فهرست مطالب :
Content: PERITONEUM: EMBRYOLOGY, ANATOMY, AND PHYSIOLOGYEmbryology and Anatomy of the Peritoneal CavityJesus EsquivelStructure and Function of the Mesothelial CellSteven E. Mutsaers, Cecilia M. Prele, and Sarah E. HerrickApplied Radiological Anatomy of the Peritoneal CavityKatie PlanchePeritoneal Drug TransportMichael F. FlessnerPERITONEAL CARCINOMATOSIS: BASIC MECHANISMSMolecular Biology of Peritoneal CarcinomatosisRiom Kwakman, Nina R. Sluiter, Erienne M.V. de Cuba, and Elisabeth (Lisette) A. te VeldeDissemination and Adhesion of Peritoneal Cancer Cells to the Peritoneal WallElly De Vlieghere, Marc Bracke, Laurine Verset, Pieter Demetter, and Olivier De WeverGenomic Approaches to Peritoneal CarcinomatosisHaroon A. Choudry and David L. BartlettSurgery, Wound Healing, and Peritoneal Minimal Residual Disease in Colorectal CancerWim P. CeelenRole of the Greater Omentum in the Pathogenesis of Peritoneal CarcinomatosisManuel J. KoppeLymphatic Transport and the Diaphragmatic StomataKatharina G.M.A. D\'HerdeINTRAPERITONEAL DRUG THERAPY: BASIC PRINCIPLESPharmacokinetics of Intraperitoneal Cytotoxic Drug TherapyKurt Van der SpeetenTissue Transport and Pharmacodynamics of Intraperitoneal ChemotherapyPieter Colin, Felix Gremonprez, and Wim P. CeelenMathematical Models of Intraperitoneal Drug DeliveryJoanna Stachowska-Pietka and Jacek WaniewskiSURGICAL TECHNIQUES FOR INTRAPERITONEAL DRUG DELIVERYManagement of Peritoneal Metastases Using Cytoreductive Surgery and Perioperative ChemotherapyPaul H. SugarbakerChemoperfusion Techniques and TechnologiesKiran TuragaPort Placement for Intraperitoneal ChemotherapyLisa M. Landrum and Joan L. WalkerCLINICAL RESULTS OF INTRAPERITONEAL DRUG DELIVERYIntraperitoneal Chemotherapy for Ovarian CancerAbdulrahman Sinno and Deborah ArmstrongCytoreductive Surgery and HIPEC in the Treatment of Advanced Epithelial Ovarian Cancer and Serous Papillary Peritoneal CarcinomaDeraco Marcello, Kusamura Shigeki, and Baratti DarioPseudomyxoma PeritoneiBettina Lieske and Brendan MoranCytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer with Peritoneal Surface DiseaseEdward A. Levine and Chukwuemeka ObioraDiffuse Malignant Peritoneal Mesothelioma: Current Concepts in Evaluation and ManagementKeli M. Turner and H. Richard Alexander, JrGastric Cancer and Intraperitoneal ChemotherapyValerie Francescutti, John M. Kane III, and Joseph J. SkitzkiCytoreductive Surgery and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy for Peritoneal Carcinomatosis from Small Bowel AdenocarcinomaEdward A. LevinePeritoneal Surface Malignancy from Neuroendocrine TumorsMladjan Protic, Itzhak Avital, and Alexander StojadinovicTreatment Considerations for High-Grade Appendiceal AdenocarcinomaSean P. Dineen, Melissa Taggart, Richard E. Royal, Paul Mansfield, and Keith F. FournierSystemic Therapy for Appendiceal CancerJennifer L. Zadlo and Cathy EngToxicity and Morbidity of IP Drug TherapyColette PameijerSafety Considerations and Occupational HazardsJoel M. Baumgartner, Kaitlyn J. Kelly, and Andrew M. LowyRole of CRS/HIPEC in the Management of Malignant AscitesKonstantinos I. VotanopoulosNOVEL AND EXPERIMENTAL APPROACHESDevelopment of Drug-Loaded Particles for Intraperitoneal TherapyZe Lu, M. Guillaume Wientjes, and Jessie L.-S. AuBiomaterials and Drug Delivery Systems for Intraperitoneal ChemotherapyBo Sun and Yoon YeoIntraperitoneal Nonviral Nucleic Acid Delivery in the Treatment of Peritoneal CancerGeorge R. Dakwar, Stefaan S.C. De Smedt, and Katrien RemautImmunotherapy of Peritoneal CarcinomatosisMichael A. Strohlein and Markus M. HeissThe Promise of Oncolytic Viral Therapy for the Treatment of Peritoneal Surface MalignanciesJohn H. Stewart, IV and Lauren GilloryPressurized Intraperitoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PIPAC)Marc A. Reymond, W. Solass, and C. Tempfer