Innovations in Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Proceedings of ICEEE 2021

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کتاب نوآوری در مهندسی برق و الکترونیک: مجموعه مقالات ICEEE 2021 نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Innovations in Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Proceedings of ICEEE 2021

نام کتاب : Innovations in Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Proceedings of ICEEE 2021
ویرایش : 1
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : نوآوری در مهندسی برق و الکترونیک: مجموعه مقالات ICEEE 2021
سری : Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 756
نویسندگان : , , ,
ناشر : Springer
سال نشر : 2021
تعداد صفحات : 987
ISBN (شابک) : 9811607486 , 9789811607486
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 48 مگابایت

بعد از تکمیل فرایند پرداخت لینک دانلود کتاب ارائه خواهد شد. درصورت ثبت نام و ورود به حساب کاربری خود قادر خواهید بود لیست کتاب های خریداری شده را مشاهده فرمایید.

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :

این کتاب مقالات منتخبی را از کنفرانس بین‌المللی مهندسی برق و الکترونیک 2021 (ICEEE 2020)، که در 2 تا 3 ژانویه 2021 برگزار شد، ارائه می‌کند. این کتاب بر تحولات جاری در زمینه‌های مختلف مهندسی برق و الکترونیک تمرکز دارد. مانند تولید، انتقال و توزیع برق؛ منابع و فناوری های تجدیدپذیر انرژی؛ الکترونیک قدرت و برنامه های کاربردی؛ رباتیک؛ هوش مصنوعی و اینترنت اشیا؛ کنترل، اتوماسیون و ابزار دقیق؛ دستگاه ها، مدارها و سیستم های الکترونیکی؛ ارتباطات بی سیم و نوری؛ RF و مایکروویو؛ VLSI و پردازش سیگنال این کتاب یک منبع ارزشمند برای دانشگاهیان و متخصصان صنعت است.

فهرست مطالب :

Preface ICEEE 2020 Organization Conference Report: ICEEE 2021 Contents About the Editors Lifecycle Assessment of Electricity Generation transition in Ecuador 1 Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Related Works 2 Method 3 Results 3.1 Projected Demand 3.2 Total Costs 3.3 Air Emissions 3.4 Sustainability Indicators 4 Conclusions References Force and Rotor Displacement Analysis of Bridge Configured Based Induction Machine 1 Introduction 2 FE Analysis of BCW Based Induction Machine Using Opera 2D Package 2.1 Results and Discussions of FE Analysis 3 Development of Controller Rig Set Up 3.1 Experimental Analysis 4 Conclusions References Smart Grid Cybervulnerabilities and Mitigation Measures 1 Introduction 2 Fundamental requirements in a smart grid communication system include the functional blocks as shown in Fig. 1 2.1 Bulk Generation Domain 2.2 The Transmission Domain 2.3 Distribution Domain 2.4 Operation Domain 2.5 Market Domain 2.6 Customer Domain 2.7 Service Domain 3 Network Types 4 Communication Functionality to be Fulfilled 4.1 Wide-Area Situational Awareness (WASA) 4.2 Distribution Grid Management 4.3 Advance Metering Infrastructure 4.4 Demand Response 5 Communication Requirements for Message Transfer 5.1 Network Latency 5.2 Data Delivery Criticality 5.3 Reliability 5.4 Security 5.5 Time Synchronization 5.6 Multicast Support 5.7 Critical Timing Requirements 6 Standards 6.1 IEEE C37.1 6.2 IEEE 1379 6.3 IEEE 1547 6.4 IEEE 1646 7 Cybersecurity 7.1 Zero-Day Vulnerabilities 7.2 Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks 7.3 Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attack 7.4 Phishing and Spear-Phishing Attacks 7.5 Password Attack 7.6 SQL Injection Attack 7.7 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attack 7.8 Eavesdropping Attack 7.9 Malware 8 Smart Grid Architecture Model 9 Cybersecurity Threads in Smart Grid Advanced Metering Infrastructure 9.1 Cybersecurity Threats in AMI 10 Cybersecurity Solution 10.1 Perimeter-Level Protection 10.2 Interior Security 10.3 Monitoring 10.4 Management 10.5 Processes 11 Cybersecurity Standards 11.1 ISO/IEC 27000 11.2 NIST SP 800-82 11.3 IEC 62351 