فهرست مطالب :
Front Matter, Page iii
Copyright, Page iv
Contributors, Pages xi-xiii
Preface, Pages xv-xvii, ZEN ITOH
1 - Introduction, Pages 1-3, Vay Liang W. Go
2 - The Discovery of Motilin, Pages 5-12, J.C. Brown, C.H.S. McIntosh
3 - Purification and Chemical Structure of Porcine and Canine Motilins and Evidence for the Existence of Motilin in Other Species, Pages 13-30, C.H.S. McIntosh, J.C. Brown
4 - Chemical Synthesis, Radioimmunoassay, and Distribution of Immunoreactivity of Motilin, Pages 31-46, Noboru Yanaihara, Chizuko Yanaihara, Tohru Mochizuki, Kazuaki Iguchi, Minoru Hoshino
5 - Prohormone of Human Motilin, Pages 47-51, Yutaka Seino, Jun Takeda, Hiroo Imura
6 - Morphological Identification of Motilin in the Gut, Pages 53-72, Shigeru Kobayashi, Takashi Uchida
7 - Mechanisms of Motilin Excitation as Determined by in Situ and in Vitro Studies, Pages 73-91, J.E.T. Fox
8 - Motilin Receptors, Pages 93-109, T.L. Peeters, G. Vantrappen, I. Depoortere
9 - Biological Activity of Motilin in Gastric, Pancreatic, and Duodenal Secretions, Pages 111-126, Stanislaw J. Konturek, Jan W. Konturek, Piotr Thor, Jolanta Jaworek
10 - Biological Activity in Gastric Emptying, Pages 127-132, Takeo Yamagishi, Halle T. Debas
11 - Effect of Motilin on Gastrointestinal Motor Activity in the Dog, Pages 133-153, Zen Itoh
12 - Role of Motilin in Biliary Tract Physiology, Pages 155-168, Torgny Svenberg, Jugemar Nilsson
13 - Endogenous Motilin Release: Physiology and Pathophysiology, Pages 169-189, Kae Yol Lee, William Y. Chey
14 - Mechanism of Motilin Release by Luminal Stimuli and Vagal Nerve, Pages 191-207, N.E. Diamant
15 - Clinical Significance of Motilin in Diseases of the Gastrointestinal Tract, Pages 209-223, G. Vantrappen, T.L. Peeters, J. Janssens
16 - Gastroduodenal Motor Dysfunction and Plasma Motilin Concentration in Patients with Duodenal Ulcers, Pages 225-244, Toshikazu Sekiguchi, Motoyasu Kusano, Toshio Nishioka, Zen Itoh
17 - Motilide, Motilin-like Macrolides, Pages 245-256, Satoshi Omura, Yoichi Kondo, Zen Itoh
Index, Pages 257-264