فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter ....Pages i-ix
TKX-50: A Highly Promising Secondary Explosive (Thomas M. Klapötke)....Pages 1-91
Stability Assessment for Double Base Rocket Propellant During Long Natural/Artificial Aging Using Various Methods and Kinetic Modeling (Salim Chelouche, Djalal Trache, Ahmed Fouzi Tarchoun, Kamel Khimeche, Abderrahmane Mezroua)....Pages 93-122
Assessment of the Migration of Combustion Moderator in Nitrocellulose-Based Propellant (Moulai Karim Boulkadid, Michel H. Lefebvre, Laurence Jeunieau, Alain Dejeaifve)....Pages 123-132
Study of the Chemical Stability of a Pseudo-Brookite B-Synroc by the MCC1, MCC2, and Microwaves Tests (Fairouz Aouchiche, Nour el Hayet Kamel, Soumia Kamariz, Dalila Moudir, Yasmina Mouheb, Azzedine Arabi)....Pages 133-141
Behavior Study of New Formulations Based on Plasticized Poly Vinyl Chloride Stabilized with Epoxidized Sunflower Oil (Nadia Lardjane, Farid Hamitouche, Hassiba Habchi Laribi, Naima Belhaneche Bensemra)....Pages 143-154
Bi/α-Bi2O3/TiO2 Nanotubes Arrays Heterojunction for Highly Efficient Photocatalytic Applications (Leyla Rekeb, Lynda Ainouche, Salem Boudinar, Lamia Hamadou)....Pages 155-172
Synthesis and Characterization of Microcrystalline Cellulose from Giant Reed Using Different Delignification Processes (Moufida Beroual, Oussama Mehelli, Lokmane Boumaza, Djalal Trache, Ahmed Fouzi Tarchoun, Mehdi Derradji et al.)....Pages 173-187
A Green Synthesis and Polymerization of N-Alkyl Methacrylamide Monomers with New Chemical Approach (Samira Derkaoui, Mohammed Belbachir, Sara Haoue)....Pages 189-205
Synthesis of Hydroxyapatite by Wet Method: Effect of Acid Solution Concentration on Powder Granulometry (Ouardia Zamoume, Rym Mammeri)....Pages 207-217
Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Ethanolic Extracts from the Leaves of Tetraclinis Articulate (Vahl) Masters (Bensaber Bensebia, Ouahida Bensebia, Ghania Belloumi, Soumia Kouadri Mostefai)....Pages 219-229
Methylene Blue Dye Removal Through Adsorption Onto Amorphous BaO Nanoparticles Decorated MWCNTs (Arvind K. Bhakta, Sunita Kumari, Sahid Hussain, Preema C. Pais, Praveen Martis, Ronald J. Mascarenhas et al.)....Pages 231-240
Bioremediation of Oily Sludge Contaminated Site—A Pilot-Scale Study (Kahina Ighilahriz, Mohamed Khodja, Samia Haddadi, Amina Benchouk, Hichem Boutamine)....Pages 241-250
Pretreatment of Seawater Using Precipitation Agents to Retard Scale Formation in Multi-Stage Flash Evaporators (Khedidja Dahmani, Djamal Eddine Kherroub, Mohamed Belloul)....Pages 251-261
Conversion of Methane Over LaNiZnO3 Perovskite Catalysts (Djamila Sellam, Kahina Ikkour, Sadia Dekkar, Mourad Halouane)....Pages 263-271
Homogenous Photo-Fenton Catalytic Oxidation of Olive Mill Wastewater Using Plackett and Burman’s Design (Hamida Iboukhoulef, Hocine Kadi, Ramdane Moussaoui)....Pages 273-282
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy as a Powerful Assessment Tool for the Electropolishing Quality of AISI 304 Stainless Steel (Simon Detriche, Jean-François Vanhumbeeck, Joseph Delhalle, Zineb Mekhalif)....Pages 283-289
Physicochemical, Electrochemical, and Theoretical Study of Three Synthesized Organic Inhibitors for 316L Stainless Steel in HCl (Messaoud Benamira, Yasmine Boughoues, Lyamine Messaadia, Nazih Ribouh, Mohammed Himrane)....Pages 291-312