توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
تصویربرداری اسکلتی عضلانی: نسخه 4 مورد نیاز، اطلاعات مفهومی، واقعی و تفسیری مورد نیاز شما را برای تمرین بالینی موثر در تصویربرداری اسکلتی عضلانی و همچنین برای بررسی گواهینامه و تأیید مجدد ارائه می دهد. دانش اصلی را به روشی آسان و مقرون به صرفه با متن واضح و مختصر که با تصاویر، کادرها و جداول در یک نگاه تقویت شده است - همه به طور کامل بازنویسی شده اند تا شما را به روز کند.
اطلاعات کلیدی را به راحتی با خطوط، جداول، "مرواریدها" و مواد جعبهای متعدد برای خواندن و ارجاع آسان بیابید.
به متن کاملاً قابل جستجو و تصاویر قابل دانلود به صورت آنلاین در www.expertconsult.com دسترسی داشته باشید.
بهترین نتایج را از پیشرفته ترین رویکردهای امروزی از نظر فناوری، از جمله استفاده های جدید از MR و سونوگرافی برای تشخیص زودهنگام و نظارت بر آرتریت التهابی دریافت کنید.
با اطلاعات مهم در مورد گیرافتادگی استخوان ران، آرتروگرافی، تعویض مفصل ران، تومورهای غضروفی، تصویربرداری از مغز استخوان (شامل جایگزینی کانونی و منتشر)، و پزشکی ورزشی (از جمله پوبالژی ورزشی/فتق ورزشی) برای آزمون کتبی تخته و برای تمرین بالینی آماده شوید.
در مورد تومورهای بافت نرم با محتوای به طور قابل توجهی گسترش یافته، یافته های مصور خاص تومور، و مرحله بندی و اطلاعات تشخیصی جدید AJCC به روز باشید.
با 300 تصویر جدید MRI، CT، سونوگرافی و اشعه ایکس، یافتههایی را که احتمالاً در عمل و در امتحانات مشاهده خواهید کرد، به وضوح تجسم کنید.
فهرست مطالب :
Cover\nFrontmatter\nCopyright\nDedication\nPreface\nPart I Trauma\n 1 - Introduction to Imaging of Musculoskeletal Injury: Bones\n Basic Bone Anatomy\n Bone Biomechanics\n Fracture Description Terminology\n Open Versus Closed Fracture\n Complete Versus Incomplete Fractures\n Fracture Location, Position, and Alignment\n Stress Fractures\n Fracture Reduction and Healing\n Complications of Fractures and Fracture Healing\n 2 - Introduction to Imaging of Musculoskeletal Injury: Joints and Soft Tissues\n Joint and Ligament Basics\n Tendon Basics\n Muscle Basics\n Articular Cartilage Basics\n Nerve Basics\n Foreign Body Imaging\n 3 - Special Considerations in Imaging of Musculoskeletal Injury in Children\n Childhood Fractures\n Osteochondritis Dissecans\n Child Abuse\nPart II Upper Extremity and Spine\n 4 - Shoulder 1: Anatomy and Fractures\n Imaging Techniques\n Anatomy\n Clavicle\n Proximal Humerus and Humeral Shaft\n Scapula\n Sternoclavicular Joint\n Acromioclavicular Joint\n Glenohumeral Joint\n Coracoacromial Arch\n Quadrilateral Space\n 5 - Shoulder 2: Soft Tissues\n Rotator Cuff Impingement\n Rotator Cuff Degeneration and Tear\n Subscapularis and Biceps Long Head Tendon Pathology\n Clinical Mimickers of Rotator Cuff Pathology\n Glenohumeral Dislocation, Instability, and Labral Tears\n Dislocation\n Shoulder Instability\n Labral Tears\n Postoperative Shoulder\n Miscellaneous Shoulder Conditions\n 6 - Elbow\n Imaging Techniques\n Elbow Anatomy\n Elbow Fractures in Children\n Elbow Fractures in Adults\n Elbow Ligaments and Tendons\n Miscellaneous Elbow Injuries\n Forearm\n 7 - Wrist\n Imaging Techniques\n Distal Forearm and Distal Radioulnar Joint\n Distal Forearm Fractures\n Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex\n Radiocarpal Joint\n Carpal Bones\n Carpal Bone Fractures and Dislocations\n Carpal Instability\n Miscellaneous Carpal Conditions\n 8 - Hand\n 9 - Spine Trauma\n Spine Trauma Basics\n Cervical Spine\n Cervical Spine Normal Variants\n Cervical Spine Fractures\n Thoracic and Lumbar Spine\n Thoracic and Lumbar Fractures\nPart III Lower Extremity\n 10 - Pelvis\n Anatomy\n Sacral Fractures\n Pelvic Fractures: Biomechanical Classification\n Pelvic Fractures: Pelvic Ring Classification\n Class I and Class II Fractures\n Class III Fractures\n Acetabular Fractures\n Stress Injuries\n 11 - Hip