توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
دوران تغییرات و تحولات ناگهانی در روکوگان است.
نقشه های فانی، بلایای طبیعی، و آشفتگی های آسمانی به طور یکسان تعادل سیاسی، نظامی و معنوی این سرزمین را مختل کرده است. رقابت های طولانی مدت و خیانت های تازه در دادگاه و میدان جنگ موج می زند. تاج و تخت داوودی توسط تهدیدهایی از بیرون و درون محاصره شده است، و افتخار هفت قبیله بزرگ باید مورد آزمایش قرار گیرد.
چه کسی در میان قبیله ها به اندازه کافی قوی است که بتواند روکوگان را در این زمانه های پر فراز و نشیب هدایت کند؟ آیا نام آنها در کنار نام اجداد محترم بلند می شود یا در ردیف بدنام ترین شروران امپراتوری قرار می گیرند؟
دنیای Legend of the Five Rings را در این کتابهای الکترونیکی داستانی جدید کاوش کنید...
فهرست مطالب :
Table of Contents
Welcome to Roleplaying in the Emerald Empire
What is a Roleplaying Game
What is Needed to Play?
The World of Rokugan
The Code of Bushido
The Samurais Struggle
The Way of the Five Rings
Samurai and Society
Government and Power
Crime and Punishment
Commerce and Currency
The Celestial Order
Those Who Serve
Those Who Work
Those Who Do Not Belong
A Samurai’s Life
A Life Without Purpose
The Code of Bushidō
Compassion (Jin)
Courage (Yū)
Courtesy (Rei)
Duty and Loyalty (Chūgi)
Honor (Meiyo)
Righteousness (Gi)
Sincerity (Makoto)
The Land of Ten Thousand Fortunes
Mortal Intermediaries
The Great Clans
The Crab Clan
The Crane Clan
The Dragon Clan
The Lion Clan
The Phoenix Clan
The Scorpion Clan
The Unicorn Clan
The Imperial Families
The Minor Clans
Minor Clans of Note
Chapter 1: Playing the Game
Goals of the Game
The Game Master
Custom Dice
Roll and Keep
Ring Dice
Skill Dice
Dice Symbols
Making a Check
When to Make a Check
Steps of a Check
Narrating A Checks Results
Additional Rules for Checks
Bonus Successesand Shortfall
Checks to Resist Effects
Competitive Checks
Minimum TN
Modifying the Dice Pool
Targeting and Checks
Using Opportunity
as a Descriptor
as a Narrative Tool
Using Strife
Accumulating Strife
Comparing Strife to Composure
Removing Strife
Becoming Compromised
The Character
The Five Rings
Skill Ranks
Advantages and Disadvantages
Derived Att ributes
Void Points
Honor, Glory, and Status
Ninjō (Desire) and Giri (Duty)
Chapter 2: Creating a Character
The Game of Twenty Questions
Limits on Skills and Rings
Part I: Core Identity (Clan and Family)
1. What clan does yourcharacter belong to?
The Crab Clan
The Crane Clan
The Dragon Clan
The Lion Clan
The Phoenix Clan
The Scorpion Clan
The Unicorn Clan
2. What family does your character belong to?
Crab Clan Families
Crane Clan Families
Dragon Clan Families
Lion Clan Families
Phoenix Clan Families
Scorpion Clan Families
Unicorn Clan Families
Part II: Role and School
3. What is your characters school,and what roles doesthat school fall into?
Hida Defender School [Bushi]
Hiruma Scout School [Bushi, Shinobi]
Kaiu Engineer School [Artisan, Bushi]
Kuni Purifier School [Shugenja, Bushi]
Yasuki Merchant School [Courtier]
Asahina Artificer School[Shugenja, Artisan]
Daidoji Iron Warrior School [Bushi]
Doji Diplomat School [Courtier]
Kakita Duelist School [Bushi, Artisan]
Agasha Mystic School [Shugenja]
Kitsuki Investigator School[Courtier, Bushi]
Mirumoto Two-HeavensAdept School [Bushi]
Togashi Tattooed Order [Monk]
Akodo Commander School [Bushi]
Ikoma Bard School [Courtier]
Kitsu Medium School [Shugenja]
Matsu Berserker School [Bushi]
Asako Loremaster School [Courtier]
Isawa Elementalist School [Shugenja]
Shiba Guardian School [Bushi, Courtier]
Kaito Shrine Keeper School [Monk]
Bayushi Manipulator School [Courtier]
Shosuro Infiltrator School[Shinobi, Courtier]
Soshi Illusionist School[Shugenja, Courtier, Shinobi]
Yogo Wardmaster School [Shugenja]
Ide Trader School [Courtier]
Iuchi Meishōdō Master School[Shugenja, Artisan]
Moto Conqueror School [Bushi]
Shinjo Outrider School [Bushi, Courtier]
Utaku Battle Maiden School [Bushi]
Worldly Rōnin Path [Bushi, Courtier]
