توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این متن شامل اطلاعات پایه لیمنولوژی در طول مناسب برای یک دوره یک ترم است. این برای دانشجویان مقطع کارشناسی با پیشینه علمی، از جمله یک دوره مقدماتی زیست شناسی نوشته شده است. این متن بهویژه برای رشتههای کارشناسی در رشته جانورشناسی، گیاهشناسی، زیستشناسی حفاظتی، زیستشناسی، مطالعات محیطی، بومشناسی، زیستشناسی آبزیان، و رشتههای مرتبط مناسب است.
مقدمهای بر لیمنولوژی حاوی بیشتر زیستشناسی، بومشناسی است. ، و ارتباط انسان با محیط زیست نسبت به سایر کتاب های موجود در بازار. متن بر بومشناسی آبزی تأکید دارد، با طیف گستردهای از زمینههای اکولوژیکی، از جمله: چشمانداز، اکوسیستم، فیزیولوژیک، جمعیت، جامعه، و زیستشناسی.
فهرست مطالب :
Chapter 1 Introduction to Limnology
Limnology Defined
Early Landmarks in Limnology
Key Early Inventions and Techniques
Aquatic Organisms
Plankton Nets
Vertical Temperature Profile
Oxygen Concentration
Contour Maps
Limnological Textbooks
Names of Bodies of Inland Water
Environmentalism and/or Traditional Science in Limnology
The Role of Modeling and Statistical Thinking in Limnology
Descriptive Models
Predictive Models
Hypothesis Testing
Mesocosms and Whole-Lake Experiments
The Role of Field Stations
The Role of Journals and Associations
The Organizational Scheme of the Presentation of Limnology in This Text
Measuring Units Used in Limnology
Study Guide
Chapter 2 Setting the Stage: Water as an Environment
The Diversity of Limnological Organisms
Fundamental Characteristics of Water as a Substance
Molecular Shape
Surface Tension
Solubility of Gases
Dissociation and pH
Redox Potential
Chemicals Dissolved in Water
Cooling and Evaporation
Summary of Critical Limnological Numbers
Vertical Stratification in Lakes
Vertical Profiles of Temperature
Measurement of Temperature in Lakes
Patterns of Vertical Temperature Profiles
Annual Mixing Patterns
Ice Cover and Lake Size
Vertical Profiles of Oxygen
Measurement of Oxygen in Lakes
Patterns of Vertical Oxygen Profiles
Vertical Profiles of Light
Measurement of Light in Lakes
Vertical Profiles of Living Organisms
Algae Patterns
Macrophyte Patterns
Bacteria Patterns
Zoobenthos Patterns
Zooplankton Patterns
Fish Patterns
Vertical Profiles of Primary Productivity
Interaction of Heat and Light with Organisms
Water Movements
Mass Transport
Laminar Flow and Zero Flow
Turbulent Flow
Reynolds Number
Horizontal Currents
Periodic Movements
Surface (Progressive) Waves
Seiches (Standing Waves)
Lunar Tides
Study Guide
Chapter 3 Diversity of Aquatic Organisms: The Single-Celled and Colonial Organisms
Prokaryotes (Bacteria and Archaea)
Taxomony and Diversity
External Structure, Appearance, and Anatomy
Swimming and Escape Behavior
Feeding Preferences and Behavior
Life Cycle and Diapause
Economic Importance and Management
Taxomony and Diversity
External Structure, Appearance, and Anatomy
Chlorophyta (Green Algae)
Cryptophyta (Cryptomonads)
Chrysophyta (Golden-Brown Algae)
Swimming and Escape Behavior
Feeding Preferences and Behavior
Life Cycle and Diapause
Economic Importance and Management
Taxonomy and Diversity
External Structure, Appearance, and Anatomy
Swimming and Escape Behavior
Feeding Preferences and Behavior
Life Cycle and Diapause
Economic Importance and Management
Study Guide
The Diversity of Limnological Organisms
Taxonomy and Diversity
External Structure, Appearance, and Anatomy
Swimming and Escape Behavior
Feeding Preferences and Behavior
Life Cycle and Diapause
Economic Importance and Management
Chapter 4 Diversity of Aquatic Organisms: Rotifers, Annelids, and Arthropods
The Small Invertebrates
Taxonomy and Diversity
External Structure, Appearance, and Anatomy
Swimming and Escape Behavior
Feeding Preferences and Behavior
Life Cycle and Diapause
Economic Importance and Management
Annelida (Oligochaeta)
Taxonomy and Diversity
External Structure, Appearance, and Anatomy
Swimming and Escape Behavior
Feeding Preferences and Behavior
Life Cycle and Diapause
Economic Importance and Management
Taxonomy and Diversity
External Structure, Appearance, and Anatomy
Swimming and Escape Behavior
Feeding Preferences and Behavior
Life Cycle and Diapause
Economic Importance and Management
Taxonomy and Diversity
External Structure, Appearance, and Anatomy
