Long-Distance Nationalism: Diasporas, Homelands and Identities

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کتاب ناسیونالیسم از راه دور: دیاسپوراها، وطن ها و هویت ها نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Long-Distance Nationalism: Diasporas, Homelands and Identities

نام کتاب : Long-Distance Nationalism: Diasporas, Homelands and Identities
ویرایش : Reprint
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : ناسیونالیسم از راه دور: دیاسپوراها، وطن ها و هویت ها
سری : Research in Migration and Ethnic Relations Series
نویسندگان :
ناشر : Routledge / Ashgate
سال نشر : 1999
تعداد صفحات : 218
ISBN (شابک) : 1859726720 , 9781315250212
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 13 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

Half Title
Figures and tables
List of abbreviations
1 Introduction
1 The relativisation of distance
2 Long-distance nationalism
3 Methodology and research design
3.1 Historical note
3.2 Sample characteristics
3.3 The size and representativeness of the research setting
3.4 Fieldwork update
4 The war and its impact on the outcome of this research
5 Plan of the book
6 Notes
2 History, homeland, nostalgia
1 The European post-Second World War refugee problem
1.1 Slovenians in Argentina
2 Memory
3 Innocence
4 Political migrants and their contribution to the formation of a distinct diaspora identity in Australia
5 Homeland, nostalgia and the myth of return
5.1 The elusive concept of homeland
5.2 The ethnic homeland: the questions of time and space
5.3 Nostalgia
6 Ideas about homeland
6.1 Romanticism - second generation respondents
6.2 Parents\' romanticism through their children\'s eyes
6.3 The second generation\'s critical attitudes towards the ethnic homeland
6.4 The myth of return
6.4.1 Second generation Croatian respondents\' reflections on first generation Australian-Croatians: returning home
6.4.2 Second generation Slovenian respondents\' reflections on first generation Slovenians: returning home
6.4.3 Second generation Croatians and Slovenians – returning home
7 Notes
3 Diasporas and community sentiments
1 Some limitations of the prevalent discourses on ethnic communities
1.1 Ethnic community boundaries and the segmentation of ethnic community space
2 Politics, otherness and diasporas
3 Conforming to norms and standards in diaspora organisations
4 From antagonism to schism
5 Diaspora cohesion and the question of generations
6 Concerns about the future of diaspora organisations
7 The problem of representation in ethnic communities
7.1 Whither community
8 Notes
4 The distant view
1 Mediation of information about the homeland
2 \'Tabloid\' political culture as mainstream culture
3 Invention, manipulation and legitimation
3.1 The maps
3.2 The \'Tesla case\'
3.3 Myths of origin
4 Diaspora and party politics: the case of Australian\\x=req-\\ Croatians
5 The contrast: the case of Australian-Slovenians
6 The power of symbols
6.1 Religious
6.2 ... and historical
7 Notes
5 Constructing the Other
1 Slovenian respondents on other ethnic groups from the former Yugoslavia: Southerners - the generalised Other
2 Croatian respondents on Slovenians
3 Croatians on the \'practical identity\' of Yugoslavs
4 Croatian respondents on the Other: the Serbs
5 Croatian respondents on Bosnian Muslims: search for \'true\' ethnicity
6 From \'public\' to \'private\'
7 Notes
6 Marriage choices
1 The key factors which impact on in(ter)marriage in diaspora settings
2 \'Pragmatism\' in the functioning of intimacy
3 The construction of marriage markets
3.1 Privileged marriage market
3.2 Privileged marriage sub-market
3.3 Deprivileged marriage market
3.4 Anathema market and factors which influence its performance
4 The future of marriage choice
5 Notes
7 Conclusion
Post scriptum
8 Bibliography

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