فهرست مطالب :
Innovation of Islamic Economics, Finance and Marketing
Exploring Customer Awareness and Experience in Banks. A Case Study of UK Commercial vs Islamic Bank
1 Introduction
1.1 A Subsection Sample
2 Islamic Banking
3 Commercial Banking
3.1 Banking Services
3.2 Service Charges
4 Results and Discussion
5 Conclusion
Investigating the Parameters Influencing Islamic Banks Financial Performance: Evidence from Five Southeast Asian Countries
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
2.1 Rationalization of Studying Southeast Asia Region
2.2 Conceptual Framework of the Study
2.3 Dependent Variables
2.4 Independent Variables
3 Research Methodology and Design
3.1 Model Specifications
4 The Data Analysis and Results
5 Discussion of the Results
6 Implications, Recommendations and Contributions
7 Directions for Future Research
8 Conclusion
The Commitment of Waqf Institutions to Apply the Governance Principles and the Factors Affecting Them in Saudi Arabia
1 Introduction
1.1 Problem Statement
1.2 Methodology
1.3 Literature Reviews
2 Theoretical Framework
2.1 Waqf Concept
2.2 Governance Concept
2.3 The Concept of Waqf Governance
2.4 Governance Parties in Awqaf
2.5 Principles of Waqf Governance
2.6 Governance of waqf Institutions in Saudi Arabia
3 Data Analysis and Discussion
3.1 Normal Distribution of the Data (Normality Data)
3.2 Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA)
3.3 The Standard Model for all Study Variables Using Smart-PLS
3.4 Reliability Test and Extracted Mean of Variance
3.5 Discernment Validity of the Variables
3.6 The Structural Model (Path Analysis) to Test the Study Questions
4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Results of Measuring the Extent to Which the Principles of Governance of Waqf Institutions Contribute to Influencing the Level of the Overall Commitment to Governance in Waqf Institutions
4.2 The Results of the Levels of Commitment to the Principles of Governance for Waqf Institutions
4.3 Demographic Factors Affecting the Compliance of Waqf Governance
5 Study Contribution and Recommendations
5.1 Study Contributions
5.2 Study Recommendations
5.3 Recommendations Specifications
Enhancing Socio-Economic Potential of Zakat Through Donation-Based Crowdfunding Model in Bangladesh
1 Background of Study
2 Methodology
3 Problem Statement
4 Concept of Zakat in Islam
4.1 Zakat and Social Justice
4.2 Concept of Zakat Management in Islamic Paradigm
4.3 Zakat Management in Bangladesh
5 Crowdfunding
5.1 Emergence of Crowdfunding
5.2 Status of Global Crowdfunding Industry
5.3 Types of Crowdfunding
6 Proposed Model
7 Potential Impact of the Model on Social Justice
8 Limitations of The Study and Recommendations
9 Conclusion
Contemporary Developments in Waqf Beneficiaries—A Case Study of the Awqaf of the United Arab Emirates
1 Introduction
2 Contemporary Waqf Beneficiaries in the Field of Health
The Extent of Kuwaiti Islamic Banks Restrict to the Use of Islamic Financing Tools in Their Financial Operations: A Field Study
1 Introduction
2 Problems
3 Questions
4 Objects
5 Importance of Research
6 Research Hypothesis
7 Methodology
8 Study and Sample Community
9 Study Tool, Honesty and Consistency
10 Previous Studies
11 Research Gap
12 Theoretical Framework
13 Analyzes
14 Discussion
15 Recommendations
What Can Waqf Organisations Learn from Non-profit Organisations on Accountability? A Proposal for Social Impact Measurement
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
2.1 Accountability in Non-profit Organisations (NPOs)
2.2 Performance Measurement in Non-profit Organisations (NPOs)
2.3 Social Impact Measurement in Non-profit Organisations (NPOs)
3 Research Methodology
4 Findings and Discussions
4.1 Accountability and Performance Measurement in Waqf Organisations: Lessons from NPOs