4. How does yourcharacter stand outwithin their school?
Part III: Honor and Glory
5. Who is your lord and what isyour charactersduty to them?
Selecting Ones Giri Properly
6. What does yourcharacter long for,and how might thisimpede their duty?
Selecting One’s Ninjō Properly
7. What is yourcharactersrelationship withtheir clan?
8. What does yourcharacter thinkof Bushidō?All samurai are supposed to respect
Part IV: Strengths and Weaknesses
9. What is your characters greatest accomplishment so far?
10. What holds your character back the most in life?
11. What activity Most makes your character feel at peace?
12. What concern, fear,or foible troubles your character the most?
13. Who has your character learnedthe most from during their life?
Part V: Personality and Behavior
14. What do people notice first upon encountering your character?
15. How does your character react to stressful situations?
Using Strife and Unmasking for Roleplaying
16. What are your characters preexisting relationships with other clans, families,organizations, and traditions?
Part VI: Ancestry and Family
17. How would your characters parents describe them?
18. Who was your character named to honor?
19. What is your characters personal name?
Part VII: Death
20. How should yourcharacter die?
Experience Points and Character Advancement
Awarding xp
Advancing in a School
Advantages and Disadvantages
Types of Advantages and Disadvantages
Categories of Advantages and Disadvantages
Gaining Advantages and Disadvantages
Using Advantages and Disadvantages in Play
Narrative Use
Turning Advantages and Disadvantages
Specific Advantages
Specific Distinctions
Ally [Name] (Water)
Ambidexterity (Air)
Bentens Blessing (Air)
Bishamons Blessing (Water)
Blac kmail on [Name] (Fire)
Blessed Lineage (Void)
Blissful Betrothal (Water)
Daikokus Blessing (Water)
Dangerous Allure (Fire)
Ebisus Blessing (Earth)
Famously Honest (Air)
Famously Lucky (Void)
Famously Reliable (Earth)
Famously Successful (Fire)
Famously Wealthy (Water)
Flexibility (Water)
Fukurokujins Blessing (Fire)
Indomita ble Will (Earth)
Jurojins Blessing (Void)
Keen Balance (Earth)
Keen Hearing (Air)
Keen Sight (Water)
Keen Smell (Fire)
Karmic Tie (Void)
Kisshōten’s Blessing (Water)
Large Stat ure (Earth)
Paragon of a BushidōTenet (Various)
Precise Memory (Earth)
Quick Reflexes (Fire)
Seasoned (Void)
Sixth Sense (Void)
Small Stat ure (Air)
Subtle Observer (Air)
Support of [One Group] (Water)
Specific Passions
Animal Bond (Earth)
Armament (Earth)
Brushwork (Air)
Curiosity (Fire)
Daredevil (Fire)
Enlightenment (Void)
Fashion (Fire)
Fortune-Telling (Void)
Generosity (Wat er)
Gossip (Air)
History (Earth)
Ikebana (Water)
Playfulness (Air)
Provocat ion (Fire)
Sake (Water)
Secrets (Void)
Stories (Earth)
Tea (Void)
Travel (Water)
Specific Disadvantages
Specific Adversities
Bentens Curse (Air)
Bishamons Curse (Water)
Bitter Betrothal (Wat er)
