توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب :
هویت گروه مذاکره در فرآیند تحقیق: آیا شما داخل هستید یا خارج هستید؟ بر هویت محقق و نقشی که در انجام تحقیق ایفا می کند، چه به عنوان عضوی از فرهنگ مورد مطالعه (یعنی یک خودی) و چه به عنوان یک فرد خارجی از آن فرهنگ، تمرکز می کند. مشارکت کنندگان به مشکلاتی که محققین به عنوان افراد داخلی و خارجی با آن مواجه هستند، راهبردهای عملی مورد استفاده برای غلبه بر موانع مرتبط، پیامدهای وضعیت خودی/خارجی برای طراحی مطالعه، ارزش دیدگاه های خودی و خارجی، تأثیر این موضوع بر یافته های یک مطالعه، پیامدهای حمایت از طرف یک گروه در حال مطالعه، و سایر موضوعات مهم. این دانش پژوهان از داخل و خارج از حوزه ارتباطات هستند و شامل دانشمندان شناخته شده و نوظهوری هستند که گروه های زیادی را با استفاده از راهبردهای روش شناختی مختلف مورد مطالعه قرار داده اند.
فهرست مطالب :
Anastacia Kurylo
Part I The Problem of the Insider/Outsider Dichotomy for Researchers
Chapter 1 Beyond Quantitative and Qualitative Researcher Stereotypes: Exploring Researcher Identity
Anastacia Kurylo
Chapter 2 Researcher Roles and Reflections on Insider and Outsider Status
Brad Crownover
Chapter 3 Establishing Contact and Entering the Field
Wilfredo Alvarez
Part II
The Construction of Group Identity in Research
Chapter 4 Communication Theories of Group Membership and the Research Process
Howard Giles and Jane Giles
Chapter 5 Constructing Group Membership through Talk in the Field
Jessica S. Robles
Chapter 6 Collaborative Partnerships and Multiple Group Identities
Trudy Milburn, The Language and Social Interaction Working Group, Teachers College
Alan Hansen, Carroll College
Chapter 7 In or Out? Experiential Learning and Three Consequences of Communicating Group Identity
Anastacia Kurylo, Kelli Coghill, Katrina Comber, and Fernando Taveras
Part III
Negotiating Emotion, Advocacy, and Ethics as an Insider/Outsider
Chapter 8 The Inner Researcher: Researchers’ Emotions and Identities
Lawrence R. Frey and Nicole T. Castro
Chapter 9 Advocacy and the Perils of Group Membership
David L. Palmer
Chapter 10 Blurring Boundaries: Ethics and the Complexity of the Research Process
Susan J. Gilbertz and Trudy Milburn
Chapter 11 Insider and Outsider Perspective in Ethnographic Research
Anthony Naaeke, Anastacia Kurylo, Michael Grabowski, David Linton, and Marie Radford
Part IV
Practical Tips for Navigating Intergroup Status
Chapter 12 Tips for the Group Outsider: You Don\'t Belong Here; Come On In.
David Linton
Chapter 13 Tips for the Group Insider: I Grew Up Punk (Not That There is Anything Wrong with That!)
Brian Cogan
Chapter 14 He, She, or They: The Intricacies of the Modern Pronoun
Tyler (Ellora) LaCarrubba
Chapter 15 Questions that Open Up the Field of Impossible Things
Natasha Shapiro
Chapter 16 Problematizing Group Identity to Accommodate the Complexity of Research
Anastacia Kurylo
About the Contributors
توضیحاتی در مورد کتاب به زبان اصلی :
Negotiating Group Identity in the Research Process: Are You In or Are You Out? focuses on researcher identity and the role it plays in conducting research, whether as a member of the culture being studied (i.e., an insider) or as an outsider to that culture. Contributors address the problems researchers face as insiders and outsiders, the practical strategies used to overcome related obstacles, the implications of insider/outsider status for the design of the study, the value of insider and outsider perspectives, the impact of this on the findings of a study, the implications for advocating on behalf of a group being studied, and other important topics. These scholars are from within and outside the field of communication and include well-known and emerging scholars who have studied a multitude of groups using various methodological strategies.