فهرست مطالب :
A Note on Foreign Terms and Style
Part I The Becoming of Mappila Muslim Culture: A Remarkable Development and a Symbol of Hope
1 The Mappilas and Their Composite Culture Setting
Mappila Identity
The Malayalam Culture Setting
The Islamic Cultural Setting
Religious Conviction: Life Has a Godward Direction
The Forming Attitude
The Mappila Attitude: A Special Case
The Practical Muslim Approach to Culture
A Legal Basis for Cultural Flexibility
Cultural Decision-Making: The Principle of Free and Equal
2 The Emergence of the Mappila People and Their Culture
The Historical Shaping
The Community’s Origin and Rise, 622–1498
The Community’s Decline and Fall: 1498–1921
Mappila Society Declines as Europeans Arrive
A Note on the Colonial Cultural Contributions
The Final Fall: The Mappila Rebellion, 1921
The Revival of the Mappilas: From 1921 to the Present
The Cultural Legacy
The Here and There Legacy
The “Then Not Now” and “Some Not Others” Legacies
The Double, Contrasting Cultural Vision
3 The Issue of a Possible Indo-Muslim Influence on Mappila Culture
Two Language Worlds
Developmental Contrasts and Sporadic Culture Contacts
North Indian Muslims to 1526: Diverse Cultural Roads
Rare Mughul Connections: 1526–1857
Indo-Muslim Cultural Adaptation and Sufi Contacts with Mappilas
The European Cultural Intrusion and Its Connecting Role
The English Takeover and Indo-Muslim Sense of Loss
A New Wave of Indian Muslim Thinking
Some Positive Responses to the Challenge of Modern Culture
The Idea of Community Uplift through Political Action
Indo-Muslim Influence on the Mappilas: A Summary
4 The Four Pillars of Mappila Traditionalism
The Pillar of Arabic
The Pillar of the Qur’ān
Traditionalist Religious Education
Traditionalist Clergy and Their Training
The Types of Religious Workers
The Source of the Traditionalist Clergy Style
The Dars System of Clergy Training
The “College” System of Clergy Training
The Results of the Traditionalist Clergy Training
5 The Great Transition in Mappila Culture: Four Change Factors
Theological Reform
The Language of Reform
The Founding Figures
The Advance of Theological Reform
The Sunni Response to the Reform Challenge
The Impact of Communism
Modern Secular Education
The Impact of Gulf Money and Gulf Custom
The Phenomenon of Gulf Wealth
Its Origin
The Gulf Rush from India
Mappila Participation in Gulf Employment
The New Influence of Gulf Conservatism
6 Mappila Character and Personality Today
Mythical Elements in the Mappila Image
The Myth of Generic Fanaticism
The Myth of Communalism
The Myth of Backwardness
The Mappila Character and Personality
The Sense of Being Mappila
Part II The Being of Mappila Muslim Culture: A Profile of Changing Customs and Notable Achievements
7 Key Life Moments: Birth, Marriage, Death
Pregnancy, Birth, and Early Childhood
Family Planning
The Marriage Arrangement
The Age of Marriage
Mahr and Dowry
The Betrothal and the Wedding
A Note on Polygamy
Divorce: The Practice and the Problem
Old Age and Death
The Elderly Period of Life
Death and Its Ceremonies
8 Family Custom: Home Life, Interrelationships, Inheritance
The Mappila Home and Its Rhythm of Life
The Mappila House and Home
Family Values
Family Life: Daily Routines and High/Low Moments
Mutual Interrelations within the Family
Mappila Gender Relations and the Position of Women
Relations between Husband and Wife
Parent-ChiIdren Relations
Kinship Relations
The Role of the Mother-in-Law
The Mappila Inheritance Pattern
The Sources of the Orthodox Inheritance Principles
Applying the Principles of Distribution
The Question of Special Bequests and Wills
The Marumakkathayam or Matrilineal Tradition
The Tarawad or Ancestral Home16
Matrilineal Property and Inheritance
Life in the Matrilineal Home
The Mappila Muslim Involvement with Marumakkathayam
9 Aspects of Personal Behavior
Mappila Occupations
Mappila Dress and Ornamentation
Female Dress
Male Dress
Ornamentation and Hairstyle
Mappila Food
Food Consumption
Types of Food
Food Preparation
Cleanliness, Pollution, and Sanitation
Personal Cleanliness and Ritual Washing
Tabus: Stimulants and Extramarital Behavior