Black mailed by [Characters Name] (Air)
Blindness (Water)
Bluntness (Air)
Clumsiness (Fire)
Cognitive Lapses (Void)
Daikokus Curse (Water)
Damaged Heart or Organ (Earth)
Deafness (Air)
Discomfiting Countenance (Air)
Disdain for a Bushidō Tenet (Various)
Ebisus Curse (Earth)
Fractured Spine (Earth)
Fukurokujins Curse (Fire)
Gaijin Name, Culture,or Appearance (Fire)
Haunting (Void)
Incurable Illness (Earth)
Jurōjin’s Curse (Void)
Kisshōten’s Curse (Water)
Lost Arm or Lost Hand (Fire)
Lost Eye (Water)
Lost Fingers (Fire)
Lost Leg (Water)
Lost Memories (Void)
Maimed Arm (Fire)
Maimed Visage (Air)
Momoku (Void)
Muteness (Air)
Nerve Damage (Air)
Scorn of [One Group] (Water)
Shadowlands Taint (Air)
Shadowlands Taint (Earth)
ShadowlandsTaint (Fire)
Shadowlands Taint (Void)
Shadowlands Taint (Water)
Sworn Enemy (Earth)
Whispers of Cruelty (Earth)
Whispers of Doom (Void)
Whispers of Failure (Fire)
Whispers of Poverty (Wat er)
Whispers of Treac hery (Air)
Specific Anxieties
Addiction (Earth)
Battle Trauma (Fire)
Cynicism (Fire)
Dark Secret (Void)
Delusions of Grandeur (Void)
Fear of Death (Earth)
Ferocity (Air)
Impatience (Earth)
Intolerance (Water)
Irrepressible Flirtation (Earth)
Jealousy (Air)
Materialism (Void)
Meekness (Fire)
Painful Honesty (Air)
Paranoia (Water)
Perfectionism (Water)
Phobia (Water)
Softheartedness (Fire)
Superstition (Void)
Creating Custom Advantages and Disadvantages
Custom Advantage and Disadvantage Concepts
Developing a Custom Advantage or Disadvantage
Chapter 3: Skills
Skills and Checks
Skill Groups
Breakdown of a Skill
Sample Tasks, Target Numbers (TNs), and Times
Choosing Skill Group, Skill, and Approach
Using Approaches from Other Skill Groups
Artisan Skill Group
Elemental Approaches for Artisan Skills
Restore Approach (Earth Ring)
Adapt Approach (Water Ring)
Invent Approach (Fire Ring)
Refine Approach (Air Ring)
Attune Approach (Void Ring)
Artisan Skills
Social Skill Group
Elemental Approaches for Social Skills
Reason Approach (Earth Ring)
Charm Approach (Water Ring)
Incite Approach (Fire Ring)
Trick Approach (Air Ring)
Enlighten Approach (Void Ring)
Social Skills
Scholar Skill Group
Elemental Approaches for Scholar Skills
Recall Approach (Earth Ring)
Survey Approach (Water Ring)
Theorize Approach (Fire Ring)
Analyze Approach (Air Ring)
Sense Approach (Void Ring)
Scholar Skills
Martial Skill Group
Elemental Approaches for Martial Skills
Withstand Approach (Earth Ring)
Shift Approach (Water Ring)
Overwhelm Approach (Fire Ring)
Feint Approach (Air Ring)
Sacrifice Approach (Void Ring)
Martial Skills
Martial Arts [Melee]
Martial Arts [Ranged]
Martial Arts [Unarmed]
Trade Skill Group
Elemental Approaches for Trade Skills
Produce Approach (Earth Ring)
Exchange Approach (Water Ring)
Innovate Approach (Fire Ring)
Con Approach (Air Ring)
Subsist Approach (Void Ring)
Trade Skills
Chapter 4: Techniques
What are Techniques?
