توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
فیزیولوژی و بیوشیمی حشرات، ویرایش چهارم یک راهنمای جذاب و معتبر برای آخرین یافته ها در زمینه پویا فیزیولوژی حشرات ارائه می دهد. سه فصل جدید در مورد نقش سیستم عصبی در رفتار اضافه می کند. "انقلاب ژنومیک" در حشره شناسی؛ و تغییرات آب و هوایی جهانی که تأثیر عمده ای بر حشرات دارد.
فهرست مطالب :
Half Title
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
Author Biography
Chapter 1 Embryogenesis
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Morphogenesis
1.2.1 Egg, Fertilization, and Zygote Formation
1.2.2 Variations in Zygotic Nucleus Cleavage, Formation of Energids, and Blastoderm Formation Apterygota Hemimetabola Holometabola
1.2.3 Formation of the Germ Band
1.2.4 Gastrulation
1.2.5 Germ Band Elongation
1.2.6 Blastokinesis and Extraembryonic Membranes
1.3 Genetic Control of Embryogenesis
1.3.1 Development of a Model for Patterning The bicoid Gene and Anterior Determination in Drosophila Posterior Group Genes and Posterior Pattern Formation Genes Required in the Acron and Telson Dorsal–Ventral Axis
1.4 Segmentation Genes
1.5 Homeotic Genes
1.5.1 Homeobox
1.6 Organogenesis
1.6.1 Neurogenesis
1.6.2 Development of the Gut
1.6.3 Malpighian Tubules
1.6.4 Tracheal System
1.6.5 Oenocytes
1.6.6 Wing Development
1.6.7 Cuticle Secretion in the Embryo
1.6.8 Cell Movements During Embryogenesis
1.6.9 Programmed Cell Death: Apoptosis
1.7 Hatching
1.8 Imaginal Discs
1.9 Summary and Conclusions
1.10 Review and Self- Study Questions
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Chapter 2 Digestion
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Relationships between Food Habits and Gut Structure and Function