4.2 The Missing Link in the Current PMS of Waqf Organisations
4.3 The Need for Social Impact Measurement (SIM) in Waqf Organisations
5 Conclusion
Proposing a Waqf Based Ijarah Smart Sukuk Model for Development of Waqf Properties
1 Introduction
1.1 Background of Sukuk
1.2 The General Process of Sukuk Issuance is as Follows
1.3 The Key Parties Involved in the Issuance of Sukuk
1.4 The Concept of Waqf
2 Literature Review
2.1 Smart Sukuk
2.2 Ijarah Sukuk
2.3 Advantages of Smart Sukuk
2.4 Advantages of Smart Sukuk
2.5 Shari’ah Issues in Ijarah Sukuk and Smart Sukuk
3 Findings and Discussion
3.1 Application of Waqf Based Smart Sukuk Through Ijarah Contract
3.2 Advantages of the Model
4 Conclusion and Recommendations
The Practice of Islamic Bank in Zakat Distribution: The Case of Malaysia
1 Introduction
2 Methodology
2.1 Research Design
2.2 Sample
3 Results and Discussion
3.1 Affin Islamic Bank Berhad
3.2 Alliance Islamic Bank Berhad
3.3 Ambank Islamic Berhad
3.4 Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad
3.5 Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad
3.6 CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad
3.7 Hong Leong Islamic Bank Berhad
3.8 Maybank Islamic Bank Berhad
3.9 MBSB Bank Berhad
3.10 OCBC Al-Amin Berhad
3.11 Public Islamic Bank Berhad
3.12 RHB Islamic Bank Berhad
4 Conclusion and Recommendation
Deepening Financial Inclusion in Nigeria Through Islamic Financial Offerings
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Methodology
4 Assessment of the State of Financial Inclusion in Nigeria
4.1 Financial Inclusion in Northeast and Northwest of Nigeria
4.2 State of Nigeria’s Financial Inclusion Strategy
5 Conclusion
Islamic Estate Planning (IEP) in Malaysia: The Opportunities for Islamic Banks
1 Introduction
2 The Concept of IEP
3 Research Methodology
4 Discussion and Findings
4.1 The Players in IEP Industry in Malaysia
4.2 IEP Products Offered by Islamic Banks
5 Recommendation and Conclusion
Waqf Education Participation Among Employees’ of Higher Learning Institutions: A Conceptual Framework
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
2.1 The Concept of Waqf
2.2 Intention to Participate in Waqf
2.3 Attitude
2.4 Subjective Norms
2.5 Perceived Behavior Control
2.6 Organizational Commitment
3 Proposed Conceptual Framework
4 Conclusion
Digitalization of Economy and Public Administration
National Models of Digitalization of Economy of the USA, the UK and the EU-Countries
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Purpose of the Study
4 Methodology
5 Findings and Discussion
6 Conclusion
Digital Transformation of Malaysian Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: A Review and Research Direction
1 Overview
2 Leading Theories
2.1 Innovation Theory
3 What is ICT and Digital Technology
4 Digitisation, Digitalisation and Digital Transformation (DX) Concept
5 Digital Transformation
6 Emerging Technology Under DX
7 Organisational Aspect
8 Digital Strategy and Implementation
8.1 Organisational Leadership: Mindset, Managerial Capabilities and Support
8.2 Organisational Knowledge, Skills and Motivations
9 Environmental Aspects
10 Market Factor: Covid-19 Disruptions
11 Conclusion and Future Research Directions
An Accelerating Bangladesh and an Emerging India—Some Selected Economic Comparatives
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review and Proposed Relationships in the Conceptual Model
3 Research Methodology
4 Economic Growth
4.1 Measurement of Economic Growth
4.2 Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
4.3 GDP per Capita
5 Calculation of GDP—Expenditure Method
5.1 Consumer Spending on Goods and Services
5.2 Investor Spending on Business Capital Goods
5.3 Government Expenditure (% of GDP)
5.4 Net Export of Goods and Services (% of GDP)
6 Remittances
7 Employment Data
8 Inflation
9 National Debt
