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About the Authors
Brief Contents
Contents (direct page links)
1. Introduction to Natural Hazards
1.1 Why Studying Natural Hazards Is Important
Processes: Internal and External
Hazard, Disaster, or Catastrophe
Death and Damage Caused by Natural Hazards
1.2 The Role of History in Understanding Hazards
1.3 The Geologic Cycle
The Tectonic Cycle
The Rock Cycle
The Hydrologic Cycle
Biogeochemical Cycles
1.4 Fundamental Concepts for Understanding Natural Processes as Hazards
1 Science helps us predict hazards
Science and Natural Hazards
Hazards Are Natural Processes
Forecast, Prediction, and Warning of Hazardous Events
2 Knowing hazard risks can help people make decisions
Risk as a Concept
Risk Management
3 Linkages exist between natural hazards
4 Humans can turn disastrous events into catastrophes
Examples of Disasters in Densely Populated Areas
Population Growth as a Factor in Hazards
Magnitude and Frequency of Hazardous Events
5 Consequences of hazards can be minimized
Reactive Response: Impact of and Recovery from Disasters
Anticipatory Response: Avoiding and Adjusting to Hazards
CASE STUDY 1.1 Professional Profile: Professor Robert Bea, University of California, Berkeley
1.5 Many Hazards Provide a Natural Service Function
1.6 Global Climate Change and Hazards
Concepts in Review
Critical Thinking Questions
2. Internal Structure of Earth and Plate Tectonics
2.1 Internal Structure of Earth
2.2 Plate Tectonics
Movement of the Tectonic Plates
Types of Plate Boundaries
Rates of Plate Motion
2.3 A Detailed Look at Seafloor Spreading
Hot Spots
2.4 Pangaea and Present Continents
2.5 How Plate Tectonics Works: Putting It Together
2.6 Plate Tectonics and Hazards
Concepts in Review
Critical Thinking Questions
3. Earthquakes
3.1 Introduction to Earthquakes
Faults and Faulting
3.2 The Earthquake Processes
The Earthquake Cycle
Seismic Waves
Tectonic Creep and Slow Earthquakes
CASE STUDY 3.1 2015 Nepal (Gorkha) Earthquake: Forecasting a Catastrophe
3.3 Earthquake Shaking
Earthquake Magnitude
Earthquake Intensity
Depth of Focus
Direction of Rupture
Distance to the Epicenter
Local Geologic Conditions
CASE STUDY 3.2 Earthquake Catastrophes: Lessons Learned
3.4 Geographic Regions at Risk from Earthquakes
Plate Boundary Earthquakes
Intraplate Earthquakes
CASE STUDY 3.3 Survivor Story: Magnitude 8.8 Earthquake and Tsunami on the Coast of Chile
3.5 Effects of Earthquakes and Linkages with Other Natural Hazards
Shaking and Ground Rupture
CASE STUDY 3.4 The Denali Fault Earthquake: Estimating Potential Ground Rupture Pays Off
Regional Changes in Land Elevation
3.6 Natural Service Functions of Earthquakes
Groundwater and Energy Resources
Mineral Resources
Landform Development
Future Earthquake Hazard Reduction
3.7 Human Interaction with Earthquakes
Earthquakes Caused by Human Activity
3.8 Minimizing the Earthquake Hazard
The National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program
Estimation of Seismic Risk
Short-Term Prediction
CASE STUDY 3.5 A Closer Look: Paleoseismic Earthquake Hazard Evaluation
The Future of Earthquake Prediction
Earthquake Warning Systems
3.9 Perception of and Adjustment to the Earthquake Hazard
Perception of the Earthquake Hazard
CASE STUDY 3.6 Professional Profile: Andrea Donnellan, Earthquake Forecaster
Community Adjustments to the Earthquake Hazard
Personal Adjustments: Before, During, and After an Earthquake
Applying the 5 Fundamental Concepts
Concepts in Review
Critical Thinking Questions
4. Tsunamis
4.1 Introduction to Tsunamis
How Do Earthquakes Cause a Tsunami?
CASE STUDY 4.1 Survivor Story: Tsunami in the Lowest Country on Earth
How Do Landslides Cause a Tsunami?
