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Table of Contents
Section I: Linux Concept
1. Getting Started
1.1 Getting Started with OS
1.2 A Brief Overview of Unix and Linux
1.3 Unix/Linux History
1.4 The GNU Project
1.4.1 Open-Source Software
1.5 Features and Advantages of Linux
1.5.1 Advantages
1.6 Linux Distributions
1.7 Installation Procedure and Issues
1.7.1 Linux Installation
1.7.2 Key Issues to Install Linux
1.7.3 Key Steps of Linux Installation
1.8 Linux Architecture
1.9 Shell and Its Features
1.10 An Overview of Kernels
1.10.1 Kernel Module
1.10.2 Linux Versions
1.11 The GNOME and KDE Desktops
1.11.1 The Window Manager for GUI
1.11.2 GNOME Desktop
1.11.3 KDE Desktop
1.12 Boot Loaders
1.12.1 BIOS
1.13 Linux Interface: GUI and CUI
1.14 Login and Logout
1.14.1 Login
1.14.2 Logout
1.14.3 Switching Users
1.14.4 Shutdown
1.15 Start-Up Scripts and Run Levels
1.15.1 Start-Up Script
1.15.2 Run Levels (init, inittab, and rc Files)
1.16 Summary
1.17 Review Exercises
2. Linux Commands
2.1 Command Syntax, Options, and Arguments
2.2 Internal and External Commands
2.3 Command Location and User Commands
2.3.1 User Commands
2.3.2 Universal Commands
2.3.3 System Commands
2.4 Communication and Other Commands
2.7 Summary
2.8 Review Exercises
3. The Shell
3.1 What is a Shell?
3.2 Why Use a Shell in Linux?
3.3 The Login Shell (Shell Prompt)
3.4 Command Line Structure of Shells
3.5 sh Command
3.6 Basics and Interpretive Cycle of Shells
3.7 Starting a Terminal Shell
3.8 Shell Variables: User-Defined and Predefined
3.8.1 Global Variables
3.8.2 Local Variables Variable “Type” Creating and Setting User-Defined Variables: =, $, set(export), unset How to Set a Local variable into a Global Environment Variable How to Unset a Local Variable from a Global Environment Variable How to Set the PATH Environment Variable
3.9 Various Shell Types
3.9.1 Bourne Shell (sh)
3.9.2 Bourne Again Shell (bash)
3.10 Command Execution
3.10.1 Sequence Commands
3.10.2 Grouped Commands
3.10.3 Chained Commands
3.10.4 Condition Commands
3.11 Standard Input/Output Redirection
3.12 Pipes
3.13 tee Command
3.14 xargs Command
3.15 Backslash (\\) and Quotes
3.16 Building Shell Commands
3.17 Shell Scripts
3.18 Summary
3.19 Review Exercises
4. vi Editor
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Invoke vi
4.2 Modes in vi Editor
4.3 Start, Edit, and Close Files
4.3.1 Editing
4.3.2 Saving Your Work and Quitting
4.3.3 Open and Recover File from a Crash (:recover and -r)
4.4 Various vi Commands
4.4.1 Moving the Cursor
4.4.2 Inserting or Appending Text
4.4.3 Replacing Text
4.4.4 Undoing Mistakes
4.4.5 Screen Navigation
4.4.6 Deleting Text
4.4.7 Cutting, Pasting, and Copying Text
4.5 Global Replacement
4.6 Command Combinations
4.7 vi Programming
4.8 vim (vi Improved) and nvi (New vi)
