Mastering Spring Cloud

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کتاب تسلط بر Spring Cloud نسخه زبان اصلی

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توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب Mastering Spring Cloud

نام کتاب : Mastering Spring Cloud
عنوان ترجمه شده به فارسی : تسلط بر Spring Cloud
سری :
نویسندگان :
ناشر : Packt
سال نشر : 2018
تعداد صفحات : 517
ISBN (شابک) : 9781788475433
زبان کتاب : English
فرمت کتاب : pdf
حجم کتاب : 10 مگابایت

بعد از تکمیل فرایند پرداخت لینک دانلود کتاب ارائه خواهد شد. درصورت ثبت نام و ورود به حساب کاربری خود قادر خواهید بود لیست کتاب های خریداری شده را مشاهده فرمایید.

فهرست مطالب :

Title Page......Page 2
Copyright and Credits......Page 3
Mastering Spring Cloud......Page 4
Packt Upsell......Page 5
Why subscribe?......Page 6 7
Contributors......Page 8
About the author......Page 9
About the reviewer......Page 10
Packt is searching for authors like you......Page 11
Preface......Page 19
Who this book is for......Page 20
What this book covers......Page 21
To get the most out of this book......Page 23
Download the example code files......Page 24
Conventions used......Page 25
Get in touch......Page 26
Reviews......Page 27
Introduction to Microservices......Page 28
The blessings of microservices......Page 29
Building microservices with Spring Framework......Page 30
Cloud-native development......Page 31
Learning the microservices architecture......Page 33
Understanding the need for service discovery......Page 36
Communication between services......Page 38
Failures and circuit breakers......Page 40
Summary......Page 41
Spring for Microservices......Page 42
Introducing Spring Boot......Page 43
Developing applications with Spring Boot......Page 45
Customizing configuration files......Page 47
Creating RESTful Web Services......Page 50
API Documentation......Page 53
Using Swagger 2 together with Spring Boot......Page 54
Testing API with Swagger UI......Page 55
Spring Boot Actuator features......Page 57
Application information......Page 58
Health information......Page 60
Metrics......Page 61
Developer tools......Page 64
Integrating application with database......Page 65
Building a sample application......Page 66
Running the application......Page 69
Summary......Page 72
Spring Cloud Overview......Page 73
Beginning with the basics......Page 74
Netflix OSS......Page 76
Service discovery with Eureka......Page 77
Routing with Zuul......Page 78
Load balancing with Ribbon......Page 79
Writing Java HTTP clients......Page 80
Latency and fault tolerance with Hystrix......Page 81
Configuration management with Archaius......Page 82
Discovery and distributed configuration......Page 83
An alternative – Consul......Page 85
Apache Zookeeper......Page 86
Miscellaneous projects......Page 87
Distributed tracing with Sleuth......Page 88
Messaging and integration......Page 89
Cloud platform support......Page 91
Other useful libraries......Page 93
Security......Page 94
Automated testing......Page 95
Cluster features......Page 96
Projects overview ......Page 97
Release trains......Page 98
Summary......Page 101
Service Discovery......Page 102
Running Eureka on the server side......Page 103
Enabling Eureka on the client side......Page 105
Deregistration on shutdown......Page 107
Using discovery client programmatically......Page 109
Advanced configuration settings......Page 110
Refreshing the registry......Page 111
Changing the instance identificator ......Page 113
Preferring the IP address......Page 114
Response cache......Page 115
Enabling secure communication between client and server......Page 116
Registering a secure service......Page 118
Eureka API......Page 119
Replication and high availability......Page 120
Architecture of the sample solution......Page 121
Building the example application......Page 122
Failover......Page 126
Zones......Page 127
Zones with a standalone server......Page 128
Building an example application......Page 129
Summary......Page 131
Distributed Configuration with Spring Cloud Config......Page 132
Introduction to HTTP API resources......Page 134
Native profile support......Page 135
Building a server-side application......Page 137
Building a client-side application......Page 138
Adding a Eureka Server......Page 139
Client-side bootstrap approaches......Page 141
Config Server discovery......Page 142
Repository backend types......Page 144
Filesystem backend......Page 145
Git backend......Page 146
Different protocols......Page 147
Using placeholders in URIs......Page 148
Building a server application......Page 149
Client-side configuration......Page 151
Multiple repositories......Page 152
Vault backend......Page 153
Getting started with Vault......Page 154
Integration with Spring Cloud Config......Page 155