Swimming and Escape Behavior
Feeding Preferences and Behavior
Life Cycle and Diapause
Economic Importance and Management
Taxonomy and Diversity
External Structure, Appearance, and Anatomy
Swimming and Escape Behavior
Feeding Preferences and Behavior
Life Cycle and Diapause
Economic Importance and Management
Taxonomy and Diversity
External Structure, Appearance, and Anatomy
Swimming and Escape Behavior
Feeding Preferences and Behavior
Life Cycle and Diapause
Economic Importance and Management
Study Guide
Chapter 5 Diversity of Aquatic Organisms: Larger Organisms
The Larger Aquatic Animals and Plants
Mollusks—Phylum Mollusca
Taxonomy and Diversity
External Structure, Appearance, and Anatomy
Swimming and Escape Behavior
Feeding Preferences and Behavior
Life Cycle and Diapause
Economic Importance and Management
Fishes—Phylum Chordata, Subphylum Vertebrata
Taxonomy and Diversity
External Structure, Appearance, and Anatomy
Habitat Swimming and Feeding Preferences
Life Cycle and Diapause
Economic Importance and Management
Other Vertebrates—Classes Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves, and Mammalia
Taxonomy and Diversity
External Structure, Appearance, and Anatomy
Swimming and Escape Behavior
Feeding Preferences and Behavior
Life Cycle and Diapause
Economic Importance and Management
Plants—Aquatic Macrophytes
Taxonomy and Diversity
External Structure, Appearance, and Anatomy Habitat
Swimming and Escape Behavior
Feeding Preferences and Behavior
Life Cycle and Diapause
Economic Importance and Management
Study Guide
Chapter 6 Population Dynamics in Limnology: Population Size Changing with Time
Change in Limnology
Definition of Population Dynamics
Distribution of a Population
Estimating Population Size
Models of Population Dynamics
Individual-Based Models
The Exponential Population Growth Model
Population Data Calculation
Don Hall’s Surprise
Age-Specific Models
Exponential Population Growth and Invasion
The Egg (or Seed) Bank Population Growth Model
Biological Fitness and Population Growth Rate
Life-History Strategy
Seasonal Timing of Life History, Including Reproduction
Size and Number of Offspring
Age-Specific Energy Allocation Patterns— Reproduction, Growth, and Body Maintenance
Rate of Population Growth versus Resting Egg Production
Age of First Reproduction and Size- or Age- Selective Predation
Life Span
Life-History Adaptations
Study Guide
Chapter 7 Community Ecology: Species Interactions and Community Structure
The Community Concept
General Community Definitions
Community Building Blocks
Guild Concept
Functional Species Group Concept
Morphological Species Concept
Biological Species Concept
Molecular Species Concept
Clone Concept
Major Aquatic Communities
Lake Communities
Stream Communities
Food Web Models
Community Interactions
Competition for Limited Resources
General Concepts
Competition Avoidance
Predator-Prey Interactions
Selective Predation Strategies
Defenses Against Predation
Chemical Induction of Predator Defenses
Comparison of Ecological Importance of Competition and Predation
Indirect Effects of Predation
Keystone Predation
Mutualisms and Symbiosis
Community Structure
Species Area Curves
Pesticides and Diversity
Spatial Heterogeneity and Diversity
Community Composition
Species Associations
Study Guide
Chapter 8 Community Ecology: Freshwater Communities Changing Through Time
Community Origins
Community Dynamics
Community Dynamics on a Daily Basis
Diel Vertical Migration (DVM) of Zooplankton
Other Groups that Show Diel Vertical Migration
Stream Drift
Seasonal Ecological Succession in the Pelagic (Peg Model)
Long-Term Changes in Communities
“Island” Biogeography
Fish Invasions of the Laurentian Great Lakes
A Molluscan Invader in Aquatic Communities
A Plant Invader in Aquatic Communities
Biomanipulation-Trophic Cascades
Cultural Eutrophication
Alternate Stable States
Study Guide
Chapter 9 Aquatic Ecosystems and Physiology: Energy Flow
The Ecosystem Concept
Models of Energy Flow
Space-Time Diagrams
Primary Productivity
Photosynthetic Organisms
Light Inhibition of Photosynthesis
Primary Productivity in Lakes and Streams
Measuring Primary Productivity
Tropical Productivity
