فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter, Page iii
Copyright, Page iv
Organizing Committee, Page v
ESACT Executive Committee 1986–87, Page vi
8th ESACT Meeting, Tiberias, Israel, Page vii
Preface, Pages ix-xi, R.E. Spier, J.B. Griffiths
1 - The liberation of animal cells: psychology of changing attitudes, Pages 1-19, J.C. Petricciani
2 - Cell DNA biologicals: significance and quantitation, Pages 20-21, F. Horaud
3 - Human monoclonal antibodies — their potential, problems and prospects, Pages 25-51, K. James
4 - Production of cancer specific monoclonal antibodies with human–human hybridomas and their serum-free, high density, perfusion culture, Pages 52-76, H. Murakami, K. Yamada
5 - Establishment of a human hybridoma secreting monoclonal antibodies toward rabies virus, Pages 77-88, Y. Gozes, R. Oren, R. Monzain, S. Lerer, O. Galan, H. Ben-Moshe, N. Epstein, D. Kobiler
6 - The production of bovine and ovine monoclonal antibodies to gonadal steroids: the use of interspecific hybridomas, Pages 89-106, D.J. Groves, J. Clayton, B.A. Morris
7 - The immortalization of differentiated mammalian cells, Pages 107-114, C. MacDonald, D.M. Scott
8 - Structural basis of growth factor receptor mediated cellular signals (abstract), Pages 115-116, A. Ullrich, H. Riedel, E. Livneh, J. Schlessinger
9 - Growth control of normal human B lymphocytes, Pages 117-124, E. Lundgren, R. Sanders, G. Roos
10 - Anti-proliferative effects and phenotypic alterations induced by methylurea derivatives in B16 mouse melanoma, Pages 125-137, J. Nordenberg, A. Fuchs, L. Wasserman, Z. Malik, A. Novogrodsky
11 - Comparative analysis of major biological aspects of human hepatoma in culture, Pages 138-159, P. Bagnarelli, A. Festa, I. Testa, B. Champ, M. Clementi, G. Caroloni
12 - Minireview: Essential strategies for the application of herpes simplex virus as a vector for the expression of foreign genes, Pages 160-178, M. Ackermann, U. Kihm
13 - The glutamine synthetase gene: a novel marker for gene amplification in mammalian cells (abstract), Pages 179-181, C.R. Bebbington, C.C.G. Hentschel
14 - Recombinant animal cell lines for production of glycoproteins, Pages 182-198, M. Wirth, W. Reiser, G. Zettlmeissl, H.S. Conradt, J.H. Cao, C. Morelle, H. Hauser
15 - Foreign gene expression in rat pituitary GH3 cells, Pages 199-214, M. Silberklang, J. Kopchick, S. Munshi, A. Lenny, T. Livelli, R.W. Ellis
16 - Use of transfected and amplified Drosophila heat shock promoter construction for inducible production of toxic mouse c-myc proteins in CHO cells, Pages 215-241, F.M. Wurm, K.A. Gwinn, O. Papoulas, M. Pallavincini, R.E. Kingston
17 - The use of glutamine-free media for the growth of three cell lines in microcarrier culture, Pages 245-263, T.E. Hassell, I.C. Allen, A.J. Rowley, M. Butler
18 - The attachment of MDCK cells to three types of microcarriers in different serum-free media, Pages 264-279, T.E. Sayer, M. Butler, A.J. MacLeod
19 - Spreading, growth and function of cells attached to a plasma clot interphase between agarose and the atmosphere, Pages 280-293, E.M. Bey
20 - Investigations of the influence of physical environment on the cultivation of animal cells, Pages 297-315, M. Wudtke, K. Schugerl
21 - Shear sensitivity of three hybridoma cell lines in suspension culture, Pages 316-327, C.G. Smith, P.F. Greenfield, D.H. Randerson
22 - NMR metabolic studies of human breast cancer cells, Pages 328-341, M. Neeman, E. Rushkin, A. Kadouri, H. Degani
23 - Optimization of glass-sphere immobilized bed cultures, Pages 342-352, D. Looby, J.B. Griffiths
24 - Examination of a simple model for the diffusion of oxygen into dense masses of animal cells, Pages 353-364, A.D. Murdin, R. Wilson, N.F. Kirkby, R.E. Spier
25 - Kinetics of prourokinase production by mammalian cells in culture, Pages 365-380, W.S. Hu, T.Y. Tao, M.A. Bohn, G.Y. Ji
26 - Specific kinetic patterns of production of monoclonal antibodies in batch cultures and consequences on fermentation processes, Pages 381-396, O.-W. Merten, G.E. Pälfi, G. Klement, F. Steindl
27 - A model system to study gene expression and scale up of microcarrier cultures of recombinant DNA manipulated cells, Pages 397-408, B. Lundgren, S. Nilsson
28 - Membrane-stirrer-reactor for bubble free aeration and perfusion, Pages 411-419, H. Büntemeyer, B.G.D. Bödeker, J. Lehmann
29 - Immobilization of hybridomas in packed-bed bioreactors, Pages 420-436, A.D. Murdin, J.S. Thorpe, R.E. Spier
30 - Production of biologicals by animal cells immobilized in polyurethane foam matrix, Pages 437-448, A. Lazar, S. Reuveny, A. Muzrahi, M. Avtalion, J.P. Whiteside, R.E. Spier
