توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
نظریه بنیادی و الگوریتمهای عملی طبقهبندی با نظارت ضعیف، با تأکید بر رویکردی مبتنی بر به حداقل رساندن ریسک تجربی.
تکنیکهای استاندارد یادگیری ماشین به مقادیر زیادی داده برچسبگذاری شده نیاز دارند تا به خوبی کار کنند. با این حال، وقتی یادگیری ماشین را برای مشکلات دنیای فیزیکی اعمال می کنیم، جمع آوری چنین مقادیری از داده های برچسب گذاری شده بسیار دشوار است. در این کتاب Masashi Sugiyama، Han Bao، Takashi Ishida، Nan Lu، Tomoya Sakai و Gang Niu نظریه و الگوریتمهایی را برای یادگیری با نظارت ضعیف ارائه میکنند، الگوی یادگیری ماشین از دادههای دارای برچسب ضعیف. این کتاب با تأکید بر رویکردی مبتنی بر به حداقل رساندن ریسک تجربی و استفاده از تحقیقات پیشرفته در یادگیری با نظارت ضعیف، هم مبانی این رشته و هم نظریههای ریاضی پیشرفتهای را ارائه میکند. می توان از آن به عنوان مرجعی برای پزشکان و محققان و در کلاس درس استفاده کرد.
این کتاب ابتدا مسائل طبقه بندی را به صورت ریاضی فرموله می کند، نمادهای رایج را تعریف می کند و الگوریتم های مختلف را برای طبقه بندی باینری و چند کلاسه نظارت شده بررسی می کند. سپس مشکلات طبقهبندی باینری با نظارت ضعیف را بررسی میکند، از جمله طبقهبندی مثبت-بدون برچسب (PU)، طبقهبندی مثبت-منفی-بدون برچسب (PNU) و طبقهبندی بدون برچسب-بدون برچسب (UU). سپس به طبقهبندی چند طبقهای میپردازد و طبقهبندی برچسب مکمل (CL) و طبقهبندی با برچسب جزئی (PL) را مورد بحث قرار میدهد. در نهایت، این کتاب به مسائل پیشرفتهتر، از جمله یک خانواده از روشهای تصحیح برای بهبود عملکرد تعمیم یادگیری با نظارت ضعیف و مشکل تخمین کلاس قبلی میپردازد.
فهرست مطالب :
Series Page
Title Page
Table of Contents
I. Machine Learning from Weak Supervision
1. Introduction
1.1. Machine Learning
1.1.1. Supervised Learning
1.1.2. Unsupervised Learning
1.1.3. Reinforcement Learning
1.2. Elements of Classification
1.2.1. Classifiers
1.2.2. Learning Criteria
1.2.3. Optimization Algorithms
1.3. Aspects of Machine Learning
1.3.1. Logical Learning, Biologically Inspired Learning, and Statistical Learning
1.3.2. Frequentist Learning and Bayesian Learning
1.3.3. Generative Classification and Discriminative Classification
1.3.4. Induction, Deduction, and Transduction
1.4. Improving Data Collection and Weakly Supervised Learning
1.5. Organization of This Book
1.5.1. Weakly Supervised Learning for Binary Classification
1.5.2. Weakly Supervised Learning for Multi-Class Classification
1.5.3. Advanced Topics and Perspectives
2. Formulation and Notation
2.1. Binary Classification
2.1.1. Formulation
2.1.2. Classification Models Linear-in-input model Linear-in-parameter model Kernel model Neural network model
2.1.3. Surrogate Losses
2.1.4. Training Samples
2.1.5. Regularization
2.2. Multi-Class Classification
2.2.1. Formulation
2.2.2. Surrogate Losses
2.2.3. Training Samples
3. Supervised Classification
3.1. Positive-Negative (PN) Classification
3.1.1. Formulation One-sample case Two-sample case Comparison
3.1.2. Theoretical Analysis Targets of convergence Measures of convergence Rademacher complexity Rademacher complexity bounds Estimation error bounds
3.2. Multi-Class Classification
3.2.1. Formulation
3.2.2. Theoretical Analysis Estimation error bounds Classification calibration
II. Weakly Supervised Learning for Binary Classification
4. Positive-Unlabeled (PU) Classification
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Formulation
4.3. Unbiased Risk Estimation from PU Data
4.3.1. General Approach
4.3.2. Cost-Sensitive Approach
4.3.3. Convex Approach
4.4. Theoretical Analysis
4.4.1. PU Classification
4.4.2. NU Classification
4.4.3. Comparisons with PN Classification Finite-sample comparisons Asymptotic comparisons
