فهرست مطالب :
Measuring the Networked Nonprofit: Using Data to Change the World......Page 9
Copyright......Page 10
Contents......Page 11
Figures......Page 13
Tables......Page 14
Foreword......Page 15
Preface: The Queen of Nonprofits Meets the Goddess of Measurement......Page 19
How This Book Helps Nonprofits Become More Successful......Page 20
Fear of Consequences......Page 21
Measurement is the Secret Sauce; We Provide the Recipe......Page 22
Acknowledgments......Page 25
The Authors......Page 29
Part One: Introduction of Concepts......Page 33
One: The Secret Sauce for Nonprofits: Networked Strategies + Measurement = Amazing Success......Page 35
Momsrising: A Superstar of Networked Nonprofits Knows the Joys of Measurement......Page 39
Theme 2: Measurement Helps Nonprofits Understand and Improve Their Social Networks......Page 40
Theme 5: Good Measurement Is Good Governance......Page 41
Theme 8: Incremental Success Is Not Failure......Page 42
Conclusion......Page 43
Two: The Rise of the Networked Nonprofit: A New Paradigm for Nonprofit Success......Page 45
What is a Networked Nonprofit?......Page 47
Seven Vital Characteristics of Networked Nonprofits......Page 49
How Momsrising Generated 100,000 Letters to Congress......Page 51
Becoming a Networked Nonprofit: The Crawl, Walk, Run, Fly Model......Page 52
Crawl......Page 54
Walk......Page 55
Run......Page 56
Conclusion......Page 57
Part Two: Basic Measurement Principles, How-Tos, and Best Practices......Page 59
Three: Creating a Data-Informed Culture: How Your Organization Can Embrace the Data and Use What It Can Teach You......Page 61
Data Informed, Not Data Driven......Page 62
\"Data Informed\" Means More than KPIs and Measurement......Page 63
Don\'t Just Count; Understand Why......Page 64
Tear Down Those Silos......Page 65
Crawl......Page 66
Fly......Page 67
Begin at the End: Discuss and Identify Results......Page 68
Use Experiments to Make the Case to Evolve......Page 69
Conclusion......Page 70
Four: Measurement Is Power: How to Take Control of Your Programs and Progress with the Art and Science of Measurement......Page 73
Measurement Makes your Organization Powerful......Page 75
Step 1: Define Your Goals......Page 78
Step 2: Define Your Audiences......Page 79
Step 3: Define Your Benchmarks......Page 80
Step 4: Define Your Metrics......Page 81
Step 5: Define Your Time and Costs......Page 82
Step 6: Select Your Data Collection Tools......Page 83
Getting Alignment: The Hardest Part of Measurement......Page 85
How to Get Your Organization Started in Measurement......Page 88
Conclusion......Page 89
Five: Don\'t Confuse Activity with Results: The Value of Expressing Your Results in Terms of Organizational Goals......Page 91
Our Daily Bread Gets a Rise Out of Facebook......Page 93
Understanding How to Use ROI......Page 94
Using ROI to Compare the Return on Social Media Efforts......Page 95
Don\'t Use the Lingo of Accountants to Articulate Social Change......Page 97
Networked Nonprofits Ask, \"What\'s the Social Impact?\"......Page 99
Getting a Handle on Tangible and Intangible Results......Page 102
Facebook and Donated Bras Provide Tangible Support for N Street Village......Page 103
A Theory of Change can Demonstrate the Value of Social Media......Page 104
Conclusion......Page 107
Six: The Ladder of Engagement: How to Measure Engagement and Use It to Improve Relationships with Your Stakeholders......Page 109
The Nonprofit World\'s Ladder of Engagement......Page 110
How Grist Uses Measurement to Learn How to Deepen Relationships......Page 111
Grist Builds Its Own Ladder of Engagement......Page 112
How Grist Moves from Social Media to the Real World: From Hashtags to Climate Hawks......Page 113
Grist\'s Measurement: Engagement, Indexes, and Surveys......Page 114
The Ladder of Engagement, One Step at a Time......Page 116
