فهرست مطالب :
Content: Editorial board --
Contributors --
Preface --
v. 1 --
Section 1 : General issues in clinical microbiology / Volume editor : James H. Jorgensen, section editor : Melvin P. Weinstein --
1. Introduction to the ninth edition of the Manual of clinical microbiology / Patrick R. Murray --
2. Laboratory management / W. Michael Dunne, Jr. and Mark T. LaRocco --
3. Laboratory design / Michael L. Wilson and L. Barth Reller --
4. Laboratory consultation, communication, and information systems / Joseph M. Campos --
5. General principles of specimen collection and handling / J. Michael Miller, Karen Krisher, and Harvey T. Holmes --
6. Procedures for the storage of microorganisms / Cathy A. Petti, Karen C. Carroll, and Larry G. Reimer --
Section 2 : The clinical microbiology laboratory in infection detection, prevention, and control / Volume editor : Michael A. Pfaller, section editor : Loreen A. Herwaldt --
7. Decontamination, disinfection, and sterilization / Andreas F. Widmer and Reno Frei --
8. Prevention and control of laboratory-acquired infections / Michael A. Noble --
9. Laboratory detection of potential agents of bioterrorism / Rosemary Humes and James W. Snyder --
10. Infection control epidemiology and clinical microbiology / Daniel J. Diekema and Michael A. Pfaller --
11. Laboratory procedures for the epidemiological analysis of microorganisms / David R. Soll, Claude Pujol, and Shawn R. Lockhart --
12. Investigation of foodborne and waterborne disease outbreaks / Timothy F. Jones --
Section 3 : Diagnostic technologies in clinical microbiology / volume eidtor : James H. Jorgensen, section editor : Melvin P. Weinstein --
13. Microscopy / Danny L. Wiedbrauk --
14. Principles of stains and media / Kimberle C. Chapin --
15. Manual and automated systems for detection and identification of microorganisms / Karen C. Carroll, and Melvin P. Weinstein --
16. Molecular detection and identification of microorganisms / Frederick S. Nolte and Angela M. Caliendo --
17. Susceptibility testing instrumentation and computerized expert systems for data analysis and interpretation / Sandra S. Richter and Mary Jane Ferraro --
18. Immunoassays for the diagnosis of infectious diseases / A. Betts Carpenter --
Section 4 : Bacteriology / volume editor : Ellen Jo Baron, section deitors : J. Stephen Dumler, Guido Funke, J. Michael Janda, Irving Nachamkin, and James Versalovic --
General --
19. Taxonomy and classification of bacteria / Peter A.R. Vandamme --
20. Specimen collection, transport, and processing : bacteriology / Richard B. Thomson, Jr. --
21. Reagents, stains, and media : bacteriology / Kimberle C. Chapin and Tsai-Ling Lauderdale --
22. Algorithm for identification of aerobic gram-positive cocci / Kathryn L. Ruoff --
23. Algorithm for identification of aerobic gram-positive rods / Guido Funke --
24. Algorithms for identification of aerobic gram-negative bacteria / Paul C. Schreckenberger and David Lindquist --
25. Algorithm for identification of anaerobic bacteria / Diane M. Citron --
26. Algorithms for identification of curved and spiral-shaped gram-negative rods / Irving Nachamkin --
27. Algorithms for identification of mycoplasma, ureaplasma, and obligate intracellular bacteria / J. Stephen Dumler --
Gram-positive cocci --
28. Staphylococcus, micrococcus, and other catalase-positive cocci / Tammy L. Bannerman and Sharon J. Peacock --
29. Streptococcus / Barbara Spellerberg adn Claudia Brandt --
30. Enterococcus / Lúcia Martins Teixeira, Maria da Glória Siqueira Carvalho, and Richard R. Facklam --
31. Aerococcus, abiotrophia, and other aerobic catalase-negative, gram-positive coci / Kathryn L. Ruoff --
Gram-positive rods --
32. Bacillus and other aerobic endospore-forming bacteria / Niall A. Logan, Tanja Popovic, and Alex Hoffmaster --
33. Listeria and erysipelothrix / Jacques Bille --
34. Coryneform gram-positive rods / Guido Funke and Kathryn A. Bernard --
35. Nocardia, rhodoccus, gordonia, actinomadura, streptomyces, and other aerobic actinomycetes / Patricia S. Conville and Frank G. Witebsky --