2.2.1 Plant vs. Animal Origin: Solid vs. Liquid Diet
2.3 Major Structural Regions of the Gut
2.3.1 Foregut
2.3.2 Midgut
2.3.3 Hindgut
2.4 Midgut Cell Types
2.4.1 Columnar Cells
2.4.2 Regenerative Cells
2.4.3 Goblet Cells
2.5 Microvilli or Brush Border of Midgut Cells
2.6 Glycocalyx
2.7 Peritrophic Matrix
2.7.1 Functions of the Peritrophic Matrix
2.8 Digestive Enzymes
2.8.1 Carbohydrate-Digesting Enzymes
2.8.2 Lipid Digesting Enzymes
2.8.3 Protein-Digesting Enzymes
2.8.4 Do Proteinase Inhibitors in the Food Influence Evolution of Proteinase Secreted?
2.9 Hormonal Influence on Midgut
2.10 Countercurrent Circulation of Midgut Contents and Absorption of Digested Products
2.11 Transepithelial and Oxidation–Reduction Potential of the Gut
2.12 Gut pH
2.13 Hematophagy: Feeding on Vertebrate Blood
2.14 Digestive System Morphology and Physiology in Major Insect Orders
2.14.1 Orthoptera
2.14.2 Dictyoptera
2.14.3 Isoptera
2.14.4 Hemiptera
2.14.5 Homoptera
2.14.6 Coleoptera
2.14.7 Hymenoptera
2.14.8 Diptera
2.14.9 Lepidoptera
2.15 Insect Gut as a Potential Target for Population Management and Control of the Spread of Plant and Animal Disease Organisms
2.16 Summary/Conclusions
2.17 Review and Self-Study Questions
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Chapter 3 Nutrition
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Importance of Balance and Self-Selection of Nutritional Components
3.3 Ability of Insects to Self-Select Nutritional Components
3.4 Requirements for Specific Nutrients
3.4.1 Nitrogen Source: Proteins and Amino Acids
3.4.2 Amino Acids
3.4.3 Carbohydrates
3.4.4 Lipids
3.4.5 Sterols
3.4.6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids
3.4.7 Vitamins
3.4.8 Minerals
3.5 Techniques and Dietary Terms Used in Insect Nutrition Studies
3.6 Criteria for Evaluating Nutritional Quality of a Diet
3.7 Measures of Food Intake and Utilization
3.8 Phagostimulants
3.9 Feeding Deterrents
3.10 Summary and Conclusions
3.11 Review and Self-Study Questions
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Chapter 4 Integument and Molting
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Structure of the Integument
4.2.1 Cuticulin Envelope
4.2.2 Epicuticle
4.2.3 Procuticle
4.2.4 Pore Canals and Wax Channels
4.2.5 Epidermal Cells
4.3 Molting and Formation of New Cuticle
4.3.1 Apolysial Space
4.3.2 Molting Fluid Secretion
4.3.3 New Cuticle Formation
4.3.4 Reabsorption of Molting Fluid
4.4 Ecdysis
4.4.1 Shedding the Old Cuticle: Ecdysis of the Adult
4.4.2 Post-Ecdysis Wing Expansion and Water Proofing the New Cuticle