10 Corruption Perceptions Index
11 Poverty Headcount Ratio (% of Population)
12 Interesting Facts and Findings
13 Limitation
14 Recommendations for Future Research
15 Conclusion
The Central Bank Digital Currency in Malaysia: A Literature Review
1 Introduction
1.1 The Overview of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)
1.2 The Origin of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)
2 Implementation By Country
2.1 Research
2.2 Proof-of-Concept
3 CBDC in Malaysia
3.1 CBDC from the Bank Negara Malaysia Perspective
4 Conclusion
Strategic Vectors of Sustainable Development of Ukraine’s Economy in the Context of World Economic Dominants
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Research Methodology
4 Results
5 Conclusion
Investigating Economic Opportunities Based on Strategic Economic Sectors: Applying Input–Output and Interregional Input–Output Models
1 Introduction
2 Research Method
3 Results and Discussion
4 Conclusions and Recommendations
A Comparative Study of Traditional Bank A and Digital Bank B from an Organizational Innovation Perspective
1 Introduction
1.1 Situational Analysis
2 Review of Literature
2.1 Challenges to Traditional Banking
2.2 Evolution of Fintech and Latest Trends
2.3 Organizational Innovation
2.4 Strategic Ways to Upgrade with Product Innovations
2.5 Gap Analysis
2.6 Conceptual Framework Development
3 Methodology
3.1 Research Questions
3.2 Aim and Objectives
3.3 Hypotheses
3.4 Research Design
3.5 Sample Selection and Size
4 Findings
4.1 Research Validity and Reliability
4.2 Demographic Profile of the Respondents
4.3 Accessibility and Customer Satisfaction During COVID-19
4.4 Attitudes and Perceptions Towards Digital Banking
4.5 Innovative User Interface/Banking Products
4.6 Benefits of Digital Banking Services Compared to Traditional Banking
5 Discussion
6 Conclusion and Future Research
Technopreneur and Digital Economy as a Driving Force for the Economic Development in Palestine
1 Introduction
2 Knowledge Economy
3 Entrepreneurship
4 Technopreneur
5 Economic Development
5.1 Digital Economy and Palestine
6 Proposed Framework for Future Policy for Economic Development Based on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Digital Economy
7 Conclusion
Feasibility of Central Bank Digital Currency for Blockchain-Based Zakat in Indonesia
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
2.1 Zakat
2.2 Blockchain Technology
2.3 Smart Contract
2.4 Legal Status of Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies in Indonesia
2.5 Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)
3 Methodology
4 Proposed Architecture
4.1 Process
4.2 Benefits
5 Conclusion
Factors Influencing the Consumer Adoption of Digital Banking Services During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Vietnam
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
2.1 Digital Banking Services
2.2 Consumer Decision-Making Models
3 Hypotheses and Proposed Model
4 Hypotheses and Proposed Model
4.1 Sampling Method
4.2 Data Collection
4.3 Method of Data Analysis
4.4 Characteristics of Sample
4.5 The Reliability and Validity Test
4.6 Empirical Results
5 Conclusion
5.1 Conclusion on the Result
5.2 Limitation and Future Research
To Tax or not to Tax Sin Goods: That’s the Question for Emerging Economies
1 Introduction
2 Methodology
3 Theoretical Development
4 Conclusions
The Impact of Digital Banking on the Bank Operation and Financial Performance
1 Introduction
2 Bank Performance
2.1 Definition of Bank Performance
2.2 Digital Banking
The Determinants of Selecting Public Practice Accountants as Business Advisors Among Small Medium Enterprises: A Conceptual Framework
1 Introduction
2 Theoretical Development
2.1 Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
2.2 Resource-based View Theory (RBV)
