فهرست مطالب :
Léon Degrelle in Exile, 1945-1994
Translator’s Foreword
José Luis Jerez Riesco with Léon Degrelle in Madrid, 1972
Crash landing on the beach of San Sebastián, Spain of the bomber Heinkel 111, which was transporting Léon Degrelle from Norway, May 8th, 1945
Léon Degrelle
Léon Degrelle and Otto Skorzeny in Spain
Adolf Hitler decorates Léon Degrelle
Léon Degrelle, commander of the Walloon Legion who fought on the Eastern Front against communism
Léon Degrelle with Rex\'s flag during exile
Léon Degrelle in the uniform of the Spanish Falange
Léon Degrelle with the famous French actor Alain Delon, during the shooting of a film in Malaga, Spain
Léon Degrelle in the Basilica of the Valley of the Fallen in front of the tomb of José Antonio Primo de Rivera
Léon Degrelle, 1968
Léon Degrelle reading The Adventures of Tintin
Léon Degrelle, with his daughter Anne and his son-in-law Servando Balaguer, in a photograph dedicated to José Luis Jerez Riesco
Léon Degrelle\'s speech in Barcelona, 1981
Léon Degrelle
Léon Degrelle with José Luis Jerez Riesco
Léon Degrelle with Pedro Varela and Eduardo Nuñez, 1987
Léon Degrelle with Van Leeuw, 1989
Léon Degrelle
I. Arrival in Spanish Territory: Convalescence in the General Mola Military Hospital, San Sebastián (1945–1946)
The Incredible Aerial Feat of the Flight from Oslo to San Sebastián
On Spanish Soil
Admission to the General Mola Hospital
Harassment Begins
The Personal Diary
The Case of René Lagrou
The First Kidnapping Attempt
“In Evil Days”
In Holy Brotherhood with His Falangist Comrades
Diplomatic Crossroads
The Vicious Persecution against the Degrelle Family
His Writings from the Hospital
The Traumatic Repression of the Victors
The Dual Solution: Laval-Degrelle
The Belgian Government Formally Requests Extradition
The Second Attempted Kidnapping by Colonel Lovinfosse
Diplomatic Pressure for Surrender
The First Press Interview
Blackmail by the Belgian Government: The Degrelle Case Is Brought to the United Nations
Beginning to Think about Escape
Visits at the Hospital
Mystical Writings during His Mandatory Rest
II. The Great Fugitive of Injustice (1946–1951)
Léon Degrelle’s “Double”
The Escape is Carried Out
An Impenetrable Hideout in Madrid’s Salamanca District
The False News of His Move to Portugal Is Disseminated
The “Degrelle Affair” Brought to the Council of Ministers
Exonerated by the War Crimes Commission
Tribulations and Misconceptions:The Ambassador of the United States Issues a Statement
The Belgian Government is Suspicious of the Expulsion
The Case is Again Submitted to the United Nations
Press Campaign and Harassment from Non-Government Actors
The First Work Permit
The Wild Belgian Purge Strikes Degrelle’s Soul
Quitting His Dark Shelter
The Wounds of His Body and Soul Are Reopened
A Providential Encounter
Back to Torremolinos
An “Incredible” Testimony
His Relationship with His Comrades of the Women’s Section of the Falange, Clarita Stauffer and Carmen Werner
Change of Destination: Majalimar, Lora del Río
He Writes of His Feats on the Eastern Front
Along the Path of the Stars: Pilgrim to Santiago
Staying in Estella and Logroño
He Makes His Way, Walking Through the Highlands of Castilla
III. The Burning Souls (1952)
A Mystical Book Written in Poetic Prose
The Oak Leaf Publishing House
A Curious Interview in the Weekly El Español
His Friend Pierre Daye
Finally, The Burning Souls Is Published in France
The Latest Editions
Anthology of Texts, Maxims, and Thoughts
IV. Life in Constantina (1952–1963)
Constantina, an Encaladas City
New Credentials as a Journalist
His Long Stay at the Majalimar Estate
The Fantasy and the Charm of Andalusia Made His House “La Carlina” a Reality
The Lord of the “White Castle”
The Visit of His Countryman Jean Thiriart and Maurice Bardèche
Family Reunion
Léon Degrelle Speaks for “Youth”
The Great Scandal
A Forbidden Interview with the United Press Agency
A Historical Tapestry
His Faithful Dog “Dogo”
Archaeological Works
Degrelle is Nationalized a Spanish Citizen by Adoption
Cultural Activities
Belgium Votes against Spain’s Admission to the UN
Lights and Shadows
Intense, but Quiet, Political Activity
Before Spain’s Entrance into the Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC)
The Meeting with Jean-Robert Debbaudt and Its Consequences
A Visit by the Writer François Brigneau and the Cartoonist Paul Jamin
The Painful Longing for His Family since Exile and the Great Tragedy
Parallel Lives
The Attempted Kidnapping Perpetrated by Belgian Judge Albert Mélot
Conversations with the Writer Henry Charbonneau
The Alarm Goes Off in Belgium: An Article Published in Turin’s La Stampa
The German Weekly Der Spiegel Echoes the Drunken Campaign
The Puzzle in Plato’s Cave
The Dangerous Jewish Plot
The Eternal Return
A Letter to the Belgian Monarch
A Letter to a Young Comrade
Letter to the Belgian Parliament
Letter to the Belgian Catholics
The Force of Reason, Not the Reason of Force
The Last Days in Constantina: His Daughter Anne’s wedding
The Magazine Triunfo
The Departure
V. Settling in the Watchtower of La Cabaña (Fuengirola) (1963–1985)
The New Dwelling on the Costa del Sol