4.4.3 Sclerotization of Cuticle
4.5 Chemical Composition of Cuticle
4.5.1 Chitin
4.5.2 Biosynthesis of Chitin
4.5.3 Cuticular Proteins
4.5.4 Resilin
4.5.5 Stage-Specific Differences in Cuticle Proteins
4.5.6 Protective Functions of Cuticle Proteins
4.5.7 Cuticular Lipids
4.6 Mineralization of Insect Cuticles
4.7 Capture of Atmospheric Water on Cuticular Surfaces
4.8 Summary and Conclusions
4.9 Review and Self-Study Questions
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Chapter 5 Hormones and Development
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Interplay of PTTH, Ecdysteroids, and Juvenile Hormone Controls Development
5.3 Brain Neurosecretory Cells and Prothoracicotropic Hormone (PTTH)
5.3.1 Source and Chemistry
5.3.2 Bioassay for PTTH Activity
5.3.3 Stimuli for Secretion of PTTH
5.3.4 Secretion of PTTH after Brain Activation by Stretch Receptors
5.3.5 Gated PTTH Secretion in Tobacco Hornworm
5.3.6 Secretion of PTTH after Brain Activation by Cold Exposure
5.3.7 Regulation of Tissue and Hemolymph Levels of PTTH
5.3.8 Mode of Action of PTTH
5.4 Prothoracic Glands and Ecdysteroids
5.4.1 Biosynthesis of Ecdysone
5.4.2 Conversion of Ecdysone into 20-Hydroxyecdysone
5.4.3 Molecular Diversity in the Structure of the Molting Hormone
5.4.4 Assays for Ecdysteroids
5.4.5 Radioimmunoassay for Ecdysone and Related Ecdysteroids
5.4.6 Assay by Physicochemical Techniques
5.4.7 Tissues and Cell Cultures Used in Assays
5.4.8 Degradation of Ecdysone
5.4.9 Virus Degradation of Host Ecdysteroids
5.4.10 Dependence of Some Parasitoids on Host Ecdysteroids
5.5 Corpora Allata and Juvenile Hormones
5.5.1 Glandular Source and Chemistry of Juvenile Hormones
5.5.2 Assays for JH Activity
5.5.3 Regulation of the Tissue and Hemolymph Levels of JH
5.5.4 Growth Regulators and Compounds Cytotoxic to the Corpora Allata
5.5.5 Cellular Mode of Action and Receptors for JH
5.5.6 Downstream Transcription Factors
5.6 Mode of Action of Ecdysteroids at the Gene Level
5.6.1 Chromosomal Puffs
5.6.2 Identification and Isolation of an Ecdysteroid Receptor
5.6.3 Differential Tissue and Cell Response to Ecdysteroids
5.7 Possible Timer Gene in the Molting Process
5.8 Ecdysone–Gene Interaction Ideas Stimulated Vertebrate Work
5.9 Development of Eyespots in Wings of Lepidoptera
5.10 Summary and Conclusions
5.11 Review and Self-Study Questions
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Chapter 6 Biological Rhythms
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Characteristics of Circadian and Photoperiodic Rhythms