36. Mycobacterium : general characteristics, laboratory detection, and staining procedures / Gaby E. Pfyffer --
37. Mycobacterium : laboratory characteristics of slowly growing mycobacteria / Véronique Vincent and M. Cristina Gutiérrez --
38. Mycobacterium : clinical and laboratory characteristics of rapidly growing mycobacteria / Barbara A. Brown-Elliot and Richard J. Wallace, Jr. --
Gram-negative bacteria --
39. Neisseria / William M. Janda and Charolotte A. Gaydos --
40. Actinobacillus, capnocytophaga, eikenella, kingella, pasteurella, and other fastidious or rarely encountered gram-negative rods / Alexander von Graevenitz, Reinhard Zbinden, and Reinier Mutters --
41. Haemophilus / Mogens Kilian --
42. Enterobacteriaceae : introduction and identification / J.J. Farmer III, K.D. Boatwright, and J. Michael Janda --
43. Escherichia, shigella, and salmonella / James P. Nataro, Cheryl A. Bopp, Patricia I. Fields, James B. Kaper, and Nancy A. Strockbine --
44. Yersinia / Audrey Wanger --
45. Klebsiella, enterobacter, citrobacter, serratia, pleiomonas, and other enterobacteriaceae / Sharon L. Abbott --
46. Aeromonas / Amy J. Horneman, Afsar Ali, and Sharon L. Abbott --
47. Vibrio and related organisms / Sharon L. Abbott, J. Michael Janda, Judith A. Johnson, and J.J. Farmer III --
48. Pseudomonas / Edith Blondel-Hill, Deborah A. Henry, and David P. Speert --
49. Bukholderia, stenotrophomonas, ralstonia, cupriavidus, pandoraea, brevundimonas, comamonas, delftia, and acidovorax / John J. LiPuma, Bart J. Currie, Gary D. Lum, and Peter A.R. Vandeamme --
50. Acinetobacter, achromobacter, chryseobacterium, moraxella, and other nonfermentive gram-negative rods / Paul C. Schreckenberger, Maryam I. Daneshvar, and Dannie G. Hollis --
51. Bordetella / Michael J. Loeffelholz and Gary N. Sanden --
52. Francisella and brucella --
53. Legionella / Paul H. Edelstein --
54. Bartonella / Bruno B. Chomel and Jean Marc Rolain --
Anaerobic bacteria --
55. Peptostreptococcus, finegoldia, anaerococcus, peptoniphilus, veillonella, and other anerobic cocci / Yuli Song and Sydney M. Finegold --
56. Propionibacterium, lactobacillus, actinomyces, and other non-spore-forming anaerobic gram-positive rods / Eija Könönen and William G. Wade --
57. Clostridium / Eric A. Johnson, Paula Summanen, and Sydney M. Finegold --
58. Bacterioides, porphyromonas, prevotella, fusobacterium, and other anaerobic gram-negative rods / Diane M. Citron, Ian R. Poxton, and Ellen Jo Baron --
Curved and spiral-shaped gram-negative rods --
59. Campylobacter and arcobacter / Collette Fitzgerald and Irving Nachamkin --
60. Helicobacter / James G. Fox and Francis Megraud --
61. Leptospira / Paul N. Levett --
62. Borrelia / Bettina Wilske, Barbara J. B. Johnson, and Martin E. Schriefer --
63. Treponema and other human host-associated spirochetes / Victoria Pope, Steven J. Norris, and Robert E. Johnson --
Mycoplasmas and obligate intracellular bacteria --
64. Mycoplasma and ureaplasma / Ken B. Waites and David Taylor-Robinson --
65. Chlamydia and chlamydophila / Andreas Essig --
66. Rickettsia and orientia / David H. Walker and Donald H. Bouyer --
67. Ehrlichia, anaplasma, and related intracellular bacteria / Juan P. Olano and Maria E. Aguero-Rosenfeld --
68. Coxiella / Philippe Brouqui, Thomas Marrie, and Didier Raoult --
69. Tropheryma / Didier Raoult, Florence Fenollar, and David Relman --
Section 5 : Antibacterial agents and susceptibility test methods / volume editor : James H. Jorgensen, section editors : Mary Jane Ferraro and John D. Turnidge --
70. Antibacterial agents / Joseph D.C. Yao and Robert C. Moellering, Jr. --
71. Mechanisms of resistance to antibacterial agents / Louis B. Rice and Robert A. Bonomo --
72. Susceptibility test methods : general considerations / John D. Turnidge, Mary Jane Ferraro, and James H. Jorgensen --
73. Susceptibility test methods : dilution and disk diffusion methods / James H. Jorgensen and John D. Turnidge --
74. Special phenotypic methods for detecting antibacterial resistance / Jana M. Swenson, Jean B. Patel, and James H. Jorgensen --
75. Susceptibility test methods : fastidious bacteria / Janet Fick Hindler and Jean B. Patel --