5. Positive-Negative-Unlabeled (PNU) Classification
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Formulation
5.3. Manifold-Based Semi-Supervised Classification
5.3.1. Laplacian Regularization
5.3.2. Implementation
5.4. Information-Theoretic Semi-Supervised Classification
5.4.1. Squared-Loss Mutual Information Regularization
5.4.2. Implementation
5.5. PU+PN Classification
5.5.1. PNU and PU+NU Risk Estimators
5.5.2. PNU vs. PU+NU Classification
5.5.3. Theoretical Analysis Estimation error bounds Variance reduction
5.6. Experiments
5.6.1. Datasets
5.6.2. PNU Risk for Validation
5.6.3. Comparison with Other Methods
5.7. Extensions
5.7.1. Multi-Class Extension
5.7.2. AUC Maximization
5.7.3. Matrix Imputation
6. Positive-Confidence (Pconf) Classification
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Related Works
6.3. Problem Formulation
6.4. Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM) Framework
6.5. Theoretical Analysis
6.6. Implementation
6.7. Experiments
6.7.1. Synthetic Experiments with Linear Models
6.7.2. Benchmark Experiments with Neural Network Models
7. Pairwise-Constraint Classification
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Formulation
7.2.1. One-Sample Case
7.2.2. Two-Sample Case
7.2.3. Comparison of Sampling Schemes
7.2.4. Pairwise Constraints as Pointwise Data
7.3. Similar-Unlabeled (SU) Classification
7.3.1. Classification Risk Estimation
7.3.2. Minimum-Variance Risk Estimation
7.3.3. Convex Formulation
7.3.4. Class-Priors in SU Classification
7.4. Similar-Dissimilar (SD) and Dissimilar-Unlabeled (DU) Classification
7.4.1. Classification Risk Estimation
7.4.2. Interpretation of SD Risk
7.5. Similar-Dissimilar-Unlabeled (SDU) Classification
7.6. Theoretical Analysis
7.6.1. Derivation of Estimation Error Bounds
7.6.2. Comparison of Estimation Error Bounds
7.7. Experiments
7.7.1. Setup
7.7.2. Illustration of SU Classification
7.7.3. Comparison of SU Classification with Other Methods
7.7.4. Comparison of SDU Classification with Other Methods
7.8. Ongoing Research
8. Unlabeled-Unlabeled (UU) Classification
8.1. Introduction
8.2. Problem Formulation
8.2.1. Data Generation Process
8.2.2. Performance Measures
8.2.3. Relation to Classification with Noisy Labels
8.3. Risk Estimation from UU Data
8.3.1. Risk Estimation from One Set of U Data
8.3.2. Risk Estimation from Two Sets of U Data Risk estimation Simplification Special cases
8.3.3. Theoretical Analysis
8.3.4. Experiments Setup Benchmark experiments with neural network models Comparison with other methods
8.4. Generative Approach
8.4.1. Analysis of Bayes-Optimal Classifier
8.4.2. KDE-Based Algorithm
8.4.3. LSDD-Based Algorithm
8.4.4. DSDD-Based Algorithm
8.4.5. Experiments
III. Weakly Supervised Learning for Multi-Class Classification
9. Complementary-Label Classification
9.1. Introduction
9.2. Risk Estimation from CL Data
9.2.1. Formulation
9.2.2. Risk Estimation
9.2.3. Case-Study for Symmetric Losses
9.2.4. Relation to Classification with Noisy Labels
9.3. Theoretical Analysis
9.4. Incorporation of Ordinary-Labels
9.5. Experiments
9.5.1. Experiments with CL
9.5.2. Experiments with CL and OL
9.6. Incorporation of Multi-Complementary-Labels
9.6.1. Formulation
9.6.2. Comparison with Multiple Single CLs
9.6.3. Unbiased Risk Estimator
9.6.4. Estimation Error Bound
10. Partial-Label Classification
10.1. Introduction
10.2. Formulation and Assumptions
10.2.1. Formulation
10.2.2. Data Generation Assumption
10.3. Risk Estimation
10.4. Experiments
10.5. Proper Partial-Label (PPL) Classification