31 - Comparison of oxygenation methods in a 39L stirred bioreactor, Pages 449-453, D. Looby, J.B. Griffiths
32 - Development of large-scale mammalian cell perfusion culture systems, Pages 454-483, J. Feder
33 - Microcarrier DORMACELL does not detectably alter viral or plasmid DNA upon direct exposure, Pages 484-491, I. Keller, U. Brüggemann, H. Mansi-Wothke, D. Schwengers, W. Doerfler
34 - Macroporous microcarriers, Pages 492-503, K. Nilsson, S. Birnbaum, F. Buzaky, K. Mosbach
35 - Growth of animal cells on microbeads III: Semi continuous in situ estimation of numbers, Pages 504-512, D. Thebline, J. Harfield, O. Hanotte, D. Dubois, A.O.A. Miller
36 - Evaluation of the continuous perfusion culture system for the production of monoclonal antibodies, Pages 513-518, T. van der Velden-de Groot, W. Witterland, E.C. Beavery, T.L. van Wezel
37 - Recent advances in the control of monitoring of bioreactors, Pages 519-523, D.F. Parsons
38 - Automated process control for culturing animal cells, Pages 524-532, J. Rosenquist, C. Wallberg
39 - Design criteria for the purification of biopolymers for the pharmaceutical industry, Pages 535-547, S. Johansson, H. Johansson, D. Low
40 - Use of a dynamic filtration method for separation of animal cells, Pages 548-555, E. Rebsamen, W. Goldinger, W. Scheirer, O.-W. Merton, G.E. Pàlfi
41 - Continuous culture of murine hybridomas with integrated recovery of monoclonal antibodies, Pages 556-575, J. Rudge, M.A. Desai, S.A. Shojaosadaty, A. Lyddiatt
42 - Improved production of Marek's disease vaccine with the multi-tube technology, Pages 579-586, R. Dugré, M. Corbeil, M. Boulay
43 - Procedure for the adaption of the new mumps vaccine strain ‘rubini’ to human diploid cells, Pages 587-595, R. Glück
44 - Immuno detection of flaviviruses by monoclonal antibodies directed against West Nile virus specific and flavivirus group epitopes, Pages 596-612, N. Epstein, B. Lachmi, S. Lehrer, D. Katz, S. Cohen, U. Olshevsky
45 - A simple ELISA for the estimation of antibodies to equine herpes virus (EHV-1) and its application to the quality control of vaccines, Pages 613-627, M. Ackermann, S. Grüninger, L. Bruckner, H.K. Müller, R. Zutter, U. Kihm
46 - The production and application of an oil adjuvant vaccine against foot-and-mouth disease in cattle, Pages 628-640, H. Bahnemann, J. Mesquita, V. Astudillo, F. Dora
47 - Application of large scale perfusion systems for pharmaceutical production from mammalian cells, Pages 643-661, W.R. Tolbert, W.R. Srigley, C.P. Prior
48 - The organotype culture model of human cancer cells: the effect of human recombinant interferons, Pages 662-681, R. Beaupain, M.-C. Martyré, E. Falcoff
49 - Immune interferon enhances the expression of MHC antigens in human placenta, Pages 682-686, B. Shomer, E. Gazit, V. Toder
50 - Gamma interferon and anti-thy-1 antibody induce specific killing activity in memory-like cytolytic hybridomas, Pages 687-698, T. Ozery, Y. Kaufmann
51 - Development of a device and a double antibody microradioimmune assay for fast screening and sensitive quantitation of monoclonal antibodies, Pages 699-707, N. Epstein, G. Shavit, Z. Oril
52 - Development of monoclonal antibodies directed against carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and their application for CEA detection, Pages 708-723, N. Epstein, R. Zandani, I. Inbar, B. Halperin, S. Cohen, S. Reuveny, N. Ariel
53 - Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) production in low protein growth medium, Pages 724-737, S. Reuveny, A. Lazar, A. Mizrahi, D. Marcus, A. Shahar, N. Epstein
54 - Production and purification of a bladder cancer associated membrane protein, Pages 738-744, B. Lundgren, I. Wergeland, S. Braesch-Anderssen, S. Paulie, H. Koho, P. Perlmann
55 - The use of animal cells for evaluation of toxicity, carcinogenesis and mutagenesis, Pages 747-755, A.M. Goldberg
56 - Development of a model for the study of toxicity and carcinogenicity in vitro, Pages 756-771, C.B. Seymour, C. Mothersill, A. Cusack, M. McDonnell
57 - The transformation of science fiction into technical reality by using animal cells in culture, Pages 775-786, R.E. Spier
58 - Terms and symbols for use in animal cell culture, Pages 789-792, P.P. Gray
59 - Hybridoma culture for the continuous production of monoclonal antibodies; a fractionalized factorial design experiment for process optimization, Pages 795-802, I. Wergeland, C. Wallberg, R. Ericsson
List of participants, Pages 803-824
List of exhibitors, Pages 825-828