توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
این مطالعه در مورد اندازه جمعیت ایتالیا از 225 قبل از میلاد است. تا 14 پس از میلاد از ارقام سرشماری اولیه روم و برآوردهای سالانه تعداد مردان تحت اسلحه استفاده می کند تا ماهیت مهاجرت ایتالیایی ها، اثرات جنگ ها و سکونت گاه های زمینی در شبه جزیره و اقتصاد سیزالپین گال و سایر مناطق را ارزیابی کند.
فهرست مطالب :
ITALIAN MANPOWER 225 B.C.-A.D. 14......Page 1
Preface......Page 5
PART ONE......Page 9
PART TWO......Page 10
PART THREE......Page 11
PART FOUR......Page 12
APPENDICES......Page 13
INDEXES......Page 14
List of Tables......Page 15
List of Short Titles......Page 17
Part One: Census Figures and Italian Population......Page 21
I. Introduction......Page 23
Table I: Roman Census Figures......Page 33
II. What Do the Census Figures Represent?......Page 35
(i) Before c. 225 B.C.......Page 46
Table II: Census, Land, and Colonies, 503-233......Page 50
(ii) After c. 225 B.C.......Page 53
Table III: Men under arms in 225 (Polybius)......Page 64
Table IV (b): Men on the registers in 225 (corrected)......Page 65
Table V: Free inhabitants of Italy in 225......Page 74
V. The Number of Citizens from 225 to 90 B.C.......Page 81
Table VI: Analysis of Census Returns, 168-124......Page 90
Table VII: Analysis of Corrected Census Returns, 203-124......Page 92
VI. The Italian Allies from 225 to 90 B.C.......Page 104
VII. The Censuses of 86/5 and 70/69 B.C.......Page 111
Table VIII: Conjectural Analysis of Census Return of 69......Page 117
VIII. Developments between 80 and 28 B.C.......Page 120
IX. The Augustan Census Figures......Page 133
X. The Free and Slave Population of Italy, 225 B.C.-A.D. 14......Page 141
XI. Reproductivity in Ancient Italy......Page 151
(i) Expectation of Life......Page 152
(ii) Mortality......Page 153
(iii) Nuptiality......Page 156
(iv) The Limitation of Families......Page 160
(v) Fertility of Freedmen and Freedwomen......Page 163
(vi) Modes of Family Limitation......Page 166
(vii) Emigration......Page 174
Part Two: Citizens Outside Italy......Page 177
XII. Italian Emigration: General Considerations......Page 179
(i) The Enfranchisement of Cisalpina......Page 186
(ii) Geographical Considerations......Page 192
(iii) Population before the Roman Conquest......Page 204
(iv) Italian Immigration......Page 210
(v) The Population in the First Century B.C.......Page 218
(i) Enfranchised Provincials......Page 224
(ii) Italici who were not Citizens......Page 225
(iii) Italian Men of Business in the Provinces......Page 229
(iv) Peasant Emigrants......Page 234
(v) The Size of Conventus......Page 240
(vi) Mithridates\' Massacre of Italians......Page 244
(vii) Recruitment of Italian Soldiers in the Province......Page 247
(viii) Conclusions......Page 253
(i) The Dating of Colonies and Municipia......Page 254
(ii) The Policy of Enfranchisement......Page 259
(iii) Old and New Emigrants......Page 264
(iv) Natives in Colonies......Page 266
(v) \'Caesarian\' Colonies......Page 275
(vii) The Size of Colonies......Page 279
(viii) The Size of Municipia......Page 281
(ix) The Number of Citizens Overseas in 28 B.C.......Page 282
(xi) The Number of Citizens Overseas in A.D. 14......Page 284
Part Three: Special Studies of Italy......Page 287
XVI. The Devastation of Italy in the Hannibalic War......Page 289
XVII. The Effect of Roman Annexations after the Hannibalic War......Page 298
XVIII. The Effects of Warfare in Italy in the First Century B.C.......Page 305
(ii) Modes of Settlement......Page 314
(iii) The Sullan Allotments......Page 320
(iv) Allotments between 78 and 49 B.C.......Page 332
(v) Allotments between 49 and 42 B.C.......Page 339
(vi) Triumviral Allotments......Page 346
(vii) The Settlement of Soldiers, 30 B.C.-A.D. 14......Page 352
(viii) Summary and Conclusions......Page 362
(i) Latium......Page 365
(ii) South Etruria......Page 370