6.3 Molecular Basis for the Circadian Clock
6.4 Evidence for Clock Genes in Many Insects
6.4.1 Circadian Regulation of Hormone Secretion
6.4.2 Circadian Clock Influence in Peripheral Organs and Tissues
6.4.3 Circadian Clock Influence in Social Behavior of Honeybees
6.4.4 Circadian Clock Influence in Reproduction
6.5 Photoperiodic Response: One Clock, Two Clocks, or Multiple Clocks?
6.6 Clock Models Based on Experimental Responses of Insects to Varying Light/Dark Regimes
6.6.1 Hourglass Model
6.6.2 External Coincidence Model
6.6.3 Internal Coincidence Model
6.6.4 Resonance Model
6.6.5 Summary Results from Model Experiments
6.7 Summary and Conclusions
6.9 Review and Self-Study Questions
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Chapter 7 Diapause
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Diapause: A Survival Strategy
7.3 Phases of Diapause
7.3.1 Prediapause: Induction and Preparation
7.3.2 Diapause: Initiation and Maintenance
7.3.3 Diapause Termination
7.4 Hormonal Control of Diapause
7.4.1 Embryonic Diapause
7.4.2 Larval Diapause
7.4.3 Pupal Diapause
7.4.4 Adult Diapause/Reproductive Diapause
7.5 Role of Daily and Seasonal Biological Clocks in Diapause
7.6 Diapause and Gene Expression
7.7 Nutrient Accumulation for Diapause and the Storage and Conservation of Nutrients During Diapause
7.8 Molecular Studies of Diapause
7.9 A Pre-Diapause Strategy – Cold Tolerance
7.10 Summary and Conclusions
7.11 Review and Self-Study Questions
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Chapter 8 Intermediary Metabolism
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Energy Demands for Insect Flight
8.3 Metabolic Stores
8.3.1 Carbohydrate Resources Trehalose Resources Glycogen: Storage and Synthesis
8.4 Hormones Controlling Carbohydrate Metabolism
8.5 Pathways of Metabolism Supporting Intense Muscular Activity, Such as Flight
8.5.1 Glycolysis The Glycerol-3-Phosphate Shuttle and Regeneration of NAD[sup(+)] Significance and Control of the Glycerol-3-Phosphate Shuttle.
8.5.2 The Krebs Cycle Control of Krebs Cycle Metabolism and Regulation of Carbohydrate Metabolism in Flight Muscles
8.5.3 The Electron Transport System
8.5.4 Proline as a Fuel for Flight
8.5.5 Mobilization and Use of Lipids for Flight Energy Transport of Lipids by Lipophorin Activation of Fatty Acids, Entry into Mitochondria, and β-Oxidation
8.6 Summary and Conclusions
8.7 Review and Self-Study Questions
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Chapter 9 The Nervous System: Anatomy and Physiology
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Central Nervous System (CNS)
9.3 The Brain
9.3.1 Protocerebrum
9.3.2 Deutocerebrum
9.3.3 Tritocerebrum
9.4 Ventral Ganglia
9.5 Oxygen and Glucose Supply to the Brain and Ganglia
9.6 The Neuropil
9.7 Hemolymph–Brain (CNS) Barrier
9.8 Neurons: Building Blocks of a Nervous System
9.8.1 Afferent or Sensory Neurons
9.8.2 Efferent or Motor Neurons
9.8.3 Interneurons
9.8.4 Glial Cells
9.9 Nerve Cell Responses to Stimuli
9.9.1 Graded Responses
9.9.2 Spike Potentials
9.10 The Physiological Basis for Neuronal Responses to Stimuli
9.10.1 Membrane Ion Channels: Bioelectric Potentials
9.10.2 The Resting Potential
9.10.3 The Action Potential: Sodium Activation
9.10.4 Sodium Inactivation and Repolarization
9.10.5 Measurement of Ion Fluxes: Voltage Clamp Technique
9.10.6 Conduction of the Action Potential: Local-Circuit Theory
9.11 The Synapse: Excitatory and Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potentials
9.11.1 Acetylcholine-Mediated Synapses
9.11.2 Nicotinic and Muscarinic Receptors in Insects
9.11.3 Electric Transmission across Synapses
9.11.4 Neuromuscular Junctions
9.12 Summary and Conclusions
9.13 Review and Self-Study Questions
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Chapter 10 The Nervous System: Selected Roles in Behavior
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Neuropeptides
10.3 Selected Behaviors
10.3.1 Sleep in Insects
10.3.2 Learning in Insects
10.3.3 Gustation and Feeding in Insects
10.4 Motor Programs
10.4.1 A Motor Program that Controls Walking
10.4.2 A Motor Pattern for Rhythmic Breathing
10.4.3 Escape Behavior and Trapping of Prey: Role of Giant Axons
10.5 Summary and Conclusions
10.6 Self-Study Questions
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Chapter 11 Muscles Physiology and Kinematics
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Basic Muscle Structure and Function