and Femur\n Anatomy\n Dislocation\n Femoral Neck Fractures\n Intertrochanteric Fractures\n Avulsion Fracture of the Lesser Trochanter\n Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis\n Femoral Shaft Fracture\n Stress Fractures of the Femur\n Snapping Hip\n Femoroacetabular Impingement\n Additional Soft-Tissue Conditions\n Athletic Pubalgia\n 12 - Knee 1: Fractures and Dislocations\n Radiographic Anatomy\n Intercondylar Fractures\n Tibial Plateau Fractures\n Patellar Fractures\n Patellar Dislocation\n Avulsion Injuries\n Physeal Injury\n Stress Fracture\n Knee Dislocation\n 13 - Knee 2: Soft Tissues\n Meniscal Tears\n Cruciate Ligament Injury\n Collateral Ligament Injury\n Additional Tendon and Bursal Conditions\n Hyaline Cartilage Injury and Miscellaneous Knee Conditions\n 14 - Ankle\n Anatomy\n Trauma Patterns\n Tendon Injury\n Ligament Injury\n Ankle Impingement Syndromes\n Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome\n 15 - Foot\n Anatomy\n Calcaneus Fracture\n Talus Fracture\n Navicular Bone Fracture\n Lisfranc Fracture-Dislocation\n Forefoot Fractures\n Soft-Tissue Injury\nPart IV Arthritis\n 16 - Introduction to Arthritis\n Radiographic Assessment of Arthritis: an Integrated Approach\n Radiographic Assessment of Arthritis: The Abcde’s\n Alignment\n Bone\n Cartilage\n Distribution\n Erosions\n Soft Tissues\n Advanced Imaging of Arthritis\n 17 - Rheumatoid Arthritis and Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis\n Rheumatoid Arthritis\n Hand and Wrist\n Elbow\n Shoulder Girdle\n Feet\n Knee\n Hip\n Spine\n Robust Rheumatoid Arthritis\n Adult Still Disease\n Differential Diagnosis\n Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis\n 18 - Productive Arthritis\n Osteoarthritis\n Hand and Wrist\n Shoulder\n Hip\n Knee\n Spine\n Neuropathic (Charcot) Arthropathy\n Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis (Forestier Disease)\n 19 - Mixed Productive and Erosive Arthritis\n Ankylosing Spondylitis and Spondylitis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease\n Psoriatic Arthritis\n Reactive Arthritis\n Erosive Osteoarthritis\n SAPHO Syndrome\n 20 - Connective Tissue Disorders\n Systemic Lupus Erythematosus\n Scleroderma (Progressive Systemic Sclerosis)\n Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis\n 21 - Arthritis Caused by Biochemical Disorders and Depositional Disease\n Gout\n Calcium Pyrophosphate Deposition Disease (Pyrophosphate Arthropathy)\n Hemochromatosis Arthropathy\n Wilson Disease\n Calcium Hydroxyapatite Deposition Disease\n Alcaptonuria (Ochronosis)\n Amyloidosis\n 22 - Avascular Necrosis\n Etiology and Demographics\n Imaging\n Treatment of Adult Avascular Necrosis\n Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease\n Avascular Necrosis Mimics\n 23 - Miscellaneous Joint Disorders\n Synovial Chondromatosis\n Blount Disease\n Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy\n Lead Arthropathy\n Acromegaly\n 24 - Arthroplasty: Radiographic Findings\nPart V Metabolic Bone Disease\n 25 - Disorders of Calcium Homeostasis\n Hyperparathyroidism\n Osteomalacia\n Rickets\n Renal Osteodystrophy\n 26 - Miscellaneous Metabolic Bone Diseases\n Fluorosis, Hypervitaminosis A, and Hypervitaminosis D\n Heavy Metal Poisoning\n Scurvy\n Hypothyroidism\n Hypoparathyroidism and Related Conditions\n 27 - Osteoporosis\n Generalized Osteoporosis\n Regional Osteoporosis\n 28 - Paget Disease\n Part V Sources and Suggested Readings\nPart VI Tumors\n 29 - Introduction to Musculoskeletal Tumor Imaging\n Discriminators\n Imaging Techniques\n Radionuclide Studies\n Computed Tomography\n Magnetic Resonance Imaging\n Ultrasonography\n 30 - Bone-Forming Tumors: Benign\n Osteoma\n