76. Susceptibility test methods : anaerobic bacteria / Diane M. Citron and David W. Hecht --
77. Susceptibility test methods : mycobacteria, nocardia, and other actinomycetes / Gail L. Woods, Nancy G. Warren, and Clark B. Inderlied --
78. Detection and characterization of antimicrobial reistance genes in pathogenic bacteria / J. Kamile Rasheed, Franklin Cockerill, and Fred C. Tenover --
v. 2 --
Section 6 : Virology / volume editor : Marie Loiuse Landry, section editors, Angela M. Caliendo, Yi-Wei Tang, and Alexandra Valsamakis --
General --
79. Taxonomy and classification of viruses / Cornelia Büchen-Osmond --
80. Specimen collection, transport, and processing : virology / Michael S. Forman and Alexandra Valsamakis --
81. Reagents, stains, media, and cell lines : virology / Kimberle C. Chapin --
82. Algorithms for detection and identification of viruses / Marie Louise Landry, Angela M. Caliendo, Yi-Wei Tang, and Alexandra VAlsamakis --
RNA viruses --
83. Human immunodeficiency viruses / Brigitte P. Griffith, Sheldon Campbell, and Donald R. Mayo --
84. Human T-cell lymphotropic virus types 1 and 2 / Antoine Gessain, Charlene S. Dezzuitt, Elliot P. Cowan, and Renu B. Lal --
85. Influenza viruses / Robert L. Atmar --
86. Parainfluenza and mumps viruses / Diane S. Leland --
87. Respiratory syncytial virus and human metapneumovirus / Yi-Wei Tang and James E. Crowe, Jr. --
88. Measles and rubella viruses / William J. Bellini and Joseph P. Icenogle --
89. Enteroviruses and parechoviruses / José R. Romero --
90. Rhinoviruses / Marie Louise Landry --
91. Coronaviruses / James B. Mahony --
92. Hepatitis A and E viruses / David A. Anderson --
93. Heptatitis C and G viruses / John D. Scott and David R. Gretch --
94. Rotaviruses, caliciviruses, astrofiruses, enteric adenoviruses, and other diarrheic viruses / Tibor Farkas and Xi Jiang --
95. Rabies virus / Lillian A. Orciari and Charles E. Rupprecht --
96. Hendra and nipah viruses / Pierre E. Rollin, Paul Rota, Sherif Zaki, and Thomas G. Ksiazek --
97. Arboviruses / Robert S. Lanciotti and Theodore F. Tsai --
98. Hantaviruses / Charles F. Fulhorst and Michael D. Bowen --
99. Arenaviruses and filoviruses / Pierre E. Rollin, Stuart T. Nichol, Sherif Zaki, and Thomas G. Ksiazek --
DNA virsues --
100. Herpes simplex viruses and herpes B virus / Keith R. Jerome and Rhoda Ashley Morrow --
101. Varicella-zoster virus / Anne A. Gershon, Jingxian Chen, Philip LaRussa, and Sharon P. Steinberg ---
102. Human cytomegalovirus / Richard L. Hodinka --
103. Epstein-Barr virus / Annika Linde and Kerstin I. Falk --
104. Human herpesviruses 6, 7, and 8 / Philip E. Pellett and Graham Tipples --
105. Adenoviruses / Christine Robinson and Marcela Echavarria --
106. Human papillomaviruses / Bruce K. Patterson --
107. Human polyomaviruses / Eugene O. Major, Caroline Ryschkewitsch, Alexandra Valsamakis, and Jean Hou --
108. Human parvoviruses / Jeanne A. Jordan --
109. Poxviruses / Inger K. Damon --
110. Hepatitis B and D viruses / Rebecca T. Horvat and Gary E. Tegtmeier --
Subviral agents --
111. Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies / Adriano Aguzzi and Markus Glatzel --
Section 7 : Antiviral agents and susceptibility test methods / volume editor : James H. Jorgensen, section editor : John D. Turnidge --
112. Antiviral agents / Nell S. Lurain and Kenneth D. Thompson --
113. Mechanisms of resistance to antiviral agents / Robert W. Shafer, Shirit Einav, and Sunwen Chou --
114. Susceptibility test methods : viruses / Max Q. Arens and Ella M. Swierkosz --
Section 8 : Mycology / volume editor, Michael A. Pfaller, section editor : David W. Warnock --
General --
115. Taxonomy and classification of fungi / David W. Warnock --
116. Specimen collection, transport, and processing : mycology / Deanna A. Sutton --
117. Reagents, stains, and media : mycology / Mark T. LaRocco --
118. Algorithms for detection and identification of fungi / Yvonne R. Shea --
Fungi --
119. Candida, cryptococcus, and other yeasts of medical importance / Kevin C. Hazen and Susan A. Howell --
120. Pneumocystis / Melanie T. Cushion --
