla-Segarra, Mabel González-Villacorte, Isidro R. Amaro, Saba Infante)....Pages 163-176
Assessment of Anthropometric Measurements for Obesity and Abnormal Body Fat Percentage Diagnosis Using k-means as Clustering Technique (Alexandra La Cruz, Erika Severeyn, Jesús Velásquez, Héctor Herrera, Sara Wong)....Pages 177-191
A Comparative Review on Different Social Network Analytical Tools (Jacob P. Cherian, Jubilant J. Kizhakkethottam, Aneena Ann Alexander)....Pages 192-206
Text Mining Techniques Implemented to Extract Data from Transit Events in Twitter: A Systematic Literature Review (María-Inés Acosta-Urigüen, Belén Arias, Marcos Orellana)....Pages 207-225
NARX Neural Network for Imputation of Missing Data in Air Pollution Datasets (Miguel Calle, Marcos Orellana, Patricia Ortega-Chasi)....Pages 226-240
Front Matter ....Pages 241-241
Use of the Heuristic Model and GIS to Zone Landslide Hazards in the Mira River Basin, Ecuador (Mauricio David Reyes Pozo, Victor Julio Moreno Izquierdo, Adriana Carolina López Alulema, Lorena del Pilar Lasso Benítez, Verónica del Rocio Suango Sanchez, Theofilos Toulkeridis)....Pages 243-257
GeoGebra as a Technological Tool in the Process of Teaching and Learning Geometry (Abdón Pari Condori, Derling Jose Mendoza Velazco, Roxana Auccahuallpa Fernández)....Pages 258-271
A Data as a Service Metamodel for Managing Information of Healthcare and Internet of Things Applications (Priscila Cedillo, Wilson Valdez, Paúl Cárdenas-Delgado, Daniela Prado-Cabrera)....Pages 272-286
Teaching Botany for Adults with the Blended Learning Modality (Jaime Naranjo-Morán, Marcos Vera-Morales, Vanessa Sánchez-Rendón, Andrea Pino-Acosta)....Pages 287-301
Front Matter ....Pages 303-303
Magnetic Control of DC-DC Converters for LED Drivers Applications (Héctor F. Chinchero, J. Marcos Alonso)....Pages 305-318
Integrated Approach for Planning of Intermodal Food Transport Chains Considering Risk Factors (Ludmiła Filina-Dawidowicz, Daria Możdrzeń, Sara Stankiewicz)....Pages 319-332
Towards an Architecture for Monitoring and User Experience in an Educational Robotics Context (Julian Galindo, Henry Paz-Arias, Lesly Tello)....Pages 333-347
Real-Time Augmented Reality Application for Visualizing Variables in Industrial Processes (Juan Carlos Molina, Gabriela Chiliquinga, Morelva Saeteros, Gustavo Caiza)....Pages 348-362
Stock Markets Risk Analysis Performance by Self Organized Maps AI Techniques: Comparison and Implementation of Three SOM Methods (Gissela E. Pilliza, Luis Zhinin-Vera, Rafael Valencia-Ramos, Ronny Velasteguí)....Pages 363-374
Front Matter ....Pages 375-375
Using Virtual Reality to Detect, Assess, and Treat Frustration (Fernando Paladines-Jaramillo, Veronica Egas-Reyes, Diego Ordonez-Camacho, Juan Salazar, Veronica Realpe, Ivan Terceros)....Pages 377-390
Simulation of Vehicle Transit During an Eventual Eruption of the Cotopaxi Volcano in the Valle de los Chillos, Central Ecuador (Christian Sánchez Carrasco, Oswaldo Padilla-Almeida, Theofilos Toulkeridis)....Pages 391-405
Generation of a Predictive Model of Urban Growth Through the Application of Cellular Automata in the Valley de los Chillos, Ecuador (Oswaldo Padilla-Almeida, Paul León, Eduardo Kirby, Theofilos Toulkeridis)....Pages 406-419
Application of Quality Tools for Evaluation of the Use of Geo-Information in Various Municipalities of Ecuador (Angélica Zapata, José Sandoval, Judith Zapata, Eduardo Ordoñez, Verónica Suango, Julio Moreno et al.)....Pages 420-433
Front Matter ....Pages 435-435
Design and Implementation of a Multi Agent Architecture to Communicate Reinforcement Learning Knowledge and Improve Agents’ Behavior (David Alexander Cárdenas Guilcapi, Henry Paz-Arias, Julián Galindo)....Pages 437-452
Evaluation of Utility Function Algorithm for Congestion Control in Computer Networks (Jimmy Carrión, Patricia Ludeña-González, Francisco Sandoval, Rommel Torres)....Pages 453-467
Performance Analysis of the Migration of a 400 Gb/S-NRZ Optical Ring to a 1.6 Tb/S-PAM4 Ring (Andrés Veloz Domínguez, Germán V. Arévalo)....Pages 468-478
RAPL: A Domain Specific Language for Resource Allocation of Indivisible Goods (Israel Pineda, Cristopher Zhunio, Franklin Camacho, Rigoberto Fonseca-Delgado)....Pages 479-492
E-Move: Domain Specific Language for People with Movement Disorders (Rafael Valencia-Ramos, Luis Zhinin-Vera, Oscar Chang, Israel Pineda)....Pages 493-500
A Software Architecture Proposal for a Data Platform on Active Mobility and Urban Environment (Christian Quinde, David Guillermo, Lorena Siguenza-Guzman, Daniel Orellana, Paola Pesántez-Cabrera)....Pages 501-515
Front Matter ....Pages 517-517
Multitemporal Evaluation of the Recent Land Use Change in Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos, Ecuador (Deniz Estefanía Barreto-Álvarez, Marco Gerardo Heredia-Rengifo, Oswaldo Padilla-Almeida, Theofilos Toulkeridis)....Pages 519-534
Uncertainty Reduction in the Neural Network’s Weather Forecast for the Andean City of Quito Through the Adjustment of the Posterior Predictive Distribution Based on Estimators (Ricardo Llugsi, Allyx Fontaine, Pablo Lupera, Jessica Bechet, Samira El Yacoubi)....Pages 535-548
Territorial, Population and Economic Analysis of a Potential Volcanic Disaster in the City of Latacunga, Central Ecuador Based on GIS Techniques – Implications and Potential Solutions (Alexander Robayo N., Jaime Llorca, Theofilos Toulkeridis)....Pages 549-563
Prototype of a Low Cost Turbine for the Generation of Clean Energy in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Bryan Guáitara, Jorge Buele, Franklin W. Salazar, José Varela-Aldás)....Pages 564-571
Evaluation of the Surface Temperature Applied in Aquaculture Based on Satellite Images in Coastal Ecuador (Karol Arellano Pérez, Pablo Padilla Lascano, Iñigo Molina Sánchez, Oswaldo Padilla-Almeida, Theofilos Toulkeridis)....Pages 572-586
E-waste Management: A Case Study of Municipalities of Santa Elena Province - Ecuador (Maria Gabriela Campuzano, Tania Crisanto)....Pages 587-598
Back Matter ....Pages 599-600
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This book constitutes refereed proceedings of the 8th Conference on Information and Communication Technologies of Ecuador, TICEC 2020, held in November 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the conference was held online.
The 36 full and 7 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 117 qualified submissions. The papers are organized according to the following topical sections: biomedical sensors and wearables systems; data science; ICT´s applications; industry 4.0; smart cities; software development; technology and environment.