4.2 Geographic Regions at Risk from Tsunamis
CASE STUDY 4.2 Indonesian Tsunami
Tsunami Three Centuries Ago
4.3 Effects of Tsunamis and Linkages with Other Natural Hazards
4.4 Natural Service Functions of Tsunamis
4.5 Human Interaction with Tsunamis
4.6 Minimizing the Tsunami Hazard
Detection and Warning
Structural Control
Tsunami Runup Maps
Land Use
Probability Analysis
Tsunami-Ready Status
4.7 Perception and Personal Adjustment to Tsunami Hazard
CASE STUDY 4.3 Professional Profile: Jose Borrero—Tsunami Scientist
Applying the 5 Fundamental Concepts
Concepts in Review
Critical Thinking Questions
5. Volcanoes
5.1 Introduction to Volcanism
How and Where Magma Forms
Magma Properties
5.2 Volcano Types, Formation, and Eruptive Behavior
5.3 Geographic Regions at Risk from Volcanoes
5.4 Effects of Volcanoes
Lava Flows
Pyroclastic Activity
CASE STUDY 5.1 Mount Unzen
Volcanic Gases
Debris Flows, Mudflows, and Volcanic landslides
CASE STUDY 5.2 Volcanic Landslides and Tsunamis
CASE STUDY 5.3 Mount St. Helens 1980–2010: From Lateral Blasts to Lava Flows
5.5 Linkages between Volcanoes and Other Natural Hazards
5.6 Natural Service Functions of Volcanoes
Volcanic Soils
Geothermal Power
Mineral Resources
Creation of New Land
5.7 Human Interactions with Volcanoes
5.8 Minimizing the Volcanic Hazard
CASE STUDY 5.4 Professional Profile: Chris Eisinger, Student of Active Volcanoes
Volcanic Alert or Warning
5.9 Perception of and Adjustment to the Volcanic Hazard
Perception of Volcanic Hazards
Adjustments to Volcanic Hazards
Attempts to Control Lava Flows
CASE STUDY 5.5 Survivor Story: A Close Call with Mount St. Helens
Applying the 5 Fundamental Concepts
Concepts in Review
Critical Thinking Questions
6. Flooding
6.1 An Introduction to Rivers
Earth Material Transported by Rivers
River Velocity, Discharge, Erosion, and Sediment Deposition
Channel Patterns and Floodplain Formation
6.2 Flooding
Magnitude and Frequency of Floods
Flash Floods of Zone 1
Downstream Floods of Zone 2
CASE STUDY 6.1 Survivor Story: Flash Flood
CASE STUDY 6.2 Mississippi River Floods of 1973–2008: Zone 2 Floods
Downstream Floods of Zone 3: Alluvial Fans and Deltas
CASE STUDY 6.3 Flooding on the Delta of the Ventura River
6.3 Geographic Regions at Risk for River Flooding
6.4 Effects of Flooding and Linkages between Floods and Other Hazards
6.5 Natural Service Functions of Floods
Water Resources and Flooding
Fertile Lands
Riparian and Aquatic Ecosystems
Sediment Supply
CASE STUDY 6.4 Experimental Floods on the Colorado River
6.6 Human Interaction with Flooding
Land-Use Changes
Dam Construction
Urbanization and Flooding
6.7 Minimizing the Flood Hazard: Structural Control to Floodplain Management
The Structural Approach
Social Media and Flood Damage Mediation
6.8 Perception of the Flood Hazard
Personal Adjustment: What To Do and What Not To Do
CASE STUDY 6.5 Professional Profile: Nicholas Pinter, Southern Illinois University then U.C. Davis in California
Applying the 5 Fundamental Concepts
Concepts in Review
Critical Thinking Questions
7. Mass Wasting
7.1 An Introduction to Landslides
Slope Processes
Types of Landslides
Forces on Slopes
CASE STUDY 7.1 A Closer Look: Forces on Slopes
CASE STUDY 7.2 Portuguese Bend, California
Snow Avalanches
7.2 Geographic Regions at Risk from Landslides
7.3 Effects of Landslides and Linkages with Other Natural Hazards
Effects of Landslides
Linkages between Landslides and Other Natural Hazards
CASE STUDY 7.3 2014 Oso Landslide, Washington
CASE STUDY 7.4 Survivor Story: Landslide in Colorado
CASE STUDY 7.5 Professional Profile: Bob Rasely, Mass Wasting Specialist
7.4 Natural Service Functions of Landslides
7.5 Human Interaction with Landslides
Timber Harvesting and Landslides
Urbanization and Landslides
CASE STUDY 7.6 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
7.6 Minimizing the Landslide Hazard
Identifying Potential Landslides
Preventing Landslides
Landslide Warning Systems
