توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
شامل اطلاعات اصلاح شده و به روز شده در مورد آفات مهم چمن و همچنین اقدامات کنترل فرهنگی، بیولوژیکی و شیمیایی
توصیه های خاصی را برای هر آفت ارائه می دهد که تمام تاکتیک های مدیریتی موجود را در بر می گیرد
اهمیت به حداقل رساندن آفات از طریق سیستم های فرهنگی را برجسته می کند
شامل بیش از 275 عکس و تصویر رنگی
نوشته شده توسط سه نفر از متخصصان برتر در زمینه چمن، مدیریت آفات چمن، ویرایش دوم، صدها راه حل و بهترین روش را گرد هم می آورد تا به شما کمک کند علف های هرز، بیماری ها و حشرات چمن را به طور موثرتری مدیریت کنید. از زمان انتشار اولین نسخه پرفروش، پیشرفت در ارقام چمن مقاوم به آفات و محصولات کنترل آفات منجر به تغییرات قابل توجهی در روش های مدیریت آفات شده است. این ویرایش دوم اصلاح شده و به روز شده آن دسته از تاکتیک های مدیریتی را که هنوز مرتبط هستند تقویت می کند و رویکردهای جدیدی را که از نسخه اول معرفی شده اند پوشش می دهد.
این کتاب مفهوم مدیریت تلفیقی آفات را با ترکیب اقدامات کنترل فرهنگی، بیولوژیکی و شیمیایی مورد بحث قرار می دهد. به ویژه، نویسندگان بر فلسفه به حداقل رساندن آفات از طریق سیستم های فرهنگی به خوبی تعریف شده و به خوبی اجرا شده تأکید می کنند. آنها به جای تکیه بر یک راه حل آفت کش برای کنترل، توضیح می دهند که چگونه اقدامات فرهنگی را به خوبی تنظیم کنیم تا به این سوال که چرا آفت در وهله اول وجود دارد، بهتر رسیدگی شود. هنگامی که این اقدامات فرهنگی انجام شود، هر آفت کشی که هنوز مورد نیاز باشد در کنترل آفت بسیار موثرتر خواهد بود.
جدید در این نسخه
توضیحات اصلاح شده و به روز شده از آفات مهم اقتصادی چمن
رویکردهای فرهنگی اصلاح شده و به روز شده برای مدیریت آفات چمنزار
روش های بیولوژیکی اصلاح شده و به روز شده مدیریت آفات چمنزار
کنترل شیمیایی اصلاح شده و به روز شده آفات چمنزار
بیش از 200 تصویر رنگی جدید
این کتاب تمام رنگی مملو از عکس ها، اطلاعات به روز شده ای در مورد بهترین شیوه ها و اقدامات کنترلی برای مدیریت آفات چمنزار ارائه می دهد. همچنین توضیح می دهد که چگونه می توان استراتژی های مدیریتی مختلف را برای اطمینان از کیفیت و عملکرد چمن ادغام کرد. در سرتاسر، نویسندگان توصیههای عملی برای کمک به شما در بهینهسازی رقابت چمنزار خود در برابر آفاتی که به ناچار بخشی از هر اکوسیستمی میشوند، ارائه میکنند.
فهرست مطالب :
Table of Contents
Weeds and Their Management
Managing Turfgrass Weeds
Weeds as Indicators
Natural Reasons for Voids
Management Reasons for Voids
Steps in Weed Control Strategy
Managing Summer Annual Grasses
Fall Panicum
Managing Winter Annual Grasses
Poa annua
Managing Perennial Grasses and Sedges
Creeping Bentgrass
Tall Fescue
Rough Bluegrass
Managing Summer Annual Broadleaf Weeds
Prostrate Spurge
Florida Pusley
Managing Winter Annual Broadleaf Weeds
Common Chickweed
Shepherd’s Purse
Corn Speedwell
Managing Biennials
Yellow Rocket
Wild Carrot
Black Medic
Managing Perennial Broadleaf Weeds
Wild Garlic
White Clover
Common Plantain
Buckhorn Plantain
Mouse-Ear Chickweed
Ground Ivy
Sheep Sorrel
Canada Thistle
Curly Dock
Bull Thistle
Heal All
Ox-Eye Daisy
Thyme-Leaf Speedwell
Creeping Speedwell
Wild Violet
English Daisy
Dollar Weed
Weed Management: Integrated Pest Management
Chemical Control Recommendations
Further Reading
Turfgrass Diseases and Their Management
Monitoring Disease and Establishing Thresholds
Environmental Conditions and Use of Cultural Practices to Manage Diseases
Biological Control of Turfgrass Diseases
Winter and Early Spring Diseases
Microdochium Patch (aka Pink Snow Mold or Fusarium Patch)
Pythium Snow Blight
Typhula Blight or Gray Snow Mold
Yellow Patch or Cool-Temperature Brown Patch
Diseases Initiated in Autumn or Spring That May Persist Into Summer
Ascochyta and Leptosphaerulina Leaf Blights
Brown Ring Patch or Waitea Patch
Dollar Spot
Large Patch
Leaf Spot, Melting-Out, and Net-Blotch (Formerly Helminthosporium Diseases)
Necrotic Ring Spot
Powdery Mildew
Pythium-Induced Root Dysfunction
Rapid Blight
Red Thread and Pink Patch
Spring Dead Spot
Stripe Smut and Flag Smut
Take-All Patch
Yellow Tuft or Downy Mildew
Diseases Initiated During Summer That May Persist Into Autumn
Brown Patch and Leaf and Sheath Spot
Copper Spot
Dead Spot
Fairy Ring
Gray Leaf Spot
Leaf Spot, Melting-Out, Net-Blotch, and Red Leaf Spot
Localized Dry Spot
Pythium Blight
Root Decline of Warm-Season Grasses
Slime Mold
Southern Blight or Sclerotium Blight
Summer Patch
Superficial Fairy Ring
White Blight or Melanotus White Patch
Yellow Ring
Seedling Diseases or Damping-Off
Bacterial Diseases
Bacterial Wilt
Bacterial Decline
Plant Parasitic Nematodes
Virus Diseases
St. Augustine Decline and Centipede Mosaic
Blue-Green Algae, Moss, and Black-Layer
Blue-Green Algae (aka Cyanobacteria)
Collecting and Sending Diseased Samples to a Lab
Parasitic Nematode Assay
Fungicides Used to Control Turfgrass Diseases
Professional Fungicide Use Considerations
Types of Fungicides
Nontarget Effects of Fungicides
Fungicide Application
Turfgrass Insect and Mite Management