3 The Proposed Conceptual Framework and Hypotheses Development
3.1 Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior (DTPB)
4 Literature Review
4.1 Factors Determining Intentions-Behavior on Selecting of Public Practice Accountants as Business Advisors by SMEs
4.2 The Relationship Between Attitudes and Intentions Towards Behavior of Selecting a Public Practice Accountant as Business Advisors by SMEs
4.3 The Relationship Between Subjective Norms and Intentions Towards Behavior of Selecting Public Practice Accountants as Business Advisors by SMEs
4.4 The Relationship Between Perceived Behavioral Control and Intentions Towards Behavior of Selecting Public Practice Accountants as Business Advisors by SMEs
4.5 The Relationship of Intentions as a Mediator Towards Behavior of Selecting a Public Practice Accountant as a Business Advisor by SMEs
5 Conclusion
Economic Vulnerability, Orientations and Performance: a study among Micro-enterprises in Kelantan, Malaysia
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
2.1 Theoretical Foundation
2.2 Strategic Orientation and Its Dimensions
2.3 Economic Vulnerability and Strategic Orientations
2.4 Strategic Orientations and Micro-enterprise Performance
3 Research Methodology
3.1 Sample Size
3.2 Measuring Economic Vulnerability
3.3 Research Instrument
3.4 Multivariate Normality
3.5 Data Analysis Method
4 Summary of Findings
4.1 Demographic Characteristics
4.2 Reliability and Validity
4.3 Path Analysis
5 Discussion
6 Conclusion
The Impact of Minimum Wage on Economic Growth: Empirical Analysis on Developed and Developing Countries
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Methodology
4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Empirical Analysis on Developed Countries
4.2 Empirical Analysis on Developing Countries
5 Conclusion
Assessing the Spillovers Effect of Infrastructure and Innovation on Economic Growth
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
2.1 Infrastructure and Growth
2.2 Innovation and Growth
3 Methodology
3.1 Model Specification
3.2 Data Description and Econometric Analysis
4 Results and Discussion
5 Conclusion
The Impact of Political Stability and Macroeconomic Variables on Foreign Direct Investment in Turkey
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
2.1 FDI and Economic Growth
2.2 FDI and Political Stability
2.3 FDI and Macroeconomics Indicators
3 Data and Methodology
3.1 Data Sources and Variables Definitions
3.2 Unit Root Test, Bound Testing and Model Specification
4 Reuslts and Discussion
5 Conclusion
Housewives Thrive in Informal Economy: Opportunities, Challenges, and Prospects
1 Introduction
2 A Literature: Informal Economy and Micro-businesses
2.1 Micro-business
2.2 Human Capital
2.3 Social Capital
2.4 Financial Capital
2.5 Psychology Capital
3 Conclusion
Study on the Dilemma and Countermeasures of Rural Revitalization in Deeply Poor Mountainous Areas of China
1 Introduction
2 The Background and Current Situation of Deep Impoverished Mountainous Areas in Shangzhou District
2.1 The Background of Deep Impoverished Mountainous Areas
2.2 The Current Situation of Deep Impoverished Mountainous Areas
3 Problems of Poverty in Deeply Poor Mountainous Areas of Shangzhou District
3.1 Weak Foundation, Difficult Poverty Alleviation
3.2 Weak Foundation, Difficult Poverty Alleviation
3.3 Limited Poverty Projects and Imbalance in Industrial Inputs
3.4 Various Causes of Poverty, Arduous Task of Poverty Alleviation
3.5 Limited Local Income and Large Funding Gap
4 Exploring the Strategy of Rural Revitalization in Severely Impoverished Mountainous Areas
4.1 Increase Government Policy Guidance and Promote Industrial Scale Development Actively
4.2 Promoting the Diversification and Integration of Poverty Alleviation Industries
4.3 Strengthen the Skill Training and Education of Poverty-Stricken Households