11.4 The North American Electric Reliability Corporation Critical Infrastructure Protection (NERC CIP) 11.5 NISTIR 7628 (Security in Power System) 12 Current Research Works and Future Scope 13 Conclusions References Innovative Approach to Harvest Energy from Traffic-Induced Deformation 1 Introduction 2 Literature Review 3 Methodology 4 Design Implementation of Simulink Model 5 Results and Discussion 6 Conclusions References Impact Analysis of Single Line to Ground Fault on Industrial Loads Using Typhoon HIL 1 Introduction 2 Mathematical Modeling of Single Line to Ground Fault 3 Realization of Single Line to Ground Fault on Industrial Loads 4 Transmission Line RLC Parameter Estimation 5 Simulation, Result and Discussion 5.1 Test Case 1 5.2 Test Case 2 5.3 Test Case 3 6 Conclusions References Performance Improvement for PMSG Tidal Power Conversion System with Fuzzy Gain Supervisor Passivity-Based Current Control 1 Introduction 2 Tidal Power and PMSG Modeling 2.1 Tidal Power 2.2 PMSG Modelling 3 Proposed Method Design 3.1 Passivity-Based Current Controller Computation 3.2 Fuzzy Gains Supervisor-PI Control of Desired Torque 4 Grid-Side PI Controller 5 Simulation Results 6 Conclusion References Harmonics Minimization in Multilevel Inverter by Continuous Mode ACO Technique 1 Introduction 2 Problem Formulation for Harmonics Minimization 3 Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) 3.1 Solving Method by ACO 3.2 ACO Computational Results 4 Simulation and Hardware Results 5 Conclusion References Loss Allocation Method for Microgrids Having Variable Generation 1 Introduction 1.1 Literature Review 1.2 Contribution of Proposed Work 1.3 Organization of Paper 2 Centrality Measures and Loss Allocation 2.1 Calculation of Electrical Closeness Centrality Measures 2.2 Loss Allocation Using Electrical Closeness Centrality Measures 2.3 Validation of Proposed Loss Allocation Method 3 Application of Proposed Method 3.1 Application of Proposed Loss Allocation Method with Variable Sources 3.2 Application of Proposed Loss Allocation Method in Microgrid with Radial Topology 4 Conclusions APPENDIX: Calculation of elements of bus dependency matrix References Contingency Analysis of Power Network with STATCOM and SVC 1 Introduction 2 Overview of STATCOM and SVC 3 Contingency Analysis 4 PV Curves Analysis 5 Test Network 6 Results 6.1 Analysis Without Shunt FACTS Device 6.2 Analysis with STATCOM 6.3 Analysis with SVC 7 Conclusions References Comparative Analysis of Modified Firefly Algorithm with Firefly Algorithm MPPT for PV Module Under Partial Shaded Condition 1 Introduction 2 Block Diagram 2.1 Design of Photovoltaic Cell 2.2 Design of SEPIC Converter 2.3 Proposed Algorithms 3 Characteristics of the Proposed System 3.1 Switching Characteristic of SEPIC Converter 3.2 Characteristics of Firefly Algorithm 3.3 Characteristics of Modified Firefly Algorithm 4 Conclusions References Active Power Control for Single-Phase Grid Connected Transformerless Inverter Photovoltaic System 1 Introduction 2 Grid Connected Inverters 2.1 Transformerless Inverters 2.2 HERIC Inverter 3 Principle of Power Control 3.1 Control Implementation 4 Filter Requirements 5 Simulation Results and Analysis 6 Conclusion References Data Modeling for Energy Forecasting Using Machine Learning 1 Introduction 2 Literature Review 3 Machine Learning Techniques 3.1 Linear 3.2 Function Based 3.3 Lazy Learning 3.4 Tree-Based Learning 4 Research Approach 4.1 Dataset Collection and Analysis 4.2 Preprocessing Phase 4.3 Data Partitioning Phase 4.4 Model Construction 4.5 Evaluation Metrics 5 Experiments and Results 6 Conclusion and Future Scope References Adaptive Linear Feedback Energy-Based Backstepping and PID Control Strategy for PMSG Driven by a Grid-Connected Wind Turbine 