فهرست مطالب :
Frontmatter\nNote on Place Names (page xv)\nNote on Transliteration (page xvii)\nPART I: JEWS AND THEIR NEIGHBOURS IN EASTERN EUROPE SINCE 1750\n Between Jews and their Neighbours: Isolation, Confrontation, and Influence in Eastern Europe (ISRAEL BARTAL AND SCOTT URY, page 3)\n Reform and Exclusion: Conceptions of the Reform of the Jewish Community during the Declining Years of the Polish Enlightenment (MARCIN WODZIŃSKI, page 31)\n Praying at Home in Lemberg: The Minyan Laws of the Habsburg Empire 1776-1848 (RACHEL MANEKIN, page 49)\n Overcoming the Signs of the \'Other\': Visual Aspects of the Acculturation of Jews in the Kingdom of Poland in the Nineteenth Century (AGNIESZKA JAGODZIŃSKA, page 71)\n The Ideological Roots of the Polish Jewish Intelligentsia (ELA BAUER, page 95)\n Between Permeability and Isolation: Ezriel Natan Frenk as Historian of the Jews in Poland (FRANÇOIS GUESNET, page 111)\n S.A. An-sky--Dialogic Writer (BRIAN HOROWITZ, page 131)\n Between Judaism and the West: The Making of a Modern Jewish Poet in Uri Zvi Greenberg\'s \'Memoirs (from the Book of Wanderings)\' (KARIN NEUBURGER, page 151)\n Between State Loyalty and National Identity: Electoral Behavior in Inter-War Poland (JEFFREY S. KOPSTEIN AND JASON WITTENBERG, page 171)\n Failed Integration: Jews and the Beginning of the Communist Movement in Poland (PIOTR WRÓBEL, page 187)\n The Jewel in the Yiddish Crown: Who Will Occupy the Chair in Yiddish at the University of Vilnius? (KALMAN WEISER, page 223)\n Rites of Violence? The Pogroms of Summer 1941 (KAI STRUVE, page 257)\n Nusekh poyln? Communism, Publishing, and Paths to Polishness among the Jewish Parents of 16 Ujazdowskie Avenue (KAREN AUERBACH, page 275)\n Changing Images of \'the Jews\' in Polish Literature and Culture, 1980-2000 (DOROTA GLOWACKA, page 299)\nPART II: NEW VIEWS\n Ogee Arcades in the Synagogue Architecture of Volhynia and Podolia in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (SERGEY R. KRAVTSOV, page 323)\n The Attitude of American Jews and American Diplomacy towards the Bill Banning Sheḥitah in Poland in the Second Half of the 1930s (PRZEMYSŁAW RÓŻAŃSKI, page 341)\n Imagining Polish Jews: British Perspectives in the Period 1944-1946 (MICHAEL FLEMING, page 363)\n \'The Hanging of Judas\'; or, Contemporary Jewish Topics (JOANNA TOKARSKA-BAKIR, page 381)\n 1968; or America! America! (REGINA GROL, page 401)\n \'Campo di Fiori\' Fifty Years Later: The People Who Remain (JAN BŁOŃSKI, MAREK EDELMAN, CZESŁAW MIŁOSZ, AND JERZY TUROWICZ, page 413)\nOBITUARIES\n Chimen Abramsky (ADA RAPOPORT-ALBERT, page 427)\n Marek Edelman (RICHARD FENIGSEN, page 430)\nGlossary (page 435)\nNotes on the Contributors (page 439)\nIndex (page 443)