Surfrider Creates Its Own Ladder of Engagement: More Thrilling Than Catching That Big Wave......Page 117
Best Friends Moves People from Awareness of Invisible Dogs to Adopting Real Ones......Page 119
Developing Your Own Ladder: Low, Medium, and High Engagement......Page 122
Six Steps to Building Your Ladder of Engagement......Page 123
Step 3: Define the Investment......Page 124
Step 5: Define the Metrics That You Will Use to Judge Progress......Page 125
Step 6: Select the Right Tool to Collect Data......Page 128
Conclusion......Page 129
Seven: How to Turn Your Stakeholders into Fundraisers: Social Fundraising and How Measurement Can Make It More Effective......Page 131
New Tools and Techniques Drive Social Fundraising......Page 133
Charity: Water Makes a Splash by Turning Friends into Fundraisers......Page 134
Use Data to Make Strategic Improvements......Page 135
Autism Speaks Uses Social Fundraising in a Multichannel Campaign: Light it up Blue......Page 136
Moving People Up the Ladder of Engagement......Page 137
E-Mail Segmentation and Customized Asks Prove Their Worth......Page 138
Social Fundraising as Part of Multichannel integrated Campaigns......Page 139
UCSF Challenge for the Children: Dollars Is Not Always the Sole Success Metric......Page 140
It\'s Not All About the Money: Community Engagement Is a Vital Measure of Success......Page 141
Social Fundraising Measurement Has Some Tricky Aspects......Page 142
Six Steps to a Well-Measured Social Fundraising Campaign......Page 143
Katie\'s Kat Shelter Measures a Capital Campaign......Page 147
Conclusion......Page 150
Eight: Measurement Tools: How to Choose and Use the Right Tool for the Job......Page 151
The Indispensable Spreadsheet......Page 153
The Right Tool for the Job......Page 154
If Your Goal Is to Increase Awareness......Page 155
What Sort of Survey Should You Use?......Page 157
Conducting Surveys......Page 158
Seven Steps to Conduct a Survey......Page 159
Step 2: Define the Universe You Are Going to Survey......Page 160
Step 3: Define the Answers You Want......Page 161
Step 6: Field the Survey......Page 162
A Tool to Measure What People are Saying About You: Media Content Analysis......Page 163
Manual or Automated Content Analysis?......Page 165
Elements Coded for in a Media Content Analysis......Page 166
Tools to Determine What Your Marketplace is Doing: Web and Social Analytics and Behavioral Metrics......Page 171
Going Mobile and Measuring It......Page 173
Measuring Mobile......Page 174
Goodwill Develops a Mobile Site......Page 175
What Does Measurement Really Cost?......Page 176
Controlling the Cost of Media Content Analysis......Page 177
If You Don\'t Have an Analytics Guru on Staff: The Analysis Exchange......Page 179
Conclusion......Page 180
Nine: Measurement and the Aha! Moment: Using Your Data to Tell Stories, Make Decisions, and Change the World......Page 183
Your Aha! Moments, and How to Get More of Them......Page 184
Ask \"So What?\" of Every Result......Page 187
Use Correlations to Get from Data to Insights......Page 188
Use Dashboards to Share Data and Summarize Progress......Page 190
Knock Their Socks Off: How to Present Your Data Like a Pro......Page 191
Don\'t Waste Their Time: Get to the Point, and Make It a Good One......Page 192
How the Smithsonian Shares Departmental Dashboards and Reports......Page 193
Sharing Dashboards with Peer Organizations......Page 195
Sharing Dashboards and Reports with External Stakeholders......Page 196
Conclusion......Page 200
Part Three: Advanced Measurement Concepts and Practices for Networked Nonprofits......Page 203
Ten: Measuring What Really Matters: The Importance and Measurement of Relationships......Page 205
The Benefits of Friends: Good Relationships Prove Their Value......Page 206