4.4 Dynamic Management of Poverty and Stop Returning to Poverty at the Source
4.5 Multi-directional Financing for Strengthening the Project Management
5 Conclusion
Influence of Digitalisation upon Jobs and Working Conditions: Towards Policy Response
1 Introduction
1.1 Background of Digitalisation
1.2 Digitalisation in Malaysia
1.3 Objectives
2 Literature Review
3 Methodology
4 Discussion
4.1 How It Affects the Jobs and Working Conditions
4.2 FWAs in Malaysia
5 Implications
5.1 Implication for Existing Knowledge
5.2 Practical Implication
6 Recommendations
7 Conclusions
Foreign Agricultural Markets: State and Challenges in Sustainable Development
1 Introduction
2 Material and Methods
3 Results and Discussion
4 Conclusions
Business Management, HR, Business Success and the Role of Technology
Factors Influencing Mobile Payment Adoption and Its Role in Promoting Financial Inclusion: An Integrated Reflective Model with Theory of Planned Behavior
1 Introduction
1.1 The Research Problem and Objectives
2 Literature Review
2.1 Theoretical Model of Mobile Payment and Financial Inclusion
3 Methodology
3.1 Measurement
3.2 Sample and Data Collection
4 Results and Discussions
4.1 Measurement Model
4.2 Structural Model
4.3 Discussions and Implications
5 Conclusion
Appendix 1: Assessment of the Measurement Model
The Impact of Green Human Resource Management Practices with Sustainable and Operational Performance: A Conceptual Model
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
2.1 Green Human Resource Management
2.2 Organizational Performance
2.3 GHRM Practices and Environmental Performance
2.4 GHRM Practices and Economic Performance
2.5 GHRM Practices and Social Performance
2.6 GHRM Practices and Operational Performance
3 Proposed Conceptual Model
4 Discussion
5 Conclusion and Recommendations for Future Research
Mindfulness Research: A Bibliometric Analysis
1 Introduction
2 Data and Methods
3 Results and Discussion
3.1 Publication and Output Growth Trend
3.2 Prominent Authors and Their Cooperation
3.3 The Cooperation Pattern
3.4 Journals Publishing on Mindfulness
3.5 Countries and Territories Publishing on Mindfulness Research
3.6 Organizations publishing on Mindfulness Research
3.7 Cited Analysis
3.8 Citing and Co-citation Analysis
3.9 Research Domain and Categories
3.10 Term(S) Analysis
4 Conclusions
5 Study Limitations
The Impact of Strategic Human Resources Management Practices on Firm Performance: The Mediating Role of Supply Chain Management
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review and Hypotheses Development
2.1 SHRM Practices and Firm Performance
2.2 SCM Implementation and Firm Performance
2.3 The Mediation Effect of SCM Implementation
3 Methodology
3.1 The Study’s Context
3.2 Variables Measurements
3.3 Data Collections Procedure
4 Data Analysis and Results
4.1 Measurement Model Assessment
4.2 Structural Model Assessment
5 Discussion
6 Conclusion and Managerial Implications
6.1 Conclusion
6.2 Theoretical and Managerial Implications
7 Limitations and Future Research Agenda
Appendix: Questionnaire
Research of Directions of Effective Management of Natural Resources in Ukraine
1 Introduction
2 Source Review
3 Purpose of Study
4 Methodology
5 Conclusions and Discussions
6 Conclusions
The Mediating Role of Open Innovation Mindset on the Relationship Between Human Resource Management and Knowledge Management Toward Innovation Performance in the Jordanian SMEs
1 Background
2 Literature Review
2.1 Innovation Performance
2.2 Human Resource Management
2.3 Knowledge Management
2.4 Open Innovation Mindset
3 Study’s Framework
4 Methodology
5 Findings and Discussion
5.1 Innovation Performance Poorness in the Jordanian SMEs
5.2 Does Human Resource Management and Knowledge Management Contribute to Achieve the Innovation Performance in Jordanian SMEs?
