Kabbalah and Postmodernism: A Dialogue (Studies in Judaism)

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کتاب کابالا و پست مدرنیسم: گفتگو (مطالعاتی در یهودیت) نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Kabbalah and Postmodernism: A Dialogue (Studies in Judaism)

نام کتاب : Kabbalah and Postmodernism: A Dialogue (Studies in Judaism)
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : کابالا و پست مدرنیسم: گفتگو (مطالعاتی در یهودیت)
سری :
نویسندگان :
ناشر : Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers
سال نشر :
تعداد صفحات : 358
ISBN (شابک) : 9781433103049 , 1433103044
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 3 مگابایت

بعد از تکمیل فرایند پرداخت لینک دانلود کتاب ارائه خواهد شد. درصورت ثبت نام و ورود به حساب کاربری خود قادر خواهید بود لیست کتاب های خریداری شده را مشاهده فرمایید.

فهرست مطالب :

Table of Contents\nPreface xiii\nIntroduction 1\n A Mysticism of Ideas 1\n Bilinear Thinking 5\n Rational Mysticism 8\n Kabbalistic Forms of Consciousness 10\n The Philosophical Status of the Kabbalists’ Basic Metaphor 10\n Kabbalah, Deconstruction, Hegelianism 13\n Towards a Contemporary Kabbalistic Theology 16\n1. Postmodernism and Jewish Mysticism 19\n The Tenor of Post-modernist Thought: Multiple Narratives and the Loss of Center 19\n The Lurianic Kabbalah 25\n The Shattering of the Foundations 28\n Overcoming Binary Oppositions 30\n The Role of Negation 31\n The Infinite Play of Significance 32\n Domination and the Dissolution of God and Self 33\n Nihilism and Negation 35\n Ethnocentrism and Multi-Culturalism 36\n The Need for Universalism and Difference 37\n Lurianic Kabbalah and the Syntax of Classical Narrative 38\n Kabbalah as a Hermeneutic Methodology 40\n Tropological vs. Metaphysical Mysticism 42\n Exile as a Condition of Human Existence 43\n The Dissolution of the Transcendental Signified and the Autonomous Subject 45\n2. Derrida and Jewish Mysticism 48\n Derrida, Judaism and the Kabbalah 48\n Wolfson and Idel on Derrida and the Kabbalah 50\n The Last of the Jews 55\n Jabes’ The Book of Questions 56\n Sollers and Scholem 60\n A Philosophical Accord 62\n3. Tzimtzum and Différance 65\n The Doctrine of Tzimtzum 65\n “Différance” 67\n Différance, “Presence” and “Absence” 69\n The “Trace” 69\n Différance is “Not” 70\n Does Différance Create? 71\n Différance and Negative Theology 71\n Derrida and Mysticism 73\n The Thing is Hopelessly Divided Against Itself 74\n The Demise of Différance 75\n Différance, Space and Time 76\n Différance and the Doctrine of Tzimtzum 76\n Writing and Tzimtzum 77\n Kabbalah, Logocentrism and the Philosophy of Presence 78\n Who or What Differs? 80\n Differences Between Différance and Tzimtzum 81\n Différance, Freud and the Unconscious 82\n Creation and the Lie 83\n “Khora” 85\n A Cartographic Analogy 86\n Providing Place 87\n Différance and God 88\n4. The Shevirah and Deconstruction 91\n The Breaking of the Vessels 92\n Deconstruction as a Condition for Creation 93\n Conceptual and Linguistic Aspects of the Shevirah Doctrine 95\n The “Monstrous” and the “Real” 96\n Metaphor 97\n Bloom on the Shevirah 98\n I and Thou 99\n The Origin of Evil 101\n The Messianic 102\n5. A-Systematic Theology 104\n The Postmodern Contextualization of all Writing and Speech 105\n “The Metaphysical Gesture” 108\n Anti-Foundationalism 109\n The Continued Quest for a Foundation 109\n Humanity and the Actualization of Divine Potential 110\n Deconstruction, Hegelian Dialectics and the Kabbalah 112\n Temporary Anchors 115\n Fluid Foundationalism 116\n A Metaphysics of “Perspectives” 117\n In Defense of Systematic Theology 119\n Deconstruction and Systematic Philosophy/Theology 122\n The System that is Not a System: Multiple Perspectives in Kabbalah and