7.7 Perception of and Adjustment to the Landslide Hazard
Perception of the Landslide Hazard
Adjustment to the Landslide Hazard
Personal Adjustments: What You Can Do to Minimize Your Landslide Hazard
Applying the 5 Fundamental Concepts
Concepts in Review
Critical Thinking Questions
8. Subsidence and Soils
8.1 Soil and Hazards
Soil Horizons
Soil Color
Soil Texture
Relative Soil Profile Development
Water in Soils
Classifying Soils
Soil Erosion as a Hazard
CASE STUDY 8.1 Haiti and Soil Erosion
8.2 Introduction to Subsidence and Soil Volume Change
Karst Formation
Thermokarst Formation
Sediment and Soil Compaction
CASE STUDY 8.2 Survivor Story: Sinkhole Drains Lake
CASE STUDY 8.3 Mississippi River Delta Subsidence
Underground Drainage of Magma
Expansive Soils
Frost-Susceptible Soils
8.3 Geographic Regions at Risk for Subsidence and Soil Volume Change
8.4 Effects of Subsidence and Soil Volume Change
Sinkhole Damage
Changes in Groundwater Conditions
Damage Caused by Melting Permafrost
Coastal Flooding and Loss of Wetlands
Damage Caused by Soil Volume Change
8.5 Linkages between Subsidence, Soil Volume Change, and Other Natural Hazards
8.6 Natural Service Functions of Subsidence and Soil Volume Change
Water Supply
Aesthetic and Scientific Resources
Unique Ecosystems
8.7 Human Interaction with Subsidence and Soil Volume Change
Fluid Withdrawal
Underground Mining
Melting Permafrost
Restricting Deltaic Sedimentation
Altering Surface Drainage
Poor Landscaping Practices
CASE STUDY 8.4 Professional Profile: Helen Delano, Environmental Geologist
8.8 Minimizing Subsidence and Soil Volume Change
8.9 Perception of and Adjustment to Subsidence and Soil Volume Change
Perception of Subsidence and Soil Volume Change
Adjustment to Subsidence and Soil Volume Change
Applying the 5 Fundamental Concepts
Concepts in Review
Critical Thinking Questions
9. Atmospheric Processes and Severe Weather
9.1 Energy
Types of Energy
Heat Transfer
9.2 Earth’s Energy Balance
Electromagnetic Energy
Energy Behavior
9.3 The Atmosphere
Composition of the Atmosphere
Structure of the Atmosphere
9.4 Weather Processes
Atmospheric Pressure and Circulation
Unstable Air
CASE STUDY 9.1 A Closer Look: Coriolis Effect
9.5 Hazardous Weather and Geographic Regions at Risk
CASE STUDY 9.2 Professional Profile: Sarah Tessendorf, Severe Storm Meteorologist
CASE STUDY 9.3 Survivor Story: Struck by Lightning
CASE STUDY 9.4 Tri-State Tornado
Blizzards and Ice Storms
CASE STUDY 9.5 The Great Northeastern Ice Storm of 1998
Mountain Windstorms
Dust Storms and Sandstorms
Heat Waves
9.6 Human Interaction with Weather
CASE STUDY 9.6 Europe’s Hottest Summer in More Than 500 Years
Lessons Learned
Prospects for the Future
9.7 Linkages with Other Hazards
9.8 Natural Service Functions of Severe Weather
9.9 Minimizing Severe Weather Hazards
Forecasting and Predicting Weather Hazards
Adjustment to the Severe Weather Hazard
Applying the 5 Fundamental Concepts
Concepts in Review
Critical Thinking Questions
10. Hurricanes and Extratropical Cyclones
10.1 Introduction to Cyclones
Classifying Cyclones
Naming Cyclones
10.2 Cyclone Development and Movement
Tropical Cyclones
CASE STUDY 10.1 A Closer Look: North Atlantic Oscillation
Extratropical Cyclones
CASE STUDY 10.2 Hurricane Katrina: “The most anticipated natural disaster in American history”
CASE STUDY 10.3 Survivor Story: Hurricane Katrina
10.3 Geographic Regions at Risk for Cyclones
10.4 Effects of Cyclones
Storm Surge
High Winds
Heavy Rains
10.5 Linkages between Cyclones and Other Natural Hazards
10.6 Natural Service Functions of Cyclones
10.7 Human Interaction with Cyclones
10.8 Minimizing the Effects of Cyclones
Forecasts and Warnings
CASE STUDY 10.4 Professional Profile: The Hurricane Hunters
CASE STUDY 10.5 2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season: Record Breaking
10.9 Perception of and Adjustment to Cyclones
Perception of Cyclones