5.3 Role of Open Innovation Mindset on Innovation Performance
6 Conclusion
Attribution of Family Business-Based in Cultural Heritage Management in Malaysia
1 Introduction
1.1 Heritage Tourism
1.2 Heritage Tourism
2 Background
3 Development of Business Foundation
3.1 Foundation for Modern Business Concept Creation
4 Trans Generational Entrepreneurship
5 Factors of Cultural Heritage Tourism Operations
6 Strategic Planning for the Family Business
7 Governance’s Role in Family Businesses: Intent, Power and Output Navigation
8 Discussion
9 Conclusion
An Exploratory Study on the Training Provided by HIE to the CBT Providers at Kg Sayap, Kota Belud Sabah, Malaysia.
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Methodology
3.1 Location of Study
3.2 Research Design
4 Research Findings
4.1 The Role of S.K. Sayap, the Primary School in the Village
4.2 The Role of Universiti Malaysia Sabah as the Institution of Higher Learning (IHL)
5 Conclusion
Formulating Physical Exterior Design Factors in Creating Exciting Retail Stores in Malaysia
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
2.1 Theoretical Models
3 Methodology
4 Results and Discussions
4.1 Observation
4.2 Interview
5 Conclusion
5.1 Recommendations
Education Management, Technology, Smart Universities and Covid-19 Impact
Technological Entrepreneurship for University Research Outcomes
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
2.1 Research Questions
3 Research Design
4 Methodology
4.1 Data Collection Methods
4.2 Data Analysis Techniques
5 Research Aims
5.1 Research Objectives
6 Conclusion and Implications
The Role of Information Technologies in Access to Rural Tourism Education
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Purpose of the Study
4 Methodology
5 Findings and Discussion
6 Conclusion
Socio-Economic Processes Functioning and Innovation Education Development
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Methodology
4 Results
5 Conclusions
A Conceptual Model for Implementing Gamification in Education and Its Impact on Academic Performance
1 Introduction
2 Definition of Concepts
2.1 Social Cognitive Theory
2.2 Model Factors
3 Proposed Conceptual Model and Hypotheses
4 Results and Discussion
5 Conclusion
Continuance Intention, Educational System Quality, Instructor Quality and User Satisfaction on Perceived Impact on Learning
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
2.1 Perceived Impact on Learning
2.2 Educational System Quality and Satisfaction
2.3 Instructor Quality and Satisfaction
3 Research Methods
4 Result
5 Discussion
6 Conclusion
7 Limitations and Suggestions
Group Leader’s Conflict-Handling Style in the Palestinian Universities Students – Southern West Bank