1 Introduction 2 Wind Power and PMSG Modelling 2.1 WindTurbine Model 2.2 PMSG Modelling 3 Proposed Controller Design 3.1 Linear Feedback PBC Design 3.2 Adaptive Backstepping Controller 4 Grid-Side Control 5 Simulation Results 6 Conclusion References Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive for Electric Vehicle with Efficient Battery Management System 1 Introduction 2 System Configuration and Machine Control Topology 3 Battery Management System 4 Results and Discussion 5 Simulated Parameters References Two-Step Experimental Validation of Impact of Irregular Irradiance on Solar Photovoltaic System’s Performance 1 Introduction 2 Mathematical Modeling of System 3 Impact of Irregular Irradiance on PV System 4 Experimental Validation Using Two PV Modules 5 Experimental Validation Using PV Emulator 6 Conclusions References Transfer Learning-Based Novel Fault Classification Technique for Grid-Connected PV Inverter 1 Introduction 2 Methodology 2.1 System Structure 2.2 Data Acquisition 2.3 Fault Detection and Classification 2.4 ResNet Algorithm 3 Results 4 Conclusion References Improvement of Power System Stability Using FACTS Controller 1 Introduction 2 Fundamental Configuration of SSSC 3 Fundamental Configuration of TCSC 4 MATLAB/Simulink Model 4.1 Description of a System 4.2 Uncompensated Compensated Model 4.3 TCSC Compensated Model 4.4 SSSC Compensated Model 5 Simulation Outcomes 5.1 TCSC Compensation 5.2 SSSC Compensation 5.3 Comparison Between TCSC and SSSC 6 Conclusion References Performance Evaluation of Solar PV Using Multiple Level Voltage Gain Boost Converter with C-L-C Cell 1 Introduction 2 Mathematical Model of Solar PV 2.1 The Electrical Equivalent Circuit-Based Mathematical Model of SPV 3 Multiple Gain Boost Converter with C-L-C Cell 4 Operating Modes of Multiple Lift Voltage Gain Boost Converter 4.1 ON State 4.2 OFF-State 5 Results 6 Conclusion References Comparative Study for Different Types of MPPT Algorithms Using Direct Control Method 1 Introduction 2 Types of MPPT Algorithms 2.1 Conventional MPPT Algorithms 2.2 Artificial Intelligence 2.3 Metaheuristic-Based MPPT Algorithms 3 Comparison 4 Current Research Trend 5 Conclusion References Protection Scheme Based on k-Nearest Neighbour Algorithm for Fault Detection Classification and Section Identification in DC Microgrid 1 Introduction 2 Test DC Microgrid Model Under Study 3 Outline of KNN-Based Protection Scheme 4 Development of Proposed Protection Scheme 4.1 Fault Detection/Classification 4.2 Faulty Section Identification 5 Result Analysis 5.1 Mode Detection 5.2 Fault Detection/Classification 5.3 Faulty Section Identification 6 Conclusion References Solar PV-Fed Grid-Interactive PMSM-Driven Water Pumping System with Switched-LC Converter 1 Introduction 2 System Architecture 2.1 Switched-LC High-Gain Converter 3 Control Schemes 4 Design of the System 4.1 PV Array 4.2 Design of Switched-LC High-Gain Converter 4.3 Design of Pump 5 Simulation Results 5.1 Performance at Starting and Stable State 5.2 Dynamic Performance During Irradiance Change 5.3 Power Quality 6 Conclusions References Impact Analysis of Microgrid in Minimization of Distribution System Losses 1 Introduction 2 Microgrid 3 Transmission and Distribution Line Losses 4 Results and Discussions 5 Conclusions References Performance Estimation and Analysis of 3D Trigate HOI FinFET Using Strained Channel for Reduced Area 1 Introduction 2 Device Structure and Theory 3 Results and Discussion 4 Conclusion References Economic and Environmental Analysis of a Solar-Powered EV Charging System in India—A Case Study 1 Introduction 2 Solar Potential and EV Market Penetration in India 2.1 Solar Potential in India 2.2 EV Market Penetration 2.3 EV Charging Tariff in India 3 Different Solar-Based EV