Mastering Linux Administration

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Mastering Linux Administration

نام کتاب : Mastering Linux Administration
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : تسلط بر مدیریت لینوکس
سری :
نویسندگان : ,
ناشر : Packt Publishing Limited
سال نشر : 2021
تعداد صفحات : 0
ISBN (شابک) : 9781789954272
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : epub    درصورت درخواست کاربر به PDF تبدیل می شود
حجم کتاب : 38 مگابایت

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فهرست مطالب :

Section 1: Linux Basic Administration
Chapter 1: Installing Linux
Technical requirements
The Linux operating system
Linux distributions
Choosing the right Linux distribution
Common Linux distributions
Linux distributions – a practical guide
Installing Linux – the basics
How to install Linux
Installing Ubuntu
Installing CentOS
The Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
Installing Linux graphical user interfaces
Setting up and using the Linux workstation
Installing Ubuntu Desktop
Default software packages
Additional software packages
Managing software packages with APT
Chapter 2: The Linux Filesystem
Technical requirements
Introducing the Linux shell
Bash shell features
The shell connection
The command-line prompt
Shell command types
Command structure
Help from the manual
The Linux filesystem
Directory structure
Working with files and directories
Understanding file paths
Basic file operations
Commands for file viewing
Commands for file properties
Using text editors to create and edit files
Further reading
Chapter 3: Linux Software Management
Technical requirements
Linux software package types
The DEB and RPM package types
The snap and flatpak package types
Managing software packages
Managing DEB packages
Managing RPM packages
Using snap and flatpak packages
Application streams in CentOS 8
Building a package from source
The source code file
Preparing the source code
Setting up the environment
Further reading
Chapter 4: Managing Users and Groups
Technical requirements
Managing users
Understanding sudo
Creating, modifying, and deleting users
Managing groups
Creating, modifying, and deleting groups
Managing permissions
File and directory permissions
Chapter 5: Working with Processes, Daemons, and Signals
Technical requirements
Introducing processes
Understanding process types
The anatomy of a process
Working with processes
The ps command
The pstree command
The top command
The kill and killall commands
The pgrep and pkill commands
Working with daemons
Working with SysV daemons
Working with systemd daemons
Exploring interprocess communication
Shared storage
Shared memory
Unnamed pipes
Named pipes
Message queues
Working with signals
Section 2: Advanced Linux Server Administration
Chapter 6: Working with Disks and Filesystems
Technical requirements
Understanding devices in Linux
Linux abstraction layers
Device files and naming conventions
Understanding filesystem types in Linux
The Ext4 filesystem features
The XFS filesystem features
The btrfs filesystem features
Understanding disks and partitions
Common disk types used
Partitioning disks
Logical Volume Management in Linux
LVM snapshots
Chapter 7: Networking with Linux
Technical requirements
Exploring basic networking
Computer networks
The OSI model
The TCP/IP model
TCP/IP protocols
IP addresses
Sockets and ports
Linux network configuration
Working with networking services
DHCP servers
DNS servers
Authentication servers
File sharing
Printer servers
File transfer
Mail servers
NTP servers
Remote access
Understanding network security
Working with VPNs
Setting up OpenVPN
Chapter 8: Configuring Linux Servers
Technical requirements
Further reading
Chapter 9: Securing Linux
Technical requirements
Understanding Linux security
Introducing SELinux
Working with SELinux
Introducing AppArmor
Working with AppArmor
Final considerations
Working with firewalls
Introducing netfilter
Working with iptables
Introducing nftables
Using firewall managers
Further reading
Chapter 10: Disaster Recovery, Diagnostics, and Troubleshooting
Technical requirements
Planning for disaster recovery
A very short introduction to risk management
Risk calculation
Designing a disaster recovery plan
Backing up and restoring the system
Disk cloning solutions
Introducing common Linux diagnostic tools for troubleshooting
Tools for troubleshooting boot issues
Tools for troubleshooting general system issues
Tools for troubleshooting network issues
Tools for troubleshooting hardware issues
Further reading
Section 3: Cloud Administration
Chapter 11: Working with Containers and Virtual Machines
Technical requirements
Introduction to virtualization on Linux
Efficiency in resource usage
Introduction to hypervisor
Understanding VMs
Choosing the hypervisor
Understanding Linux containers
Containers versus VMs
Understanding the underlying container technology
Understanding Docker
Working with Docker
Which Docker version to choose?
Installing Docker CE
Using the Docker commands
Managing Docker containers
Deploying a containerized application with Docker
Further reading
Chapter 12: Cloud Computing Essentials
Technical requirements
Introduction to cloud technologies
Understanding the need for cloud computing standards
Knowing the architecture of the cloud
Knowing the key features of cloud computing
Short introduction to OpenStack
Introducing IaaS solutions
Amazon EC2
Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines
Other strong IaaS offerings
Introducing PaaS solutions
Amazon Elastic Beanstalk
Google App Engine
DigitalOcean App Platform
Red Hat OpenShift
Cloud Foundry
The Heroku platform
Introducing CaaS solutions
Introducing the Kubernetes container orchestration solution
Deploying containers in the cloud
The rise of micro operating systems
Introducing microservices
Introducing DevOps
Introducing cloud management tools
Further reading
Chapter 13: Deploying to the Cloud with AWS and Azure
Technical requirements
Working with AWS EC2
Creating AWS EC2 instances
Using AWS EC2 instances
Working with the AWS CLI
Working with Microsoft Azure
Creating a virtual machine
Managing virtual machines
Working with the Azure CLI
Further reading
Chapter 14: Deploying Applications with Kubernetes
Technical requirements
Introducing Kubernetes
Understanding the Kubernetes architecture
Introducing the Kubernetes object model
The anatomy of a Kubernetes cluster
Installing and configuring Kubernetes
Installing Kubernetes on desktop
Installing Kubernetes on virtual machines
Running Kubernetes in the cloud
Working with Kubernetes
Using kubectl
Deploying applications
Further reading
Chapter 15: Automating Workflows with Ansible
Technical requirements
Introducing Ansible
Understanding the Ansible architecture
Introducing configuration management
Installing Ansible
Installing Ansible on Ubuntu
Installing Ansible on RHEL/CentOS
Installing Ansible using pip
Working with Ansible
Setting up the lab environment
Configuring Ansible
Using Ansible ad hoc commands
Using Ansible playbooks
Using templates with Jinja2
Using roles with Ansible Galaxy
Further reading
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