Deconstruction 123\n The Urge to Philosophize: From Static to Dynamic Theology 124\n6. The Doctrine of Coincidentia Oppositorum in Jewish Mysticism 129\n Coincidentia Oppositorum in the Early Kabbalah 130\n Coincidentia Oppositorum in the Lurianic Kabbalah 131\n Elior on the Chabad Hasidism: The Unification of Opposites as the Purpose of the World 133\n Dialectical Process in Chabad Thought 135\n The Coincidence of Opposites in Other Traditions 138\n Derrida: the Overcoming of Polar Oppositions 139\n Understanding the Mystical Paradox 144\n Model 1: Lessons from a Two-Dimensional World 145\n The Coincidence of Opposites: From Analogy to Analysis 149\n Model 2: Overcoming the Distinction between Words and Things 150\n7. The Torah of the Tree of Life 158\n Kabbalistic Reflections on the Hermeneutics of Infinity 158\n Scholem: The Divine World of Language 158\n Infinite Interpretations 160\n Idel on the Plasticity of Textual Significance 161\n Kabbalah, Divine Intent, and Infinite Freedom 164\n Kabbalah, Dreams, and the Archive 167\n Excursus: Deconstruction and Negative Mysticisim 172\n Joseph Dan: The “Meaningless Text” 173\n Torahs of the Trees of Knowledge and Life 175\n The Significance of the Torah of The Tree of Life 177\n8. Beyond the Bounds of Language 180\n Kabbalah and the Primordial Nature of Language 180\n Philosophy and the Primordiality of Language 182\n Reality as Presented by Philosophy 184\n Philosophical Puzzles, Language Games and Forms of Life 185\n God “is” Language 187\n Penetrating the Linguistic Barrier 191\n Beyond the Symbolic Order: The Mystical in Kant, Wittgenstein and Derrida 191\n Transcending the Linguistic Boundary 192\n The Way of Analogy 193\n Metaphor, Dream, Poetry, Science and Philosophy 194\n The Resurfacing of an Ancient Mode of Thought 196\n Levinas and L’infiniti 198\n Acts Beyond Language 198\n The Coincidence of Opposites: An “Echo” of the Linguistic “Big-Bang” 199\n “Word and Object,” “Identity and Difference” 200\n The Dissolution of the Distinction between Identity and Difference 201\n9. Creation Ex Nihilo and the Impossible Messiah 205\n Nothingness and Negation in the Theosophical Kabbalah 205\n Creation Ex Nihilo 208\n Representing “No State of Affairs Whatsoever” 211\n Derrida and Différance 212\n Signification as the Origin of Being 213\n The Impossibility of Nothingness 214\n Divine Forgetting, Forgetting the Divine 216\n Ayin and the Dissolution of the Self 217\n Différance as Numinous 218\n Prophetic Judaism and the Passion for the ‘Impossible’ 220\n Derrida and Negative Theology 221\n Negative Theology in a New Key? 222\n The Necessity of Negative Theology 224\n Messianism and Apocalypse 226\n The Non-meaningful as Divine 227\n The Messiah Cannot Come In Ordinary Time 228\n10. Kabbalah, Forms of Consciousness and the Structure of Language 230\n Kabbalah and Reason 231\n Forms of Consciousness/ Modes of Understanding 232\n Leibniz, Van Helmont and the Kabbalah 234\n Ein-sof and the Open Economy of Thought 236\n Otiyot Yesod: Infinite Interpretation 238\n The Unity of Opposites 239\n On Reason and Authority 242\n Ayin: “Unknowing” and the Intuition of the “Non-Dual” 244\n Tzimtzum: Concealmeant and Contraction 246\n The Shattering of All Horizons 247\n Sefirot: The Cognizance of Value 250\n Tikkun: Restoration and Redemption 250\n “Kabbalah Consciousness” 252\n The Lurianic Metaphors, Creativity and the Structure of Language 253\n The Nature of the Creative Process 254\n Language, the Vehicle of Creation and the Substance of the World 255\n The Lurianic Theosophy as a Model of Linguistic Meaning 257\n The Emergence of the “Linguistic Subject” 262\nNotes 265\nBibliography 315\nIndex 323

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