Charging Systems 3.1 Solar Carport 3.2 Solar Rooftop 3.3 Vehicle Integrated Solar PV 4 Case Study 4.1 Solar Potential in Delhi 4.2 Specification of Considered Solar PV Module 4.3 Specification of Considered EV Models 4.4 Economic and Environmental Analysis 5 Conclusion References Islanding Detection Review Using Intelligence Classifier in Distribution Network 1 Introduction 1.1 Microgrid (MG) 1.2 Recent Trend of MG 2 Islanding 2.1 Intentional and Unintentional Islanding 3 Islanding Detection Methods (IDMs) 3.1 Remote Methods 3.2 Passive Methods 3.3 Active Methods 3.4 Hybrid Methods 3.5 Signal Processing Techniques 4 Discussion 5 Conclusions References Evaluating Classical and ANN-Based Load Forecasting Techniques Using Univariate and Multivariate Analysis 1 Introduction 2 Review of Load Forecasting Methods 3 Mathematical Model Design 3.1 ARIMA 3.2 ARIMA with Exogenous Variables (ARIMAX) 3.3 Artificial Neural Network (ANN) 3.4 Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Network 4 Result and Analysis 5 Conclusion References Comparative Performance of Different PV Array Topologies Under Partial Shading Condition 1 Introduction 2 Modeling of PV Array 2.1 Modeling of PV Cells 2.2 Simulated Partial Shading Conditions 2.3 Result and Discussion 3 Conclusion References Fault Detection in Power Transmission System Using Reverse Biorthogonal Wavelet 1 Introduction 2 Presented Power System 3 The Method of Fault Identification Using RBW 4 Simulation Effects 4.1 Faultless Condition 4.2 Evolving Faults 4.3 Close-End Relay Faults 4.4 Far-End Relay Faults 4.5 Faults at Two Different Places 4.6 Faults Around Series Capacitor Bank 4.7 Different Wind Generators 5 Conclusion References HWT-DCDI-Based Approach for Fault Identification in Six-Phase Power Transmission Network 1 Introduction 2 Application of the Scheme on SPPTN 3 Presented Fault Identification (FI) Scheme 4 Simulation Effects 4.1 Faultless Event 4.2 Different Faults 4.3 Different Fault Resistances 4.4 Different Fault Switching Time 4.5 Different Fault Locations 5 Conclusion References Graphene Properties and Its Utility for High-Frequency Antennas 1 Introduction 2 Properties of Substance Graphene 3 Utilization and Applications of Substance Graphene 4 Results and Discussions 5 Challenges and Difficulties in Using Substance Graphene 6 Conclusion References Comparative Analysis of MOSFET, FINFET and GAAFET Devices Using Different Substrate and Gate Oxide Materials 1 Introduction 2 Device Structure and Description 3 Results and Discussions 4 Conclusion References VLSI Design of a Split Parallel Two-Dimensional HEVC Transform 1 Introduction 2 Proposed Architectures 2.1 Top-Level Split Architecture 2.2 2D Transform Architecture 3 Experimental Results 4 Conclusion References Convergence of Novel Iterative Learning Control Methods for a Class of Linear Discrete-Time Switched Systems 1 Introduction 2 Preliminaries 3 Some Novel ILC Methods and Their Convergence Analysis 3.1 Mann Iterative Learning Control Method and Its Convergence Analysis 3.2 Normal S-Iterative Learning Control Method and Its Convergence Analysis 4 Simulation Example 5 Conclusions References A Scalable VLSI Architecture for Illumination-Invariant Heterogeneous Face Recognition 1 Introduction 2 Preliminaries 3 Proposed VLSI Architecture for Local Gravity Face Angle (LGFA) Extraction 3.1 Internal Memory 3.2 Controller 3.3 LGFA Microarchitecture for Datapath 4 Result and Discussion 5 Conclusions References Enhanced Performances of SAC-OCDMA System Operating with Different Codes 1 Introduction 2 Construction of Codes 2.1 The Random Diagonal 2.2 MDW Code 2.3 EDW Code 3 System Description 4 Results and Discussion 5 Conclusion References Phasor Estimation of Power Signals in a Smart Grid Environment Using