11.2.1 Macro- and Microstructure of Muscle
11.2.2 Muscle Attachments to the Exoskeleton
11.2.3 Skeletal Muscle
11.2.4 Polyneuronal Innervation and Multiterminal Nerve Contacts
11.2.5 The Transmitter Chemical at Nerve–Muscle Junctions
11.3 Synchronous and Asynchronous Muscles
11.4 Muscle Proteins and Physiology of Contraction
11.4.1 The Active State: Binding of Myosin Heads to Actin and the Sliding of Filaments
11.4.2 Release of Myosin Heads from Actin
11.5 Muscles Involved in General Locomotion, Running, and Jumping
11.5.1 Adaptations for Running, Walking, and Survival
11.5.2 Adaptations for Jumping
11.6 Sound Production: Tymbal and Stridulatory Muscle
11.6.1 Tymbal Morphology and Physiology
11.6.2 Stridulatory Muscle Physiology
11.7 Insect Chill Response: Neuromuscular Physiology
11.8 Morphology and Physiology of Nonskeletal Muscle
11.8.1 Visceral Muscles
11.8.2 Heart Muscle
11.8.3 Alary Muscles
11.9 Summary and Conclusions
11.10 Review and Self-Study Questions
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Chapter 12 Insect Flight
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Thoracic Structure, Wing Hinges, and Muscle Groups Involved in Flight
12.3 Wing Strokes
12.4 Multiple Contractions from Each Volley of Nerve Impulses to Asynchronous Muscles
12.5 Flight in Dragonflies and Damselflies
12.6 Aerodynamics of Lift and Drag Forces Produced by Wings
12.6.1 Lift Forces Generated by Clap and Fling Wing Movements
12.6.2 Lift Forces Derived from Drag and Delayed Stall
12.7 Hovering Flight
12.8 Control of Pitch and Twisting of Wings
12.9 Power Output of Flight Muscles
12.10 Metabolic Activity of Wing Muscles
12.11 Flight Behavior
12.12 Summary and Conclusions
12.13 Review and Self-Study Questions
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Chapter 13 Sensory Systems
13.1 Introduction
13.2 External and Internal Receptors Monitor the Environment
13.3 General Functional Classification of Sensory Receptors
13.3.1 Receptors with Multiple Pores
13.3.2 Receptors with a Single Pore
13.3.3 Receptors without Pores
13.4 Mechanoreceptors
13.4.1 Structure of a Simple Tactile Hair: A Mechanoreceptor Sensillum
13.4.2 Hair Plates
13.4.3 Chordotonal Sensilla
13.4.4 Subgenual Organs
13.4.5 Tympanal Organs: Specialized Organs for Airborne Sounds
13.4.6 Johnston’s Organ
13.4.7 Simple Chordotonal Organs
13.4.8 Thermoreceptors and Hygroreceptors
13.4.9 Infrared Reception
13.5 Chemoreceptors
13.5.1 Olfactory Sensilla: Dendritic Fine Structure
13.5.2 Contact Chemoreceptors–Gustatory Receptors
13.5.3 Specialists vs. Generalists among Chemoreceptors
13.5.4 Stimulus-Receptor Excitation Coupling
13.6 Summary and Conclusions
13.7 Review and Self-Study Questions
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Chapter 14 Vision
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Compound Eye Structure
14.3 Dioptric Structures
14.4 Corneal Layering
14.5 Retinula Cells
14.6 Rhabdomeres
14.7 Electrical Activity of Retinula Cells
14.8 Neural Connections in the Optic Lobe
14.9 Ocelli
14.10 Larval Eyes: Stemmata
14.11 Dermal Light Sense
14.12 Chemistry of Insect Vision
14.13 Visual Cascade
14.14 Regulation of the Visual Cascade
14.15 Color Vision
14.16 Vision Is Important in Behavior
14.17 Nutritional Need for Carotenoids in Insects
14.18 Detection of Plane-Polarized Light
14.19 Visual Acuity
14.20 Summary and Conclusions
14.21 Review and Self-Study Questions
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Chapter 15 Circulatory System
15.1 Introduction: Circulatory System
15.2 Dorsal Vessel: Heart and Aorta
15.2.1 Alary Muscles
15.2.2 Ostia
15.2.3 Heartbeat
15.2.4 Ionic Influences on Heartbeat
15.2.5 Nerve Supply to the Heart
15.2.6 Cardioactive Secretions
15.3 Accessory Pulsatile Hearts
15.4 Hemocytes
15.4.1 Functions of Hemocytes
15.4.2 Hemocytopoietic Tissues and Origin of Hemocytes
15.4.3 Number of Circulating Hemocytes
15.5 Hemolymph
15.5.1 Functions of Hemolymph and Circulation
15.5.2 Hemolymph Volume
15.5.3 Coagulation of Hemolymph
15.5.4 Hemolymph pH and Hemolymph Buffers
15.5.5 Chemical Composition of Hemolymph Inorganic Ions Free Amino Acids Proteins Other Organic Constituents
15.6 Rate of Circulation
15.7 Hemoglobin
15.8 Summary and Conclusions
15.9 Review and Self-Study Questions
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Chapter 16 Immunity
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Physical Barriers to Invasion
