فهرست مطالب :
1: Introduction
Why This Book?
The Structure of the Book
Medicinal Cannabis as Part of a Holistic Therapeutic Approach
Your Journey
A Final Note from Dr. Blair
2: Endocannabinoid System
Purpose of the Endocannabinoid System
Components of the Endocannabinoid System: Overview
Endogenous Ligands: Endocannabinoids
Endocannabinoids in Brief
Synthesis of AEA and 2-AG
Binding to Receptors (Extracellular and Intracellular)
Transport Across the Plasma Membrane
Intracellular Reservoirs Challenge Classic Understanding of Endocannabinoid On-Demand Synthesis
Degradation of Endocannabinoids
AEA Degradation
2-AG Degradation
New Signaling Molecules Generated
A Fine-Tuned Modulation System
AEA and 2-AG in More Detail
Anandamide (AEA)
2-Arachidonylglycerol (2-AG)
Key Difference Between Endocannabinoids and Phytocannabinoids
Endocannabinoid-Like Compounds: PEA, OEA, and Oleamide
N-palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) and Oleoylethanolamide (OEA)
Cannabinoid Receptors
Discovery of Cannabinoid Receptors
Location of Cannabinoid Receptors
Location of CB1 Receptors: Overview
CB1 Receptors in the CNS
Glutamate and GABAergic Receptors
CB1 Receptors Are More Abundant than Mu-Opioid Receptors
CB1 Receptors and Cerebromicrovascular Endothelial Cells
CB1 Receptors in Peripheral Nervous System and Periphery
CB1 Receptors in the Peripheral Nervous System
CB1 Receptors in the Gut
CB1 Receptors in the Skin
CB1 Receptors in the Liver
Contrary Actions in the Periphery Compared with CNS: CB1 Receptors in Adipocytes
Intracellular CB1 Receptors
Different Isoforms of CB1 Receptors
Functions of CB1 Receptors
Functions of Mitochondrial CB1 Receptors
CB2 Receptors
CB2 Receptors and the Immune System
CB2 Receptors in the Brain
Unique Features of CB2 Receptors Compared with CB1 Receptors
CB2 Receptors in Other Organs and Tissues
CB2 Receptors in Skin
Mechanisms of Action of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS)
Classic Understanding of How the ECS Works in the Nervous System
Complexity of the ECS: Multiple Signaling Pathway Involvement
Biased Agonism
The ECS in Non-neural Cells
ECS Signal Transmission Via Microvesicles
Other Receptor Targets for Endocannabinoids
TRPV1 Receptors
Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors (PPARs)
GPR55 Receptors
The Endocannabinoid System in Neuroprotection
Development and the Endocannabinoid System
The ECS in Early Life
The Adolescent Brain and the ECS
Endocannabinoid System Dysfunction and Disease
The Concepts of Endocannabinoid Tone and Endocannabinoid Deficiency
Diseases in Which ECS Dysfunction Is Implicated
Endocannabinoid System Dysfunction and Mental Health
Omega 3 and 6 PUFAs in the Brain Health
Diet and Importance of Omega 3 Fatty Acids for a Healthy ECS
Studies Linking Omega 3 Deficiency and Mental Health Conditions
Link Between ECS, Omega 3, and Omega 6
Why Are Omega 3 PUFAs Important for Functioning of the ECS?
Why Are Dietary Sources of Long-Chain PUFAs Important?
The Problem with the Western Diet
Hemp Seeds Have a Very Good Ratio of Omega 6/Omega 3 PUFAs
3: The Endocannabinoid System, Stress, and Mental Health
Key Brain Structures Involved in the Regulation of Stress
Corticolimbic System
Roles of the Components of the Corticolimbic System
Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) Axis
Other Areas
The Stress Response
The Autonomic Stress Response
Sympathetic Nervous System Mechanisms of Action
Parasympathetic Nervous System Neuroanatomical Connections
Measurement of ANS Activity
Neuroendocrine Stress Response
The HPA Axis in Stress
Measurement of Neuroendocrine Activity
Sex Differences in the Stress Response System Along the HPA Axis
When the Stress Response Becomes Pathological
Stress and Inflammation
How Does Stress Activate Inflammatory Changes?