1 Introduction
1.1 Problem Statement
1.2 Research Objectives
1.3 Significance of the Study
1.4 Theoretical Framework
2 Literature Review
2.1 Definition and Nature of Conflict
2.2 Conflict Management
2.3 Conflict Management Models
2.4 Negotiating in Conflict Management
2.5 Outcomes of Conflict Management
2.6 Teams and Conflict Management
3 Research Methodology
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Population and Sampling
3.3 Reliability Analysis
4 Data Analysis
4.1 The Demographic Information
4.2 Respondents’ Perceptions and Practices of Conflict Management
5 Findings and Recommendations
5.1 Does the Students’ Conflict-Handling Style Reduce Conflicts Among Students?
5.2 Do the Group leader’s Negotiation Skills Reduce Conflicts Among Students?
5.3 Does the Group’s Collective Decision Making Reduce Conflicts Among Students?
5.4 What is the Moderating Role of Emotional Intelligence in Reducing Conflicts Among Students?
The Successful Factors of Online Learning for Malaysia Higher Education Students: Smart PLS-SEM Analysis
1 Introduction
1.1 Literature Review
2 Proposed Research Model
3 Research Methodology
4 Result and Discussion
4.1 Validity and Reliability Tests
4.2 Analysis with Smart PLS
4.3 Structural Model
5 Conclusion and Recommendation
Experience is the Best Teacher: Apprenticeship Based Learning in Entrepreneur Development
1 Introduction
2 Underlying Concepts
3 Methodology
4 Findings
4.1 Mentor’s Perspective
4.2 Graduate’s Perspective
5 Conclusion
Management Practice in Stimulating Safety Culture: A Study at Malaysian Education Sector
1 Introduction
2 Safety Culture and Its Contributing Factors
3 Importance-Performance Matrix Analysis (IPMA)
4 Method
4.1 Population and Sampling Method
4.2 Measures
4.3 Data Collection
4.4 Data Analysis
4.5 Respondents’ Profile
4.6 Importance-Performance Matrix Analysis (IPMA)
5 Discussion
6 Limitations
Enhancing Graduate Student Entrepreneurial Intention: A Designed Workshop Based on Exploratory Factor Analysis
1 Introduction
2 Theoretical Background
2.1 Entrepreneurial Intention and GEM Conceptual Framework
2.2 Intrinsic Motivation
2.3 Investment Model
3 Objectives
4 Research Methodology
4.1 Participants and Data Collection
4.2 Questionnaire and Scaling
4.3 Description of BPCs
4.4 Data Analysis
5 Result and Discussion
5.1 Exploratory Factor Analysis
5.2 Sociodemographic Factors on Entrepreneurial Intention (EI)
5.3 Psychological Factors on Entrepreneurial Intention (EI)
5.4 Effectiveness of BPC Participation
5.5 Self-selection Bias Toward BPC Participation
6 Conclusion
Perceptions of the Stakeholders on Work Readiness Among Graduates from Higher Education Institutions in Malaysia
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Works Readiness
4 Employer Perspectives on Graduate Work Readiness
5 Methodology
6 The Development of Research Instrument
7 Validity and Reliability of Instrument
8 Data Analysis and Finding
9 Discussion
9.1 Conclusion and Future Perspectives
A Literature Review on Mobile Augmented Reality in Education
1 Introduction
2 Past Review
3 Mobile Augmented Reality in Education
3.1 The Concept of Mobile Augmented Reality in Education
3.2 Benefits of Augmented Reality in Education
4 Mobile AR Technique
5 Mobile AR Software Development Kits (SDK)
6 User Interface Design
7 Future of AR in Education
8 Conclusion
Student Perception on Knowledge Management: Effectiveness of Online Learning During the Pandemic
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
2.1 Critical Elements of Effective Online Learning
3 Methodology
4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Reliability and Validity Analysis
4.2 Demographic Information
4.3 Electronic Devices Used for Education During Pandemic
4.4 Perception of Online Learning
4.5 Knowledge Acquisition
4.6 Knowledge Sharing
4.7 Perception of Online Learning by Gender
4.8 Kruskal Wallis Test for Frequency of Using the Internet, How Long Have You Been Using the Computer, Familiar with KM by Age and Access Internet for Education
4.9 Technical Problems for Joining Online Class
5 Implications
6 Conclusions, Limitations and Future Study
Towards a Conceptual Framework to Mitigate Dropout Risk in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) in Higher Education Institutions
1 Introduction
2 Background
2.1 Existing Student Attrition Framework in Malaysia Context
3 Methodology
4 Limitations and Future Work
5 Conclusions and Implications