Enostosis (Bone Island)\n Osteoid Osteoma\n Osteoblastoma\n Osteofibrous Dysplasia (Ossifying Fibroma)\n 31 - Bone-Forming Tumors: Malignant (Osteosarcoma)\n High-Grade Intramedullary (Conventional) Osteosarcoma\n Telangiectatic Osteosarcoma\n Parosteal Osteosarcoma\n Periosteal Osteosarcoma\n High-Grade Surface Osteosarcoma\n Low-Grade Intraosseous Osteosarcoma\n Extraskeletal Osteosarcoma\n Osteosarcomatosis (Multicentric Osteosarcoma)\n Osteosarcoma in the Older Age Group\n 32 - Cartilage-Forming Tumors\n Enchondroma\n Multiple Enchondromatosis (Ollier Disease and Maffucci Syndrome)\n Exostosis (Osteochondroma, Osteochondral Exostosis)\n Multiple Hereditary Osteochondromas\n Dysplasia Epiphysealis Hemimelica (Trevor Disease)\n Periosteal (Juxtacortical) Chondroma\n Chondroblastoma\n Chondromyxoid Fibroma\n Chondrosarcoma\n Clear Cell Chondrosarcoma\n Dedifferentiated Chondrosarcoma\n Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma\n 33 - Fibrous Tumors and Tumorlike Conditions\n Fibrous Tumorlike Conditions\n Fibrous Dysplasia\n Nonossifying Fibroma/Benign Fibrous Cortical Defect (Fibroxanthoma)\n Liposclerosing Myxofibrous Tumor (Polymorphic Fibroosseous Lesion of Bone)\n Fibroblastic Tumors\n Superficial Fibromatoses\n Desmoid-Type Fibromatosis (Aggressive Fibromatosis)\n Desmoplastic Fibroma\n Infantile Fibrosarcoma\n Fibrosarcoma\n Fibrohistiocytic Tumors\n Benign Fibrous Histiocytoma\n Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma of Bone\n Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma\n Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans\n 34 - Fatty and Vascular Tumors\n Fatty Tumors\n Intraosseous Lipoma\n Parosteal Lipoma\n Soft-Tissue Lipoma\n Atypical Lipomatous Tumor\n Liposarcoma\n Lipoma Arborescens\n Vascular Tumors\n Hemangioma\n Vascular Lesions Intermediate or Indeterminate for Malignancy\n Angiosarcoma\n Glomus Tumor\n 35 - Marrow Tumors and Metastatic Disease of Bone\n Ewing Sarcoma\n Primary Lymphoma of Bone\n Hodgkin Disease\n Multiple Myeloma\n Metastatic Disease of Bone\n 36 - Neural and Synovial Tumors\n Tumors Associated with Peripheral Nerves\n Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors\n Morton Neuroma\n Neural Fibrolipoma (Fibrolipomatous Hamartoma)\n Synovial Tumors\n Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis\n Giant Cell Tumor of Tendon Sheath\n Synovial Cell Sarcoma\n 37 - Miscellaneous Tumors and Tumorlike Lesions\n Giant Cell Tumor of Bone\n Simple Bone Cyst (Unicameral or Solitary Bone Cyst)\n Aneurysmal Bone Cyst\n Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis\n Brown Tumor of Hyperparathyroidism\n Myositis Ossificans/Heterotopic Ossification\n Chordoma\n Adamantinoma\n Ganglion Cyst\n Intramuscular Myxoma\n 38 - Musculoskeletal Tumor Staging, Biopsy, and Follow-Up\n Surgical Staging of Solitary Bone Tumors and Soft-Tissue Sarcomas\n Suggested Algorithms for Musculoskeletal Tumor WorkUp\n Tumor Biopsy\n Restaging and Assessing Tumor Response to Preoperative Therapy\n Surgical Treatment Options\n Tumor Follow-Up\n Conclusion\n Part VI Sources and Suggested Readings\nPart VII Marrow, Infection, and Hematologic Imaging\n 39 - Bone Marrow\n Bone Marrow Imaging\n Myelofibrosis\n Gaucher Disease\n 40 - Musculoskeletal Infection\n Soft-Tissue Infection\n Osteomyelitis\n Septic Arthritis\n AIDS\n Sarcoidosis\n 41 - Hematologic Disorders\n Hemophilia\n Thalassemia\n Sickle Cell Anemia\n Mastocytosis\n Leukemia\n Part VII Sources and Suggested Readings\nPart VIII Congenital and Developmental Conditions\n 42 - Introduction to Congenital and Developmental Skeletal Conditions\n 43 - Spine Disorders\n Scoliosis\n Juvenile Kyphosis and Scheuermann