Endocannabinoid System and Stress Regulation
Several Lines of Evidence that the ECS Is a Regulator of the Stress Response
Bidirectional Relationship Between Stress and the ECS
ECS and the Autonomic Nervous System Stress Response
ECS, the Corticolimbic System, and the HPA Axis
ECS and Regulation of the HPA Axis
How Is the ECS Involved in Acute and Chronic Stress?
Acute Stress
Chronic Stress
The Endocannabinoidome (Extended ECS) and Stress
Genes, Stress, and the Endocannabinoid System
Social Isolation
Environmental Enrichment
Early Life Stress and the Endocannabinoid System
Early Life Stress, Corticolimbic System, and HPA Axis Development
Stress Responsivity
Findings from Animal Models
Early Life Stress and Genetic Patterns in Humans
Sex Differences in How Early Life Stress Affects the ECS
The Gut and Stress
The Gut Microbiome and Stress
Microbiota Changes and Stress
The Gut Regulates the HPA Axis
Leaky Gut and Mental Health
The Endocannabinoidome, the Gut, and Links to Mental Health
Inflammation, the Gut, and the ECS
Cannabis Exposure and Stress Responsivity
4: Overview of Medicinal Cannabis
Definition of Medicinal Cannabis
Taxonomy: What Is in a Name?
Hemp Oil and Hemp Seed Oil
Historical Use of Cannabis as Medicine
Cannabis in China
Cannabis in Other Ancient Cultures
Medicinal Cannabis in the Western World
Regulations in the USA
Active Constituents of Cannabis
Where Are the Phytocannabinoids and Terpenes Found?
Entourage Effect
Cannabis Strains/Cultivars and Active Constituent Profiles
Genes and Environmental Conditions
A Word of Caution About Reductionism
Phytocannabinoids: Overview
Therapeutic Actions of CBD
What Conditions Can CBD Potentially Treat?
Mechanisms of Action of CBD
CBD Modulates Endocannabinoid Tone and Adenosine Tone
CBD Modulates Multiple Signalling Systems
Immunological and Anti-Inflammatory Effects
Antioxidant Activity
Anti-Bacterial Effect
Cellular Benefits in the Central Nervous System
Effects on Cardiovascular System
Anti-Cancer Activity and Exosomes
CBD Antagonism and Potentiation of THC
Cannabidiolic Acid (CBDA)
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
Therapeutic Actions of THC
Mechanism of Action of THC
Anti-Inflammatory Effects
Anti-Ageing Effects
Other Phytocannabinoids
Cannabichromene (CBC)
Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV)
Actions of Terpenes
Forms of Medicinal Cannabis
Oils Are Not Oils
A Gap in Our Knowledge: Lack of Studies in Whole Plant Extracts
Superiority of Whole Spectrum CBD Over Pure CBD Isolate Demonstrated
Dangers of Meta-Analyses
Routes of Delivery and Pharmacokinetics
Oral Route
Topical Route, Other Routes
Bioavailability of CBD
Bioavailability and Onset and Duration of Action of THC
Going Forward: The United Nations and the Single Convention
5: Anxiety
Anxiety: Overview
Types of Anxiety Disorder
Associated Comorbidities
Treatment of Anxiety
Pathomechanisms Involved in Anxiety
Role of the Amygdala and Prefrontal Cortex in Anxiety
Serotonin in Anxiety
Noradrenergic System Involvement in Anxiety
GABA Involvement in Anxiety
Immune Dysfunction and Inflammation in Anxiety
Inflammation and Anxiety
Oxidative Stress
Neurogenesis and the Hippocampus
Adult Hippocampal Neurons and the Stress Response
Neuritogenesis and Anxiety
The Endocannabinoid System in Anxiety
HPA Axis in Anxiety
Endocannabinoids, Cannabinoid Receptors and Anxiety
Enzymes of the ECS
Scientific Evidence: CBD in the Treatment of Anxiety
Mechanisms of Action of CBD in Anxiety
CBD and the Serotonergic System
CBD and the HPA
