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فراتر از کتاب های درسی استاندارد فیزیک ریاضی با ادغام ریاضیات با محتوای فیزیکی مرتبط، این کتاب موضوعات ریاضی را با کاربردهای آنها در فیزیک و همچنین موضوعات فیزیک پایه مرتبط با تکنیک های ریاضی را ارائه می دهد. این برای دانشجویان سال اول تحصیلات تکمیلی است، بسیار مختصرتر است و موضوعات انتخاب شده را به طور کامل بدون حذف هیچ مرحله ای مورد بحث قرار می دهد. این مهارتهای ریاضی مورد نیاز در دورههای متداول سطح فارغالتحصیل در فیزیک را پوشش میدهد و حدود 450 مسئله پایان فصل را با راهحلهایی در وبسایت Wiley در دسترس اساتید قرار میدهد.
فهرست مطالب :
S Title
List of Published Books
Mathematical Physics
© 2010 WILEY-VCH
ISBN 978-3-527-40808-5
Table of Contents and Categories
Constants, Signs, Symbols, and General Remarks
List of Symbols
1 Vectors
1.1 Definition and Important Properties
1.1.1 Definitions
1.2 Product of a Scalar and a Vector
1.3 Position Vector
1.4 Scalar Product
1.5 Vector Product
1.6 Differentiation
1.7 Spherical Coordinates
1.8 Cylindrical Coordinates
2 Tensors and Matrices
2.1 Dyadic or Tensor Product
2.2 Cartesian Representation
2.3 Dot Product
2.3.1 Unit Tensor
2.4 Symmetric Tensor
2.5 Eigenvalue Problem
3 Hamiltonian Mechanics
3.1 Newtonian, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Descriptions
3.1.1 Newtonian Description
3.1.2 Lagrangian Description
3.1.3 Hamiltonian Description
3.2 State of Motion in Phase Space. Reversible Motion
3.3 Hamiltonian for a System of many Particles
3.4 Canonical Transformation
3.5 Poisson Brackets
4 Coupled Oscillators and Normal Modes
4.1 Oscillations of Particles on a String and Normal Modes
4.2 Normal Coordinates
5 Stretched String
5.1 Transverse Oscillations of a Stretched String
5.2 Normal Coordinates for a String
6 Vector Calculus and the del Operator
6.1 Differentiation in Time
6.2 Space Derivatives
6.2.1 The Gradient
6.2.2 The Divergence
6.2.3 The Curl
6.2.4 Space Derivatives of Products
6.3 Space Derivatives in Curvilinear Coordinates
6.3.1 Spherical Coordinates (r, \theta, \phi)
6.3.2 Cylindrical Coordinates
6.4 Integral Theorems
6.4.1The Line Integral of \Grad \phi
6.4.2 Stokes's Theorem
6.5 Gauss's Theorem
6.6 Derivation of the Gradient, Divergence and Curl
7 Electromagnetic Waves
7.1 Electric and Magnetic Fields in a Vacuum
7.2 The Electromagnetic Field Theory
8 Fluid Dynamics
8.1 Continuity Equation
8.2 Fluid Equation of Motion
8.3 Fluid Dynamics and Statistical Mechanics
9 Irreversible Processes
9.1 Irreversible Phenomena, Viscous Flow, Diffusion
9.2 Collision Rate and Mean Free Path
9.3 Ohm's Law, Conductivity, and Matthiessen's Rule
10 The Entropy
10.1 Foundations of Thermodynamics
10.2 The Carnot Cycle
10.3 Carnot's Theorem
10.4 Heat Engines and Refrigerating Machines
10.5 Clausius's Theorem
10.6 The Entropy
10.7 The Exact Differential
11 Thermodynamic Inequalities
11.1 Irreversible Processes and the Entropy
11.2 The Helmholtz Free Energy
11.3 The Gibbs Free Energy
11.4 Maxwell Relations
11.5 Heat Capacities
11.6 Nonnegative Heat Capacity and Compressibility
12 Probability, Statistics and Density
12.1 Probabilities
12.2 Binomial Distribution
12.3 Average and Root-Mean-Square Deviation. Random Walks
12.4 Microscopic Number Density
12.5 Dirac's Delta Function
12.6 The Three-Dimensional Delta Function
13 Liouville Equation
13.1 Liouville's Theorem
13.2 Probability Distribution Function. The Liouville Equation
13.3 The Gibbs Ensemble
13.4 Many Particles Moving in Three Dimensions
13.5 More about the Liouville Equation
13.6 Symmetries of Hamiltonians and Stationary States
14 Generalized Vectors and Linear Operators
14.1 Generalized Vectors. Matrices
14.2 Linear Operators
14.3 The Eigenvalue Problem
14.4 Orthogonal Representation
15 Quantum Mechanics for a Particle
15.1 Quantum Description of a Linear Motion
15.2 The Momentum Eigenvalue Problem
15.3 The Energy Eigenvalue Problem
16 Fourier Series and Transforms
16.1 Fourier Series
16.2 Fourier Transforms
16.3 Bra and Ket Notations
16.4 Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
17 Quantum Angular Momentum
17.1 Quantum Angular Momentum
17.2 Properties of Angular Momentum
18 Spin Angular Momentum
18.1 The Spin Angular Momentum
18.2 The Spin of the Electron
18.3 The Magnetogyric Ratio
18.3.1 A. Free Electron
18.3.2 B. Free Proton
18.3.3 C. Free Neutron
18.3.4 D. Atomic Nuclei
18.3.5 E. Atoms and Ions
19 Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory
19.1 Perturbation Theory 1; The Dirac Picture
19.2 Scattering Problem; Fermi's Golden Rule