Sigmoid Adaptive Filter 1 Introduction 2 Sigmoid-Based Algorithm for Phasor Measurement 2.1 Least Mean Mixed Norm 2.2 Sigmoid-Based Least Mean Mixed Norm 3 Simulation and Results 3.1 Non-stationary Signal Analysis 4 Conclusions References Design and Analysis of Brain-Implantable Antenna for Neural Signal Transmission 1 Introduction 2 Brain Tissue Modeling and Antenna Configuration 3 Results and Discussion 4 Specific Absorption Rate Value 5 Conclusions References A Novel Design of FSS-Based Absorber Integrated Microstrip Antenna 1 Introduction 2 Design of Absorber 3 Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna 4 Integration of Absorber with Antenna 5 Conclusion References Off-State Leakage Concern in Scaling Nanowire FETs 1 Introduction 2 Design and Simulation Platform 3 Results and Discussions 4 Conclusion References Performance Analysis of FBMC and OFDM with MIMO for Wireless Communications 1 Introduction 2 A System Model for OFDM and FBMC 2.1 OFDM 2.2 FBMC 3 Comparison of OFDM and FBMC Simulation Results 3.1 OFDM 3.2 FBMC 4 Comparison of MIMO-OFDM and MIMO-FBMC Simulation Results 4.1 MIMO 5 Discussion on Simulation Results 6 Conclusions References Magnetization Pattern Study of Unit Domain Multiferroic Nanomagnet for Spintronics Devices 1 Introduction 2 Model 3 Results and Discussions 4 Conclusions References Advanced RSSI-Based Wi-Fi Access Point Localization Using Smartphone 1 Introduction 2 System Model 3 Performance Assessment 4 Experimental Results 5 Conclusions References A Novel Miniaturized Fractal Antenna on Circular Patch with Defected Ground Structure (DGS) 1 Introduction 2 Specifications for Antenna Designing 3 Antenna Design Methods 3.1 Validation of Proposed Design 4 Results and Discussion 5 Conclusion References Rotating Acoustic Reflector Parameter Trade-Off for Near-Outdoor Audio Event Detection 1 Introduction 2 Audio Recording Scheme 2.1 Acoustic Reflector 2.2 Rotational Motor 2.3 A/D Conversion 3 Rotating Reflector Sensor 3.1 Directivity, Sensitivity and Motor Speed 3.2 Mic and Reflector Improvement 3.3 Directionality and Source Frequency 3.4 Audio Data Recording 4 Audio Event Detection Scheme 4.1 Pre-processing and Feature Extraction 4.2 Event Modeling 4.3 Detection 5 Experimental Results 5.1 Testing 5.2 Event Direction 5.3 Inference 6 Conclusion and Future Work References Performance Evaluation and Synthesis of FIR Filters Using Various Multipliers Algorithms 1 Introduction 2 Multiplier Algorithms 2.1 Vedic Algorithm 2.2 Array Algorithm 2.3 Wallace Algorithm 2.4 Dadda Algorithm 2.5 Booth Algorithm 2.6 Sequential Algorithm 3 FIR Digital Filter 4 Simulation and Implementation Results 5 Conclusion References Design and Implementation of Bluetooth Low Energy Link Layer Controller Using Dataflow Programming 1 Introduction 2 Design Methodology 2.1 State Machine from Message Sequence Chart 2.2 Proposed High-Level Design of BLE Controller 2.3 Functional Validation 2.4 Architectural Optimization 3 Experimental Results 3.1 Performance 3.2 Power Consumption 3.3 Energy Consumption 3.4 Resource Utilization 4 Conclusion References Bandwidth and Gain Enhancement of Circular MPA Using Twin-Layer Stacked Antenna 1 Introduction 2 Literature Review 2.1 Design Parameters 3 Single-Layer Stacked Circular Antenna 4 Twin-Layer Stacked Circular Antenna 5 Discussion 6 Conclusion References Rooftop Antenna for Vehicular Application 1 Introduction 2 Vehicular Rooftop Antenna 3 Planar Microstrip Patch Antenna 4 Conformal Microstrip Patch Antenna 5 Conclusion References Design of Compact Quad Band Monopole Antenna Using Open-Ended and Meandered Slot 1 Introduction 2 Antenna Design 3 Results and Discussion 4 Conclusions References Design of a HNL Index Guiding Silica PCF for SCG: Applications in Dental Optical