CBD, Neurogenesis and Neuritogenesis
CBD and Endocannabinoid Degradation
CBD, Inflammation and Immune Function
CBD, Sleep and Anxiety
Animal Research: Efficacy of CBD in Anxiety
Animal Models of Anxiety: Elevated Plus Maze
Anxiety Studies in Rodents
Animal Studies of Chronic CBD Administration
Pure CBD Isolate and the Bell-Shaped Dose-Response Curve in Animal Studies
Animal Study of Pure CBD Versus Whole Plant CBD
Animal Research of CBDA in Anxiety
Human Research: Efficacy of CBD in Anxiety
Regional Cerebral Brain Flow Studies: Anxiety and CBD
Observational Study: CBD and Anxiety
Case Studies and Case Series
Randomised Controlled Trials: CBD for Treatment of Anxiety
Systematic Reviews: CBD and Anxiety Treatment
Scientific Evidence: THC in the Treatment of Anxiety
Preclinical Research: Effects of THC on Anxiety
Anti-inflammatory Effects
Human Research: Effects of Cannabis and THC on Anxiety
Brain Imaging Studies
Survey of Whole Plant Cannabis: Are Some Strains Better in Alleviating Anxiety?
Observational Studies
Randomised Controlled Trials
Systematic Reviews
Does Adding CBD to THC Lower Its Anxiogenic Effect?
Preclinical Research
Clinical Research
Systematic Review: The Jury Is Still Out
What Do We Conclude?
Whole Plant Medicines and Entourage Effects in Anxiety
Other Phytocannabinoids with Potential Anxiolytic and Antidepressant Effects
Terpenes with Anxiolytic Effects
N-Palmitoylethanolamine (PEA) and Anxiety
Diet, ECS and Anxiety
Is Cannabis Use Associated with Anxiety?
What Is the Evidence?
Associations Between Cannabis Use, Cannabis Dependence and Anxiety
Cannabis Use in Adolescence and Anxiety
Theories to Explain Association Between Cannabis Use and Anxiety
Guidelines for Treating Anxiety with CBD
When to Use Medicinal Cannabis
Type of Product (Blends)
What Form of Product Should You Use?
Dosing Guidelines
Titration and Follow-Up
Other Tips to Enhance Therapeutic Action
Drug-Cannabis Interactions
Case Studies from Dr. Blair’s Practice
Case 1 Chronic Anxiety
Treatment Recommendation
Clinical Course
Case 2 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder with Prominent Anxiety
Treatment Recommendations
6: Depression
What Is Depression?
Comorbidities of Depression
Pharmacological Treatment of Depression
Pathophysiology of Depression
Neuromorphometric Changes in Depression
Monoamine Theory of Depression
Immune System Function, Inflammation, and Depression
Evidence for Involvement of Immune System and Inflammation in Depression
Possible Link Between Immune System Activity and Depression Pathogenesis
CNS Inflammation
Malfunction of Lymphatic Vessels in the CNS Could Be Involved in Depression
HPA Axis Dysfunction and Depression
Exaggerated and Blunted Autonomic and Neuroendocrine Stress Responses
Genetic Abnormalities in Depression and a Link with Inflammation
Neuroplasticity in Depression
Altered Synaptic Plasticity in the Hippocampus
Changes in Synaptic Plasticity in the Prefrontal Cortex and Amygdala
Bidirectional Relationship Between Depression and Altered Neural Plasticity
Reduced Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Levels and Depression
Neurogenic Theory of Depression
The Glutaminergic System, N-Methyl D-Aspartate (NDMA), and Depression
Disturbances of Serotonin in Depression
Serotonin-Kynurenine Hypothesis of Depression and the Link to Inflammation
Multi-receptor Involvement
The Endocannabinoid System in Depression
Anatomical Basis
Interconnection of the ECS and Brain Regions in Mood Regulation
Evidence from Animal Studies Manipulating Cannabinoid Receptors