121. Aspergillus, fusarium, and other opportunisitc moniliaceous fungi / Paul E. Verweij and Mary E. Brandt --
122. Rhizopus, rhizomucor, absidia, and other agents of systemic and subcutaneous zygomycoses / Malcolm D. Richardson and Pirkko Koukila-Kähköla --
123. Histoplasma, blastomyces, coccidioides, and other dimorphic fungi causing systemic mycoses / Mary E. Brandt and David W. Warnock --
124. Trichophyton, microsporum, epidermophyton, and agents of superficial mycoses / Richard C. Summerbell, Irene Weitzman, and Arvind A. Padhye --
125. Bipolaris, exophiala, scedosporium, sporothrix, and other dematiaceous / G. Sybren de Hoog and Roxana G. Vitale --
126. Fungi causing eumycotic mycetoma / G. Sybreen de Hoog, Abdalla O.A. Ahmed, Michael R. McGinnis, and Arvind A. Padhye --
127. Mycotoxins / William J. Halsall, Nancy C. Isham, and Mahmoud A. Ghannoum --
128. Lacazia pythium, and rhinosporidium / Leonel Mendoza --
Section 9 : Antifungal agents and susceptibility test methods / voluem editor : James H. Jorgensen, section editor : John D. Turndige --
129. Antifungal agents / Sevtap Arikan and John H. Rex --
130. Mechanisms of resistance to antifungal agents / Theodore C. White --
131. Susceptibility test methods : yeasts and filamentous fungi / Ana V. Espinel-Ingroff and Michael A. Pfaller --
Section 10 : parasitology / volume editor : Michael A. Pfaller, section editor : Lynne S. Garcia --
General --
132. Taxonomy and classification of human parasites / Francis E.G. Cox --
133. Specimen collection, transport, and processing : parasitology / Peter Deplazes, Lynne S. Garcia, and Robyn Y. Shimizu --
134. Reagents, stains, and media : parasitology / Susan E. Sharp --
135. Algorithms for detection and identification of parasites / Lynne S. Garcia, Robyn Y. Shimizu, and Graeme P. Paltridge --
Parasites --
136. Plasmodium and babesia / William O. Rogers --
137. Leishmania and trypanosoma / David A. Bruckner and Jaime A. Labarca --
138. Toxoplasma / marianna Wilson, Jeffery L. Jones, and James B. McAuley --
139. Pathogenic and opportunistic free-living amebae / Govinda S. Visvesvara --
140. Intestinal and urogenital amebae, flagellates, and ciliates / Amy L. Leber and Susan Novak-Weekley --
141. Isopora, cyclospora, and sarcocystis / David S. Lindsay, Steve J. Upton, and Louis M. Weiss --
142. Cryptosporidium / Lihua Xiao and Vitaliano Cama --
143. Microsporidia / Rainer Weber, Alexander Mathis, and Peter Deplazes --
144. Nematodes / Harsha Sheorey, Beverley-Ann Biggs, and Peter Traynor --
145. Filarial nematodes / Tess McPherson and Thomas B. Nutman --
146. Cestodes / Hector H. Garcia, Juan A. Jimenez, and Hermes Escalante --
147. Trematodes / Malcolm K. Jones and Donald P. McManus --
148. Less common helminths / Gary W. Procop and Ronald C. Neafie --
149. Arthropods of medical importance / Sam R. Telford III --
Section 11: Antiparasitic agents and susceptibility test methods / volume editor : James H. Jorgensen, section editor : Mary Jane Ferraro --
150. Antiparasitic agents / Karin Leder and Peter F. Weller --
151. Mechanisms of resistance to antiparasitic agents / W. Evan Secor and Phuc Nguyen-Dinh --
152. Susceptibility test methods : parasites / Phuc Nguyen-Dinh and W. Evan Secor --
Author index --
Subject index.
This is the 9th edition of the internationally recognized reference volume in the field of clinical microbiology. The revised edition continues as the definitive reference book for the laboratory diagnosis and therapeutic testing of clinically significant bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Read more...
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Guiding the clinical microbiologist in the selection, performance, and interpretation of laboratory procedures, MCM focuses on the when and why of diagnostic procedures, as well as the how. It presents a direct approach to organizing information with thorough but concise treatments of all the major areas of microbiology, including new microbial discoveries, changing diagnostic methods, and emerging therapeutic challenges facing clinicians. Read more...