Coherence Tomography System 1 Introduction 2 Design Procedures of HNL-Silica PCF 3 Simulation Results and Discussions 4 Supercontinuum Generation in HNL-Silica PCF 5 Conclusion References A Machine Learning Approach for the Land-Type Classification 1 Introduction 2 Related Work 3 Methodology 3.1 Dataset Used 3.2 Machine Learning Modelling Techniques 4 Experiments 4.1 Performance Evaluation 5 Results 6 Conclusion References A Tiny CNN Architecture for Medical Face Mask Detection for Resource-Constrained Endpoints 1 Introduction 2 Literature Review 2.1 Face Mask Detection 2.2 Quantization 3 Technical Details of the Problem 3.1 Hardware Setup for Deployment 3.2 Dataset Construction 4 Experimental Methodology 4.1 Data Splitting 4.2 Proposed Architecture and Comparison with SqueezeNet 4.3 Training Specifications 4.4 Post-training Procedure 4.5 Evaluation of the Quantized Models 5 Results and Discussion 5.1 SqueezeNet Model 5.2 Modified SqueezeNet Model 5.3 Our Proposed Model 5.4 Discussion 6 Conclusion References Analysis of Darknet Traffic for Criminal Activities Detection Using TF-IDF and Light Gradient Boosted Machine Learning Algorithm 1 Introduction 2 Related Work 3 Proposed Work 3.1 Design Architecture 3.2 TOR Traffic Data Classification 4 Dataset 4.1 Preprocessing 4.2 Feature Extraction and Selection 4.3 Light Gradient Boosted Machine Algorithm (LightGBM) 5 Result and Outcomes 5.1 Parameter Comparison 5.2 Accuracy Diagram 6 Conclusion 7 Future Work References Risk Detection in Wireless Body Sensor Networks for Health Monitoring Using Hybrid Deep Learning 1 Introduction 2 Related Work 3 Proposed Methodology 3.1 Big Health Data Classification Using Hybrid-Based Learning 3.2 Big health data classification 3.3 Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) for WBAN 3.4 Data Acquisition 4 Results Analysis 5 Conclusions and Future work References AI and IOT-Based Model for Photovoltaic Power Generation 1 Introduction 1.1 Significance of Renewable Energy 1.2 Importance of Machine Learning 1.3 Pros of Machine Learning 1.4 Cons of Machine Learning 2 Literature Survey 2.1 Frame Work 2.2 Validation 3 Methodology 3.1 Computing and Processing the Data 3.2 Export File to Server 3.3 Modeling 3.4 Software Used 4 Conclusions References Combating Challenges in the Construction Industry with Blockchain Technology 1 Introduction 2 Challenges in the Construction Industry 3 Blockchain Architecture 4 Blockchain and Data Privacy 5 Features of Blockchain 6 Consensus Calculation 7 Consensus Methodology 8 Decentralized Record in the Construction Business 9 Research Method and Results 10 Conclusion References Dark Web—Onion Hidden Service Discovery and Crawling for Profiling Morphing, Unstructured Crime and Vulnerabilities Prediction 1 Introduction 1.1 Research Groups Continues Working Toward Advance Technology for Generating the Protective Shield Against Cyber Crime 2 Illegal Activities Conduction at TOR Network 2.1 Dark Web Crimes 3 Anonymous Structure of Data Transfer at DarkWeb [TOR—The Onion Router] 4 Terrorist Funding, Process and Source 5 Positive Side of Darkweb 6 Organization of the Web 7 Related Work 8 DarkWeb Service Architectures 8.1 DarkWeb Mining 8.2 The Tasks and Interaction of Tools in the Process of Hidden Service Discovery 8.3 DarkWeb Tools and Threats 8.4 Darkweb Scanners 8.5 Dark Web Data Searching Platforms and Engines 8.6 Dark Web Warning 9 Conclusions References Suspicious Big Text Data Analysis for Prediction—On Darkweb User Activity Using Computational Intelligence Model 1 Introduction 2 Related Work 3 Big Text Data Analysis for Prediction Terrorism Activity Using Information Extraction (IE) 4 Challenges of Big DarkWeb Data Extraction (WDE) 5 Working of Feature Selection Process 6 Results Analysis 7 