Evidence of CB1 Receptor Involvement in Regulation of Emotions and Depression
Evidence of Role of Adipocyte CB1 Receptors in Depression
CB2 Receptors in Emotion Processing and Depression
Evidence of ECS Imbalance in Depression
Preclinical (Animal) Studies Implicating ECS Dysregulation in Depression
Human Studies: Changes in the ECS in Depression
Genetic Variations and Depression
Antidepressant Drugs Affect the ECS
Cross-Talk Between the Immune System and ECS in Depression
Endocannabinoid System and the Neurogenesis Model of Depression
Research Linking ECS Activity and Underlying Pathomechanisms Occurring in Depression
Scientific Evidence: CBD in the Treatment of Depression
Preclinical Research into CBD for Treatment of Depression
CBD Effects on the Serotonergic System
CBD Reduces IDO-Mediated Degradation of Tryptophan
CBD May or May Not Reduce Depressive Symptoms Through Hippocampal Neurogenesis
CBD May Increase BDNF and Synaptic Plasticity
CBD Reduces Neuroinflammation
Other Targets of CBD
CBD in the Treatment of Depression Comorbid with Diabetes
CBDA in Animal Models of Depression
Human Research: CBD in the Treatment of Depression
Case Studies
Cannabis and THC: Evidence of Antidepressant Effects
Preclinical Studies
THC Effect on Dopaminergic System
THC Effect on Serotonergic System
THC Use in Adolescent Animals Induced Depression
Human Studies: Cannabis, THC, and Depression
Surveys of Cannabis Users
Prospective Cohort Study
Prospective Study: Cannabis Flowers
Case Reports of Cannabis Use in Depression
Randomized Controlled Trials of Cannabis and THC for Depression
RCTs Assessing Depression as Secondary Outcome Variables
Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) Supplementation for Depression
RCT: PEA Supplementation in Major Depressive Disorder
Can Cannabis Cause Depression?
Studies of Associations Between Cannabis Use and Depression
Cannabis Use in Adolescence and Young Adulthood
Legalization of Medicinal Cannabis Access and Suicide Reduction
What Is the Nature of the Association Between Cannabis Use and Depression?
Dosing Guidelines for Treating Depression with Medicinal Cannabis
When to Use Medicinal Cannabis
Type of Product (Blends)
What Form of Product Should You Use?
Titration and Follow-Up
Other Tips to Enhance Therapeutic Action
Drug-Cannabis Interactions
Case Studies from Dr. Blair’s Practice
Case 1 Professional Male with Depression
Case 2 Young Adult with Depression
7: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
What Is PTSD?
PTSD as an Anxiety Disorder and a Paradoxical Disorder of Memory
DSM-5 Definition
Predisposing Factors and Epigenetics
Comorbidities of PTSD
Risk of Suicide
Sleep Problems
Increased Risk of Diseases
Prevalence of PTSD
General Population
Armed Forces
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
Orthodox Treatment of PTSD
Psychological Treatments
Pharmaceutical Interventions
Pathophysiology of PTSD
PTSD as a Disorder of Memory
The Necessity of Sleep for Memory Processes
Maladaptive Memory Processing in PTSD
Brain Morphological and Neurophysiological Functioning Changes in PTSD
Changes in Brain Morphology and Function in PTSD
Dysregulation of the Stress Response, HPA-Axis Dysfunction, and Inflammation
Sympathetic Nervous System Reactivity
HPA-Axis Dysregulation
Synaptic Plasticity in PTSD
Dysregulation of Neurotransmitters in PTSD: GABA and Glutamate
Other Receptor-Ligand Systems Involved in PTSD
Association Between PTSD and Inflammation
Inflammation as Both a Pre-existing Risk Factor and a Result of PTSD
Relationship Between IL-6 and Noradrenergic Activity in PTSD
Genetic (and Epigenetic) Factors
The Endocannabinoid System and PTSD
The Endocannabinoid System Modulation of Stress Response
Chronic Mild Stress Alters Endocannabinoid-Mediated Neurotransmission
CB1 Signaling and the Amygdala Involved in Short- and Long-Term Fear Extinction
CB1 Receptor mRNA Downregulation in Amygdaloid Complex and Frontal Cortex in PTSD
Levels of Endocannabinoids Altered in PTSD
Age When Traumatic Event Occurred Affects ECS Changes
Evidence of Altered Endocannabinoid Levels in Animal Models of PTSD
Evidence of Altered Endocannabinoid Levels from Human Research
Levels of CB1 Receptors Altered in PTSD
Evidence of Altered CB1 Receptors in Animal Models of PTSD
Evidence of Altered CB1 Receptor Levels from Human Research
Medicinal Cannabis and Cannabinoids for the Treatment of PTSD
Research into Synthetic Cannabinoids in PTSD
Animal Models of PTSD: Studies in Synthetic Cannabinoid Agonists
Cannabinoid Agonists Can Alter Neuroplastic Changes in Amygdala and Hippocampus
Cannabinoid Agonists Prevent BDNF Decreases in Brain Fear Circuits
Cannabinoid Agonist Reverses Anxiety-Like Behavior and Reduces Inflammation in PTSD
Synthetic Cannabinoids Promote Neurogenesis
Cannabinoid Effects on Consolidation of Traumatic Experiences
Cannabinoid Agonists Impair Memory Retrieval
Problems with Synthetic Cannabinoid Agonists and Antagonists
Epidemiological Studies of Cannabis Use in Humans with PTSD
Potential Mechanisms of Action of Medicinal Cannabis in Alleviating PTSD Symptoms
CBD: Mechanisms of Action and Evidence of Efficacy from Animal Studies
CBD Disrupts the Acquisition of Fear Learning and Formation of Fear Memories
CBD Attenuates Fear Memory Reconsolidation
CBD Enhances Extinction Learning and Retention
CBD Can Reduce Predator Anxiety
THC: Mechanisms of Action and Evidence of Efficacy from Animal Studies
Clinical Evidence of Efficacy of Treatment of PTSD with Medicinal Cannabis
Case Study of Cannabis in PTSD Treatment
Retrospective Study of Cannabis Use in PTSD
Qualitative Research in PTSD and Cannabis Use
RCTs and Systematic Reviews
New Studies Examining Short-Term and Long-Term Effects of Cannabis with Different Ratios of THC/CBD
Clinical Studies of Efficacy of THC and Synthetic THC
Clinical Studies of Efficacy of CBD
Case Studies
Clinical Study
Open-Label Pilot Study
Safety Aspects of Use of Medicinal Cannabis in PTSD
Heavy Cannabis Use and Impaired Fear Extinction
THC May Distort Memories
Medicinal Use Is Not Equivalent to Recreational Use
Guidelines for Treating PTSD with Medicinal Cannabis
When to Use Medicinal Cannabis
Type of Product (Blends)
What Form of Product Should You Use?
Dosage Guidelines
Titration and Follow-Up
Other Tips to Enhance Therapeutic Action
Interactions with Other Drugs
Case Studies from Dr. Blair’s Practice
Case 1: Air Force Veteran with PTSD
Initial Formulation and Dose
Case Comment
Case 2: Army Medic with PTSD
Initial Dosing
Case Comment
Case 3 War Photographer
Case Comment
Additional Reading
Studies Evidencing Elevated Cytokines in Association with PTSD
8: Insomnia
Sleep and Sleep Health
Why Do We Need Sleep?
Sleep and the Immune and Endocrine Systems
Sleep and Emotional Well-Being
Sleep and Memory Formation
Sleep Needs Over Our Life Cycle
As We Age
The Mechanism of Sleep
Architecture of Sleep
NREM Sleep
REM Sleep
Our Internal Biological Mechanisms Regulating Sleep
Sleep-Wake Homeostasis
Circadian Rhythms
Regulation of the Sleep-Wake State
Types of Sleep Disorders
What Is Insomnia?
Subtypes of Insomnia
Prevalence of Insomnia
Insomnia Can Be Persistent
Insomnia in the Aging Population
Risk Factors for Short Sleep
Comorbidities of Insomnia
Insomnia and Cardiovascular Disease
Sleep and Obesity and Diabetes
Insomnia and Anxiety, Depression, and Pain
Insomnia and PTSD
Insomnia and Cognition
Insomnia and Cancer
Inflammation, Immune Function, and Sleep
Treatment of Insomnia
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Pharmaceutical Approaches
Pathophysiology of Insomnia
Hyperarousal Theory of Insomnia
Other Models of Insomnia
Genetics and Insomnia
Neuroanatomical and Functional Brain Changes in Insomnia
Neurotransmitter and Hormone Involvement in Insomnia
The Endocannabinoid System and Regulation of Sleep
Cannabinoid Receptors and Sleep
Diurnal Fluctuations of CB1 Receptors
CB1 Receptors and Orexins/Hypocretins and Melanin-Concentrating Hormone Neurons
Endocannabinoids and Sleep
Endocannabinoids Fluctuate and Follow Circadian Rhythmicity
How Do Changes in the Endocannabinoid System and Age Contribute to Sleep Disorders in the Elderly?
The Involvement of the ECS in Insomnia
Animal Studies
Human Studies
Cannabis in the Treatment of Insomnia
Historical Use
Epidemiological Studies
Positive Effects of Cannabis Use on Sleep
Surveys Indicating Preference for CBD-Dominant Products
Cannabis Use and Expectations of Better Sleep
Observational Study in Insomniacs
RCTs and Systematic Reviews
Some Negative Results: Cannabis Use and Disturbances to Sleep
Adolescents and Children at Risk
Cofounding Factors in Research
Chronic Use and Tolerance
Sleep Disruption in Cannabis Withdrawal
Evidence of Efficacy of CBD for Sleep Disorders
Preclinical Studies: CBD and Sleep
Effect of Chronic CBD Use in Adolescent Rats on Adult Rat Sleep Patterns
Cell Research: Effect of CBD on Circadian Clock Genes
Human Studies: CBD and Sleep
Sedating or Alerting: Which Is It?
CBD and Parasomnias
Restless Legs Syndrome
Efficacy of THC in Sleep Disorders
Animal Studies: THC and Sleep
Human Studies: THC and Sleep
Cannabis, THC, and Sleep as a Secondary Outcome Measure
Nabiximols and Insomnia
Studies of THC in Treatment of Sleep Disorders Associated with PTSD
Other Phytocannabinoids and Terpenes in the Treatment of Insomnia
Cannabinol (CBN)
Nutritional Factors Impacting Sleep Quality
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Cannabinoids in the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
Animal Research
Human Research
Guidelines for Treating Insomnia with Medicinal Cannabis
When to Use Medicinal Cannabis
Comprehensive Treatment Plan
Type of Product (Blends)
What Form of Product Should You Use?
Dosing Guidelines
Titration and Follow-Up
Other Tips to Enhance Therapeutic Action
Case Studies from Dr. Blair’s Practice
Case 1
Case 2: Insomnia Secondary to Restless Legs Syndrome
9: Dementia: Alzheimer’s Disease
About Dementia
Prevalence of Dementia
Types of Dementia
Risk Factors for Dementia
Common Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Dementia
Treatment of Dementia
Impact of Dementia on Caregivers
Financial Impacts of Dementia
Alzheimer’s Disease
Two Types of Alzheimer’s Disease
Risk Factors for Alzheimer’s Disease
Prevalence of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Alzheimer’s Disease
Overview of Pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s Disease
Triad of Changes
Aggregated Aβ Peptide and Alzheimer’s Disease
Amyloid Cascade Hypothesis
Pathways of Neuroinflammation
Oxidative Stress
Autophagy and mTOR
Two Key Systems Regulating Autophagy
Associations Between Autophagy Regulation and AD
Changes in the mTOR Pathway Linked to Cognitive Decline and AD
Tau Hyperphosphorylation
Changes Occurring Prior to Signs and Symptoms of AD
Scientific Debate: Is Aβ the Key Toxic Entity After All?
Cholinergic Involvement in Alzheimer’s Disease
Cholinergic Hypothesis of AD
Acetylcholinesterase Activity Is Reduced in AD
Glutaminergic Involvement in Alzheimer’s Disease
Glucose, Brain Metabolism, and Vascular Impairments
Is AD the New Type 3 Diabetes?
Diabetes Treatment and AD
Genes and Glucose Utilization
Genes and Familial Alzheimer’s Disease
Poor Sleep, Aβ Plaques, and Tau Tangles in the Pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s Disease
Is Age a Risk Factor for Alzheimer’s Disease?
Deficits in Current Treatments for AD
The Endocannabinoid System in Alzheimer’s Disease
Overview of Changes in the Endocannabinoid System in Alzheimer’s Disease
Preclinical Research: The Endocannabinoid System and Alzheimer’s Disease
Protective Role of Endocannabinoids
Cannabinoid Receptor Involvement in Pathology
Evidence of ECS Involvement in AD: Experiments with Cannabinoid Receptor Agonists
Human Studies: Evidence of ECS Involvement in Alzheimer’s Disease
Positron-Emission Tomography Studies in Humans
Medicinal Cannabis for Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
Synthetic Cannabinoid Agonists in Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
Cannabis Constituents and Target Symptom Treatment
Mechanisms of Action of CBD in Alzheimer’s Disease
CBD Is Protective Against Neuroinflammation and Oxidative Stress
CBD, Regulation of Proteostasis, and Induction of Autophagy
CBD Prevents Tau Hyperphosphorylation
CBD Prevents Neurite Degeneration Induced by Aβ
Mechanisms of Action of THC in Alzheimer’s Disease
Preclinical Evidence of Efficacy of Cannabinoids in Treating AD
Efficacy of CBD and THC Combinations in Treating Alzheimer’s Disease
Clinical Evidence of Efficacy of Cannabinoids in Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease
Cannabidiol for Treatment of AD
Tetrahydrocannabinol for Treatment of Dementia Including AD
Combinations of Cannabidiol and Tetrahydrocannabinol for Treatment of AD
Systematic Reviews
Take-Home Points
Terpenes and Dementia
PEA and Dementia
PEA and the Extended Endocannabinoid System
Preclinical Studies of PEA in AD
Human Studies of PEA in AD
Omega-3 PUFAs and Alzheimer’s Disease
Guidelines for Treating Dementia with Medicinal Cannabis
When to Use Medicinal Cannabis
What Formulation Should You Use? (Blends)
When Might You Consider Adding THC?
Titration and Follow-Up
Other Tips to Enhance Therapeutic Action
Drug-Cannabis Interactions
Case Studies from Dr. Blair’s Practice
Case 1: Down Syndrome and Dementia
My Thoughts
Case 2: Vascular Dementia Complicated with Trauma and Infection
My Thoughts
Case 3: Vascular Dementia
My Comments
10: Autism Spectrum Disorder
What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Associated Comorbidities
ASD and Reduced Mortality
Prenatal, Perinatal, and Neonatal Risk Factors for ASD
Etiology and Pathogenesis of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Neuroanatomical Findings
Abnormal Connectivity and Signalling of Neuronal Networks
Sleep Dysregulation and ASD
Environmental Factors Contributing to ASD
Neuronal Hyperexcitability Hypothesis
Immune System Activation and Inflammation
Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis
The Endocannabinoid System in ASD Pathology
ECS and Regulation of Neurotransmitter Excitation and Inhibition in ASD
Abnormal Endocannabinoid Signaling in ASD
ECS and Regulation of Social Behavior
Genetic Changes, the Endocannabinoid System, and ASD
ECS, Regulation of the Immune System, and Inflammation and ASD
Environmental Toxins, the Endocannabinoid System, and ASD
ECS, the Gut, and Gastrointestinal Conditions in ASD
Endocannabinoid System and Comorbidities of ASD
How CBD May Work in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Actions of CBD on Glutamate and GABA
Possible Neurogenic Effects of CBD
Anti-inflammatory Action of CBD
CBD and Mitochondrial Functioning
Actions on mTOR Pathway
Actions of CBD on the Endocannabinoid System
CBD’s Potential Role in Recovering the Gastrointestinal System
CBD May Help Treat Other Comorbidities of ASD
Combining CBD, Oxytocin, and Melatonin
Scientific Evidence of Efficacy: Medicinal Cannabis in the Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Preclinical Research into CBD
Fragile X Syndrome
Human Research
Retrospective Study: CBD-Rich Cannabis Oil as Adjuvant Treatment
Prospective Study in Children with ASD Treated with CBD-Rich Oil
Brazilian CBD-Enriched Cannabis sativa Extract Observational Study
Chilean Study: Whole Plant Cannabis Extract
Open-Label Study of Children with ASD with 20:1 Ratio CBD:THC Oil
Case Reports of CBD Treatment in Fragile X Syndrome Patients
Randomized Controlled Trial of Oral Cannabinoids in ASD
Systematic Review
Guidelines for Treating ASD with Medicinal Cannabis
When to Use Medicinal Cannabis
Type of Product (Blends)
What Form of Product Should You Use?
Dosing Guidelines
Target Dose
Stopping Other Medications
Titration and Follow-Up
Other Tips to Enhance Therapeutic Action
Adverse Effects and Interactions
Case Studies from Dr. Blair’s Practice
Case 1, ASD Level 3
Case 2, ASD Level 2
11: Routes of Administration, Pharmacokinetics and Safety of Medicinal Cannabis
Routes of Administration (Delivery Methods)
Types of Delivery Methods
Inhalation: Smoking Cannabis
Inhalation: Vaporising
Oral Routes
Topical Route
Other Delivery Routes
Safety of Cannabis
Adverse Events Associated with Cannabis
Drug-Cannabis Interactions
Cannabis Dependence, Abuse and Cannabis Use Disorder
Pregnancy and Cannabis Use
Alcohol and Cannabis
Workplace Injuries and Recreational Cannabis Use
Cannabis Use, Psychosis and Schizophrenia
Safety of THC
Possible Side Effects of THC
Toxicity of THC
Cardiovascular Effects of THC
THC, Alcohol and Driving
Drug-THC Interactions
THC in Individuals with Substance Use Disorders
Safety of CBD
CBD Adverse Effects
CBD Is Not Addictive
CBD Does Not Convert to THC
What Does the Preclinical Research on CBD Show in Relation to Safety?
Toxicity of CBD
CBD-Drug Interactions
Studies of CBD in Epilepsy: Side Effects
CBD and Alcohol
CBD and Blood Pressure
Whole Spectrum CBD Versus Pure Isolate: Any Difference in Side Effects (and Efficacy)?
What Doses of CBD Are Considered Safe?
Drug-Cannabinoid Interactions
Metabolism and Drug-Drug Interactions
Main P450 Enzymes Metabolising CBD
Main CYP Enzymes in the Metabolism of THC
Effect of Co-administration of Drugs and Cannabinoids: Looking in Both Directions
CBD Interactions with Liver UGT Enzymes in the Liver
CBD and Other Enzymes: Breast Cancer Resistance Protein and Bile Salt Export Pump
Pharmacodynamic Interactions: Use of Sedating Medications and Antidepressants
Safety of Terpenes
12: Conclusion
Philosophical Thoughts
Mind and Body Are Not Really So Separate
The Notion of Balance
The Many Factors that Keep Us Healthy
Physical Activity
Other Factors
Medicinal Cannabis
An Herbal Medicine Rediscovered