(a) Particular Regions......Page 373
Samnium......Page 374
Lucania......Page 378
Magna Graecia and Bruttium......Page 379
Calabria......Page 385
Apulia......Page 386
(b) Pasturage......Page 390
(i) Numbers of Corn-Recipients......Page 396
(ii) Total Numbers, c. 58-52 B.C.......Page 402
(iii) The Growth of the City before 58 B.C.......Page 403
(iv) Mortality and Fertility in the City......Page 405
Part Four: Military......Page 409
XXII. Conscription......Page 411
Table IX: Distributions of Money to Soldiers, 201-167......Page 414
(i) Prefatory Remarks......Page 436
(ii) The Hannibalic War......Page 437
Table X: Legions in the Hannibalic War......Page 438
(iii) 200-168 B.C......Page 442
Table XI: Men under Arms (Excluding Fleets), 200-168......Page 444
Table XII: Italians in Armies and Fleets, 200-168......Page 445
(iv) 167-91 B.C.......Page 446
Table XIII: Number and Distritbution of Legions, 167-91......Page 452
(i) The Social War......Page 455
(ii) 87-83 B.C.......Page 460
(iii) 83-81 B.C.......Page 461
(i) Summary......Page 466
(ii) Italy......Page 468
Table XIV: Number and Distribution of Legions, 80-50......Page 469
(iii) Africa......Page 471
(iv) The East......Page 472
(v) Gaul......Page 483
(vi) Macedonia......Page 488
(vii) Spain......Page 490
(i) Pompeian Legions......Page 493
(ii) Caesar\'s Legions......Page 494
(iii) Legions, 44-42 B.C......Page 500
(iv) Legions 42-40 B.C.......Page 508
(v) Octavian\'s Legions, 40-30 B.C......Page 518
(vi) Antony\'s Legions after 40 B.C.......Page 522
(vii) Fleets, 49-30 B.C.......Page 527
(viii) Summary: Italians in the Legions......Page 529
Table XV: Recruitment in Italy, 49-30......Page 531
Appendices......Page 533
1. Tabulae Caeritum......Page 535
2. The Table of Heraclea......Page 539
3. Italian Municipal Autonomy before 90 B.C.......Page 544
4. Lustrum and census......Page 556
5. Enfranchisements in Early Roman and Latin Colonies......Page 558
6. Formula Togatorum......Page 565
7. Vicesima Libertatis and Aerarium Sanctius......Page 569
8. Violence in the Italian Countryside......Page 571
9. The Augustan Marriage Laws......Page 578
10. Cisalpina as a Consular Province......Page 587
11. Fora, Especially in Cisalpina......Page 590
12. The Supposed Settlement of Marian Veterans in Africa......Page 597
13. Pliny on Africa......Page 601
14. Pliny on Spain......Page 604
15. List of Provincial Colonies......Page 609
16. List of Provincial Municipia down to A.D. 14......Page 622
17. Triumviral and Augustan Colonies in Italy......Page 628
18. Malaria in Ancient Italy......Page 631
19. How the Roman Levy Was Conducted......Page 645
20. The Meaning of the Term \'Dilectus\'......Page 655
21. The Annalists on Conscription in Early Rome......Page 659
22. Annalistic Evidence on Legions, 218-167 B.C.......Page 665
(i)......Page 666
(ii)......Page 677
23. Legions in Spain, 200-90 B.C.......Page 681
24. Roman Fleets, 218-146 B.C.......Page 686
Table XVI: Naval Effort in the Hannibalic War......Page 688
25. The Size of the Pre-Marian Legion......Page 691
26. The Ration of Allies to Romans in Armies, 225-90 B.C.......Page 697
27. The Size of the Post-Marian Legion......Page 707
28. Some Casualty Figures......Page 714
29. Peregrini in Republican Legions......Page 718
Addenda......Page 720
A......Page 737
B......Page 741
Indexes......Page 749
Index Locorum......Page 750
A. Persons......Page 754
(i) Italy......Page 761
(ii) Outside Italy......Page 767
C. Index of Subjects......Page 772
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
This study of the size of the Italian population from 225 B.C. to A.D. 14 draws on early Roman census figures and yearly estimates of the number of men under arms to assess the nature of Italian emigration, the effects of wars and land settlements in the peninsula, and the economy of Cisalpine Gaul and other regions.