توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
کتاب کریستینا مورینا به بررسی تاریخ جنگ جبهه شرقی و تأثیر آن بر سیاست و جامعه آلمان در طول دوره پس از جنگ می پردازد. او استدلال می کند که خاطره جنگ جبهه شرقی یکی از مهم ترین و بحث برانگیزترین موضوعات در هر بخش از آلمان تقسیم شده بود. اگرچه هولوکاست برجسته ترین جایگاه را در حافظه آلمان غربی به دست آورد، حافظه رسمی در آلمان شرقی بر جنگ علیه اتحاد جماهیر شوروی متمرکز بود. این کتاب شیوههای ظهور این خاطرات را در فرهنگ سیاسی آلمان پس از جنگ در طول جنگ سرد و پس از آن و اینکه چگونه دیدگاهها درباره این رویدادها در بحثهای سیاسی معاصر نقش داشتند، تحلیل میکند. این تحلیل به بیوگرافی قهرمانان داستان هم در طول جنگ و هم پس از آن توجه زیادی می کند و بین حافظه پذیرفته شده و عمومی رویدادها و برخوردهای فردی با جنگ تمایز قائل می شود.
فهرست مطالب :
List of Figures
War, Politics, and the Study of Memory
Political Memory: Recollecting the Past in the Political Realm
Historiography, Approach, Theses
Whose Memory?: History, Politics, and Biography
Some Thoughts on Political Speech, Historical Truth, and Scholarly Analysis
Prologue: The Eastern Front War in Nazi Propaganda
1 Memory under Occupation
Frames of Reference: Two Interpretations of a Caesura
The Russians in East Germany: On Resentment, Revenge, and Regret
Lessons from History – East: The German-Soviet Friendship Project
“Who has the right to judge?”: Russians as Victims, Russians as Perpetrators
Lessons from History – West: Building Democracy
Judging History: “Operation Barbarossa” in Postwar War Crimes Trials
2 Cold War
Trial and Triumph: Master Narratives in Moscow and East Berlin
In the Trenches of the Ideological Cold War: History as Weapon
Preventing Another “Barbarossa” I: The SED and the June Uprising in 1953
The “War Thing” in Cold War Diplomacy: Adenauer in Moscow, 1955
Engaging the “Front Generation”: From Fighters in War to Fighters for Peace
Preventing Another “Barbarossa” II: The Berlin Wall
3 Lessons of the Eastern Front
German Remilitarization(s): Arming for Nuclear War
Fighting the “Just Wars”: Socialist Soldiers and Remilitarization in the GDR
Citizens in Uniform: The Eastern Front in the Bonn Remilitarization Debates
4 Peacetime Wars
The Ambivalence of Total War: Soldiers as Perpetrators and Victims
Making Sense of War: Two Versions of the “Wehrmacht Myth”
Reflection and Return: Soldiers as Socialist Citizens
Obedience Was No Crime: West German War Veterans and the Legacies of “Barbarossa”
5 The Past Reinforced
Ulbricht: From Personal History to Political Memory
A “Crusade like no other”: Honecker and History as Routine
6 The Past Revisited
Shifting Focus and Tone: From Erhard to Brandt
Balancing History and Diplomacy: From Schmidt to Kohl
“That is what history has decided?”: Solving the German Question
Overcoming History: The Rhetoric of Reconciliation and Closure since 1990
Eastern Front Memory and German Power: Redefining Foreign Policy
Still Divided?: Popular Memory of the Eastern Front War in Germany after 1989
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Christina Morina's book examines the history of the Eastern Front war and its impact on German politics and society throughout the postwar period. She argues that the memory of the Eastern Front war was one of the most crucial and contested themes in each part of the divided Germany. Although the Holocaust gained the most prominent position in West German memory, official memory in East Germany centered on the war against the USSR. The book analyzes the ways in which these memories emerged in postwar German political culture during and after the Cold War, and how views of these events played a role in contemporary political debates. The analysis pays close attention to the biographies of the protagonists both during the war and after, drawing distinctions between the accepted, public memory of events and individual encounters with the war.