Technique Structure
Kata Categories
General Kata
Battle in the Mind Rank 3
Breath of Wind Style Rank 4
Crashing Wave Style Rank 4
Crescent Moon Style Rank 2
Crimson Leaves Strike Rank 3
Disappearing World Style Rank 4
Flowing Water Strike Rank 3
Heartpiercing Strike Rank 3
Iron in the Mountains Style Rank 4
Lord Hidas Grip (Crab) Rank 2
Lord Shibas Valor (Phoenix) Rank 2
Soaring Slice Rank 1
Soul Sunder Rank 5
Striking as Air Rank 1
Striking as Earth Rank 1
Striking as Fire Rank 1
Striking as Void Rank 5
Striking as Water Rank 1
Tactical Assessment Rank 2
Warriors Resolve Rank 1
Close Combat Kata
Coiling Serpent Style Rank 2
Iaijutsu Cut: Crossing Blade Rank 2
Iaijutsu Cut: Rising Blade Rank 2
Iron Forest Style Rank 2
Open-Hand Style Rank 2
Rushing Avalanche Style Rank 2
Spinning Blades Style Rank 2
Thunderclap Strike Rank 3
Veiled Menace Style Rank 2
Ranged Combat Kata
Hawks Precision Rank 1
Pelting Hail Style Rank 2
Pin the Fan Rank 5
Earth Kihō
Cleansing Spirit Rank 1
Earth Needs No Eyes Rank 1
Earthen Fist Rank 1
Grasp the Earth Dragon Rank 3
Way of the Earthquake Rank 2
Air Kihō
Air Fist Rank 1
Riding the Clouds Rank 2
The Great Silence Rank 1
Way of the Willow Rank 3
Breaking Blow Rank 1
Channel the Fire Dragon Rank 2
Flame Fist Rank 1
The Body Is an Anvil Rank 1
Way of the Falling Star Rank 3
Water Kihō
Freezing the Lifeblood Rank 2
Ki Protection Rank 1
Ride the Water Dragon Rank 3
Water Fist Rank 1
Way of the Seafoam Rank 1
Void Kihō
Death Touch Rank 4
Still the Elements Rank 3
Touch the Void Dragon Rank 5
Way of the Edgeless Sword Rank 5
Spending Opportunity on Invocations
Proper Offerings
Spiritual Backlash
Air Invocations
Blessed Wind Rank 1
By the Light of the Lord Moon Rank 1
Call Upon the Wind Rank 2
Cloak of Night Rank 1
False Realm of the Fox Spirits Rank 4
Grasp of the Air Dragon Rank 3
Mask of Wind Rank 2
Natures Touch Rank 1
Rise, Air Rank 4
Secrets on the Wind Rank 2
Summon Fog Rank 2
Tempest of Air Rank 1
Token of Memory Rank 1
Vapor of Nightmares Rank 3
Wrath of Kaze-no-Kami Rank 5
Yari of Air Rank 1
Earth Invocations
Armor of Earth Rank 1
Bind the Shadow Rank 2
Caress of Earth Rank 1
Courage of Seven Thunders Rank 1
Earthquake Rank 4
Earth Becomes Sky Rank 3
Embrace of Kenro-Ji-Jin Rank 2
Grasp of Earth Rank 1
Jade Strike Rank 1
Jurōjin’s Balm Rank 1
Power of the Earth Dragon Rank 3
Rise, Earth Rank 4
Symbol of Earth Rank 2
Tetsubō of Earth Rank 1
Tomb of Jade Rank 5
Wall of Earth Rank 1
Fire Invocations
Armor of Radiance Rank 2
Biting Steel Rank 1
Breath of the Fire Dragon Rank 3
Extinguish Rank 1
Fukurokujins Wit Rank 1
Fury of Osano-wo Rank 3
Katana of Fire Rank 1
Matsu's Battlecry Rank 1
Ravenous Swarms Rank 3
Rise, Flame Rank 4
The Cleansing Fire Rank 1
The Fires from Within Rank 1
The Souls Blade Rank 5
Wall of Fire Rank 2
Wings of the Phoenix Rank 4
Water Invocations
Bō of Water Rank 1
Dance of Seasons Rank 2
Dominion of Suijin Rank 1
Ever-Changing Waves Rank 5
Hands of the Tides Rank 3
Heart of the Water Dragon Rank 2
Inaris Blessing Rank 1
Path to Inner Peace Rank 1
Reflections of Pan Ku Rank 1
Rise, Water Rank 4
Stride the Waves Rank 2
Strike the Tsunami Rank 3
Suijins Embrace Rank 4
Sympathetic Energies Rank 2
The Rushing Wave Rank 1
Cleansing Rite Rank 1
Commune with the Spirits Rank 1
Divination Rank 1
Tea Ceremony Rank 2
Threshold Barrier Rank 1
Air Shūji
Artisans Appraisal Rank 2
Bend with the Storm Rank 5
Cadence Rank 1
Feigned Opening Rank 2
Prey on the Weak Rank 2
Rustling of Leaves Rank 1
The Wind Blows Both Ways Rank 3
Whispers of Court Rank 1
Wolfs Proposal Rank 4
Earth Shūji
Ancestry Unearthed Rank 1
Civility Foremost Rank 2
Honest Assessment Rank 1
Pillar of Calm Rank 4
Stonewall Tactics Rank 1
Touchstone of Courage Rank 3
The Immovable Hand of Peace Rank 5
Weight of Duty Rank 1
Fire Shūji
Bravado Rank 4
Dazzling Performance Rank 3