4.9 GNOME Editor: gedit
4.9.1 Key Features of gedit
4.10 Emacs Editor and Commands
4.10.1 Starting and Quitting emacs
4.11 Summary
4.12 Review Exercises
5. Regular Expressions and Filters
5.1 Regular Expressions
5.1.1 What’s the Variance between BRE and ERE?
5.1.2 Meaning of Various Characters and Metacharacters in Regular Expressions
5.2 grep Family
5.2.1 grep Associated with Exit Status
5.3 Other Regular Filters (with Examples)
5.3.1 cat: Concatenate Files and Display the File Contents
5.3.2 The comm Command: to Compare Two Sorted Files Line by Line
5.3.3 The cut Command: Remove Sections from Each Line of Files
5.3.4 The expand Command: to Convert Tabs into Spaces
5.3.5 The compress Command: to Compress Data
5.3.6 The fold Command: to Break Each Line of Input Text to Fit in Specified Line Width
5.3.7 The head Command: to Display the Starting Part of File
5.3.8 The more Command: File Checking Filter for Control Viewing
5.3.9 The less Command: to Scroll and View Text
5.3.10 The nl Command: to Number the Lines in a File
5.3.11 Perl: Practical Extraction and Report Language
5.3.12 The pr Command: Formatting Text Files for Printing
5.3.13 The split Command: to Break a File into Parts
5.3.14 The strings Command: to Print the Strings of Printable Characters in Files
5.3.15 The tail Command: to Display the Ending Part of a File
5.3.16 The tac Command: to Concatenate and Print Files in Reverse
5.3.17 The tee Command: to Duplicate Standard Input
5.3.18 The tr Command: to Translate Characters
5.3.19 The uniq Command: to Report or Omit Repeated Lines
5.3.20 The sort Command: to Sort Lines of a Text File
5.3.21 The wc Command: to Count Lines, Words, and Characters
5.3.22 The zcat Command: to Display Contents of Compressed Files
5.4 Summary
5.5 Review Exercises
6. Advanced Filters: sed
6.1 Pattern-Matching Programming Language
6.2 sed Overview
6.3 Basic Syntax and Addressing of sed
6.4 Writing sed Scripts
6.5 Basic sed Commands
6.5.1 Substitute Patterns
6.5.2 Replacement Characters
6.5.3 Append, Insert, and Change
6.5.4 The Delete Command and the Use of the Exclamation Sign (!)
6.5.5 The Transform Command
6.5.6 Pattern and Hold Spaces
6.5.7 Quit
6.6 Advanced sed Commands
6.7 sed Advantages
6.8 sed Drawbacks
6.9 Summary
6.10 Review Exercises
7. Advanced Filters: awk
7.1 Awk Introduction and Concept
7.2 Awk Features over Sed
7.3 Structure of an AWK Program
7.4 Writing and Executing AWK Program
7.4.1 To Make Executable awk Programs
7.4.2 Standard Options with awk
7.5 Awk Patterns and Actions
7.5.1 Pattern
7.5.2 Actions
7.6 BEGIN and END Patterns
7.7 Awk Variables
7.8 Records and Fields
7.9 Simple Output from AWK
7.9.1 The print Statement
7.10 Fancier Output
7.10.1 Output into Files
7.11 Arithmetic and Variables
7.11.1 Constant
7.11.2 Variable
7.12 Computing with AWK
7.13 Handling Text
7.14 String Manipulation
7.15 Array and Operators
7.15.1 Multidimensional Arrays
7.15.2 Operators in awk
7.16 Built-in Functions
7.17 Summary
7.18 Review Exercises
8. Shell Scripting
8.1 Shell Script
8.2 Creating a Script
8.3 Making a Script Executable: chmod
8.3.1 Path of Script File
8.4 Interactive Script: Read
8.5 Shell Variable
8.5.1 Positional Parameter Variable: Command-Line Arguments
8.5.2 Environment Variable
8.6 Shell Arithmetic
8.6.1 Arithmetic Operator
8.6.2 Logical Operator
8.6.3 Conditional Operator
8.7 Control Structure
8.7.1 if Statement
8.7.2 if then else Statement
8.7.3 while Statement
8.7.4 do-while Statement
8.7.5 Loop (for) Statement
8.7.6 switch/case Statement
8.8 String Operators
8.9 Functions
8.10 Advanced Shell Scripting
8.10.1 Array
8.10.2 Test command
8.11 Examples of Shell Scripting Program
8.12 Summary
8.13 Review Exercises
9. Linux System Administration
9.1 Checking Space
9.2 Disk Usage Limit
9.3 Kernel Administration
9.3.1 Listing Kernel Modules with lsmod
9.4 Compiling and Installing
9.5 Modifying
9.6 LILO and GRUB
9.6.1 LInux LOader
9.6.2 GRand Unified Boot loader
9.7 Root User (add sudo)
9.8 Additional Packages
9.8.1 Red Hat Package Manager
9.8.2 Installation and Uninstallation
9.9 GNOME and KDE