Adjustment to Hurricanes and Extratropical Cyclones
Applying the 5 Fundamental Concepts
Concepts in Review
Critical Thinking Questions
11. Coastal Hazards
11.1 Introduction to Coastal Hazards
11.2 Coastal Processes
Beach Form and Processes
11.3 Sea-Level Change
11.4 Geographic Regions at Risk from Coastal Hazards
11.5 Effects of Coastal Processes
Rip Currents
CASE STUDY 11.1 Survivor Story: Rip Current: Two Experienced Swimmers Rescued on Florida Beach
Coastal Erosion
11.6 Linkages between Coastal Processes and Other Natural Hazards
11.7 Natural Service Functions of Coastal Processes
11.8 Human Interaction with Coastal Processes
The Atlantic Coast
CASE STUDY 11.2 Maryland Barrier Islands
The Gulf Coast
The Pacific Coast
The Great Lakes
Canadian Seacoasts
11.9 Minimizing the Effects of Coastal Hazards
Hard Stabilization
Soft Stabilization
11.10 Perception of and Adjustment to Coastal Hazards
Perception of Coastal Hazards
Adjustment and Management of Coastal Hazards
CASE STUDY 11.3 The Cape Hatteras Lighthouse
CASE STUDY 11.4 Pointe du Hoc, France
Applying the 5 Fundamental Concepts
Concepts in Review
Critical Thinking Questions
12. Climate Change and Natural Hazards
12.1 Global Change and Earth System Science: An Overview
12.2 Climate and Weather
Climate Zones
12.3 The Atmosphere and the Cryosphere
Atmospheric Composition
Hydrosphere and Cryosphere
12.4 How We Study Past Climate Change and Make Predictions
Global Climate Models
12.5 Global Warming
The Greenhouse Effect
Global Temperature Change
Why Does Climate Change?
Solar Forcing
Volcanic Forcing
Anthropogenic Forcing
12.6 Effects of Climate Change
Glaciers and Sea Ice
CASE STUDY 12.1 Loss of Glacial Ice in Antarctica
Climate Patterns and Meteorological Hazards
Sea-Level Rise
CASE STUDY 12.2 Disappearing Islands: Tuvalu, South Pacific
Landslide Hazard
Volcanic, Earthquake, and Tsunami Hazards
Changes in the Biosphere
12.7 Predicting the Future Climate
What Does Our Recent History Tell Us about Potential Consequences of Future Global Warming?
Predicting Future Climate Is Problematic
12.8 Strategies for Reducing the Impact of Global Warming
Abrupt Climate Change
Applying the 5 Fundamental Concepts
Concepts in Review
Critical Thinking Questions
13. Wildfires
13.1 Introduction to Wildfire
CASE STUDY 13.1 Wildfires in the U.S. Southwest, Colorado, Arizona and California
13.2 Wildfire as a Process
Fire Environment
Types of Fires
13.3 Geographic Regions at Risk from Wildfires
13.4 Effects of Wildfires and Linkages with Other Natural Hazards
Effects on the Geologic Environment
Effects on the Atmospheric Environment
Linkages with Climate Change
Effects on the Biological Environment
13.5 Natural Service Functions of Wildfires
Benefits to Soil
Benefits to Plants and Animals
13.6 Minimizing the Wildfire Hazard
Fire Management
13.7 Perception of and Adjustment to the Wildfire Hazard
Perception of the Wildfire Hazard
Adjustments to the Wildfire Hazard
Personal Adjustment to the Fire Hazard
CASE STUDY 13.2 Survivor Story: Elderly Couple Survives Wildfire by Jumping into a Neighbor’s Swimming Pool
Applying the 5 Fundamental Concepts
Concepts in Review
Critical Thinking Questions
14. Impacts and Extinctions
14.1 Earth’s Place in Space
Asteroids, Meteoroids, and Comets
14.2 Airbursts and Impacts
CASE STUDY 14.1 The Tunguska Event
Impact Craters
Uniformitarianism, Gradualism, and Catastrophism
14.3 Mass Extinctions
CASE STUDY 14.2 K-Pg Boundary Mass Extinction
CASE STUDY 14.3 Impact and Mass Extinction 12,800 Years Ago
CASE STUDY 14.4 Professional Profile: Emeritus Professor James Kennett, University of California, Santa Barbara
14.4 Linkages with Other Natural Hazards
14.5 Minimizing the Impact Hazard
Risk Related to Impacts
Minimizing the Impact Hazard
Applying the 5 Fundamental Concepts
Concepts in Review
Critical Thinking Questions
A: Minerals
B: Rocks
C: Maps and Related Topics
D: How Geologists Determine Geologic Time
Index (direct page links)