Energy Inputs Other than Sunlight
Nonphotosynthetic Primary Productivity
Wave Energy and Productivity
Secondary Production
Ecological Efficiencies
Fishes and Primary Productivity
Microbial Loop
Allochthonous Inputs
Introduction to Physiological Ecology
Surface-to-Volume Ratios
Metabolic Rate and Body Size
Metabolic Rate and Temperature
Scope for Growth and Temperature Preferences
Interaction of Temperature and Body Size
Metabolic Rate and Other Factors
Balanced Bioenergetic Model
Study Guide
Chapter 10 Aquatic Ecosystems: Chemical Cycles
Chemical Cycles in Water and Biogeochemical Cycles
The Carbon Cycle in Water
Forms of Carbon
Carbon Reservoirs
The CO2, Bicarbonate, Carbonate Equilibrium
pH, Inorganic Carbon Equilibrium, and Photosynthesis
Acid Deposition
The Dark Side of CO2
The Oxygen Cycle in Water
Forms of Oxygen
Oxygen Reservoirs
Metabolic Adaptations to Low Oxygen Concentrations
Breathing in Water
Circulatory Systems
Behavioral Adaptations to Low Oxygen Concentrations
The Phosphorus Cycle in Lakes
Forms of Phosphorus
Reservoirs of Phosphorus
Phosphate as a Limiting Nutrient
Luxury Consumption
Limiting Nutrient
Cultural Eutrophication
Environmental Protection
The Nitrogen Cycle in Water
Forms of Nitrogen
Reservoirs of Nitrogen
Nitrogen Fixation
Nitrogen Excretion
Ecosystem Manipulations and the Nitrogen Cycle
Silicon in Water
Ecological Stoichiometry
Toxic Chemicals
Heavy Metals in Freshwater Systems
Anthropogenic Organic Chemicals in Freshwater Systems
Ecological Effects of Toxic Chemicals
Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification
Clear Lake Example: Bioaccumulation and Evolution of Pesticide Resistance
Study Guide
Chapter 11 Water in Landscapes
The Landscape Concept
Shapes and Sizes of Lakes and Streams
Shore Length
Watershed or Catchment Basin
Stream Morphometry
Cross-Sectional Area
Landscape Position
Lake Position
Stream Order and River Continuum Concept
Interactions Between Surface and Ground Waters: The Hydrological Cycle
Ground Water
Lake Origins: How Lakes Are Made
Alpine Glaciation
Glacial Dams and Moraines
Kettle Pond
Alluvial Dam
Plunge Basin
Glacial Scouring
Oxbow Lakes
Sinkholes in Karst Regions
Rock Pools
Frost Polygons
Tectonic Activity
Volcanic Activity
Biological Activity
Beaver Ponds
Human Activity
Stream Origins
Development of Lakes and Streams Over Time
Stream Development
Dam Removal
Dam Failure
Study Guide
Chapter 12 The Citizen Limnologist
Limnology and Society
An Observation Model
Citizen Perspectives
Sense of Place
Contrasting Cultural Perspectives
The Limnological Perspective
Freshwater Management
Biological Integrity
Adaptive Management
Step 1-Assembly
Step 2-Monitoring
Step 3-Adaptation
Lake Powell Example
Restoration of Aquatic Communities
Study Guide
Chapter 13 Field and Laboratory Exercises
Statistical Analysis Supplement
Supplemantal Reading
Field Exercise Protocol
Lab 1: Vertical Patterns in a Lake
Lab 2: Zooplankton in a Lake
Lab 3: Becoming Familiar with Rotifers
Lab 4: Becoming Familiar with Cladocerans
Lab 5: Becoming Familiar with Copepods
Lab 6: Aquatic Insects in a Stream
Lab 7: Aquatic Macrophytes and Multivariate Techniques
Lab 8: Fishes in Lakes and Streams
Lab 9: Chemistry and Productivity of a Sewage Pond
Lab 10: Aquatic Resource Integrity
Appendix 1 Spearman Rank Correlation Test
Appendix 2 The X2 Test of Independence, with Emphasis on the X2 Median Test
Literature Cited
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This text includes the basic foundation information of limnology in an appropriate length for a one-semester course. It is written for intermediate undergraduate college students with some science background, including an introductory biology course. The text is especially well-suited for undergraduate majors in zoology, botany, conservation biology, biology, environmental studies, ecology, aquatic biology, and related fields.
Introduction to Limnology contains more biology, ecology, and human-environmental connections than other such books on the market. The text emphasizes aquatic ecology, with a wide range of ecological fields represented, including: landscape, ecosystem, physiological, population, community, and biome.