Investing in youth : Slovenia

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کتاب سرمایه گذاری در جوانان: اسلوونی نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Investing in youth : Slovenia

نام کتاب : Investing in youth : Slovenia
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : سرمایه گذاری در جوانان: اسلوونی
سری : Investing in youth,
ناشر :
سال نشر : 2021
تعداد صفحات : 144
ISBN (شابک) : 9789264389595 , 9264389598
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 4 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

Executive summary
1 Preventing and activating NEETs in Slovenia: Assessment and recommendations
1.1. Mapping NEETs in Slovenia
1.2. Preparing young people for the labour market
1.3. Activating young people
2 A profile of NEETs in Slovenia
2.1. Introduction
2.2. The economic and labour market context in Slovenia
2.2.1. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
2.2.2. Recent labour market trends
2.3. The education and employment performance of young Slovenians
2.3.1. Labour market outcomes of young people in Slovenia
2.3.2. The educational attainment of Slovenian youth
2.4. A profile of Slovenian NEETs
2.4.1. Characteristics of NEETs
2.4.2. Characteristics of long-term NEETs
2.4.3. Social benefit receipt, employment support and poverty
2.5. Transition pathways and groups of NEETs
2.6. The fiscal costs of NEETs
2.6.1. Prior estimates and methodology
2.6.2. Estimated short-term fiscal costs of NEETs
2.7. Conclusion
3 Preparing young people in slovenia for the labour market
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Keeping teenagers in school
3.2.1. The extent and consequences of early school dropout
3.2.2. Risk factors for early school leaving
3.2.3. Policies and programmes to minimise dropout in Slovenia
3.2.4. Good practices to prevent school dropout and identify early school leavers
Address sources of academic difficulties and prevent early school leaving
Identify and re-integrate early school leavers
3.3. Reducing skill mismatches through career counselling
3.3.1. Scope of skill mismatch in Slovenia and across the OECD
3.3.2. Career counselling and education for primary and secondary students in Slovenia
3.3.3. Strengthening career education and counselling
Channel young people towards career education and guidance that meets their needs
Ensure the quality of career education
Increasing employers’ involvement in career education
Reinforcing the knowledge about current and future skill needs
3.4. Strengthening work-based learning in Slovenia
3.4.1. The benefits of work-based learning
3.4.2. Apprenticeships within the vocational training system in Slovenia
3.4.3. Ideas for strengthened apprenticeships
3.5. Improving the transition of students to work
3.5.1. Study duration and job search
3.5.2. Facilitating the university-to-work transition
Enhance support services for students
Strengthen the financial incentives for on-time graduation
3.6. Conclusion
4 Activating young people in Slovenia
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Unregistered NEETs
4.2.1. Identification of unregistered NEETs
4.2.2. Outreach strategies for unregistered NEETs
Peer-to-peer outreach in Sweden and Bulgaria
Collaboration with associations and community-based organisations in Belgium, Luxembourg and Lithuania
Development of national outreach strategies in Latvia and Portugal
Institutional mandates for outreach in Denmark and Belgium
Monitoring frameworks in Estonia and Portugal
4.3. Activation support for registered NEETS
4.3.1. Declining number of registered young jobseekers
4.3.2. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
4.3.3. Long-term NEETs
4.4. Specific target groups
4.4.1. Young mothers
Work does not necessarily pay for young parents
Creating incentives for young NEET mothers to take up work
4.4.2. Young people with a migrant background
4.4.3. Roma youth
Employment support for Roma
Employment support
Collaboration with other stakeholders
Outreach to Roma youth
Social support for Roma
4.5. Conclusion

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