فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter, Page iii
Copyright, Page iv
Preface, Pages v-vi, D. Kolymbas
List of Contributors, Pages xi-xv
Configurational Plasticity in Granular Media, Pages 1-17, K.C. Valanis, J.F. Peters
Interpretation of Dilation as a Kinematic Constraint, Pages 19-38, G.T. Houlsby
A Basic Formulation of Elastoplastic Constitutive Equations, Pages 39-57, K. Hashiguchi
Some Constitutive Inequalities for Incrementally Nonlinear Models in Plasticity, Pages 59-70, H. Petryk
Upgrading of Soil Models by Hencky\'s Theory of Plasticity, Pages 71-82, P. Vermeer
A Mixed Isotropic-Kinematic Hardening Constitutive Law for Sand, Pages 83-124, C. di Prisco, R. Nova, J. Lanier
Nonlocal Nature of Yield Plasticity and Fracture, Pages 125-145, A.C. Eringen
Towards Micro-Mechanical Constitutive Relations for Granular Materials, Pages 147-178, N.P. Kruyt
Numerical Test with Discrete Element Method, Pages 179-197, J.P Bardet
Distribution of Micro Variables in Granular Media, Consequences on the Global Behaviour, Pages 199-212, B. Cambou, F. Sidoroff, A. Mahbouhir, Ph. Dubujet
Introduction to Hypoplasticity, Pages 213-223, D. Kolymbas, W. Wu
A Hypoplastic Model for Barotropy and Pyknotropy of Granular Soils, Pages 225-245, W. Wu, E. Bauer
A Hypoplastic Model for Granular Soils under Cyclic Loading, Pages 247-258, E. Bauer, W. Wu
Calibration of an Hypoplastic Constitutive Model From True Biaxial Tests, Pages 259-275, H. Feise, C. Lyle, M. Nowak
Hypoplasticity vs. Elastoplasticity, Selected Topics, Pages 277-307, A. Niemunis
A New Rate Type Constitutive Model for Geomaterials: CloE, Pages 309-324, J. Desrues, R. Chambon
Experiences with Numerical Implementation of Endochronic Models, Pages 325-346, J.F. Peters, K.C. Valanis
An Endochronic Theory for Porous and Granular Materials, Pages 347-363, Han C. Wu
Visco—Hypoplastic Models for Cohesive Soils, Pages 365-383, W. Wu, E. Bauer, A. Niemunis, I. Herle
Influence of Creep on Static and Cyclic Instability of Granular Soils, Pages 385-409, P. Lade
Wave Propagation in Strain-Softening Plasticity, Pages 411-447, L.J. Sluys, R. de Borst
A Partitioned-Solution Method with Moving Boundaries for Nonlocal Plasticity, Pages 449-468, Zhen Chen
Modelling of Sand Behaviour: Cyclic Loading, Anisotropy and Localization, Pages 469-491, M. Pastor, O.C. Zienkiewicz, Xu Guang-Dou, J. Peraire
The Disturbed State Concept, Pages 493-504, C.S. Desai
Anisotropic and Pseudo-Anisotropic Elasto-Viscoplastic Constitutive Models for Clay, Pages 505-526, F. Oka
Study of Frictional Hardening of Double Sliding Model, Pages 527-559, F. Molenkamp
Simple and Generalized Modelling of Various Soil Behaviour in Three-Dimensional Stresses, Pages 561-584, T. Nakai, H. Taki, T. Funada
Noncoaxial Flow Theory of Plasticity: Shear Failure Predictions in Sand, Pages 585-598, E. Papamichos, I. Vardoulakis, C. Han
Response of a Granular Soil during Strain Path Testing, Pages 599-640, J. Chu, S.C.R. Lo, I.K. Lee
Unloading in Shear and Overpredictions in Displacement Calculation, Pages 641-670, M. Doležalová
Dynamic Compacting of Soils, Pages 671-689, W.K. Nowacki, P. Guelin
Spontaneous Liquefaction of Saturated Granular Bodies, Pages 691-714, G. Gudehus
Some Effects of Concern in Constitutive Modelling, Pages 715-726, J. Feda, I. Herle
Experimental Detection of Constitutive Behaviour and Self-Organisation, Pages 727-735, A. Revuzhenko
Evolution of Elastic Folds in Plane Strain, Pages 737-765, H.B. Mühlhaus
Index, Pages 767-771
Author\'s Index, Pages 773-780