9.10 Installing and Managing Software on RPM-Based Systems
9.11 Installing Programs from Source Code
9.12 Network Management: telnet, rlogin, and rdesktop Commands
9.12.1 Connect Windows desktop from Linux system
9.13 Summary
9.14 Review Exercises
Section II: Linux Programming
10. File Management
10.1 Filename and Type
10.1.1 Hidden Filenames
10.1.2 File Type
10.2 Linux File System Architecture
10.3 File and Directory Structure
10.3.1 Root (/) Directory
10.3.2 Home Directories
10.3.3 Pathnames
10.3.4 System Directories
10.4 Inodes
10.5 File Operation
10.5.1 Creating files: touch, cat
10.5.2 Listing Files: ls:
10.5.3 Displaying Files: cat, more, head, and less:
10.5.4 Printing Files: lpr, lpq, and lprm
10.5.5 Searching and Linking File: find, ln
10.6 Directories
10.6.1 Special Directories
10.6.2 Paths and Pathnames: Absolute, Relative
10.6.3 Creating and Deleting Directories mkdir, rmdir
10.6.4 Displaying Directory Contents: ls
10.6.5 Moving through Directories cd
10.6.6 Locate Directory: pwd
10.6.7 Scanning Directories: opendir, readdir, telldir, seekdir, and closedir
10.7 Archiving and Compressing Files
10.7.1 Archiving and Compressing Files with File Roller
10.7.2 Archive Files and Devices: tar
10.7.3 File Compression: gzip, bzip2, and zip
10.8 File and Directory Attributes: ls –l, ls –d
10.9 File Permissions: chmod, chown, chdir, getcwd, unlink, link, symlink
10.10 Summary
10.11 Review Exercises
11. Linux File Systems
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Disk Partitioning
11.3 Disk Partition into File System
11.4 File System Layout
11.5 Managing File System
11.5.1 File system Types
11.6 Mounting File Systems
11.6.1 Automounting Devices
11.6.2 Creating File System
11.6.3 Checking and Repairing File systems: fsck
11.7 Errors: strerror, perror
11.8 The /proc File System
11.9 The Linux File System: ext, ext2, ext3, ext4, Journaling
11.10 Logical Volume Management (LVM)
11.11 Virtual File System (VFS)
11.12 File System Conversion
11.12.1 Converting ext2 to ext3
11.12.2 Converting ext2 to ext4
11.12.3 Converting ext3 to ext4
11.13 Summary
11.14 Review Exercise
12. Linux System Programming
12.1 Getting Started
12.1.1 Editing with vim
12.1.2 Program Compilation with gcc/g++ Compiler
12.1.3 Automate Program Execution with GNU Make Utility
12.1.4 GNU Debugger (GDB)
12.2 File I/O
12.3 Processes
12.3.1 Listing Processes, PID, PPID
12.3.2 Process State
12.3.3 Process Context
12.3.4 Creation of New Process: fork(), vfork(), execv(), system()
12.3.5 Terminating Process
12.3.6 Process Priorities
12.3.7 Zombie and Daemon Process
12.4 Threads
12.4.1 Thread Creation
12.4.2 Thread Kill or Termination
12.4.3 Thread Data Structure
12.4.4 Synchronization, Critical Section, and Semaphore
12.4.5 Demarcation between Process and Thread
12.5 Device File
12.6 Signals
12.7 Various System Calls
12.8 POSIX
12.9 Summary
12.10 Review Exercise
13. Linux Inter-Process Communications
13.1 Basic Concept
13.2 Shared Memory
13.2.1 System V Shared Memory API
13.2.2 POSIX Shared Memory APIs
13.3 Message Queue
13.3.1 System V Message Queues
13.3.2 POSIX Message Queues
13.4 Pipes: Named and Unnamed
13.4.1 Creating pipes in C
13.4.2 named pipes : FIFO
13.5 Sockets
13.6 Summary
13.7 Review Exercises
14. X Window System Overview and Programming
14.1 X window System and Its Customization
14.1.1 X Client, X Server, and X-Protocol
14.1.2 Xlib
14.2 X Toolkits
14.2.1 Window Manager: Motif
14.3 Creating and Managing A Window
14.3.1 Basic Window Concept
14.3.2 Window Operation
14.4 Starting and Stopping X
14.5 X Architecture and Application
14.5.1 Client and Server Architecture
14.6 The X Programming Model
14.6.1 Xlib Overview
14.6.2 Xlib Usage
14.6.3 Event-Driven Applications
14.7 Desktop Environment
14.7.1 KDE
14.7.2 GNOME
14.8 Upgrading X Window Tools
14.9 Summary
14.10 Review Exercise
Section III: Case Studies
15. Linux Distributions (Linux Distro)
15.1 Getting Started with Various Linux Distributions
15.1.1 Why So Many Distros?
15.2 Red Hat Enterprise Linux /Fedora
15.3 Debian GNU/Linux:
15.4 Ubuntu Linux:
15.5 Ethical a spects of using Linux: