فهرست مطالب :
Foreword: Why Do People (not) Organise Themselves to Assert Environmental Interests?
Initial Thesis: As the Collective Action Theory Claims, There Is no Way to Organise Public Interest
Antithesis: Public Interest Groups Organise Themselves More Successfully than Ever, Especially Regarding Environmental Matters
Reasoning Thesis: The Reasons for Shifts in Favour of Public Interest Groups in Environmental Politics Are the Change in Value...
Distinguishing Thesis: Up Until Now, Public Interest Can Be Especially Well Organised in Industrialised Countries that Have an...
Concluding Thesis: There Are Signs that the Global Effect of the Consequences of Climate Change Creates Worldwide Organisation...
Foreword: How Can Communication Change Attitudes and Behaviour? Twelve Rules for Successful Political Campaigns
Twelve rules
Multiple Modernities and the Emergence of Environmental Policies
The Environment in Politics and Media: The German and Indian Examples
The Environment in the Media and as a Common Good
Part I: Media and the Environment
The Hybrid Media System as Battlefield for Climate Politics: Media and Politics in Transformation
Enquiring Framing in India´s Mainstream Newspapers: Interpreting Frames of the Climate Change News in India During COP-26
Framing and Its Importance
Content Analysis
Critical Discourse Analysis and Frame Analysis
India and the World on Climate Change Debate
Media and the Climate Change
Climate Change Policies in India
Interpreting Frames
Enquiring Frames in the Four Newspapers
Food and Nutrition Scandals in Germany Since the 1950s: Social Value Change and Scandalisation as Catalysts for Environmental ...
Change in Values and in the Media
A Brief History of Food and Dietary Scandals
The First Food Scandals
Dietary Scandals and Consumer Panics
The Scandal in Permanence and Negative Nutrition
Social Media and the Environmental Discourse in Vietnam
Social Media Usage in Vietnam
The Environmental Discourse on Social Media: Case Study
Role of Social Media
Media, Politics, and Environment from a Federal Politics Perspective in India
Media in India: A Brief History
Federal Politics and the Complexity in India
Environmental Legislation and Issues in India
The Case for Civil Society and Media Engagement on Environmental Issues
Civil Society, Social Media, and Environmental Issues
Media and Environmental Destruction in Indonesia
Environmental Problems in Indonesia
Media and Environment in Indonesia: Ownership
Media and Environment in Indonesia: Risks for Journalists
Media and Environment in Indonesia: How to Build More Security for Journalists Reporting About Environmental Issues?
Summary and Conclusion
On the Missing Links in Climate Change Communication in Two States of India: Problems, Politics, and Solutions
Climate Change and Risks in India
Tamil Nadu and West Bengal: Verge of Climate Change and Risks
Tamil Nadu
West Bengal
Climate Change Communication in Tamil Nadu and West Bengal: Missing Links
The Solutions? Discussions on Climate Change Communication Theories
Agenda-Setting Theory
Cultivation Theory
Local Media Initiative: Some Recent Trends
Reinforcing Media Effects Locally
Mediated Politics and the Environment: A Case study of Odd-Even Scheme to Curb Air Pollution in Delhi
Part II: Environmental Politics, Mobilisations and Media
State´s Commitment to Environmental Governance in India: Struggle Between Developmental Pressure and Sustainability Challenges
Environment in Pre-colonial India
Colonial State and Environmental Governance in India
Post-colonial Environmental Framing and Environmental Governance
Environment in the National Political Agenda: Constitutional Amendments, Legislations and Judicial Interventions
Institutional Environmentalism and Planning
Environmental Decision Making in India: An Appraisal
Challenges and Opportunities of Environmental Governance in India
Conclusion: New Agenda of Environmental Governance
Environmental Resistance in India: Special Reference to Northeast India
The Objective of the Study
Resource Appropriation and Environmental Movements in India
Special Reference to Northeast India
Popular Resistance to Mega Dams
Perspectives and Orientations of the Communist Party of Vietnam on Environmental Protection
Key Points in the Communist Party of Vietnam´s Perspectives and Orientations of Environmental Protection over the Past 30 Years
Assessment of the Communist Party of Vietnam on Environmental Protection in Vietnam for the Period 2016-2021
Vision, Goal Orientation, and Solutions to Protect the Environment in the Period 2021-2030
Environmental Concerns in Sri Lanka: A Political Perspective
Key Environmental Issues
Environmental Governance
Environment and Politics
Recent Tragedy
Environmental Policy in Indonesia from the Post-New Order Era to the Present: Positive Adjustments and Limitations
Background of Environmental Policy Adjustment Since the End of the New Order Regime
Positive Environmental Policy Adjustments
Enhancing the Role of People and Local Authorities in Environmental Management
Intensifying Procedures and Systematizing Processes for Environmental Management
Supplementing Regulations on Minimum Administrative and Criminal Penalties While Increasing Fines for Environmental Violations
Policy Towards the Goal of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Limitations in Indonesia´s Current Environmental Policy
Potential Deficiencies in Natural Resources Management and Lack of Integration in Customary Law
Law No. 11/2020 on Job Creation and the Risks of Exacerbating Environmental Degradation
Conclusion and Recommendations
Aspects of Civil Engagement, Media, and Environmental Issues in Japan
Chapter: Civic Movement in Japan. History, Trends-Apathy?
Chapter: COVID-19 and Fukushima: Significance for Civil Society Engagement and Media Culture on the Basis of Environmental Iss...
The Example of Hangorin no Kai: Combining Olympics and Environmental Protests
Waters Back into the Ocean?
Chapter: Social Media as Potential Platforms for Civic Networking
Final Remarks
Part III: Media, Environment, and the Commons
Environmental Policy and the Tragedy of the Commons: A German´s Impressions of India
Saving the Environment in Germany
Governing the Commons in India
Size, Homogeneity, Stability
Final Word from a German
Expanding Urban, Shrinking Rural: Land and Common Grabs and Environmental Degradation in Peri-Urban Kolkata, India
Data and Methodology
Rural to Urban: Understanding the Transitions and Political Economy of Expropriation of Land and Dispossession in Rajarhat
Expanding Urban, Receding Rural: Land and Commons Grab and the Neoliberal City-Making
Land Grab, Neoliberal City-Making and Resource Degradation in Rajarhat
From Local to National and Transnational: Contemporary Land Grabs and the Media
The Hungry Tide: The Problem of the Commons in the Sundarbans of Bangladesh
The Fate of the Sundarbans Is Tied Up: The Tragedy of the Commons!
The Sundarbans: A Reality Check
The Tragedy of the Commons and the Belongingness of the Resources: State, People, or the Planet?
The Loss of Traditional Knowledge
The Result of the Human-Environment Interaction and the Poverty-Environment Nexus
The Development-Progress-Environment Nexus
The Urban-Local Disconnect and the Urban Imagination of the Sundarbans
Concluding Observations
Detlef Briesen and Sarada Prasanna Das
Media and the Environment
Environmental Politics, Mobilisations and Media
Media, the Environment and the Commons
Executive Summary and Further Perspectives for Research