فهرست مطالب :
No. 1. September 19, 1945
A United Korean Communist Party Has Been Reconstructed
Our Slogans
Huge Party Reconstruction Demonstration
Execute the Policemen Who Have Killed Workers
Support the People\'s Republic! Destroy All Anti-Government Intrigues!
The Claims of the Korean Communist Party
The Savage Acts of the Japanese
Random Issue of Currency by Japanese
No. 2. September 25, 1945
The Claims: The Party and Bolshevik Discipline; Let Us Obey Steel-like Control
What Do We Ask of the Allied Forces?
The Activists Conference: Let Us Criticize the Action of the Splinter Faction
Lessons and Criticisms of the Demonstration of September 12
No. 3. October 3, 1945
Editorial: Do Not Be Deceived by False Rumor
The Agricultural Program of the Central Committee of the KCP
The True Identity of the Korean Democratic Party
We Mourn the Death of Comrade Hyon Chun-hyok
News from the Soviet Union
No. 4. October 12, 1945
Editorial: Speedily Drive Out Japanese Militarists and their Running Dogs
How Shall We Do It?
How Do the Soviet Soldiers Swear When They Enlist?
Miscellaneous Items
Hand Over All Facilities within the Company Demonstration of Workers in Suwon
Demonstration of Workers in Suwon
No. 5. October 18, 1945
Editorial: Proposals for the Political Direction of the Second All-Nation Representatives Conference
Know the Reality of Korea Better
\"It Is Too Early for a United Front\"
Students Issue Statement Refusing to Accept the Appointment of Officials of Keijo University
The Preparation Committee of the All-Nation Council of Korean Labor Unions
No. 6. October 25, 1945
Editorial: The Significance of the 3:7 System
Confiscate All Japanese Properties
Bury Kim Yon-su, A Traitor to Our Entire Nation
Denounce Terrorism
Return of Dr. Syngman Rhee
No. 7. October 31, 1945
Editorial: The International Relevance of Korean Revolution
\"To the Korean People:\" Proclamation of the Red Army
Concerning Political Line
Trusteeship is Outrageous
Preparation Being Made for a Political School
No. 8. November 5, 1945
Welcome, General Kim Il-song, Young Hero of Korea
Editorial: The Claims of the KCP
Resolution on Political Line: Expansion and Consolidation of Organization
The Resolution on the Organizational Problem
Criticism of Leftwing Tendencies and Their Sectarian Actions
Statement Against the Opposition Group: Council on Immediate Political Measures of the KCP
The Lessons of the Kwangju Student Incident
News Items
No. 9. November 7, 1945
No. 10. November 15, 1945
Editorial: Concerning the All-Nation council of Korean Labor Unions
Congratulate the Progress of the Center for the Investigation of Industrial Labor in Korea
A Message to the Working Class of the Allied Nations
Attitude of the KCP Regarding the Resolution of the Central Council for the Acceleration of Korean Independence
Maeil sinbo Suspended
North Korean Bureau of the KCP: Two Communications
No. 11. November 20, 1945
Editorial: Concerning the Recovery of the Economy of Korea
Policies Towards Stabilizing Prices
Message from the Communist Youth League
Women\'s Life in the Soviet Union
Advertisement of Leftist Books
Eleven Lessons Against Liberalist Actions
No. 12. November 21, 1945
Editorial: To the Representatives at the Opening of the Second All-Nation People\'s Committee Representatives Conference
Unify Passion and Action by Leninism
The League for the Liberation of Women
Demonstration in Ch\'ongju
All-Nation Council of Labor Unions
The International Situation and Korea: The Current Tasks of the Labor Union Movement (I)
Association to Aid Korean Revolutionaries
No. 13. November 22, 1945
Editorial: Having Read the Encouraging Letter of President Truman
Congratulatory Remarks of the Representative of the KCP
Letter of Appreciation to the Allied Nations
Report on the Background of the All-Nation conference of People\'s Committee Representatives
Message of the Korean Communist Youth League to the All-Nation Conference
No. 14. November 24, 1945
Letter of Encouragement from Comrades in Kwangju to the Comrades in the Kyongsong Textile Company
Editorial: We Reject Individual Terrorism
Speech of V.M. Molotov, November 6, 1945 (I)