Fanning the Flames Rank 2
Lightning Raid Rank 2
Rallying Cry Rank 3
Sear the Wound Rank 5
Sensational Distraction Rank 1
Stirring the Embers Rank 1
Truth Burns through Lies Rank 1
Water Shūji
All in Jest Rank 1
Buoyant Arrival Rank 5
Ebb and Flow Rank 3
Regal Bearing Rank 4
Shallow Waters Rank 1
Slippery Maneuvers Rank 2
Tributaries of Trade Rank 2
Well of Desire Rank 1
Void Shūji
All Arts Are One Rank 3
A Samurais Fate Rank 4
Courtiers Resolve Rank 1
Lady Dojis Decree (Crane) Rank 2
Lady Shinjos Speed (Unicorn) Rank 2
Lord Akodos Roar (Lion) Rank 2
Lord Bayushis Whispers (Scorpion) Rank 2
Lord Togashis Insight (Dragon) Rank 2
Rouse the Soul Rank 5
Learning Mahō
Proper Sacrifices
Spiritual Backlash
Channeling Mahō
Incite Haunting Rank 1
Grip of Anguish Rank 1
Mark of Desecration Rank 1
Sinful Whispers Rank 1
Unholy Fervor Rank 1
Skulk Rank 1
Deadly Sting Rank 2
Noxious Cloud Rank 3
Silencing Stroke Rank 4
Chapter 5: Equipment
Samurai and Money
Buying and Selling Items
Requisitioning Items
Attributes of a Weapon
Readied Weapons
Sheathed Weapons
Blunt Weapons
Hand Weapons
Specialist Weapons
Attributes of Armor
Wearing Armor
List of Armor
Item Qualities
Personal Effects
Chapter 6: Scenes and Conflicts
Game Sessions
Types of Scenes
Beginning and Ending Scenes
Narrative Scenes
Downtime Scenes
Downtime Activities
Conflict Scenes
Structured Time
Conflict Overview
Detailed Conflict Breakdown
Complicated Tasks and Momentum
Social Objectives
Taking Turns
Resolving an Intrigue
Setting the Terms
Common Forms of Duels
Special Rules of Duels
Special Rules for Skirmishes
Silhouette, Range Bands, and Terrain
Range Bands
Harm and Healing
Critical Strikes
Dying [X Rounds]
Mass Battles
Rules for Mass Battles
Leaders and Actions
Strategic Objectives
Chapter 7: The Game Master
The Role of the GM
Whos in Charge Here?
How to start a campaign
How to run a session
Managing Players
Evoking the Legend of the Five Rings Setting
Offering Choices and Determining Consequences
Creating Scenarios
Using Lords and Duty
Running the Game
Rules Adjudication
Multiple elementalApproach Options
When to Revealor Conceal the TN
Using Bonus Successesfor Extra Effect
Applying Advantagesand Disadvantages
Using Opportunity in Play
Adding Complications
Awarding XP
Character Death and Retirement
Using Social Attributes
Honor in Play
The Tenets of Bushidō
Glory in Play
Status in Play
Alternative Campaign Styles
Rise from the Dust
Fate of the Realm
Chapter 8: Non-Player Characters
NPC Profile Breakdown
NPC Types
Constructing Conflicts
Adding NPC Templates
Sample NPCs
Subjects of Rokugan
Loyal Bushi
Humble Peasant
Seasoned Courtier
Scholarly Shugenja
Trained Ashigaru
Venerable Provincial Daimyō
Desperate Bandit
Experienced Bandit
Skillful Rōnin
Deadly Bloodspeaker
Wicked Mahō-Tsukai
Bushi Skeleton
Bog Hag
Shadowlands Goblin
Sinister Oni
Zombie Peasant
Spirits and strange beings
Forest Troll
Manifest Air Kami
Manifest Earth Kami
Manifest Fire Kami
Manifest Water Kami
Horse (Rokugani Pony)
Hunting Cat
Utaku Steed
Educational and Inspirational works
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
It is an era of sudden change and upheaval in Rokugan.
Mortal schemes, natural calamities, and celestial turmoil alike have disrupted the political, military, and spiritual equilibrium of the land. Long-simmering rivalries and fresh betrayals ripple through the courts and on the battlefield. The Chrysanthemum Throne is beset by threats from without and within, and the honor of the seven Great Clans shall be put to the test.
Who among the clans will prove strong enough to guide Rokugan in these tumultuous times? Will their names be lifted up beside those of the honored ancestors, or will they fall among the ranks of the empire’s most infamous villains?
Explore the world of Legend of the Five Rings in these new fiction eBooks...