Under the Shadow of the Cross in the Valley of the Fallen
Reunion with His Great Friend Raymond Van Leuw
The Shameful Lex Degrelliana
Repeated Visits by His Compatriot George Gilsoul
General Charles de Gaulle Tries to Kidnap Degrelle
Business Initiatives
A Tragic Event
His Daughter Marie-Christine’s Marriage
An Interview with Journalist Marino Gómez Santos Is Published in the Daily ABC
The Opinion of Mexican Writer Antonio Ríus Facius
An Interview by Journalist Pedro Rodríguez Is Published in the Daily Arriba
A Second Interview with ABC
Journalist Win Dannau Publishes a Thirteen-Volume Work of Degrelle’s Recordings Entitled Ainsi Parla Léon Degrelle
Those Who Do Not Forgive: Belgium Issues an Order for Extradition
Correspondence with Blas Piñar
An Interview Is Published in the Magazine of the Círculo de Amigos de la Historia
Léon Degrelle’s Offense in Europe
A Letter from Germany to Léon Degrelle: “Das ist Kamaradschaft”
New Business Projects on Costa del Sol
The Belgian Government Prohibits Léon’s Return to Belgium Indefinitely
An Extensive Letter to His Daughter Chantal
A Restaurant That He Frequents in Marbella
Teodulfo Lagunero, Political Adversary and Yet a Friend
An Evening with José Luis Jerez Riesco
A New Edition of Memoirs of a Fascist: Otto Skorzeny Writes the Foreword
Tribute to Francisco Franco
The Incessant Visits
An Interview Given to the Argentine Weekly Siete Días
A Visit by Joaquín Ruiz Jiménez
Degrelle, Correspondent in Madrid for the Magazine Valeurs Actuelles
An Interview Is Published in the Magazine Cambio 16
A Foreword by Degrelle Is Published in an Edition of Mein Kampf in Italy
An Emotional Letter
President Adolfo Suárez Attempts, Without Success, to Hand over Degrelle
The Interview Published in Playboy Magazine
Letter to Pope John Paul II
Goodbye, “Holocaust”
An Interview Requested by the Weekly Poble Andorra That Was Not Published
La Nostra Europa
An Interview Published in the Weekly Interviú
Eviction from His Apartment at Number 1, Paseo de los Jesuitas, Madrid
Folie de la Répression Belge
An Enthusiastic Follower
Léon Degrelle Takes Part in a Barcelona Rally on January 30th, 1980, the Anniversary of Hitler’s Rise to Power
The Express Interview, Conducted by Eva Muns
Letter Addressed to His Bourguignon Comrades
“Europe Will Live!” Speech Delivered on January 30th, 1981
An Unpublished Book
Letter to Jef François
Why Did I Believe in Hitler?
Political Event at the Barcelona Conference and Exhibition Center
“Léon Degrelle, A Hero’s Life”
A Great Documentary on the Epic History of the Waffen SS
Interview in the Newspaper El País
Pilar Cernuda Interviews Him for Interviú
La Clave
A Letter of Reply
Hitler’s Fake Secret Diaries
The Law of Silence
The Visit of Chilean Ambassador Miguel Serrano
Interview with the Magazine L’Histoire Insolite
Signature and Rubric
Degrelle Testifies: An Interview in the Parisian Magazine Rivarol
Was Bitterness and Hatred Their Currency? Simon Wiesenthal
The Jewish Plot: Violeta Friedman versus Léon Degrelle
A Resounding Reply
The Judicial Process
The Media Duel
Filing the Lawsuit
Open Letter to Violeta Friedman
The Hearing is Held
Interview in the Newspaper El Faro de Vigo
Appeal to the Provincial Court of Madrid
The Supreme Court Intervenes in Cassation
The “Politicized” Constitutional Court “Fails” and Years Later Amends its “Ruling”
Léon Degrelle, Like El Cid Campeador, Wins a Legal Battle after His Death
VI. Residential Move to the Boardwalk City of Melilla, Number 23, Malaga Capital (1986–1994)
Correspondence with His Former Driver on the Eastern Front
Conversation with Portuguese National-Syndicate Leader Zarco Moniz Ferreira
Meetings with Olivier Mathieu
The Epilogue to Abel Bonnard’s Biography, An Unfinished Adventure
The Voice of Experience: A Letter to Olivier Mathieu
Mathieu’s Books on Degrelle
Be Strong!
An Unpublished Writing by Degrelle: A Commentary on Point XVI of the Falange Program Standard
An Iberian “Nazi” Lion
He Celebrates His Birthday in 1988 with the Portuguese Poet Rodrigo Emilio and a Group of Portuguese Comrades
Censorship of Editorial Planeta
The One Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of Adolph Hitler
The Reunion with His Veterans
Statements Are Published in the Lisbon Magazine Sabado
Half a Century after the March toward the Eastern Front
The Book Dr. Leuchter and the Fascinating Hitler
Letter to King Baudouin: “Your Majesty, You and I”
An Interview Given to the Portuguese Weekly O Diabo
Statements to the Weekly La Nación
On the Television Network Antena 3
Russia “Revisited”
A Tribute from the Verdun-Pétain Association
“Appeal to European Youth”
Tintin, Mon Copain
The Weekly O Independente in Lisbon Publishes an Interview with Léon Degrelle about Tintin
Nostalgia and Longing
The Last Interview
A Foreword for a Bachelor’s Thesis
The Last Letter to Olivier Mathieu
Farewell Message to His Soldiers
The Solemn Will
Mission Accomplished; My Honor is Called Loyalty!
The First Reactions
The Funeral Services
The Posthumous Letter from His Daughter Anne
In Memoriam
Eternal Hatred Eats the Insides of His Enemies
The Trail of Light