SeaWorld\'s Relationships Blunt the Impact of a Crisis......Page 207
The Red Cross\'s Strong Relationships Turn a Twitter Faux Pas into a Fundraiser......Page 208
Measuring Relationships: The Grunig Research and Relationship Survey......Page 210
How to Measure the Components of Relationships......Page 212
Can Social Media Be Used to Measure Relationships?......Page 213
How to Measure Relationships in Eight Steps......Page 215
Conclusion......Page 216
Eleven: Understanding, Visualizing, and Improving Networks......Page 219
The Story of Stuff: Why the Network is the Hero......Page 221
Social Network Basics......Page 223
Social Network Analysis: Visualize Your Network to Improve It......Page 224
Measuring the Value of Networks......Page 226
Social Network Analysis Can Be Used to Inform and Evaluate Strategy......Page 227
TechSoup Global Maps and Studies Its Network......Page 228
National Wildlife Federation Uses Sticky Notes and Markers to Map Its Network......Page 231
Conclusion......Page 232
Twelve: Influence Measurement: How to Determine Your Influence and That of Your Organization, Free Agents, and Nonprofit Champions......Page 235
Influence Redefined (Not)......Page 236
How Free Agents Help Networked Nonprofits Change the World......Page 238
Shining a Light on Homelessness: Mark Horvath and InvisiblePeople.TV......Page 239
Measuring Who Influences Stakeholders: The Blue Key Campaign......Page 240
The Blue Key Campaign Builds Measurement in from the Start......Page 241
Finding Influencers to Recruit as Champions......Page 242
The Campaign Tracks Its Results......Page 243
Data in Context: Determining the \"Why?\" and the \"So What?\"......Page 245
Learning from Experience to Set New Goals......Page 246
How to Identify Your Organization\'s Influencers in Three Simple Steps......Page 247
Measuring How Influential You or Your Organization Is in Social Media......Page 249
Conclusion......Page 251
Thirteen: How to Be Naked and Measure It: Transparency Is a Networked Nonprofit\'s Best Friend......Page 253
Greatnonprofits, a Radical Experiment in True Transparency......Page 254
What Exactly is Transparency?......Page 255
Learning in Public......Page 256
Packard\'s \"See-Through Filing Cabinet\" Demonstrates Transparency\'s Benefits......Page 257
Measuring Transparency......Page 259
How to Measure Your Own Transparency......Page 260
Katie\'s Kat Shelter Measures and Improves Its Transparency......Page 264
Conclusion......Page 265
Fourteen: Measuring the Impact of the Crowd......Page 267
100,000 Cheeks: The Power of Harnessing the Crowd......Page 268
100K Cheeks Measures the Crowd......Page 269
The Power of Crowdsourcing......Page 270
Measuring the Advantages of the Crowd......Page 271
The Value of an Idea......Page 272
The Value of a Solution......Page 273
The Value of Decision Making......Page 274
Kitty Kat Krowdsourcing......Page 275
Conclusion......Page 276
Epilogue: With Measurement and Learning, Networked Nonprofits Can Change the World......Page 277
Appendix A: Measuring Relationships and Relationship Research......Page 279
Grunig Relationship Survey......Page 280
Appendix B: Crawl, Walk, Run, Fly Assessment Tool for Networked Nonprofits......Page 283
Appendix C: Social Media Measurement Checklist......Page 287
Daily Alerts Setup......Page 293
Monitoring System Setup......Page 294
Measurement Setup......Page 295
Reporting Setup......Page 297
Chapter Two......Page 301
Chapter Three......Page 302
Chapter Six......Page 303
Chapter Seven......Page 304
Chapter Eight......Page 305
Chapter Ten......Page 306
Chapter Eleven......Page 307
Chapter Twelve......Page 308
Chapter Thirteen......Page 309
Chapter Fourteen......Page 310
Appendix B......Page 311
Glossary......Page 313
Resources for Tools, Tutorials, and Assistance......Page 319
Index......Page 321