Islamic Philanthropy: Exploring Zakat, Waqf, and Sadaqah in Islamic Finance and Economics

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کتاب بشردوستی اسلامی: بررسی زکات، وقف و صدقه در امور مالی و اقتصاد اسلامی نسخه زبان اصلی

دانلود کتاب بشردوستی اسلامی: بررسی زکات، وقف و صدقه در امور مالی و اقتصاد اسلامی بعد از پرداخت مقدور خواهد بود
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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Islamic Philanthropy: Exploring Zakat, Waqf, and Sadaqah in Islamic Finance and Economics

نام کتاب : Islamic Philanthropy: Exploring Zakat, Waqf, and Sadaqah in Islamic Finance and Economics
ویرایش : 1
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : بشردوستی اسلامی: بررسی زکات، وقف و صدقه در امور مالی و اقتصاد اسلامی
سری : Palgrave Studies in Islamic Banking, Finance, and Economics
نویسندگان : , ,
ناشر : Palgrave Macmillan
سال نشر : 2022
تعداد صفحات : 357
ISBN (شابک) : 9783031068898 , 9783031068904
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 9 مگابایت

بعد از تکمیل فرایند پرداخت لینک دانلود کتاب ارائه خواهد شد. درصورت ثبت نام و ورود به حساب کاربری خود قادر خواهید بود لیست کتاب های خریداری شده را مشاهده فرمایید.

فهرست مطالب :