Forbidden Sexual Behavior
Pleasures and Role Models
The Pleasure of Relaxation with Friends
Avenues for Amusement
Role Models and Popular Idols
10 The Landscape of Mappila Social Behavior: Group Distinctions, Educational Variety, Political Alignments, Theological Factions, Decision Making
Group Distinctions: Arab Descent, Caste-Like Clans, Class Features
The Factor of Arab Descent
Caste-Like Groups
Class Distinctions
Urban-Rural-Coastal Differences
The Rich and Poor Divergence
Current Educational Profile
Traditionalist Education
The Persistent Madrasa Tradition
The Arabic Colleges
Modern Education
Conclusion: An Educational Dichotomy
Mappila Political Alignments
The Mappila Theological Factions
The Community’s Decision-Making Process
photo gallery
11 Social Behavior (cont’d): Leadership and Some Selected Leaders, Community Service, Community Relations
Mappila Leadership Resources and Representative Leaders
A Rich Store of Leadership
Selected Mappila Leaders
P. P. Hassan Koya (1913–1988)
C. H. Muhammad Koya (1927–1983)
C. N. Ahmed Moulavi (1905–1993)
K. A. Jaleel (1922–2012)
P. Abdul Ghafoor (1930–1984)
Female Leadership
Syed Mohammadali Shihab Tangal (1936–2009)
Mappila Social Service and Trusts
Personal Charity
Large-Scale Social Service Organizations
Charitable Trusts or Wakf
Mappila Relations with Non-Muslims
12 Religious Rituals and Festivals: Saints and Superstition
The Prescribed Rituals
The Confession of Faith
Mappila Prayer
Mappila Fasting
Mappila Alms-Giving
Mappilas and the Pilgrimage to Mecca
Major and Minor Festivals
The “Walia Perunāl” or Baqr-‘Īd
The “Cheria Perunal” or ‘Īd al-Fitr
Minor Festivals
MilĀd al-Nabi
Lailat al-Qadr
Lailat al-Mir‘Āj
Other Holidays
The Mappila Respect for Saints
The Source of Mappila Saint Veneration
The Various Categories of Mappila Saints
The Prophet Muhammad and Other Heroes
The Descendants of the Prophet: Sayyids and Tangals
Globally Revered Muslims Who Are Mappila Saints
Local Mappila Saints
The Celebration of the Saints
The Nercha Festivals
The Malappuram Nercha
Other Nerchas, Shrines, and Shrine Visitation
Superstition and Magic
The Issue of Superstition: Defenders and Critics
Magical Practice among Mappilas
Simple Magic
Magical Practice Related to Belief in Spirits
Black Magic or Sorcery
13 Mappila Artistic Expression: Mosque Architecture, Embellished Houses, the Material Arts, Song, and Dance
Mosque Architecture
The Traditional Mosque
The New Architectural Wave
The Hybrid Development
Mosque Types and Numbers
Embellished Homes
The Material Arts
Mappila Music: Songs, Instruments, and Dance
The Mappila Songs
Garlands for Saints and Prayers for Their Help
Romantic and Heroic Songs
A Medley of Songs: Wedding, Instructional, Modern
Musical Instruments
Mappila Dance
14 Mappila Literature
Malayalam Literature Is Born: Mappilas Remain Aloof
Arabic Literature and the Mappilas: An Unfulfilled Vision
Arabic-Malayalam Literature: A Synthetic Medium
The Development of Arabic-Malayalam Literature
The Arabic-Malayalam Songwriters
Arabic-Malayalam Prose Literature
Mappila Literature in Malayalam Enters the Cultural Scene
Mappila Malayalam Literature Begins
Mappila Journals and Newspapers
The Mappila Journals
Mappila Newspapers
Mappila Novelists in Malayalam: A Cultural Wave
A Literary Icon: Vaikom Muhammad Basheer (1908–1994)
Three Other Premier Writers
N. P. Muhammad
K. T. Muhammad
Moidu Padiyath
Other Fiction Writers and a Concluding Thought
Mappila Nonfiction Writers
Mappila Poetry
Conclusion: The Significance of Mappila Culture
A Resource for Wider Cultural Understanding
The Implication That a Cultural Renaissance Is Possible
The Importance of Determined Behavioral Change
Appendix A: Islamic and Malayalam Terms for Culture
Appendix B: The Ali Raja Kingdom in Kannur
Appendix C: The Origins of Traditionalism in the Islamic Heartlands and Its Structure
Appendix D: The Nizamiyya Syllabus
Appendix E: Mappila Culture on the Laccadive Islands (Lakshwadeep)
Arabic Terms
Malayalam Terms
Composite Arabic-Malayalam and Other Terms
Reference Works
Major Encyclopedia Articles
Book Chapters
Articles in Journals and Annuals
Other Materials