Exterminate Reactionaries
Action Platform of the All-Nation Council of Korean Labor Unions
The Current Task of the Labor Union Movement (II)
No. 15. November 25, 1945
We Urge the Awakening of the Forces Behind Violence
Speech of V.M. Molotov, November 6, 1945 (II)
The Return of Master Kim Ku and His Group
All-Nation Conference of the People\'s Committee Representatives (second day)
All-Nation Conference of the People\'s Committee Representatives (third day)
Attack Hoodlums Against the All-Nation Conference
No. 16. November 27, 1945
Editorial: The Accomplishments of the All-Nation Conference of the People\'s Committee Representatives
Broadcast of the Four Political Parties
Demonstration in Namwon-gun, North Cholla Province
More Violence in Wonju
The Current Tasks of the Labor Union Movement (III)
Speech of V.M. Molotov, November 6, 1945 (III)
No. 17. November 29, 1945
Editorial: Concerning the Dissolution of the Anti-Party Group
Before the Establishment of the All-Nation Farmers\' Unions General Federation
Speech of V.M. Molotov, November 6, 1945 (IV)
The Death of Comrade Yi In-dok
News Items
No. 18. November 30, 1945
Editorial: Fundamental Differences Concerning the National United Front (I)
Speech of V.M. Molotov, November 6, 1945 (V)
It is Malicious Propaganda to Accuse the Workers and Labor Unions of Interfering with Production
Announcement of the Preparation Committee for the Establishment of the Seoul Federation of the All-Nation Youth Organization General League
News Item: Continuing Struggle of the Workers at Kyongsong Textile Company
Revolutionary Anniversary Demonstrations in Kongju
Seoul City Federation of the All-Nation Youth Organization General League
No. 19. December 1, 1945
Editorial: Plant Your Feet on the Foundation of the Masses; Be More Faithful in Your Daily Activities
Under the Banner of New Democracy: Summary of a Broadcast by Chong T\'ae-sik, Representative of the KCP
International Conditions Today (I)
Interview of Comrade Pak Hon-yong
All-Nation Council of Labor Unions
The Korean Workers\' Class Entry into the Political Arena (I)
No. 20. December 2, 1945
Editorial: A Sketch of National Unity
International Conditions Today (II)
The Establishment of the Seoul Federation of the All-Nation Youth General League
News: Unemployment Eliminated Forever-Planned Economy of the Soviet Union is Superior
Heighten Complete Peace
The Korean Workers\' Class Entry into the Political Arena (II)
News: High Performance Machines Being Planned for Mass Production in the U.S.S.R.
Editorial: Fundamental Differences Regarding the National United Front (II)
Concerning the Dissolution of the Changan Group
How Should Party Members Act Among the People
Establishment of the Farmers\' Federation of Kyonggi Province
Taegu Council of Labor Unions Renamed Taegu Area Council of Labor Unions
Strike of CIO Workers in the United States
The Defeat of the Fascist Forces of Germany and Japan was Inevitable
News: Significant Political Advancement
No. 22. December 6, 1945
Editorial: Having Read Ambassador Pauley\'s Expression of Opinion
Thirty Per Cent of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. are Women
Solitary Control of Japan by the United States is Improper
Concerning the Dissolution of the Communist International
A Word Regarding the Policy of Guiding the Workers
Look at the Poison of Traitors: Attempt to Alienate the People from the U.S. Military Government
Kim Ku
Message of the People\'s Party to Ambassador Pauley
No. 23. December 7, 1945
Editorial: Movement for National Construction by Youth
Friendly Statement to the Allied Nations by the KCP Indicating the Errors of the Central Council for the Acceleration of Korean Independence
Message of the KCP to the Allied Nations
Memorial Service for O Tong-jin
Advertisement for Leftist Books
No. 24. December 8, 1945
Editorial: Concerning the Fundamental Differences on a National United Front (III)
Reconstruction of the Industrial Structure is the Key to the Solution of the Labor Problem
The Independence League in Yenan will Shortly Return to Korea
Cooperation Between the U.S., U.S.S.R., and U.K.