16.3 Recognition of Nonself
16.4 Cellular Immune Reactions
16.5 Synthesis of Antifungal and Antibacterial Peptides
16.6 Toll, IMD, JNK, and JAK- STAT Are Pathways for Defense Responses
16.6.1 Toll Pathway
16.6.2 IMD Pathway
16.6.3 JNK Pathway
16.6.4 JAK-STAT Pathway
16.7 C-Type Lectins
16.8 Serpins
16.9 Ecology, Behavior, and Immunity
16.9.1 Effects of Climate Change on Insect Immune Responses
16.9.2 Limitation of Nutritional Resources May Alter Immune Response
16.10 Cost of Defense: To Defend or Not? What Are the Trade-Offs?
16.11 Coevolutionary Race between Parasitoid Escape Mechanisms and Host Defense Mechanisms
16.12 Autoimmune Consequences of Some Defense Reactions
16.13 Gender Differences in Immune Responses
16.14 Summary and Conclusions
16.15 Review and Self-Study Questions
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Chapter 17 Respiration
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Structure of the Tracheal System
17.2.1 Tracheae and Tracheole Structure
17.2.2 Plasticity in the Tracheal System
17.2.3 Spiracle Structure and Function
17.2.4 Tracheal Epithelium
17.2.5 Development of New Tracheoles
17.2.6 Air Sacs
17.2.7 Molting of Tracheae
17.3 Tracheal Supply to Tissues and Organs
17.3.1 Adaptations of Tracheae to Supply Flight Muscles
17.4 Ventilation and Diffusion of Gases within the System
17.4.1 Simple Diffusion is Usually Not Adequate
17.4.2 Active Ventilation of Tracheae
17.4.3 Diffusion from Tracheoles to Mitochondria
17.5 Discontinuous Gas Exchange
17.6 Water Balance during Flight
17.7 Gas Exchange in Aquatic Insects
17.7.1 Compressible Gas Gills
17.7.2 Incompressible Gas Gills: A Plastron
17.7.3 Use of Aquatic Plants as Air Source
17.7.4 Cutaneous Respiration: Closed Tracheal System in Some Aquatic Insects
17.8 Respiration in Endoparasitic Insects
17.9 Respiratory Pigments
17.10 Respiration in Eggs and Developing Embryos
17.11 Nonrespiratory Functions of the Tracheal System
17.12 Summary and Conclusions
17.13 Review and Self-Study Questions
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Chapter 18 Excretion
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Malpighian Tubules
18.3 Malpighian Tubule Cells
18.4 Formation of Primary Urine in Malpighian Tubules
18.5 Proton Pump as Driving Mechanism for Urine Formation and Homeostasis
18.6 Possibilities for Selectively Disrupting Water and Ion Homeostasis for Insect Control
18.7 Selective Reabsorption in the Hindgut
18.7.1 Anatomical Specialization of Hindgut Epithelial Cells
18.7.2 Secretion and Reabsorption in the Ileum
18.7.3 Reabsorption in the Rectum
18.8 Role of the Excretory System in Maintaining Homeostasis
18.8.1 Electrolyte Homeostasis
18.8.2 Water Homeostasis Diuretic Hormones Antidiuretic Hormones
18.8.3 Acid–Base Homeostasis
18.8.4 Nitrogen Homeostasis Ammonia Excretion Uric Acid Synthesis and Excretion
18.9 Cryptonephridial Systems
18.10 Summary and Conclusions
18.11 Review and Self-Study Questions
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Chapter 19 Semiochemicals
19.1 Introduction
19.2 Classes of Semiochemicals
19.3 Importance of the Olfactory Sense in Insects
19.4 Active Space Concept
19.5 Pheromones Classified According to Behavior Elicited
19.6 Pheromone Parsimony
19.7 Chemical Characteristics of Semiochemicals
19.8 Insect Receptors and Odorant-Binding Proteins
19.8.1 Pheromone-B inding Proteins
19.8.2 Signal Transduction and Receptor Response
19.8.3 Pheromone Inactivation and Clearing of the Receptor
19.8.4 Do Insects Smell the Blend or Just the Major Components?
19.9 Information Coding and Processing
19.9.1 Structure of Odor Plumes
19.9.2 Pheromone Signal Processing
19.10 Hormonal Control of Pheromone Synthesis and Release
19.11 Biosynthesis of Pheromones
19.12 Geographical and Population Differences and Evolution of Pheromone Blends
19.13 Practical Applications of Pheromones
19.14 Summary and Conclusions