Humanitarian Aid
Proposed Potential Solutions
List of Contributors
List of Figures
List of Tables
Part I: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
1 Introduction
2 Financing for Development
3 From Human Resources to Donation
4 Institutional Set-up for Philanthropy
5 The Entrepreneurship–Philanthropy Nexus
6 A New Approach to Economic Development
7 The Economic Aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic
8 Organization of This Book
Chapter 2: Philanthropy from Islamic Tradition
1 Introduction
2 An Insight into the Studies of Philanthropy
2.1 The Meaning of Philanthropy
2.2 Instruments
2.2.1 Ṣādaqah wājibah
2.2.2 Zakāh
2.2.3 Zakāh al-Fiṭrah
2.2.4 Zakāh al-Māl
2.2.5 Nadhr
2.2.6 Fidyah
2.2.7 Kaffārah
2.2.8 Uḍḥiyyah
2.3 Ṣādaqah nāfilah
2.3.1 Lillah (for God)
2.3.2 Waqf
2.3.3 Aqīqah
2.4 The Motives
2.5 The Causality Effect of Philanthropy
3 Deriving the Principles of Philanthropy
3.1 Togetherness (ukhuwwah)
3.2 Justice (cadālah)
3.3 Welfare (ricāyah)
3.4 Benefit (maṣlaḥah)
3.5 Balance (tawāzun)
3.6 Universalism (shumūliyah)
4 Applying the Principles: An Example of the Welfare Economic System
5 Conclusions
Chapter 3: Mobilizing Philanthropy Instruments in Development Assistance
1 Introduction
2 Islamic Worldview and Teachings on Philanthropy
3 State of Underdevelopment in the Muslim World
4 Current State of Development Assistance in OIC Countries
5 Role of Sovereign Sukuk in Sourcing Development Funds
5.1 Ijarah Sukuk
5.2 Mudarabah Sukuk
5.3 Musharakah Sukuk
6 Role of Islamic Social Finance in Sustainable Development
6.1 The Role of Zakat in Development Assistance
6.2 The Role of Waqf in Mobilizing and Institutionalizing Philanthropy
7 Conclusion
Part II: Waqf
Chapter 4: Challenges of Waqf Land Development in Brunei Darussalam
1 Introduction
2 Waqf and Socioeconomic Development
3 The Current State of Waqf in Brunei Darussalam
4 Waqf Land in Brunei Darussalam
5 Challenges of Waqf Land Development in Brunei Darussalam
6 Recommendation
7 Conclusion
Chapter 5: The Ottoman Cash Waqf as Altruistic Finance Model
1 Introduction
2 Cash Waqf and Discussions
2.1 Religious Pieces of Evidence of the Cash Waqf
2.2 Discussions of Ottoman Scholars on the Cash Waqf
3 Samples of Cash Waqf
3.1 The Establishment Process of the Cash Waqf
3.2 The Waqf of Ali Pasha b. Arslan Pasha
3.3 The Waqf of Ayşe Kadın bt. Mahmud Pasha
3.4 The Waqf of Mehmed Pasha
4 Cash Waqf as Altruistic Finance Institutions
4.1 Islamic/Ethical Methods
4.2 Operated as Microcredit Mechanism
4.3 Regional Institutions
4.4 Focused on the Needs of Society
5 Conclusion
Appendix (the Waqfiyahs)
Archive Documents
Articles and Books
Chapter 6: Predicting the Behavioural Intention for Cash Waqf: Evidence from Malaysia and Thailand
1 Introduction
2 Cash Waqf in Theory and Practice
3 Hypotheses Testing
4 Research Methods
5 Discussion
6 Conclusion
Chapter 7: Waqf-Based Crowdfunding: Proposed Framework for Entrepreneurial Development
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Overview of Crowdfunding
7.2.1 Waqf: An Overview
7.3 The Mechanics of Waqf-Based Crowdfunding
7.4 Framework of Waqf-Based Crowdfunding for Entrepreneur
7.5 Conclusion
Chapter 8: Waqf Flood Evacuation Centre: New Recourse to Flood Victims in Malaysia
1 Background
2 Review of Existing Literature
2.1 Flood Evacuation Centre
2.2 Issues with Regards to Flood Evacuation Centres
3 Methodology
4 Findings
4.1 Background of Respondents
4.2 Effect of Flood to Finances, Life/Health, Sources of Income, and Property
4.3 Experiences Staying at Flood Evacuation Centres
5 Suggestions for Permanent Flood Evacuation Centre Based on Waqf Principles
6 Conclusion
Chapter 9: Cash Waqf for Humanitarian Aid: The Case of Transboundary Haze
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Methodology
4 Case Study
5 Findings and Discussion
6 Conclusion
Part III: Zakat
Chapter 10: A Collection of Studies on Zakāt
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Data and Methodology
4 Empirical Results
4.1 Number of Publications by Year
4.2 Research Types of Each Publication
4.3 Research Approaches of Each Publication
4.4 Quantitative List by Subject Area of Articles
4.5 Genders of Authors and Authorship
4.6 Study Location and Publications by Geographical Affiliation
5 Conclusion
Chapter 11: The Impact of Zakat Distribution
1 Introduction
2 Zakat Distribution
3 The Impact of Zakat Distribution
4 Material and Methods
5 Discussion
6 Conclusion
Chapter 12: Promoting Islamic Philanthropy in Islamic Higher Education of Indonesia
1 Introduction
2 Islamic Philanthropy and Education
3 Islamic Philanthropy Organization in Indonesia
4 Zakat Distribution Model
5 Data Collection
6 Data Analysis
7 Result and Discussion
8 Fundraising of an Islamic Philanthropy Organization
9 Distribution Mechanism
10 Conclusion
Chapter 13: A Mobile Application for Zakat Collection in Indonesia
1 Introduction
2 Description of GO ZAKAT Mobile Application
3 Discussion
4 Conclusion
Chapter 14: Zakat for Disaster Relief
1 Introduction
2 Information of Disaster Relief
3 Zakat as Solution for Disaster Relief
3.1 Issue # 1: Are zakat institutions able to work with non-Muslim organizations to help those affected by the disaster?
3.2 Issue # 2: Types of asnaf that fall under the category of disaster relief
3.3 Issue # 3: Can non-Muslim disaster victims be given allocation from zakat?
3.4 Issue # 4: Can zakah be given to disaster victims or refugees who are far from zakat collectors’ jurisdictions?
3.5 Issue # 5: Can zakah be used to finance zakat settlement?
4 Conclusions
Part IV: Other Issues
Chapter 15: Investment of Tabung Masjid in Malaysia toward Fulfilling Maqasid-Al-Shariah
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Maqasid-Based Framework
4 Hypothesis Development
5 Methodology
6 Results and Discussion
6.1 Cross-Tabulation Statistics
6.2 One-Way ANOVA Results
6.3 Forecasting Tabung Masjids
6.4 Granger Causality Statistics
7 Conclusion
Chapter 16: Religious Institutions in Philanthropy-Based Activities in Pakistan
1 Introduction
2 Historical Context and Literature Review
3 Understanding the Nature and Activities of ‘Khanqahs’ and ‘Sufi Shrines’
3.1 Sufi Khanqahs
3.2 Model Khanqah
3.3 Financial Support and Management
3.4 Sufi Shrines
3.5 Sufi Shrines of South Asia
3.6 Development Experts on Khanqah or Shrine-based Philanthropic Organizations
4 Methodology
5 Results and Discussion
5.1 Shrine of Hazrat Data Ali Hajveeri (Data Durbar)
5.2 Shrine of Baba Farid Shakar Ganj
5.3 Shrine of Baba Bulleh Shah
5.4 Shrines of Bahaud Din Zakriya and Shah Rukan-e-Aalam
6 Conclusion
Chapter 17: South Africa’s Muslim Philanthropists and Humanitarian Organizations: Religious Activism, Changing Environments
1 Introduction
2 Muslim Activism: Initiating Muslim Activities, Forming Muslim NGOs
3 Muslim NGOs: Inscribed in Texts, Located in Contexts
3.1 In (South Africa-Related) Texts
3.2 In (Global Muslim Philanthropic) Context
3.2.1 Local Context: Modest Structures, Noble Intentions
3.2.2 International Scene: Stereotypical Notions, Absurd Claims
4 Muslim Organizations: Establishing Trusts, Erecting Foundations
4.1 Trusts: Philanthropic Agencies
4.1.1 Central Islamic Trust
4.1.2 Iqraa Trust
4.1.3 South African Muslim Charitable Trust
4.1.4 Imam Abdullah Haron Educational Trust
4.2 Foundations: Humanitarian Agencies
4.2.1 Gift of the Givers Foundation
4.2.2 Al-Imdaad Foundation
5 Conclusion
Chapter 18: Governance Framework for Philanthropic Organizations Directed Towards Taqyid Al-Mutlaq
1 Introduction
2 Social Private and Public Partnership in Malaysia
3 Governance Framework Model for Philanthropic Organizations
3.1 Functional Accountability
3.2 Social Accountability
3.3 Shariah Review
3.4 Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Risks
3.5 Risk-Management Practice
4 Methodology
5 Conclusion
Part V: Concluding Remarks
Chapter 19: Summary and Policy Recommendations
1 Summary of Findings
1.1 General Issues in Philanthropy
1.2 Waqf
1.3 Zakat
1.4 Other Philanthropy Instruments
2 Policy Recommendations
2.1 Literacy Knowledge in Philanthropy
2.2 Best Practice of Philanthropy Management and a Standard-Setting Body
2.3 Mainstreaming the National Agenda on Islamic Philanthropy
2.4 Public Policy Responses to Fintech
3 Ways Forward

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