Conclusıons and Future Work References Development of Prediction Models to Determine Compressive Strength and Workability of Sustainable Concrete with ANN 1 Introduction 2 Artificial Neural Network 3 Experimental Setup 4 Artificial Neural Network Model Design 5 Result and Discussion 6 Conclusion References Smart Attendance and Progress Management System 1 Introduction 2 Literature Review 3 Methodology 3.1 Face Detection and Attendance Update 3.2 Face Recognition Using CNN Algorithm and Preventing the Duplicate Entry 3.3 GPA Prediction and the Factors that Affect the GPA of a Student 4 Result and Discussion 4.1 Face Detection and Attendance Update 4.2 Face Recognition Using CNN Algorithm and Prevent the Duplicate Entry 4.3 GPA Prediction and the Factors that Affect the Grade Point Average of a Student 5 Conclusion References Performance and Parametric Analysis of IoT's Motes with Different Network Topologies 1 Introduction 2 IoT Protocols 2.1 Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Network(RPL) 2.2 IPv6 Over Low Power and Wireless Private Area Network (6LoWPAN) 3 Features of Mote's 3.1 Topology of Motes 4 Simulation Results and Analysis 4.1 Network Topology Construction 4.2 Network Average Power Consumption 4.3 Network Instantaneous Power Consumption 4.4 Network Graph and Sensor Map 4.5 Average Radio Duty Cycle 4.6 Observation of Mote's Lifetime 5 Research Challenges of IoT 6 Conclusions References Fruit Classification Using Deep Learning 1 Introduction 2 Literature Overview 3 Problem Definition 4 Proposed Work 4.1 Fruits 360 Dataset 4.2 Dataset Augmentation 4.3 Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Architecture 4.4 Tools and Frameworks 4.5 Experimental Results and Discussions 5 Conclusions References Orthonormal Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network for Detection of the Novel Coronavirus-19 1 Introduction 2 Literature Survey 3 Methodology 3.1 Dataset Preprocessing 3.2 Modified AlexNet Architecture with Bayesian Orthogonal Normalized Layers 3.3 Bayesian Orthogonal Normalized Layer 4 Training Details 4.1 Datasets 4.2 Training Phase 5 Results and Discussion 6 Conclusions References Classification of Chest Diseases from X-ray Images on the CheXpert Dataset 1 Introduction 2 Related Works 3 Dataset and Methodology 3.1 Datasets 3.2 Pre-processing 3.3 Convolutional Neural Networks 3.4 Evaluation Metrics 4 Results 5 Discussion 6 Benchmarking with Existing Works 7 Conclusions References Feature-Based Overview of Online Comments of Web-Based Healthcare Products 1 Introduction 1.1 Analysis Section 2 Literature Review 3 Methodologies 3.1 Data Preprocessing and Extraction of Feature 3.2 Extraction of Opinion Word 4 Classification (Feature-Based) 5 Experiments 6 Conclusion References A Mutual Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for Vehicle to Grid Technology 1 Introduction 1.1 Related Work 1.2 Contribution 1.3 Organization of the Paper 2 Preliminaries 2.1 Notations 2.2 Elliptic Curve Cryptography 3 The Proposed Scheme 3.1 Initialization Phase 3.2 Registration Phase 3.3 Login and Authentication Phase 3.4 Password Change Phase 4 Security Analysis 4.1 Replay Attack 4.2 User Anonymity 4.3 Message Authentication 4.4 Key Freshness Property 4.5 Man-in-the-Middle Attack 4.6 Security Against Impersonation Attack 4.7 Session Key Agreement 5 Performance Analysis 5.1 Security-Based Comparison 5.2 Computation Cost Comparison 5.3 Communication Cost Comparison 6 Conclusion References Fire Detection and Real Time Monitoring Systems Through IoT Sensors 1 Introduction 2 Related Work 3 Proposed Model and Architecture 3.1 Working Mechanism 4 Experimental Setup 4.1 Hardware and Software Components 4.2 Implementing Fire Response System (Physical Structure) 5 Results and Discussion 6 