Client-side configuration......Page 156
Additional features......Page 157
Fail on start and retry......Page 158
Secure client......Page 159
Reload configuration automatically......Page 160
Solution architecture......Page 161
Reload configuration with @RefreshScope......Page 162
Consuming events from a message broker......Page 165
Monitoring repository changes on a Config Server......Page 167
Simulating change events manually......Page 169
Testing locally with a GitLab instance ......Page 170
Summary......Page 172
Communication Between Microservices......Page 173
Different styles of communication ......Page 174
Synchronous communication with Spring Cloud......Page 175
Load balancing with Ribbon......Page 176
Enabling communication between microservices using the Ribbon client......Page 177
Static load balancing configuration......Page 178
Calling other services......Page 180
Using RestTemplate together with service discovery......Page 182
Building example application......Page 183
Using Feign client......Page 185
Support for different zones......Page 186
Enabling Feign for an application......Page 187
Building Feign interfaces......Page 188
Launching microservices......Page 190
Inheritance support......Page 192
Creating a client manually......Page 194
Client customization......Page 195
Summary......Page 197
Advanced Load Balancing and Circuit Breakers......Page 198
Load balancing rules......Page 199
The WeightedResponseTime rule......Page 200
Introducing Hoverfly for testing......Page 201
Testing the rule......Page 202
Customizing the Ribbon client......Page 205
The circuit breaker pattern with Hystrix......Page 207
Building an application with Hystrix......Page 208
Implementing Hystrix's commands......Page 209
Implementing fallback with cached data......Page 211
The tripping circuit breaker......Page 213
Monitoring latency and fault tolerance......Page 216
Exposing Hystrix's metrics stream......Page 218
Hystrix dashboard......Page 219
Building an application with the dashboard......Page 220
Monitoring metrics on the dashboard......Page 222
Aggregating Hystrix's streams with Turbine......Page 224
Enabling Turbine......Page 225
Enabling Turbine with streaming......Page 227
Failures and the circuit breaker pattern with Feign......Page 229
Retrying the connection with Ribbon......Page 230
Hystrix's support for Feign......Page 232
Summary......Page 234
Routing and Filtering with API Gateway......Page 235
Using Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul......Page 236
Building a gateway application......Page 237
Integration with service discovery......Page 239
Customizing route configuration......Page 240
Ignoring registered services......Page 241
Explicity set service name ......Page 242
Route definition with the Ribbon client......Page 243
Adding a prefix to the path......Page 244
Connection settings and timeouts......Page 245
Secure headers......Page 246
Management endpoints......Page 247
Providing Hystrix fallback......Page 249
Zuul filters......Page 251
Predefined filters......Page 252
Custom implementations......Page 253
Using Spring Cloud Gateway......Page 254
Enable Spring Cloud Gateway for a project......Page 255
Built-in predicates and filters......Page 256
Gateway for microservices......Page 260
Integration with service discovery......Page 262
Summary......Page 264
Distributed Logging and Tracing......Page 265
Best logging practices for microservices......Page 267
Logging with Spring Boot......Page 269
Centralizing logs with ELK Stack......Page 271
Setting up ELK Stack on the machine......Page 272
Integrating an application with ELK Stack......Page 274
Using LogstashTCPAppender......Page 275
Using AMQP appender and a message broker......Page 279
Spring Cloud Sleuth......Page 281
Integrating Sleuth with an application......Page 282
Searching events using Kibana......Page 283
Integrating Sleuth with Zipkin......Page 285
Running the Zipkin server......Page 286
Building the client application......Page 287
Analyze data with the Zipkin UI......Page 288
Integration via message broker......Page 291
Summary......Page 292
Additional Configuration and Discovery Features......Page 293
Using Spring Cloud Consul......Page 294
Running Consul agent......Page 295
Integration on the client side......Page 297
Service discovery......Page 298
Health check......Page 300
Zones......Page 301
Client settings customization......Page 303
Running in clustered mode......Page 305
Distributed configuration......Page 307
Managing properties in Consul......Page 308
Client customization......Page 310
Watching configuration changes......Page 311
Using Spring Cloud Zookeeper......Page 313
Running Zookeeper......Page 314
Service discovery......Page 315
Client implementation......Page 316