Attitude of the People\'s Party Regarding the United Front
Short Notes on Current Events: Emergence of Mr. Syngman Rhee
No. 25. December 9, 1945
Editorial: To the Representatives at the Inaugural Conference of the General Federation of Farmers\' Union
Reconstruction of the Industrial Structure is the Key to the Solution of the Labor Problem (III)
Establishment of the All-Nation Women\'s Conference
Accomplish Economic Democracy: Broadcast of Yo Un-hyong
No. 26. December 12, 1945
Proposals to the American Military Government
Message of the All-Nation Federation of Farmers\' Union to the Central People\'s Committee Encouraging Continued Operations
Message of the All-Nation Federation of Farmers\' Unions to Comrade Pak Hon-yong Absolutely Supporting the Communist Party Line
Conference of the All-Nation Farmers Unions General Federation
Farmers are the Foundation of the Nation
Let Us Unite
No. 27. December 13, 1945
Editorial: Congratulating the Inaugural Conference of the General Federation of Youth Organizations
Message of the All-Nation Conference of Farmers\' Union to the Allied Nations, December 9, 1945
Stalin: On Self-Criticism (I)
Conference of the All-Nation General Federation of Farmers\' Unions
Proposal to the American Authorities
Food Conditions in North Hamgyong Province
No. 28. December 14, 1945
Editorial: Let Us Develop an Enlightenment Movement Throughout the Nation
Press Conference of the KCP
Stalin: On Self-Criticism (II)
Inaugural Conference of the Korean Youth League
Declaration of the Korean Youth League, December 12, 1945
Kyonggi Province Federation of the Korean Youth General League
Message from the Communist Youth League to the Korean Youth General League
Letter from a Reader: On the Farmers\' Federation Meeting
No. 29. December 15, 1945
Editorial: Two Places Where the Korean Problem Can Be Seen
Reform of the Land System in Japan
The Japanese Communist Party
Pronouncement of the Central People\'s Committee
The Significance and Duty of Revolutionary Strategy in Revolutionary Action
Preparation Committee of the Transportation Workers Union Established
The Special Character of the Present Stage and Our Duty
Great Victory of Worker\'s Strike at Seoul Electric Company; Great Victory of Employees of Chosen Coal Company; Great Victory of T\'ongun (Tsu-un) Company Employees
Let Us Drive Out All Reactionary Elements Who Obstruct Korean Independence
Political Platform of the People\'s Committee of South Hamgyong Province
The Korean Communist Party Has Emerged
General Policy of the Political Commissar of the Soviet Occupying Forces in North Korea Concerning the Establishment of the People\'s Government
Proletarian Art League Created to Unify Literature, Music, Fine Arts, and Drama (Mainichi shimpo, October 1, 1945)
Discussion Meeting on Political Problems (Factional differences)
Song Kang: Various Problems in the Unification of the KCP
Chin Yong-ch\'ol: The Political Significance of Convening the Second Congress of the People\'s Representatives
Yi Kwang: To the Farmers: What Does Land Revolution Mean?
Chu Min: Proposal Concerning the Convening of the Second All-Nation People\'s Representatives Congress
Revolutionary Diary
Resolution on Political Line of the South P\'yongan Province District Committee of the KCP, Adopted September 15, 1945
Resolution on the Establishment of the Government and the People\'s United Front, Adopted by the Central Committee of the KCP, October 9, 1945
General Strike at Kyongsong Textile Company: Follow-up News
Chu Min: Revolutionary Regime and the People\'s Representatives Congress
The Seoul Citizens Rally of October 18 and the Intrigues of the National Traitors
Our Present Activities and the Central Task
Yi Yong: On Trusteeship
Mao Tse-tung on United Front
Welcome General Kim Il-song
Concerning the National Revolutionary United Front
Our Attitude Toward the National United Front: Remarks of Yi Yong
The Trusteeship Question and the KCP
Summary Report on the Acceleration of Party Unification
Urgently Needed Self-Criticism: Press Conference of Pak Hon-yong
Welcome the National Leaders: Dr. Syngman Rhee and General Kim Il-song
All-Nation Farmers\' Representatives Council Preparation Committee Formed
All-Nation Council of Labor Unions
Korea Leftist Book Publishing Council Established October 30, 1945