Conclusions References Intelligent Physical Access Control System Through Three-Stage Verification Using IoT 1 Introduction 2 Internet of Things (IoT) 3 System Description and Principal 4 Methodology 5 Results and Discussion 6 Conclusions References Descriptive Indic Answer Script Evaluation Using Deep Learning 1 Introduction 2 Literature Review 3 Dataset 4 Preprocessing 5 Deep Learning Models 6 Result and Analysis 7 Conclusions References Blockchain Aided Predictive Time Series Analysis in Supply Chain System 1 Introduction 2 Background 2.1 Blockchain Technology and Smart Contract 2.2 Limitations and Research Challenges in Supply Chain 2.3 Impact of Blockchain in Supply Chain 2.4 Technology Stack 3 A Blockchain Framework: CropPrediChain 4 Time Series Analysis 4.1 Why Time Series? 4.2 Recommendation System 4.3 Analysis 5 Conclusion and Future Work References Regional Language Code-Switching for Natural Language Understanding and Intelligent Digital Assistants 1 Introduction 2 Related Works 3 Considered Constraints 3.1 Identifying the Code-switching Regions 3.2 Ambiguity in Dialects 3.3 Unavailability of Code-switching FAQ Dataset 3.4 Utterance and Pronunciation of Non-english Words in Code-switching Text 4 Proposed Model 5 Implementation 5.1 Intent Classification 5.2 Linear Support Vector Classifier 5.3 Stop Word Removal 5.4 Keyword Extraction Based on POS Tagging 5.5 Language Identification 5.6 Translating Keywords to Target Language 5.7 Reordering the Keywords 5.8 Web Scraping Queries 5.9 Named Entity Recognition 6 Testing 6.1 Word2Vec Skip Gram Model Loss Per Epochs 6.2 Eyeball Method of Testing for Word2Vec Skip Gram Model 6.3 Classification Metrics of Intent Classification 6.4 Classification Metrics for NER 7 Conclusion 8 Future Tasks References Dimensionality Reduction for Face Recognition Using Principal Component Analysis Based Big Bang–Big Crunch Optimization Algorithm 1 Introduction 2 Methodology 2.1 PCA by Eigen Decomposition 2.2 Big Bang–Big Crunch Algorithm 3 Results 4 Conclusion References OntoVidRec: A Staged Knowledge Aggregation Scheme for Annotations-Based Video Retrieval Using Ontology Matching 1 Introduction 2 Related Work 3 Proposed System Architecture 4 Implementation 5 Results and Performance Evaluation 6 Conclusions References An Approach for Retrieval of Text Documents by Hybridizing Structural Topic Modeling and Pointwise Mutual Information 1 Introduction 2 Related Work 3 Proposed System Architecture 4 Implementation 5 Results and Performance Evaluation 6 Conclusions References Deep Belief Convolutional Neural Network with Artificial Image Creation by GANs Based Diagnosis of Pneumonia in Radiological Samples of the Pectoralis Major 1 Introduction 2 Literary Review 3 Hardware and Software Requirements 4 Transfer Learning Methodology 5 Data 6 Implementation 6.1 Machine Learning and Image Analysis 6.2 Transfer Learning and Image Analysis 6.3 Proposed Neural Network and Model 7 Results​ 8 Conclusion References

توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :

This book presents selected papers from the 2021 International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE 2020), held on January 2–3, 2021. The book focuses on the current developments in various fields of electrical and electronics engineering, such as power generation, transmission and distribution; renewable energy sources and technologies; power electronics and applications; robotics; artificial intelligence and IoT; control, automation and instrumentation; electronics devices, circuits and systems; wireless and optical communication; RF and microwaves; VLSI; and signal processing. The book is a valuable resource for academics and industry professionals alike.

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