19.3 Perturbation Theory 2. Second Intermediate Picture
20 Laplace Transformation
20.1 Laplace Transformation
20.2 The Electric Circuit Equation
20.3 Convolution Theorem
20.4 Linear Operator Algebras
21 Quantum Harmonic Oscillator
21.1 Energy Eigenvalues
21.2 Quantum Harmonic Oscillator
22 Permutation Group
22.1 Permutation Group
22.2 Odd and Even Permutations
23 Quantum Statistics
23.1 Classical Indistinguishable Particles
23.2 Quantum-Statistical Postulate. Symmetric States for Bosons
23.3 Antisymmetric States for Fermions. Pauli's Exclusion Principle
23.4 Occupation-Number Representation
24 The Free-Electron Model
24.1 Free Electrons and the Fermi Energy
24.2 Density of States
24.3 Qualitative Discussion
24.4 Sommerfeld's Calculations
25 The Bose-Einstein Condensation
25.1 Liquid Helium
25.2 The Bose-Einstein Condensation of Free Bosons
25.3 Bosons in Condensed Phase
26 Magnetic Susceptibility
26.1 Introduction
26.2 Pauli Paramagnetism
26.3 Motion of a Charged Particle in Electromagnetic Fields
26.4 Electromagnetic Potentials
26.5 The Landau States and Energies
26.6 The Degeneracy of the Landau Levels
26.7 Landau Diamagnetism
27 Theory of Variations
27.1 The Euler-Lagrange Equation
27.2 Fermat's Principle
27.3 Hamilton's Principle
27.4 Lagrange's Field Equation
28 Second Quantization
28.1 Boson Creation and Annihilation Operators
28.2 Observables
28.3 Fermions Creation and Annihilation Operators
28.4 Heisenberg Equation of Motion
29 Quantum Statistics of Composites
29.1 Ehrenfest-Oppenheimer-Bethe's Rule
29.2 Two-Particle Composites
29.3 Discussion
30 Superconductivity
30.1 Basic Properties of a Superconductor
30.1.1 Zero Resistance
30.1.2 Meissner Effect
30.1.3 Ring Supercurrent and Flux Quantization
30.1.4 Josephson Effects
30.1.5 Energy Gap
30.1.6 Sharp Phase Change
30.2 Occurrence of a Superconductor
30.2.1 Elemental Superconductors
30.2.2 Compound Superconductors
30.2.3 High-T, Superconductors
30.3 Theoretical Survey
30.3.1 The Cause of Superconductivity
30.3.2 The Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer Theory
30.4 Quantum-Statistical Theory
30.4.1 The Full Hamiltonian
30.4.2 Summary of the Results
31 Complex Numbers and Taylor Series
31.1 Complex Numbers
31.2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
31.2.1 Laws of Exponents
31.2.2 Natural Logarithm
31.2.3 Relationship between Exponential and Trigonometric Functions
31.3 Hyperbolic Functions
31.3.1 Definition of Hyperbolic Functions
31.3.2 Addition Formulas
31.3.3 Double-Angle Formulas
31.3.4 Sum, Difference and Product of Hyperbolic Functions
31.3.5 Relationship between Hyperbolic and Trigonometric Functions
31.4 Taylor Series
31.4.1 Derivatives
31.4.2 Taylor Series
31.4.3 Binomial Series
31.4.4 Series for Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
31.5 Convergence of a Series
32 Analyticity and Cauchy-Riemann Equations
32.1 The Analytic Function
32.2 Poles
32.3 Exponential Functions
32.4 Branch Points
32.5 Function with Continuous Singularities
32.6 Cauchy-Riemann Relations
32.7 Cauchy-Riemann Relations Applications
33 Cauchy's Fundamental Theorem
33.1 Cauchy's Fundamental Theorem
33.2 Line Integrals
33.3 Circular Integrals
33.4 Cauchy's Integral Formula
34 Laurent Series
34.1 Taylor Series and Convergence Radius
34.2 Uniform Convergence
34.3 Laurent Series
35 Multivalued Functions
35.1 Square-Root Functions. Riemann Sheets and Cut
35.2 Multivalued Functions
36 Residue Theorem and Its Applications
36.1 Residue Theorem
36.2 Integrals of the Form
36.3 Integrals of the Type
36.4 Integrals of the Type Int(f(cos\theta), sin\theta),, 0, 2\pi)
36.5 Miscellaneous Integrals
Appendix A Representation-Independence of Poisson Brackets
Appendix B Proof of the Convolution Theorem
Appendix C Statistical Weight for the Landau States
Appendix D Useful Formulas
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Going beyond standard mathematical physics textbooks by integrating the mathematics with the associated physical content, this book presents mathematical topics with their applications to physics as well as basic physics topics linked to mathematical techniques. It is aimed at first-year graduate students, it is much more concise and discusses selected topics in full without omitting any steps. It covers the mathematical skills needed throughout common graduate level courses in physics and features around 450 end-of-chapter problems, with solutions available to lecturers from the Wiley website.