All-Nation Council of Korean Labor Unions
Women\'s League
Pak Hon-yong and the U.S. Occupation Force
Conditions in North Korea-Hwanghae Province: Statement of an Official of the Internal Administration Department, Hwanghae Province People\'s Committee, in Pusan
The People\'s Republic and Trusteeship: United Front Most Urgent
Labor Unions-Left
General Operation Principles of the All-Nation Council of Labor Unions
All-Nation Council of Labor Unions Initiation Conference (Second Day)
Merger and Unity of the Communist Party: Dissolution of the Changan Group Under the Principle of One-Country, One Party
Policy of Cooperation with the Construction of Korean Industry: Clarification of the Policy of the All-Nation Council of Labor Unions
The Provisional Government and the People\'s Committee: Statement of Hong Nam-p\'yo, Chairman of the Meeting
Inaugural Conference of the All-Nation Farmers\' Union General Federation
Editorial: Stressing the Alliance of the Workers and Farmers
Editorial: Do Not Confuse \"isms\" and Policies
Report on Establishment of the Korean Youth General League
Absolutely Oppose Trusteeship: Mr. Chong T\'ae-sik of the Korean Communist Party
Absolutely Oppose Trusteeship: Literature League
Korean Democratic Party Attitude toward the KCP
Kim Il-song: The North Korean Provisional People\'s Committee is the Reflection of the Desire and General Will of All the Masses
Roundtable of Activists in the Communist Youth Movement in South Korea
Consolidation of the Democratic Front in Japan
Leaflet, May Day, 1946
The Forgery Incident [Chong-p\'an-sa Incident]
Leaflet: On the U.S.-U.S.S.R. Joint Commission
Leaflet: The Trusteeship Issue (undated)
Strike-Dong-a ilbo
Editorial: The Greatest Crime Since the Liberation
The New People\'s Party
North Korean Workers\'s Party
Interview: Cho Pong-am
South Korean Workers\' Party Established
Establishment of the South Korean Workers\' Party and Split Within the Korean Communist Party
Expulsion and Suspension of Anti-Officer Group
An Analysis: The Korean Communist Party in 1946
The People\'s Party
Interview with the Expelled and Suspended
Editorial (Dong-a ilbo, August 13, 1946)
Leaflet: First Anniversary of the Liberation
Leaflet: Seoul Student Unification Acceleration Society (August 1946)
Warrant for Pak Hon-yong, Yi Kang-guk, and Yi Chu-ha
Korean Communist Party Internal Dispute
Cho Pong-am: An Open Letter to Pak Hon-yong
Kang Chin: Again, To the Activist Comrades in the Party
Korean Communist Party Arrests
Reconstruction Conference of the Korean Communist Party: Vote of No-Confidence in the Pak Hon-yong Group
Mun Kap-song: Let Us Smash the Plot of the Pak Hon-yong Group to Establish a Sectarian Party within the Party-This is The True Identity of the Factional Authoritarian Elements
South Korean Workers\' Party: Officers
South Korean Workers\' Party: Political Line
South Korean Workers\' Party: Congratulatory Convention
All-Nation Council of Labor Unions: Second National Congress
South Korean Workers\' Party: Secret Directives from North Korea
All-Nation Council of Labor Unions and the KCP, South Korea: Arrest of Officers
South Korean Workers\' Party: Regarding Citizens\' Certificates
All-Nation Farmers\' General League: Second All-Nation Congress
South Korean Workers\' Party: Land Policy
Violence: Right vs Left
The Far Eastern Problem and Korea
South Korean Workers\' Party: On Export of Mineral Ores
Leaflet: Anniversary of the March First Movement, 1947
South Korean Workers\' Party and the Police
School Strikes and the South Korean Workers\' Party
Democratic National Front: Guiding Principles for Advising the U.S.-U.S.S.R. Joint Commission
North Korean Parties Actively Prepare for Consultation with Joint Commission
Yi Sung-yop: Critique of the Statement of the Korean Democratic Party-Let Us Exclude It from the Joint Commission with the Power of the People
Minutes of the Joint Conference of Party Members and Activists from the Five Provinces
Measures Concerning Improvement of the Party\'s Propaganda Activities and Consolidation of the Ideological and Theoretical Edification of Party Members: Decision of the Central Committee, North Korean Workers\' Party, December 11, 1946
Political Platform of the Korean Independence League
Political Platform of the North Korean Workers\' Party