19.15 Review and Self-Study Questions
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Chapter 20 Reproduction
20.1 Introduction
20.2 Female Reproductive System
20.2.1 Structure of Ovaries Panoistic Ovarioles Telotrophic Ovarioles Polytrophic Ovarioles Oviposition
20.2.2 Nutrients for Oogenesis
20.2.3 Hormonal Regulation of Ovary Development and Synthesis of Egg Proteins
20.3 Vitellogenins and Yolk Proteins
20.3.1 Biochemical Characteristics of Vitellogenins and Yolk Proteins
20.3.2 Yolk Proteins of Higher Diptera
20.4 Sequestering of Vitellogenins and Yolk Proteins by Oocytes
20.4.1 Patency of Follicular Cells
20.4.2 Egg Proteins Produced by Follicular Cells
20.4.3 Proteins in Addition to Vitellogenin and Yolk Proteins in the Egg
20.5 Formation of the Vitelline Membrane
20.6 The Chorion
20.7 Gas Exchange in Eggs
20.8 Male Reproductive System
20.8.1 Apyrene and Eupyrene Sperm of Lepidoptera
20.8.2 Male Accessory Glands
20.8.3 Transfer of Sperm
20.9 Sex Determination
20.10 Chromosomal Systems for Gender Determination
20.11 Summary and Conclusions
20.12 Review and Self-Study Questions
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Chapter 21 Insect Symbioses
21.1 Introduction
21.2 Symbioses among Leaf-Cutting
Ants, Fungi, and Bacteria
21.3 Biology of Termites
21.3.1 Symbionts in Termites
21.3.2 Lignocellose Structure
21.3.3 Nitrogen Metabolism
21.3.4 Fungal Culture
21.4 Bark and Ambrosia Beetles and Their Symbionts
21.4.1 Ambrosia Beetles
21.4.2 Bark Beetles
21.4.3 Fungal Role in Supplementing Limited Nutrients in Wood and Phloem
21.4.4 Evolution of Fungal Feeding in Bark Beetles
21.4.5 Bacteria as Part of the Bark Beetle Holobiont
21.4.6 Anthropogenic Effects upon Bark Beetles and Their Symbionts
21.5 Buchnera in Aphids
21.6 Tsetse Fly Symbionts
21.7 Wolbachia
21.7.1 Cytoplasmic Incompatability Inducing Effect of Wolbachia
21.7.2 Parthenogenesis-Inducing Effect of Wolbachia
21.7.3 Feminizing Strains of Wolbachia
21.8 Burkholderia in Insects
21.9 Summary and Conclusions
21.10 Self-Study Questions
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Chapter 22 Global Climate Change: Present and Future Impact on Insects
22.1 Introduction
22.2 How Have Insects Responded to Climate: Will Climate Change Bring Greater Damage by Insect Pests?
22.3 Acclimation of Insects to Lower Thermal Limits: Their Response to Fluctuating and Extreme Cold
22.4 Response of Insects to Upper Thermal Limits
22.5 Will Tropical Insect Be More or Less Impacted by Climate Warming?
22.6 Insect Ecophysiology and Climate Change
22.7 Climate Change Is Driving Insect Distributions
22.8 Climate Change: Insect Vectors and Infectious Diseases
22.9 Summary and Conclusions
22.10 Review and Self-Study Questions
Chapter 23 The Genomics Revolution in Entomology
23.1 Introduction
23.2 Transposable Elements
23.2.1 Horizontal and Vertical Transmission of TEs in Insects
23.2.2 Additional Ways Transposons Aid Insects
23.3 Evolutionarily Ancient and Conserved RNAI Pathways in Insects
23.3.1 Functions of microRNA
23.3.2 The PIWI RNA (piRNA) Pathway: Protection for Germline Cells
23.3.3 Function of Short Interfering RNA (siRNA) in Insect Antiviral Immunity
23.4 Applications of Interfering RNA in Insects
23.5 CRISPR/Cas 9 Technology
23.5.1 Applications of CRISPR/Cas9 System to Edit Genes in Insects
23.5.2 Using CRISPR/Cas9 to Explore Gene Function
23.6 Introducing Gene Editing into Educational Programs
23.7 Summary and Conclusions
23.8 Review and Self-Study Questions
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Insect Physiology and Biochemistry, Fourth Edition presents an engaging and authoritative guide to the latest findings in the dynamic field of insect physiology. It adds three new chapters on the role of the nervous system in behavior; the 'Genomics Revolution' in entomology; and global climate changes which have a major effect on insects.