Goal of Insect and Mite Management
Pest Management Process
Pest Identification
Insects and Mites Associated with Turf: An Introduction
Classes of Arthropods
Pest Life Cycles
Insect Metamorphosis
Mite Life Cycles
Zones of Activity (Turf, a Unique Habitat)
Tools and Strategies for Timing of Controls
Selecting Appropriate Controls
Pest Management versus Pest Eradication
Integrated Pest Management
Monitoring in IPM
Control Options
Cultural Controls
Biological Controls
Chemical Controls
Insecticide Groups: Chemical Categories and Modes of Action
Using Pesticides to Manage Insects and Mites in Turf
Insecticide/Miticide Affects on Nontarget Animals
Equipment for Making Insecticide/Miticide Applications
Leaf- and Stem-Infesting Insect and Mite Pests
Bermudagrass Mite
Clover Mite
Banks Grass Mite
Winter Grain Mite
Sod Webworms (= Lawn Moths): Introduction
Bluegrass Webworm
Larger Sod Webworm
Western Lawn Moth
Tropical Sod Webworm
Grass Webworm
Cutworms and Armyworms: Introduction
Black Cutworm
Bronzed Cutworm
Fall Armyworm
Lawn Armyworm
Other Turf-Infesting Caterpillars
Striped Grassworms (=Grass Loopers)
Fiery Skipper
Stem- and Thatch-Infesting Insect and Mite Pests
Chinch Bugs
Hairy Chinch Bug (and Common Chinch Bug)
Southern Chinch Bug
Insecticides and Application
Twolined Spittlebug
Rhodesgrass Mealybug (=Rhodesgrass Scale)
Bermudagrass Scale
Billbugs: Introduction
Bluegrass Billbug
Hunting Billbug
Annual Bluegrass Weevil (=Hyperodes Weevil)
Cranberry Girdler
Burrowing Sod Webworms
European Crane Fly, Common (or Marsh) Crane Fly, or
Frit Fly
Soil-Inhabiting (e.g., Thatch- and Root-Infesting) Insects
White Grubs: Introduction
Maximizing Control of White Grubs with Insecticides
Black Turfgrass Ataenius
Asiatic Garden Beetle
European Chafer
Green June Beetle
Japanese Beetle
Northern Masked Chafer
Southern Masked Chafer
Oriental Beetle
Sugarcane Beetle and Sugarcane Grub
May and June Beetles, Phyllophaga
Mole Crickets: Introduction
Monitoring Spring Adults
Sampling for Summer Nymphs
Tawny Mole Cricket
Southern Mole Cricket
Short-Winged Mole Cricket
Ground Pearls
Nuisance Invertebrate, Insect, and Mite Pests
Slugs and Snail
Spiders and Tarantulas
Sowbugs and Pillbugs (Isopods)
Bigeyed Bugs
Ground Beetles
Rove Beetles
March Flies (Bibionids)
Ants: General
Fire Ants
Cicada Killer
Nuisance Vertebrate Pests
Common Grackle
Pocket Gophers
Skunks and Civet Cats
Ninebanded Armadillo
Further Reading
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Includes revised and updated information on important turfgrass pests as well as on cultural, biological, and chemical control measures
Offers specific recommendations for each pest, incorporating all available management tactics
Highlights the importance of minimizing pests through cultural systems
Includes more than 275 color photographs and illustrations
Written by three of the top professionals in the turfgrass field, Managing Turfgrass Pests, Second Edition brings together hundreds of solutions and best practices to help you manage turfgrass weeds, diseases, and insects more effectively. Since the publication of the bestselling first edition, advances in pest-resistant turfgrass cultivars and pest control products have led to significant changes in the ways pests are managed. This revised and updated second edition reinforces those management tactics that are still relevant and covers new approaches that have been introduced since the first edition.
The book discusses the concept of integrated pest management, incorporating cultural, biological, and chemical control measures. In particular, the authors emphasize the philosophy of minimizing pests through well-defined and well-implemented cultural systems. Rather than simply relying on a pesticide solution for control, they explain how to fine-tune cultural practices to better address the question of why the pest is present in the first place. Once these cultural practices are in place, any pesticide that is still required will be much more effective at controlling the pest.
New in This Edition
Revised and updated descriptions of economically important turfgrass pests
Revised and updated cultural approaches to turfgrass pest management
Revised and updated biological methods of turfgrass pest management
Revised and updated chemical control of turfgrass pests
More than 200 new color illustrations
Packed with photographs, this full-color book provides updated information on best practices and control measures for turfgrass pest management. It also explains how to integrate various management strategies to ensure quality and functional turf. Throughout, the authors offer practical recommendations to help you optimize the competitiveness of your turfgrass against the pests that inevitably become part of any ecosystem.