Disease\n Spondylolysis\n Transitional Segmentation and Klippel-Feil Syndrome\n Caudal Regression Syndrome\n 44 - Congenital and Developmental Hip Disorders\n Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip\n Imaging of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip\n Radiography\n Ultrasonography\n Arthrography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and Computed Tomography\n Management of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip\n Proximal Focal Femoral Deficiency\n Coxa Vara and Coxa Valga\n Primary Protrusio of the Acetabulum (Otto Pelvis)\n 45 - Common Congenital Foot Deformities and Tarsal Coalitions\n Common Congenital Foot Deformities\n Tarsal Coalition\n 46 - Skeletal Dysplasias\n Cleidocranial Dysplasia\n Osteogenesis Imperfecta\n Sclerosing Bone Dysplasias\n Dwarfism\n Achondroplasia and Clinical Mimickers\n Dwarfisms That Are Uniformly Fatal at Birth\n Dwarfisms With Short Ribs as a Main Finding\n Dwarfism With Stippled Epiphyses as a Main Finding\n Miscellaneous Other Dwarfisms\n Other Skeletal Dysplasias with Short Stature\n Mucopolysaccharidoses and Other Storage Diseases\n 47 - Miscellaneous Congenital and Developmental Conditions\n Connective Tissue Disorders\n Neurofibromatosis\n Chromosomal Abnormalities\n Radial Dysplasias\n Symphalangism\n Amniotic Band Syndrome\n Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita\n Gigantism and Hypoplasia\n Fibromatosis Colli\n Torsion of the Femur and Tibia\n Osteo-onychodysplasia\n Part VIII Sources and Suggested Readings\nPart IX Techniques\n 48 - Arthrography\n General Approach\n Needle Placement\n Shoulder Injection\n Elbow Injection\n Option 1: Posterolateral Approach (Preferred)\n Option 2: Lateral “Straight-Down” Approach\n Wrist, Radiocarpal Joint Injection\n Wrist, Midcarpal Joint Injection\n Wrist, Distal Radioulnar Joint Injection\n Hip Injection\n Knee Injection\n Ankle (Tibiotalar) Injection\n 49 - Bone Biopsy\n Guiding Principles—All Tumors\n Biopsy of Known or Suspected Primary Sarcoma\n Biopsy of Metastases\n Bone Tumor Biopsy\n Soft-Tissue Biopsy\n Site-Specific Hints\n Needles\n Imaging Guidance\n 50 - Ultrasonography of the Infant Hip: Technique\n Generalizations\n Landmarks\n Images\n Part IX Sources and Suggested Readings\nFractures with Eponyms
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Musculoskeletal Imaging: The Requisites, 4th Edition delivers the conceptual, factual, and interpretive information you need for effective clinical practice in musculoskeletal imaging, as well as for certification and recertification review. Master core knowledge the easy and affordable way with clear, concise text enhanced by at-a-glance illustrations, boxes, and tables - all completely rewritten to bring you up to date.
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Access the fully searchable text and downloadable images online at www.expertconsult.com.
Get the best results from today's most technologically advanced approaches, including new uses of MR and ultrasound for early diagnosis and monitoring of inflammatory arthritis.
Prepare for the written board exam and for clinical practice with critical information on femoroacetabular impingement, arthrography, hip replacement, cartilage tumors, bone marrow imaging (including focal and diffuse replacement), and sports medicine (including athletic pubalgia/sports hernia).
Stay up to date on soft tissue tumors with significantly expanded content, illustrated tumor-specific findings, and new AJCC staging and diagnostic information.
Clearly visualize the findings you're likely to see in practice and on exams with 300 new MRI, CT, ultrasound, and x-ray images throughout.