فهرست مطالب :
List of Illustrations
Preface to the Reader
Book 1
1 A general description of Asia and the islands of this oriental sea
2 Description, position, and various names of the islands of Japan in general
3 The antiquity of Japan, and the nation to which the Japanese may belong
4 Whether Europeans knew about these islands in ancient times, and when they were first discovered by the Portuguese
5 A specific description of some of the principal islands of Japan, and their division into regions
6 The division of Japan into provinces, kingdoms, or states, and some of the more notable mountains, rivers, and lakes therein
7 The quality and climate of Japan, and the fruits that the land produces
8 The measurements of roads, and the method of measuring lands in respect to rent, and the various kinds of measurements of this kingdom
9 Linear measurements
10 The features, talents and dispositions of the Japanese
11 There is no contradiction, although there may appear to be, in the many things written about the customs, government, noblity, and wealth of Japan: and the reasons thereof
12 The method of Japanese building
13 The city of Miyako in particular
14 The ancient royal palace called Taidairi
15 The customs and manner of the Japanese in general
16 The dress and garments of the Japanese
17 The Japanese manner of paying visits, and the regular times and occasions for this
18 The ceremonies and entertainment provided for guests who visit the master of the house at New Year
19 The other festivals held during the year when they also pay visits
20 Other occasions on which they are accustomed to visiting certain persons
21 The gifts that are given, and the manner in which they are offered and received
22 The courtesies, bows, and obeisances in use among the Chinese, from which the Japanese have taken most of their etiquette
23 The courtesies and ceremonies of the Japanese in general
24 The courtesies paid by the Japanese when they meet on the road
25 The manner of receiving a guest in the house, and the hospitality and banquet given him until he departs
26 The manner of entertaining the guest with wine and Sakana, which is the first and principal courtesy paid to a guest on these visits
27 The manner of giving and taking the Sakana for noble, common, and lowly people
28 The warm and cold wine served on these visits, and how the Japanese make it
29 The banquets held by the Japanese, and how they entertain their guests at them
30 The banquets of the Japanese, and firstly the different kinds of banquets
31 Their manner of inviting guests to banquets
32 Their manner of entertaining with the drink of Cha, and a description of Cha and of this ceremony so highly esteemed by the Japanese
33 The general way in which the Japanese entertain with Cha
34 How guests are especially entertained with Cha in the Suki house
35 The end to which they aspire in Suki, and the benefits resulting therefrom
Book 2
1 The liberal and mechanical arts of Japan in general and their division
2 Some mechanical arts of Japan, and firstly their pictures
3 Their other mechanical arts
4 The liberal arts of Japan, and firstly the art of letters
5 Another sort of letters, like the European alphabet of seperate letters, which the Japanese use for certain purposes
6 The paper, ink, and other instruments used in writing
7 Their way of printing
8 The mathematical arts of Japan and also of China, whence the Japanese received them
9 Chinese and Japanese astrology in particular
10 Heaven in particular, and the degrees into which they divide it
11 The Degrees and signs into which they divide the sky, and the equinox and the ecliptic
12 The eclipses of the Sun and Moon
13 The stars and their constellations, the number of stars, and the order in which they distribute them on their celestial sphere
14 Earth and water, their shape, and the degrees of elevation in which they are said to be
15 The Japanese and Chinese division of time
16 The practical judicial astrology of these nations, and the various superstitions contained therein