Zookeeper dependencies......Page 317
Distributed configuration......Page 319
Summary......Page 320
Message-Driven Microservices......Page 321
Learning about Spring Cloud Stream......Page 322
Building a messaging system......Page 323
Enabling Spring Cloud Stream......Page 324
Declaring and binding channels......Page 326
Customizing connectivity with the RabbitMQ broker......Page 328
Integration with other Spring Cloud projects......Page 332
The publish/subscribe model......Page 336
Running a sample system......Page 337
Scaling and grouping......Page 339
Running multiple instances......Page 340
Consumer groups......Page 342
Partitioning......Page 343
Configuration options......Page 346
Spring Cloud Stream properties......Page 347
Binding properties......Page 348
The consumer......Page 349
The producer......Page 350
The advanced programming model......Page 351
Producing messages......Page 352
Transformation......Page 353
Consuming messages conditionally......Page 354
Using Apache Kafka......Page 355
Running Kafka......Page 356
Customizing application settings......Page 357
Kafka Streams API support......Page 358
Configuration properties......Page 359
Multiple binders......Page 360
Summary......Page 362
Securing an API......Page 363
Enabling HTTPS for Spring Boot......Page 364
Secure discovery......Page 365
Registering a secure application......Page 366
Serving Eureka over HTTPS......Page 367
Keystore generation......Page 369
Configurating SSL for microservices and Eureka server......Page 370
Secure configuration server......Page 372
Encryption and decryption......Page 373
Configuring authentication for a client and a server......Page 375
Authorization with OAuth2......Page 377
Introduction to OAuth2......Page 378
Building an authorization server......Page 380
Client configuration......Page 383
Using the JDBC backend store......Page 385
Inter-service authorization......Page 388
Enabling SSO on the API gateway......Page 391
Summary......Page 393
Testing Java Microservices......Page 394
Testing strategies......Page 395
Testing Spring Boot applications......Page 398
Building the sample application......Page 399
Integration with the database......Page 400
Unit tests......Page 402
Component tests......Page 404
Running tests with an in-memory database......Page 405
Handling HTTP clients and service discovery......Page 406
Implementing sample tests......Page 408
Integration tests......Page 409
Categorizing tests......Page 410
Capturing HTTP traffic......Page 411
Contract tests......Page 413
Using Pact......Page 414
Consumer side......Page 415
Producer side......Page 417
Using Spring Cloud Contract......Page 419
Defining contracts and generating stubs......Page 420
Verifying a contract on the consumer side......Page 423
Scenarios......Page 425
Performance testing......Page 427
Gatling......Page 428
Enabling Gatling......Page 429
Defining the test scenario......Page 430
Running a test scenario......Page 432
Summary......Page 435
Docker Support......Page 436
Introducing Docker......Page 437
Installing Docker......Page 439
Commonly used Docker commands......Page 440
Running and stopping a container......Page 441
Listing and removing containers......Page 443
Pulling and pushing images......Page 444
Building an image......Page 446
Networking......Page 447
Creating a Docker image with microservices......Page 448
Dockerfiles......Page 449
Running containerized microservices......Page 452
Building an image using the Maven plugin......Page 455
Advanced Docker images......Page 457
Continuous Delivery......Page 459
Integrating Jenkins with Docker......Page 460
Building pipelines......Page 462
Working with Kubernetes......Page 465
Concepts and components......Page 466
Running Kubernetes locally via Minikube......Page 467
Deploying an application......Page 468
Maintaining a cluster......Page 472
Summary......Page 474
Spring Microservices on Cloud Platforms......Page 475
Pivotal Cloud Foundry......Page 477
Usage models......Page 478
Preparing the application......Page 479
Deploying the application......Page 481
Using CLI......Page 482
Binding to services......Page 484
Using the Maven plugin......Page 485
Maintenance......Page 487
Accessing deployment details......Page 488
Managing application life cycles......Page 490
Scaling......Page 491
Provisioning brokered services......Page 493
The Heroku platform......Page 495
Deployment methods......Page 496
Using the CLI......Page 497
Connecting to the GitHub repository......Page 498
Docker Container Registry......Page 499
Preparing an application......Page 500
Testing deployments......Page 502
Summary......Page 504
Other Books You May Enjoy......Page 505
Leave a review - let other readers know what you think......Page 507

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