The Adoption of Augmented Reality Technology in e-learning: Case of a Mobile Application During Covied-19
1 Introduction
2 Conceptual Research Model
3 Hypotheses
3.1 Students’ Acceptance of Using AR-Based Applications in e-learning
3.2 Students’ Attitude Toward Using AR-Based Applications in e-learning
3.3 Perceived Usefulness (PU)
3.4 Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU)
3.5 Perceived Enjoyment (PE)
3.6 Environmental Constructs
3.7 User Satisfaction (US)
3.8 Perceived Quality of AR-Based Applications in e-learning
3.9 Social Influence (SI)
3.10 Gender as a Moderator Variable: Males vs. Females
4 Research Data and Measurement
5 Results and Findings
5.1 Measurement Model
5.2 Evaluating the Conceptual Structural Model
5.3 Analyzing Gender Differences as a Moderating Variable
6 Discussion
7 Implication
8 Conclusion, and Future Work
Predicting Saving Intention and Behavior Among University Students Using Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
2.1 Theoretical Foundation
3 Research Methodology
4 Data Analysis
5 Discussions
6 Implications
7 Conclusions
The Importance and Evaluation of Resilience Leadership Capability in Managing University: An Understanding
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
Teachers’ Acceptance and Readiness in Using Google Classroom in Secondary Schools in Malaysia
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
2.1 Web Based Learning
2.2 Virtual Learning
2.3 Google Classroom
2.4 The Use of Google Classroom
3 Research Methodology
4 Findings
4.1 Levels of Teachers’ Acceptance of the Implementation of Google Classroom in The Teaching and Facilitation Process
4.2 Teachers’ perceptions of the implementation of Google Classroom
4.3 Teachers’ Readiness to use Google Classroom
5 Discussions
6 Conclusion
Improving Financial Management Literacy Among Undergraduate Students in East Coast Malaysia
1 Introduction
2 Literature Reviews
2.1 Financial Management Literacy
3 Attributes to Financial Management Literacy
3.1 Family Background
3.2 Financial Knowledge
3.3 Social Influence
3.4 Personal Factor
4 Methodology
5 Results
5.1 Descriptive Analysis
5.2 Bivariate Analysis
5.3 Multivariate Analysis
6 Discussion
7 Conclusion and Future Recommendations
The Use of Facebook and Technology in E-Learning Process
1 Introduction
1.1 The Importance of Using Facebook in Education
1.2 The Role of Facebook in Promoting Distance Education
1.3 How do We Use Facebook as an Educational Tool?
1.4 How to Use Facebook in Education
1.5 The Role of Social Facebook in the Flow of the Work of the Educational Administration
1.6 Disadvantages of Using Facebook in Education
1.7 Experiences of Using Facebook in Teaching
2 Conclusion
3 Recommendations
E-Learning and Understanding of Accounting During Covid-19 Pandemic: Literature Review
1 Introduction
1.1 Research Problem
1.2 Research Objectives
1.3 Research Questions
1.4 The Purpose of the Study
2 Literature Review
2.1 Definition of E-Learning
2.2 Feature of E-Learning
2.3 Theories Explaining E-learning
2.4 E-Learning Encourages Contribution by Introverts
2.5 E-Learning Facilities of Self-paced and Flexible Learning
2.6 E-Learning Improves Time Efficiency
2.7 E-Learning is Cost Effective
2.8 E-Learning and Mass Enrollment
2.9 Results to Higher Concentration and Learning Experience
2.10 E-Learning Among Accounting Students
2.11 Challenges Facing E-Learning During Covid-19
3 Conclusion and Findings
4 Recommendations
The Causation of Online Game Addiction Among University Student
1 Introduction
1.1 Background of Study
1.2 Problem Statement
1.3 Objective
1.4 Scope of Study
2 Literature Review
2.1 Psychological Factor
2.2 Technological Factor
2.3 Media Factor
2.4 Hypothesis Development
2.5 Conceptual Network
3 Methodology
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Data Collection
3.3 Sample Size
3.4 Sampling Techniques
4 Data Analysis
4.1 Data Analysis
4.2 Findings
5 Discussion and Conclusion
Entrepreneurship Education on Entrepreneurial Intention Among University Students in Malaysia
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
2.1 Entrepreneurial Education (EE) and Entrepreneurial Role Model (ERM)
2.2 Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB)
3 Research Methodology
3.1 Sample Selection Process and Collection Process
3.2 Research Instrument and Variable Measurement
4 Data Analysis
4.1 Descriptive Statistics
4.2 Reliability and Validity Test
4.3 Path Analysis
5 Discussion
5.1 Hypotheses Findings
6 Conclusion