10.5.1. Data Generation Assumption
10.5.2. Risk Estimation
10.5.3. Theoretical Analysis
IV. Advanced Topics and Perspectives
11. Non-Negative Correction for Weakly Supervised Classification
11.1. Introduction
11.2. Overfitting of Unbiased Learning Objectives
11.2.1. Binary Classification
11.2.2. Multi-Class Classification
11.3. Numerical Illustration
11.4. Non-Negative Correction
11.4.1. nnPU Classification
11.4.2. nnPNU Classification
11.4.3. nnUU Classification
11.4.4. nnCL Classification
11.4.5. ccUU Classification
11.5. Theoretical Analyses
11.5.1. Bias and Consistency
11.5.2. Estimation Error
11.6. Experiments
11.6.1. Comparison of PN, uPU, and nnPU Classification
11.6.2. Comparison of uCL and nnCL Classification
11.6.3. Comparison of uUU and ccUU Classification
12. Class-Prior Estimation
12.1. Introduction
12.2. Full Distribution Matching
12.3. Mixture Proportion Estimation
12.3.1. Estimation Goal and Optimization Goal
12.3.2. Redefinition of Optimization Goal
12.3.3. Irreducibility Assumption
12.3.4. Anchor Set/Point Assumption
12.3.5. Remarks
12.4. Partial Distribution Matching
12.4.1. Formulation
12.4.2. Differentiable Divergences
12.4.3. Non-Differentiable Divergences
12.4.4. Empirical f-Divergence Estimation
12.5. Penalized L1-Distance Minimization
12.5.1. Penalized L1-Distance
12.5.2. Practical Implementation
12.5.3. Theoretical Analysis Realizability assumption Summary of main results Proofs of main results On the convergence rate of
12.6. Class-Prior Estimation with Regrouping
12.6.1. Motivation
12.6.2. Practical Implementation
12.6.3. Theoretical Justification A formal definition of regrouping Bias reduction Convergence analysis Computationally efficient identification of A* Approximation of p’pwith a surrogate
12.7. Class-Prior Estimation from Pairwise Data
13. Conclusions and Prospects
Series List
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Fundamental theory and practical algorithms of weakly supervised classification, emphasizing an approach based on empirical risk minimization.
Standard machine learning techniques require large amounts of labeled data to work well. When we apply machine learning to problems in the physical world, however, it is extremely difficult to collect such quantities of labeled data. In this book Masashi Sugiyama, Han Bao, Takashi Ishida, Nan Lu, Tomoya Sakai and Gang Niu present theory and algorithms for weakly supervised learning, a paradigm of machine learning from weakly labeled data. Emphasizing an approach based on empirical risk minimization and drawing on state-of-the-art research in weakly supervised learning, the book provides both the fundamentals of the field and the advanced mathematical theories underlying them. It can be used as a reference for practitioners and researchers and in the classroom.
The book first mathematically formulates classification problems, defines common notations, and reviews various algorithms for supervised binary and multiclass classification. It then explores problems of binary weakly supervised classification, including positive-unlabeled (PU) classification, positive-negative-unlabeled (PNU) classification, and unlabeled-unlabeled (UU) classification. It then turns to multiclass classification, discussing complementary-label (CL) classification and partial-label (PL) classification. Finally, the book addresses more advanced issues, including a family of correction methods to improve the generalization performance of weakly supervised learning and the problem of class-prior estimation.